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896 Murderer

What's more, this Japanese squad leader has a very good understanding of the abilities of the soldiers under his command. Although they have undergone strict recruit training, they also maintain certain military training subjects.

But the key is the lack of combat experience. Among the Japanese infantry series, the combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of the baggage regiment.

For example, during the two years of their engineering regiment in Northeast China and North Korea, because their opponents were all guerrillas who would run away with just a few shots, they had no chance to go to the battlefield. Except for building roads and bridges, they never directly participated in it.

In any battle, the rifle shooting skills of most soldiers are not much better than that of a recruit who has just left the training camp.

Therefore, after setting off from Lingyuan, the team leader has been beating the drum in his heart, and he also knows that not only him, but also the commander of the company does not have much confidence, judging from his livid face since the departure.

Just know it.

After discovering those big pits and finding the bodies of the soldiers who died in battle, the uneasiness in the squad leader's heart continued to grow. Although he scolded and beat Taro Tanimura and several of his subordinates, disdainful of their timidity and fear,

In fact, he was covering up his own uneasiness.

Moreover, several of their officers with certain battlefield experience made an even more disturbing discovery, but they did not dare to say it out of fear of shaking the morale of the troops.

It was the bullet holes on the corpses, the bullet holes on the white, deformed, swollen heads, as black as an abyss, that showed everyone the shooter's marksmanship and ruthlessness.

They turned over more than 100 bodies, and quite a few of them had been shot in the head, either in the forehead or the back of the head.

Only people with certain shooting skills and battlefield experience know how difficult it is to hit the enemy's head with one shot on the battlefield, but here, most of these jade imperial soldiers were shot in the head and fatally shot.


This group of volunteers has sharpshooters, and there are many sharpshooters.

Just asking if you are afraid?

The squad leader believes that the wing commander and other officers have also noticed it.

Therefore, the commander of the regiment gave the order to search the village instead.

As soon as the commander's order came out, the squad leader noticed that most of the officers, including himself, let out a sigh of relief unconsciously.

However, although they were temporarily freed from unknown dangers, the military honor and warrior spirit they had cultivated since childhood were biting at their hearts like poisonous snakes.

Yes, they were scared today, frightened by the corpses and unknown opponents in front of them.

They did not show the bloodiness and fearlessness that imperial soldiers should have, and did not inspire the courage to avenge their companions. Instead, they retreated.

On the one hand, he was happy to be out of danger, but on the other hand, he was ashamed and ashamed. This contradictory emotion has been lingering in the heart of the team leader.

Until now when he saw these Chinese villagers trembling like lambs, their pitiful, helpless and incompetent expressions of letting others be slaughtered, for some reason, aroused a sense of rage in his heart.

Suddenly, as if he had found an outlet, his eyes were fixed on one person.

It was a half-grown boy about 10 years old. He was hiding behind someone, with his head on his head, not daring to look out.

But the devil's mustache captain's eyes were fixed on his feet.

I saw that this child was actually wearing a pair of half-worn Showa Type 5 military boots.

It can be seen that the appearance of this pair of suede leather shoes has been carefully cleaned, and the yellow fuzz is clearly visible.

However, these are the standard military shoes of the Japanese army. When the Japanese leader thought about the corpses that had been stripped down to their crotch cloths in the big pits, it was obvious where these military shoes came from.

But it was the child's grandfather, Chai Jinxi, who was greedy for gain and got it under Chai Youde's nose when Zhou Wen and others were piling the military shoes they had stripped off the corpses of the Japanese into a pile.

You must know that the little devil is short and has small feet. Generally, Chinese adults wear clothes that pinch their feet, so Zhou Wen and others just piled up outside the yard and took them away together when they were about to leave. But Chai Jinxi relied on his seniority to , I just picked up a pair that looked smaller in size and wanted to wear them for my precious grandson.

When Chai Youde saw it at that time, he could only pretend not to see it, but he didn't know that this move would bring disaster to his eighth uncle.

"Baga!" the Japanese squad leader yelled. He rushed up and picked up the child who was so frightened that he almost fainted. Before anyone could react, he threw him to the ground and beat a few people. roll.

With a "wow" sound, the child cried out in pain and curled up. It was obvious at a glance that somewhere in his body had been broken.

But Captain Mustache raised his leg and stomped down the child's thin body. The child screamed and fainted from the pain. His little face was as white as a piece of white paper.

"No! Please, he's still a child."

Chai Jinxi was completely stunned and frightened, but the person on the ground was his precious grandson!

He hurriedly took a few steps forward and knelt down in front of the squad leader. An old man who was almost seventy years old, with runny nose and tears streaming down his face, just held the Japs squad leader's trouser legs with both hands and begged repeatedly.

"Baga! It's dead, it's dead."

However, he saw this mustachioed devil yelling and cursing, but with a ferocious smile on his face, he pulled out his command knife with a "swish" sound, and swung it down at Chai Jinxi.

Chai Jinxi's eyes were filled with tears and he didn't react at all. He only felt his arms go cold, and then his body felt lighter.

"Ah..." Screams resounded in the yard.

In the horrified eyes of his family, they saw Chai Youde's arms falling to the ground like two chopped firewood, one long and one short, and the fingers on the broken arm were still trembling on the ground.

After Chai Youde realized that his arms had moved, before the severe pain came, his eyes turned white, his head fell to the ground, and he fainted from fright.


At this time, Chai Youde's eldest and youngest sons were crying and shouting, but their bodies were shaking even more violently. No one dared to step forward and fight the little devil.

Only Chai Youde's eldest daughter-in-law rushed out in one swift step, running towards the child who was still in coma and twitching all over in pain.

However, at this moment, the Japs squad leader, who seemed to have found the murderer of his companions, completely erupted with the anger that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time. He just wanted to kill everyone now, and kill everyone in front of him.

With blood-red eyes, he grabbed the collar of the young Chinese village woman who ran past him, and when he pulled hard, he tore a slit in the woman's collar.

Suddenly, a small piece of fair skin flashed before his eyes, but the young mother didn't notice it. She just wanted to see her child now, just wanted to hold the child in her arms and use her mother's warmth to relieve the pain.

His pain.


Today is the 91st anniversary of September 18, 2018. Don’t forget history and let us strive for self-improvement!

This chapter has been completed!
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