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Chapter 797: The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Captain Nojiri Taro almost roared before they set off: "I leave all responsibility for maintaining the honor of the 6th Division to you."

Although they started from the foot of the mountain and reached the top of the mountain, the Japanese army did not lose a single soldier or general, and they did not fire even a single shot. The nearly 200 people climbed to the top of the mountain smoothly like a tourist.

But the squad leader, who had witnessed the tenacity and ferocious firepower of the Chinese defenders yesterday, kept tightening his heartstrings. Especially after seeing that the poison gas bombs did not seem to have an effect, his uneasiness became even worse.

His original intention was to let the troops stop first, establish a defensive line on the abandoned position of the Chinese defenders, and then continue to advance after the large troops came up.

But when he saw the squadron leader waving his white gloves crazily, urging him to move forward, he knew in his heart that he had no chance to express his opinion, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to touch the second trench ahead...

From the time when the Japanese army stopped shelling to the time when the Japanese army reached the top of the mountain, not a single shot was fired from the Chinese and Japanese sides, and there was not even a loud noise. Therefore, the Japanese army subconsciously stopped making noise after going up the mountain.

They didn't know whether the Chinese defenders were directly scared away by the gas bombs, but since the Chinese defenders didn't fire, they naturally wouldn't expose their targets easily in the dark, so these Japanese troops moved forward furtively and covertly.

Just as the dozens of Japanese soldiers who were the vanguard were approaching the edge of the second trench in the dark, several strange gunshots suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Bang bang bang..."

Seven or eight illumination bombs suddenly burst into bright and dazzling light over the Japanese army.

Just in an instant, hundreds of Japanese soldiers wearing pig-nosed gas masks and hunched forward in an insignificant manner were all exposed to the light of the flares, dispelling the Japanese army's previous suspicion that the Chinese defenders were scared away by the gas bombs.

It has to be clean.

"Da da da……"


"Bang bang bang..."

The sounds of heavy machine guns, light machine guns, submachine guns and rifles were like a sudden opening of the curtain on a stage, instantly filling the entire sky on the top of the mountain, followed by metal bullets with various death screams.


This sudden blow caused the Japanese army, which had always been known for its toughness and well-trained skills, to be thrown into disarray.

Just like no matter how talented or bold a person is, when he is walking silently in the quiet darkness, hundreds of large firecrackers suddenly burst out all around him. This intense sound and light contrast will inevitably cause psychological damage to the person.

A violent reaction occurs.

What's more, it's not just the sensory stimulation brought by the sound, but the fatal blow and visual impact brought by the bullets fired like a violent storm.

Most of the Japanese soldiers in the front were hit by bullets before they even had time to take off their gas masks and fell down in rows. However, the Japanese soldiers at the back had no time to make any physical or psychological reactions.

The rain of bullets flew in the air, wreaking havoc, causing countless splashes of flesh and blood and howls of pain.

When the enemy was in darkness and we were clear, when most of the Japanese troops were still in a state of confusion, the Japanese army's precise marksmanship and skilled tactical abilities were of no use at all.

The only thing they can do is to lie down, clinging to the cold ground, and then look for any obstacle or low-lying area that can cover them, and crawl over before death comes. Only then can they think of how to fight back.

At this time, the Japanese follow-up troops in the rear did not suffer too much loss, because they had just arrived at the first trench on the top of the mountain. After the gunfire sounded, these Japanese thieves jumped into the trenches one after another, thus escaping.

A hail of bullets whizzed overhead.

But the Japanese forward troops located in the nearly 100-meter-long and 800-meter-wide open space between the first trench and the second trench were in dire straits. They couldn't find any obstacles in their hurry.

Those at the front of the team can only lie on the ground and squirm forward. As long as they can enter the second trench, it doesn't matter whether more Chinese soldiers' bullets or bayonets are waiting for them in the trench, but they will still die more than they do now.

A glimmer of hope, right?

The captain of the Japanese vanguard team may have been blessed by Amaterasu. He, who was at the front of the team, was unscathed by the first round of bullets. It was as if these bullets whizzing by were his own father, surrounding him.

His body was flying, so much so that in his panic, he actually had time to look back and saw that there were only a few people left rolling and wailing on the ground in the direction where the squadron leader had just been.

In the afterglow of the falling flares, a streak of white on the ground was still so conspicuous, but the owner who had previously waved the white gloves was lying motionless on his back.

The Japanese team leader looked at the trench a few meters away. The trench that he had previously regarded as the mouth of a ferocious beast has now become his life-saving straw. Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire inside, he will jump in without hesitation.

Not to mention that this little devil's luck was really good tonight. With a few skillful rolls, he rolled from the edge of the trench into the dark trench.

Then there was a heavy impact on his back that almost knocked his breath away.

"Baga! Why is this trench so deep?"

At this time, his soldiers rolled into the trench one after another, followed by various muffled sounds and soft screams.

The Japanese squad leader discovered that there were no Chinese defenders in this trench, and no explosives or mines had been laid. It must have been that the Chinese defenders retreated in a hurry and did not have time to make arrangements, so it was considered safe for the time being.

However, this trench was too deep, and the side walls of the trench were dug straight. It was impossible to climb up without the help of tools, let alone shoot outside.

At this time, more Japanese soldiers crawled, rolled, and jumped into the second trench. Of course, more Japanese soldiers were thrown dizzy or directly injured their feet.

At this time, the flares in the sky finally fell to the ground, and the whole world returned to darkness in an instant. The gunfire of the Chinese defenders also stopped abruptly, and the top of the mountain fell into an eerie silence.

But this silence made the Japanese squad leader in the trench feel panic.

He found that among the seventy or eighty Japanese soldiers who jumped into the trenches, he actually had the highest rank, so he issued an order to find stepping stones or use engineer shovels to dig earthen ladders beside the trenches.

He knew that the Chinese defenders would never give them much time to adjust.

The current situation is that the Japanese troops who stormed the top of the mountain have been killed and wounded more than a hundred people. They were divided into two parts by the previous bullet rain raid, and they jumped into two trenches less than 100 meters apart.


But the most fatal thing is that these Japanese soldiers were temporarily trapped in the trenches that exceeded their short height, completely turning into frogs in the well, unable to see the situation outside the trenches.

This chapter has been completed!
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