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Chapter 79 Borrowing Your Courage

"Ah!" Zhou Wen was also stunned. If this praise came from the principal's mouth, it would be extraordinary. He didn't know whether he should be happy or worried.

At this time, Chief Gu imitated the principal's accent and said: "This little Zhou Wen, although he is full of banditry, is also full of courage. He can enter the enemy's rear on a horse and capture the thief before he captures the king. He is comparable to the ancient Zhao Zilong." After speaking, he looked at Zhou Wen.

Laughed loudly.

Everyone was busy when Chief Qian came in with a group of generals. Zhou Wen quickly stood up and saluted. Chief Qian looked at him and smiled, then walked to the main seat of the conference table and sat down. Chief Gu and Chief Zhang both patted him on the shoulder.

, and then each came forward and sat down.

The enthusiastic colonel still had his mouth wide open and did not come back to his senses. He was pulled by the officer next to him and sat down in despair.

After Chief Qian and other officers sat down, he said: "My colleagues, we are all comrades who are familiar with each other. Due to time constraints, I will not be polite to you and go directly to the topic.

Due to changes in the enemy's situation, according to the latest instructions from the General Headquarters, the attack planned for tomorrow has been cancelled, and the entire front has been turned to defense. Now, Chief of Staff Chen will introduce the enemy's situation to everyone."

Zhou Wen finally determined that due to the intelligence he obtained, the headquarters discovered the enemy's trap in advance and avoided a major defeat of the National Army.

According to the book, both the Second Division and the Second Teaching Division suffered heavy losses this time. Especially the Second Teaching Division, which was mainly composed of student troops and had little combat experience, failed to organize an effective counterattack in time after being ambushed by the enemy.

Faced with an overwhelming attack by the ferocious Northwest Army, the entire front collapsed and most of them were annihilated. For this reason, Commander Zhang was severely reprimanded by the principal and was not allowed to lead troops for a long time. The establishment of the Second Division was also revoked.

The second division was also partially wiped out, and later a regiment commander who retreated first was shot dead. Maybe it was the regiment commander Zhao who almost lost and was left with only his pants. Now he had a life-saving grace.

After Chief of Staff Chen's introduction to the enemy, Zhou Wen learned that the tongue-tied brigade commander had finally changed his mind and turned to the light under the influence of the principal and Xiao Zhi with gold bars.

As a result, the situation he explained was even more important. The enemy actually ambushed six divisions and 80,000 of the most elite troops behind the front-line troops. Marshal Feng personally supervised the battle. If the original plan was followed, two divisions with more than 30,000 troops would attack.

, Hehe, the consequences are really unimaginable.

After Chief of Staff Chen introduced the enemy's situation, the officers present all exclaimed and whispered among themselves, unable to digest the sudden information for a while.

Among them, Commander Feng of the 1st Teaching Division said: "Commander-in-Chief, is this information reliable? How was the information obtained?"

The 1st Teaching Division has been fighting on the front line for nearly a month. Originally, according to the original plan, after cooperating with the 2nd Teaching Division and the 2nd Teaching Division to capture Minquan County, it would return to the rear for replenishment. But now that the plan has changed, we don’t know when.

Got a chance to rest. Therefore, Master Feng was in a bad mood.

Chief Qian said: "The acquisition of this intelligence is all due to the headquarters' transportation team. Major Zhou Wen, please introduce the details of the intelligence acquisition to the officers."

Zhou Wen's heart skipped a beat, this was the rhythm of putting himself on the fire. He was already sure that it was not what Commander Qian meant, it must be an order from the headquarters.

No matter what, since you can't hide your clumsiness, just fight with others and let nature take its course.

After Zhou Wen thought clearly in an instant, he stood up, saluted the officers, and introduced the tongue grabbing process.

At this time, the meeting room was in a state of excitement, and all the officers were talking about it, some were appreciative, some were skeptical, and everyone was talking about it.

Chief Qian stood up and shouted: "Quiet!"

The conference room gradually became quiet, and Chief Qian continued: "The commander-in-chief personally praised, 'Major Zhou Wen is courageous, comparable to the ancient Zhao Zilong.' This time, the commander-in-chief ordered Major Zhou to attend the meeting as a non-voting delegate. The purpose is for everyone to hear it with your own ears.

, borrow Major Zhou Wen’s courage and be fully prepared for the next war.”

Since Zhou Wen had thought it through, he didn't hesitate and sat upright. Facing Chief Qian's praise and the various looks from other officers, his face was calm and calm, unfazed by favor or humiliation.

All the officers were secretly surprised when they saw this. This young major actually had a calm demeanor that was far beyond his years. He should not be underestimated. He was indeed a man who had made such great achievements.

Commander Qian continued: "Everyone knows the enemy's situation. Now I will ask you to discuss the specific defense deployment. All division commanders should talk about it. Time is pressing, and the deployment plan will be reported to the headquarters today."

At this time, the voice of Commander Feng came again: "Since the Commander-in-Chief asked us to borrow the courage of Major Zhou, we might as well ask Major Zhou to share his views, and we can also learn from this courageous Major Zhou.


Zhou Wen was excited in his heart and thought: "It's really here!"

He immediately stood up and saluted: "Sirs, I have achieved some modest achievements due to my brute strength and luck. I don't dare to be praised by the Commander-in-Chief and other senior officers, let alone act recklessly in such a high-level meeting.


Now that I have completed the order from the headquarters, please ask Chief Qian to allow me to leave. I am not qualified to participate in such a confidential meeting. I cannot break the military rules because of my humble position."

Chief Qian understood what he meant, so he smiled and nodded in agreement. All the officers also nodded secretly. This guy is not bad. He is not arrogant and he knows how to advance and retreat.

After Zhou Wen saluted again, he strode out of the venue. He looked at the still hazy sky, took a long breath, and thought, after all, this army was not a place to stay forever. It would be better to leave as soon as possible after finding a replacement group.


Three days after the National Army adjusted its deployment, the Northwest Army saw that the trap it set was ineffective, so it launched an attack with superior strength. However, during this period, the Northwest Army's ammunition supplies were all provided by the Shanxi Jinsui Army, and Shanxi Chief Yan actually did not

Those who wanted the Northwest Army to occupy Xuzhou began to be held back in terms of logistics.

Therefore, although the Northwest Army had the upper hand on the Eastern Front, it lacked artillery and ammunition. Every time it attacked, the National Army used artillery and machine guns that far outnumbered the opponent's to repel them. After a week of continuous attacks with no results, the Eastern Front again

Entering a stalemate, both sides are no longer able to launch an attack.

Zhou Wen's transportation team also went to the front line at the invitation of the Second Teaching Division. Chief Zhang had witnessed the battle of the transportation team with his own eyes. The purpose of his invitation was to let the transportation team help train and teach the student soldiers of the Second Division on the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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