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Chapter 904 The devil's teasing

At this time, Major Kyono Shunta, like other Japanese officers, believed that he knew China well and was full of confidence in the direction of the war.

At the same time, he was also indescribably grateful for Lieutenant General Masaemon Sakamoto's kindness. He believed that coming here to participate in the war was the merit and qualifications given to him by Lieutenant General. How could these Naina troops on the opposite side be from the Imperial Japanese Army?


When he led more than half of the heavy artillery brigade and rode a dozen trucks to the artillery position by the Shah River, he was naturally very satisfied.

According to the configuration of a heavy artillery battalion of the Japanese army with six 150mm howitzers, what the 6th Division seconded this time was actually two heavy artillery squadrons and four artillery pieces.

But don't look at it as just four heavy artillery pieces. Looking at the whole of East Asia, they are the only ones except Japan.

You must know that the Republic of China could not afford 150mm howitzers during this period. It was not until 1936 that 24 Krupp 150mm howitzers were imported from Germany. However, these few artillery pieces were repeatedly used during the all-out war of resistance.

The Japanese army caused a devastating blow and played a vital role in the Battle of Songhu and several battles of Changsha.

This shows the power of the 150mm caliber howitzer and its strategic role in battle.

Therefore, Major Kyono Shunta's current confidence is well-founded. Even the oldest Great Wall in China cannot withstand such an artillery attack.

Under the cover of its own four artillery pieces, the Chinese army's defensive position will be reduced to rubble.

At this time, accompanied by a staff officer of the 6th Division, he looked at his artillerymen with satisfaction, commanding the truck to drag the artillery pieces into the position, and observing the surrounding terrain with telescopes.

"Your Excellency Kyono, this heavy artillery position took the engineer regiment two full days to carefully construct. Are you satisfied with it?" At this time, the Japanese staff officer beside him said flatteringly.

Kyono Shunta, who was dressed neatly in a Major's military uniform and with high-top leather shoes that were polished black and shiny. Coupled with his height of 165 centimeters, which was considered the tallest among the Japanese soldiers, he looked heroic, tall and mighty in the eyes of other Japanese soldiers, and had a unique personality.

Extraordinary demeanor and temperament.

Especially since he has just turned 26, has a strong family background, and has been appreciated and favored by many high-ranking military officials. It is certain that he will have a successful career in the future. Who is not envious of these middle- and lower-level officers? Who doesn't want to take the opportunity to pay the knot?

What a rising star in the Army.

"Kangmu-kun, there is no need to be so polite between you and me. From now on in this land of Zhina, we are all comrades-in-arms who are opening up territories for the empire. We will all be elites of the empire with a bright future in the future. We are at the same level.

Just match it.”

The lieutenant's staff member, named Kuraki Guikou, immediately smiled like an old bark on his face. He quickly bowed to Kyono Shunta and said, "Then, please take care of me, Kyono-kun."

Although Kyono Shunta is young, his upbringing has been very strict since he was a child. How could he not understand the ways of the world? Moreover, he comes from a military family and is well aware of the importance of military-military relations. He also lacks the arrogance and informality of ordinary aristocratic children, and is very considerate to his subordinates and colleagues.

He is peaceful. Although he is young, he is very loved by his officers and soldiers.

At that moment, he also bowed and said, "Kuragi-kun, you are too polite. Our colleagues should take care of each other."

After finishing speaking, Kyono Shunta raised his right hand with a white glove, pointed in the direction of the Great Wall and said to Kuraki, "Please look at Kuraki-kun, the terrain here is open, and the artillery fire has basically no impact. The cold air in the northeast is

Kou Pass and Xifeng Pass in the northwest are all within my shooting range. As long as there are enough artillery shells, I can destroy all the walls and crenellations of these two passes, turning the Great Wall antenna that the Zhina people rely on into a

A smooth road for Imperial soldiers to attack."

Having said this, Kyono Shunta turned to Kuraki and nodded in praise: "I can see that Kuraki-kun and the staff of your 6th Division have unique vision. This place is indeed a unique artillery position."

Then, Kyono Shunta changed the topic and pretended to be deep in thought: "Is there any shortcomings..."

"Please give me some advice from Kyono-kun." Kuraki returned to the topic and bowed again, looking like he was humbly asking for advice.

Kyono Shunta looked around and said: "The terrain is too open and flat, and there is no shelter around it. The entire position basically has no concealment. If it is discovered by the Zhina Army, it will be easily hit by the opponent's aircraft and artillery."


Seeing that Kuraki Guiguchi looked a little embarrassed, and just when he was about to explain, Kyono Shunta smiled narrowly at him and said, "But the question is, does Nao have an airplane and artillery with a long enough range?"

Kuraki Guiguchi breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that Kyono Shunta was joking with him, he immediately laughed and echoed: "Yes! Unless those Nao people put wings on all their meager cannonballs,

It is possible to fly here. As for sending planes to bomb, that is a problem."

Then, pretending to be thoughtful, he said: "But, do they have planes?"

Then the two of them looked at each other contentedly, and then both looked up to the sky and laughed.

Yes, the Japanese army's intelligence work on China is very thorough and detailed. Their officers all know the numbers and weapons configuration of the Chinese army on the opposite side. Of course, a few rare aircraft in northern China are also under their surveillance.

, it is impossible and impossible to afford any Chinese bombers in the entire north of China.

"What do you think they will do if they discover the artillery position?" Kyono Shunta continued to joke about the poor equipment of the Chinese army.

"They can only use the flesh and blood of soldiers to attack here, tsk tsk tsk! A lot of people will die."

"Furthermore, Kyono-kun, please rest assured. Even if the Naona people are willing to die a lot of people, with their poor equipment and combat power, it is impossible to attack here. They will just die in vain."

"I heard that the 23rd Wing has already moved up. The attack should be launched soon, right?"

"Kyono-kun made a good judgment. The first attack should be launched today. The 23rd Regiment has renovated the attack camp at the original location where the 14th Brigade was formed. They will be ready for the attack in the afternoon."

"Is it true that the 14th brigade was completely destroyed?"

"Yes, the latest news from the 23rd Wing is that they have found the burial place of those imperial warriors. But now that the war is imminent, we can only wait until Lengkou is captured before digging and counting. But judging from the situation on the scene, it should be

No one is immune."

Having said this, these two Japanese officers, who had been complacent before, couldn't help but feel a little heavier in their hearts.

Although the Chinese army on the opposite side is poorly equipped, its combat effectiveness is probably not low. There is still a fight left in this battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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