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Chapter 846 Inspiration

Although the number was small, Zhou Wen used the large-depth offensive tactics that were common on the Soviet-German battlefield a few years later.

Others used tank groups to carry out assaults and penetrate deep into the enemy. But Zhou Wen could only rely on the bravery of his brothers to play the role of tank assaults.

As for how to expand the breakthrough point and completely annihilate the enemy, that is the task of the follow-up troops.

So now when Zhao Chengyu's sword team was gathering the Japanese troops again, General Zhao Chengyu took the lead, leading more than 500 warriors holding their swords high, like a huge surging wave, and instantly pounced on the undecided Japanese army.

This is also the reason why when Zhou Wen killed Suzuki Ryo's Chinese army, no Japanese troops came back to rescue them, because they were now facing an attack from more than 500 swords and could no longer protect themselves.

If this hand-to-hand battle between 500 Northwest troops and 300 Japanese troops had taken place a few days ago, even if the bravery and will of these swordsmen were not inferior to the Japanese troops, the little devils' concise and effective stabbing skills and tacit teamwork would have made the battle between the two sides impossible.

The results are unpredictable.

We must know that in history, of the more than 500 sword teams led by General Zhao Chengyu, after the night attack, less than a hundred people were able to leave the battlefield alive, and almost everyone from the brigade commander to the deputy brigade commander was injured, and the guard battalion commander also

He died on the spot, and the company commander and platoon commander were basically all sacrificed, which is equivalent to the fact that almost all the most elite veterans of the 109th Brigade were killed or injured.

But now, these remnant soldiers of the Japanese 3rd Battalion were still in shadow after experiencing the sword baptism of Wang Changhai Regiment of Xifengkou. Later, they were awakened in a sleepy state. Before they were shocked, they were rushed straight into by Zhou Wen's mercenary group.

After coming in and being tortured like never before, my energy, which was originally considered to be 10%, has now gone to 67%.

So when they were surrounded and hacked by hundreds of tall and powerful Northwest men, all formation coordination and team awareness were basically forgotten, leaving only hysterical howls and trembling and weak legs.


But it cost Zhao Chengyu's sword team hundreds of casualties and nearly half an hour to round up and kill all these desperate little devils.

But General Zhao Chengyu was already very satisfied, being able to achieve an exchange ratio of 1 to 3 in hand-to-hand combat. Although the morale of these Japanese troops was low, they were still known as the invincible Japanese troops in Asia, weren't they?

The impressive record of being able to chop off the heads of more than 300 Japanese soldiers in a hand-to-hand battle is enough to mark a mark in the history of the Chinese army's war against foreign enemies.

Especially since Zhao Chengyu cut off five Japanese heads by himself, he felt extremely happy.

But when he came to Zhou Wen and his team, he was suddenly shocked.

It was not because of the Japanese corpses scattered around, nor because he saw several Japanese officers with missing heads, but because he saw more than a dozen officers and soldiers of the mercenary regiment lying in the open space.

Of course, General Zhao Chengyu knew that such a brutal and bloody hand-to-hand combat would inevitably result in casualties, but the masters of the mercenary group had already established an invincible image in his mind. Before, he was just amazed at the strong fighting power of these people, but when he saw so many people fell at once

, I couldn’t help but feel a little surprised and apologetic.

Without the bravery of these masters, today's battle would not have been so easy, and the casualties of our own troops would certainly not have been small.

It can be said that Brother Xiao Zhou and his men saved the lives of countless brothers in the 109th Brigade with their bravery and proper tactics.

Fortunately, when he got closer, he discovered that most of the wounded lying on the ground were being treated by others, and a few even stood up after applying dressings and bandages.

General Zhao Chengyu asked urgently: "Brother Xiao Zhou, how are the casualties among the brothers?"

At this time, Zhou Wen looked at Zhao Xiaojin who was drawing the blood of another brother with type A blood. He turned to Zhao Chengyu and said, "Fortunately, most of them are minor injuries. Only my deputy captain was seriously injured."

Zhao Chengyu leaned over and picked up the combat uniform that Gao Xiaoshan had taken off. He touched the sandwiched steel plate with his hand, and a cold air surged from his heart. He touched the bumpy gaps and didn't know where the lieutenant colonel and deputy captain in front of him was facing.

How many times had he been stabbed?

If it weren't for these four steel plates, this brother would have been stabbed to death by the Japs' bayonets. With their strong combat effectiveness and high martial arts skills, they were still stabbed so many times by the Japs from the front, which shows that they are elite soldiers.

How fierce and cruel the battle was at that time.

At the same time, it also proves that these masters are really fierce. Basically, everyone has to face several or even dozens of Japs. In this case, they actually killed the enemy formation, and they only paid one person and seriously injured more than ten people.

The price of a minor injury.

Zhao Chengyu said to Zhou Wen sincerely: "Brother Zhou, your combat prowess is beyond words. I can't imagine that there is an army in this world with so many masters. It's really convincing. If it weren't for my brother, I would shoulder the heavy responsibility.

I also want to join your army directly. It would be fun if we all kill the Japanese together."

This battle gave General Zhao Chengyu a lot of inspiration.

After the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, he also followed Zhou Wen's example and gathered all veterans with certain martial arts skills in the army for training, and selected 30 people as his guard platoon. All ammunition and supplies in the army were tilted towards the guard platoon.

, a few years later, a group of elite small units with prototypes of special forces were actually trained.

Of course, this is a story for later, so let’s not mention it now.

At this time, the battlefield was still full of killings. Most of the effective forces that the Japs could muster were killed or dispersed by the large forces behind them, but there were still countless Japs who were still resisting.

Zhou Wen watched the sleeping Gao Xiaoshan's injury stabilize and said to General Zhao Chengyu: "Now I have to trouble Brother Zhao to send someone to escort some of our wounded back. The younger brother is about to attack the next target."

Zhao Chengyu waved his hand and said: "What are we brothers saying about trouble? This is my responsibility, brother."

After saying that, he called back: "Li Daming."


I saw a burly-looking captain officer with a beard running over.

Despite the beard on his face, this officer's eyes were clear and translucent. He didn't appear to be very old. He was at least 1.8 meters tall, with a long-handled sword on his back and a cannon on his waist.

Standing in front of Zhao Chengyu, he stood upright like a javelin, looking so majestic and heroic that even Zhou Wen secretly praised him: "What a northern man."

"Pick a platoon from the guard camp, and you will personally lead the team to safely escort these injured friendly brothers to the medical center."

"Ah?" This young officer, who was obviously very skilled at first glance, was dumbfounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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