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Chapter 838

The bayonets of the seven little Japs pierced the air at the same time, and the nearest bayonet almost touched Gao Xiaoshan's chest. Seeing that Gao Xiaoshan was unable to get up from the ground, the seven Japs gritted their teeth and tried to change their moves to stab him downwards.

But they forgot that before the thrust, the seven people were shoulder to shoulder. When the sword was thrust into the air, the body naturally leaned forward, which made the space to adjust the posture a bit crowded, so they drew their guns and changed their moves.

Sometimes they will inevitably collide with each other, and their movements will be a little slow and paused.

At this time, the high hill below their bayonets was not a lamb to be slaughtered, but a devouring tiger.

Gao Xiaoshan has a stable personality and can endure hardships. Although he has not learned any advanced martial arts since he was a child, he is very diligent in squatting and has practiced the lower part of the body very solidly. Although his iron plate bridge is almost 90 degrees in the upper body

He leaned back, but his feet were like roots of an old tree, firmly planted on the ground.

At this time, he had already abandoned the sword with his right hand. He put his hands on the ground and kicked out his legs quickly like springs that were pressed to the extreme. It was also a common lying punch in the world.

But now the three Japanese soldiers in front of him were leaning forward. Before he could stabilize his body, the six legs of the three men were stuck in front of Gao Xiaoshan like the wooden stakes he had practiced in his childhood, without any protection.

There was only a continuous sound of "pah pah pah", and Gao Xiaoshan kicked six legs in a row in an instant, one for each leg, evenly.


"no! No! Please!"

The shrill screams exploded in the night sky of this already chaotic and bloody battlefield, even more pitiful than the wails of the Japanese who were cut in half.

With the force that Gao Xiaoshan was exerting on the battlefield, even six bowl-sized wooden stakes in front of him would be kicked off, let alone a human leg supported by joints.

What it feels like when a person's legs are suddenly snapped into two pieces like a straw. I'm afraid only the three devils in the world who have both legs broken can know, so they make this kind of noise that is no longer like what a human can do.

The screams.

One of the most painful things happened when the prisoner knelt down on the ground without any support from his legs. His broken femur was stuck on the ground, breaking the skin, and the bloody white bones were directly inserted into the quilt.

The cold wind chilled the hard black earth.

His throat was blocked by the severe pain he had never experienced before. He couldn't scream even if he wanted to. He just raised his head and gasped for air with his mouth wide open. The pain in his eyes completely obscured the night sky above his head.

Gao Xiaoshan, who kicked out six afterimages in one breath, was at the end of his strength. He was not in the state of Qi after all, and needed to take a breather.

But when Gao Xiaoshan took another deep breath, the other four Japanese were already stabbing down with their bayonets raised.

Cold light flashed and murderous aura attacked the body.

Gao Xiaoshan had no time to get up at this time, so he could only roll on the spot. Although his posture was ugly, he avoided the blows of four bayonets. His right hand had already held the samurai sword he had discarded before. At this time, he was in a hurry.

, there are no moves at all, just slashing at the feet and legs in front of me.

The moment the two Japanese soldiers fell to the ground screaming in pain, two gust-like bayonets were stabbed at his abdomen and chest. At this time, he was lying on the ground with no time to make any dodge movements.

Gao Xiaoshan's only support now is the four steel plates covering his chest and abdomen.


The heads of the two Japanese soldiers suddenly floated high, and the two bayonets, which were like poisonous snakes spitting messages, suddenly became weak and weak. They fell gently on Gao Xiaoshan's body like a spring breeze, and made two slight sounds.

With a muffled sound, two slender 38-inch rifles fell to the ground.

Zhao Xiaojin's familiar voice came: "Are you okay? Xiaoshan."

Then he stretched out a big hand and pulled Gao Xiaoshan up. With his eyesight, he could see that Gao Xiaoshan had not been fatally injured, but he was still very happy in his heart. If he had come even tenth of a second later, Gao Xiaoshan would have been injured.

But he was stabbed from top to bottom by two bayonets.

Although there is a steel plate protection, the four steel plates are not perfectly connected. If it penetrates through the gap, the consequences will be disastrous.

In front of the two of them, there was a slender figure holding a knife in both hands, protecting them. It was naturally Miaohua.

"I'm fine, it's just a minor scratch." Gao Xiaoshan was reassured when he saw the two masters arriving.

It turns out that Zhang Xiaoping's clear whistle before was not only to improve his internal strength, but also to send a message to the senior brothers behind him.

Miaohua and Zhao Xiaojin protected Wang Changhai all the way and fought, but naturally they could not go fast. When they discovered that Zhou Wen was too forward, Zhang Xiaoping sent a signal to support, and they immediately saw Gao Xiaoshan in danger.

At this time, they couldn't care about Wang Changhai. Miaohua grabbed Wang Changhai who was still moving forward bravely, threw her luck backwards, and left Wang Changhai behind in the team, shouting:

"Ajing protect him."

He and Zhao Xiaojin looked at each other, and both of them had the same mind. They both exerted force with their feet at the same time. One of them used Wudang movement to leap into the air, using the devil's head and shoulders as a springboard. The other swung his two swords to create wind under his feet.

Gao and Xiao used their strength at the same time, and the Japanese along the way were either hacked to death by Miaohua or kicked to death by Zhao Xiaojin. The two masters just fought their way out in the blink of an eye, and saved Gao Xiaoshan at the critical moment.

Wang Changhai, who was left behind by Miaohua, was at a loss. Just when he was having a great time killing, why did he not want me anymore? Did he think I was in the way?

You must know that this is the most heart-free killing Wang Changhai has ever done in his life. In addition, it is also a national war, and all the people killed are Japanese. There is no psychological burden at all, so naturally he feels extremely happy.

He didn't even think about it. With two top masters taking care of him, he only had to pay attention to the three inches in front of him. He didn't need to worry about the left, right or back. If there was the slightest danger, someone would help him take care of it with a knife or a sword. How could there be anything in this world?

Can you find such a satisfying fight?

Before he could react, a black shadow as tall as a mountain rushed in front of him, and he heard the big man muffled: "Sir Wang, just stand behind me."

Wang Changhai was still confused when he saw the big man swinging the big black and thick iron rod in his hand. The whistling sound of wind came in the air. As long as the Japanese in front of him were rubbed, they would all fly backwards howling miserably.

Seeing this big man's powerful and domineering stick skills, Wang Changhai sighed softly.

"Yeah, I just want to stand behind you, but it doesn't have anything to do with me."

But he also knew that if he followed this big man, he wouldn't be able to get involved in whatever he wanted to do.

As for the big iron rod that danced like a big windmill, I was afraid that if I intervened rashly, I would get hit. Feeling the painful sound of the wind blowing my face, I knew that this kind of force was not something that anyone could bear.

This chapter has been completed!
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