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Chapter 856 Confidence

With his ability, even a seamless stone slab can be penetrated half the depth of the blade.

But now that my whole body is suspended in the air, I can only rely on my internal strength and the strength of my arms, and I have to try to preserve my physical strength. Who knows what situations I will encounter after climbing the cliff.

Now Zhao Xiaojin's arms began to feel a little sore. He didn't know how many years he hadn't felt this way, but he still carefully transferred his internal strength and never wasted a single point.

The sweat on his head turned into mist and ice droplets in the cold air, but his eyes were shining brightly, staring at every gap above his head and making quick judgments in his brain.

Thanks to the tenacity and sharpness of the German antler-handled, high-teeth butcher's dagger, each thrust can steadily bear the weight of the body. If the Wu-Tang Clan dagger was used, the thinner blade might now be able to withstand the weight of the body.

Already broken.

In this way, under the eager eyes of the brothers, Zhao Xiaojin climbed slowly and firmly, disappearing into the dark night high above the sky little by little.

Only Zhou Wen, who had better night vision ability, kept watching as Zhao Xiaojin finally found a protrusion at the end of the cliff that was barely suitable for footing. Then he rested for a while, then used his hands and feet to climb up to a huge boulder.

Then he waved his hand downwards.

Zhou Wen let out a long breath, and a stone fell in his heart.

But at this moment, there was a burst of intensive gunfire in the distance, and Zhou Wen knew it was the sound of the Japanese army's crooked machine guns and 38-guns.

Zhou Wen's brows instantly furrowed, because judging from the direction, the direction of the gunfire was exactly the direction Gao Xiaoshan and his dozen wounded soldiers were retreating from.

Miaohua and Zhang Xiaoping quickly looked at Zhou Wen, while the other brothers quickly grabbed their guns in their hands and looked at Zhou Wen at the same time. If Gao Xiaoshan and the others were attacked, then it wouldn't matter what Heizui Mountain or the Japanese artillery positions were.

, the safety of Brother Shanzi and his brothers is the first consideration.

Zhou Wen did not make a decision immediately, but listened carefully for a while, then relaxed his frown, and said softly: "It's okay, there is no sound of Somi's submachine gun."

In Zhou Wen's mind, if the wounded were really in crisis, the first sound that would be heard would be the firing of Somi's submachine gun.

In such a dark night, there is no army in the world that can discover the brothers of the mercenary group first and kill all these dozen soldier kings without any resistance from them.

Zhou Wen has always had strong confidence in this, unless the Japanese army was equipped with individual night vision devices that were only developed ten years later. What's more, Zhou Wen asked Zhou Mingyuan to wear a communicator. If there was an emergency, he would naturally call for support.


After hearing Zhou Wen's words, the brothers also relaxed.

Yes! None of the brothers used submachine guns, indicating that the situation was still under control, and the gunshots that suddenly fell silent now may be that the brothers were using silenced pistols to deal with the little devils.

At this time, a thick rope suddenly fell from the mountain wall, indicating that Zhao Xiaojin had found a foothold.

At Zhou Wen's signal, Zhang Xiaoping pulled up the rope and pulled hard. Then he looked at Zhou Wen and showed his signature smile. He exerted force with his feet. The moment his body soared, he used his hands alternately to climb up the rope in the blink of an eye.

After reaching a height of more than 20 meters, he was like a nimble ape, climbing upwards without losing speed.

At this time, Zhou Mingyuan's call came from Zhou Wen's headset: "Scholar, scholar, I am Douzi."

Douzi is Zhou Mingyuan's nickname. After these Wudang disciples heard that their junior uncle Zhang Xiaoping's nickname was Ye Zi, they all used it as a nickname.

For example, the most clever and out-of-the-box music star is called a monkey.

"What's going on with you?"

"We are all fine. We encountered a group of Japs coming down from the mountain. The security platoon and others suffered a bit of a heavy loss. We immediately launched a counterattack."

"Okay, it's safe. Be ready to listen to my orders at any time."


After ending the call, Zhou Wen waved to his brothers and said, "They are all fine. Everyone, get ready."

At this time, another rope hung from the cliff, indicating that Zhang Xiaoping also arrived successfully.

But he said that after Li Daming asked Zhou Mingyuan and the others to come over with their hands raised, there was no more sound in the darkness. Of course he knew that his request was a bit excessive, but the main reason was that the guard platoon had suffered too many casualties, and now everyone had become

He was frightened, fearing that he would be tricked by the little devil again if he was not careful.

As for the medic who just said that they had killed the Japanese, he couldn't believe it.

He had already judged that the Japs were at least a small team. He was firing grenades and guns here, and he was not sure that he had killed more than 5 Japs. If you didn't make any movement, you just said that you had killed all the Japs.

Do you know how to use magic or magic to coax ghosts?

At this time, Zhou Mingyuan's voice came from the darkness again: "Captain Li, we are leaving first. We will throw in some of the weapons of the little Japs here. It is up to you to decide whether to follow or not."

Before he finished speaking, several dark objects flew over in the darkness. Li Daming hurriedly hid behind the rocks, but heard several heavy landing sounds, causing gravel to fly everywhere on the ground.

He looked over and saw that just a dozen meters away, two crooked machine guns and two grenade launchers were lying on the ground.

It turns out that Zhou Mingyuan became a little angry after hearing what Li Daming said. Your own carelessness caused the entire team to be almost attacked by the Japs. Now that we have eliminated the Japs, you are still suspicious and overly cautious. Why did you go there earlier?

He originally wanted to go around in the dark behind Li Daming and the others to scare him, but considering that the relationship between friendly forces could not be frozen, he just threw out several of the Japs' heavy weapons and waited in front with his team members.


Now Li Daming couldn't help but not believe it. All the heavy weapons of a Japanese team were here. Who would be so stupid as to use this self-disarming method to lure the enemy?

He glanced back and saw a veteran saying: "Deputy battalion commander, go up and take a look."

After saying that, he bent down and slowly emerged from behind the stone. He held the shell gun tightly in his left hand and a large knife in his right hand. He moved forward cautiously step by step, and then disappeared into the night ahead.

No gunshots were heard, and there was no movement.

Although the veteran had only left for a few seconds, Li Daming felt like several hours had passed, and his heart was pounding.

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps in the darkness, and the veteran He Chi ran out of the darkness panting heavily, carrying four 38 rifles on his back, and shouted to Li Daming: "Deputy Battalion Commander.

, the little devils are all dead, really all dead, not far ahead."

While speaking, the veteran raised a rifle with a bayonet in his hand, grinning widely, his row of white teeth so eye-catching in the dark night.

This chapter has been completed!
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