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Chapter 840

Zhou Wen's judgment was correct. These Japanese officers were the commander of the 13th Japanese Regiment, Colonel Ryo Suzuki, his adjutant and a Japanese battalion captain.

A colonel and two majors are indeed a big fish.

Colonel Ryo Suzuki is also somewhat unlucky.

We fought a day of offensive battles during the day. We obviously had the advantage in artillery and firepower, and the base camp also sent several bombers to assist in the battle. However, the Chinese army on the opposite side refused to retreat, which was different from the Northeastern Army we had encountered before.

Weak will is very different.

The Chinese who have been cowardly and cowardly for hundreds of years suddenly became braver than the warriors of the Japanese Empire and even more fearless of death. Think about the people we have encountered in the past year, those who were defeated by dozens of empires

Warriors can chase thousands of Northeastern officers and soldiers who are fleeing in embarrassment. The Chinese soldiers in iron-gray uniforms in front of them seem to be from a different era than them.

What is even more irritating is that these Chinese soldiers are obviously not afraid of death despite their crude weapons and backward equipment, and yet they dare to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the imperial warriors who consider themselves to be the best in the world in hand-to-hand combat.

In every battle, the opponent uses the same tactics, that is, no matter whether you bomb the enemy with planes or artillery, he will stay in the trenches and anti-aircraft holes and not come out. If he is killed by the bomb, it is your responsibility. If he is not killed by the bomb, he will wait for you to come up.

When the attacking troops are about to rush into the defensive position, the opponent will not play with you with any suppressive fire or volley shooting. They will just throw grenades. Before the grenades have exploded, they will use the explosion smoke to carry a bright sword.

The film rushed up and soon got involved with the attacking troops.

At this time, all the accurate marksmanship of aircraft and artillery, and the advanced and well-trained tactics are useless. Both sides should fight hard.

Although the imperial warriors are not afraid of death, they also show more superb stabbing skills and teamwork awareness in hand-to-hand combat. In each hand-to-hand combat, they achieved an exchange ratio of 1:2 or even 1:3.

However, they couldn't bear the large number of people, and one group died after another, as if they could never kill all the ants in the mountain.

However, there are less than 3,800 men in one of our regiments. Even if we exchange 1 for 3, we cannot withstand this kind of loss. If we continue the fight, we may not be able to send out a complete infantry brigade in a few days.

Therefore, Colonel Ryo Suzuki ordered the attack to stop before dusk. In fact, he already knew in his heart that he might not be able to capture Xifengkou with just one of his regiments.

Although they disobeyed orders and took the initiative to attack for two days, and lost 600 people dead and injured, they at least occupied several highlands around Xifengkou. The merits and demerits are balanced, and I believe that the division commander will not pursue the punishment excessively.

It’s just that my face is a little dull.

However, for being able to reach the rank of colonel in a highly hierarchical army like the Japanese army, Suzuki Ryo's face was not much different from the thickness of the Great Wall, even if it was not as thick.

You must know that in the Japanese army, the habitual reprimand of superiors to subordinates is to use slaps instead of mouth. If any mistakes are made, they will be slapped several times before speaking.

Therefore, the Japanese army officers who grew up with all kinds of big ear scrapers since they were trainees have a face and facial muscles that have been tempered for a long time. They are so strong and thick that they may be able to block bullets.

Colonel Suzuki is not a brainless person. Of course, he knows that after occupying several highlands, his troops are scattered and difficult to defend. But it is absolutely impossible for him to spit out the meat he has eaten.

Moreover, since the September 18th Incident, he has become accustomed to thinking that he is always on the offensive side, and would never have thought that the Chinese army would have the courage to take the initiative to attack.

If it was just an ordinary spy, he believed that the title of "black skin, bright red blood" of the more than 3,000 warriors under his command was not for nothing, and the reputation of the strongest division in the empire was not blown out. Even in defensive positions

Even if the construction is not perfect, the quality and tactical level of these imperial soldiers are not something that ordinary people can easily succeed if they want to steal the camp.

Therefore, after seeing that most of the Japanese troops were showing signs of fatigue after two consecutive days of unsuccessful attacks, and seeing that the imperial warriors were somewhat demoralized by being beheaded by the opponent's desperate machetes, he decided to let his men have a good sleep.

After a sleep, I will repair the fortifications tomorrow and wait for the arrival of the large army.

It is a pity that not only did he seriously underestimate the determination and courage of the Chinese army this time, but he also did not expect that General Song of the 29th Army would be so bold and carry out such a large-scale night attack involving 4 regiments and nearly 5,000 people.


Of course, he would never have expected that Zhou Wen and his dozens of ancestors who were sneaking into the camp and stealing sentries would come to serve as vanguards and quietly clean up all the patrols and light and dark sentries outside the Japanese camp, so General Zhao Chengyu personally

Only then could the frontal attack troops of the two regiments he led break into the Japanese camp so easily.

When Colonel Suzuki Ryo had made up his mind, he felt a little calmer and decided to take a rest for the night. Starting tomorrow, he would gather the troops as much as possible, build fortifications, and wait for the arrival of the division commander.

For this reason, he specially drank a few glasses of sake during dinner to relax his tense nerves and get a good night's sleep first.

However, while he was enjoying family happiness with his wife and children in his dream, he was awakened by the adjutant who rushed into the tent in a hurry.

"Your Excellency Colonel, Your Excellency Colonel, wake up quickly..."

He is no different from ordinary people when his sweet dreams are disturbed. He will be a little angry. But his anger can be vented quickly with a few slaps, which can also wake him up from his drowsiness.

However, the overwhelming shouts of killing coming from the camp in the distance made his arms, which he had just raised, feel as soft as eggplants beaten by frost.

Suzuki Ryo's eyes were round and slightly sleepy.


Seeing that he was still confused, the adjutant Major, who had escaped a slap, had no time to rejoice and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty Colonel, the Chinese army has launched an attack."

Ryo Suzuki suddenly woke up with a start, and then a surge of anger rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"Baga! These hateful Chinese, these disgusting rats, how dare they attack the camp, how dare they take the initiative to attack."

Colonel Ryo Suzuki could tell from the sounds of fighting in the distance that this was not an ordinary stolen camp, but a large-scale attack.

But the gunshots and explosions didn't sound dense, and the shouts of killing pierced the night sky like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

This kind of attack by thousands of people actually used no guns or cannons. Did they all use machetes?

Thinking of this, Suzuki Ryo suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then felt a chill all over his body.

This chapter has been completed!
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