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Chapter 931

In fact, this is also an old tactic used by the Japanese army throughout the entire Anti-Japanese War, which is to attack frontally and make a detour on the sides, but the strength and focus of the attack are focused on which side, and the decision is made based on the battlefield situation. Sometimes the detour is used to contain it, and the front is the focus of the attack, and sometimes it is

It is used to contain it from the front, and it is used as a breakthrough from the side.

I have to say that although this tactic of the Japanese army is old-fashioned, it is indeed effective and flexible when used. It makes you aware of it, but it is impossible to guard against it.

In the all-out Anti-Japanese War a few years later, the Japanese army skillfully used this roundabout tactic and successively won the Battle of Songhu, Battle of Nanjing, Battle of Wuhan and Battle of Xuzhou, thus occupying half of China in one fell swoop.

Even after the war, these achievements of the Japanese army were listed as classic examples of roundabout attacks by military academies in Western countries. It can be seen that the Japanese army has used this tactic with great proficiency and flexibility.

However, today, in the Yanshan Mountains, the Japanese army's invincible roundabout tactics are greatly restricted.

Originally, if the Chinese army did not have troops on the outside, this kind of mobilization of the Japanese army would have been able to occur unnoticed and catch the 139th Division by surprise.

But now, under Zhou Wen's prediction, Miaohua led a detachment to rush to the front of the Japanese 24th Regiment. After discovering that the Japanese army had indeed mobilized troops to the 139th Division defense line on the western front, they decisively launched harassment and sniping.

Moreover, the 139th Division, which received advance warning, also strengthened the defensive measures of its position.

It can be said that in their attack on the Western Front, the Japanese army first lost the suddenness of the battle.

Of course, they don't know yet.

Although walking along the wall of the Great Wall, the distance between Phoenix Mountain and the Cherry Orchard is less than 10 kilometers, but it takes nearly 20 kilometers to walk down the mountain. Moreover, the mountain road is rugged, crisscrossed by forests and streams, and large troops are marching

There were countless mules, horses and carriages accompanying them, so the speed was naturally slow. In addition, only one large vehicle could barely pass through many mountain roads, and the entire march was very long.

The Japanese army did not fail to consider and arrange safety along the way. They sent several infantry squadrons to trek through the woods and mountains on both sides of the mountain road, keeping parallel with the main marching team and protecting both wings.

However, the attack of the first team never followed common sense. Zhou Wen, who had been instilled with the idea of ​​guerrilla warfare in his previous life, did not let the first team carry out an all-round attack this time. Instead, he attacked in the woods or on the mountain at the north end of the mountain road.

, allowing the engineer platoon to lay thousands of landmines.

During this Great Wall War of Resistance, Zhou Wen brought 3,000 S-type mines imported from Germany, which were the famous "Bounce Betty" in World War II.

In the previous battle against the 14th Huncheng Brigade, he had only used a few hundred of them, but this time, he used thousands of them directly on the north side of the only way the Japanese 24th Regiment must pass.

The purpose is actually very simple, which is to disconnect the protective forces of the two wings of the devil from each other.

German S-type mines are small in size and painted green. They are very convenient and concealed when placed in the soil, under grass, trees or even on trees. According to the different landforms where they are buried, they are divided into trip fuses and trigger fuses.

Even if the Japs want to send engineers to clear mines, with the simple method of using probes to clear mines, it will not take more than ten or twenty days to clear the minefield.

What's more, Zhou Wen's purpose in setting up the minefield was not to kill the enemy, but to temporarily block the Japanese advance in the north, allowing the second detachment to have time to calmly deploy in the north.

The first detachment was all concentrated in the south to harass the Japanese and several infantry squadrons guarding the southern flank.

This creates a pincer attack with the first detachment in the south and the second detachment in the north. As long as the Japanese show a weakness, they can seize the opportunity to eat up part of his force.

The Japanese army wants to rush to attack the Great Wall defense line and does not want to get too entangled with the Chinese army on the outside. The mercenary group is eager to get entangled with you. It is better if you turn around and deal with me. The mountains are high and the forests are deep.

I can just take you around the mountains.

Therefore, because the strategic objectives of the two sides were different, the tactics of the mercenary group made the Japanese army with superior strength fall into a passive position.

Only now did Yamada Guiura realize that the strategy adopted by the division commander to ignore the Chinese outside troops and directly attack the Great Wall defense line was somewhat unrealistic.

If it were an ordinary Chinese army, it would be fine, but for this elite Chinese army, it only took half a day for his 24th Regiment to be killed and injured by landmines and dozens of people were killed, and the infantry squadron to the south suffered hundreds of casualties.


Although it was the first time for Yamada Guiura to fight against a mercenary group, the previous destruction of the Mishan Brigade and the 14th Mixed Brigade made him wary of this Chinese elite.

If we say that Yamada Guiura, who is still in the headquarters 10 kilometers away, only understands the combat power and tactics of the mercenary group from the thin telegraph newspaper.

The captain of the 24th Regiment, Colonel Keita Sakaguchi, who was in the marching team, now personally experienced the strength and ferocity of this Chinese army.

Keita Sakaguchi, who has rich command experience, understood what kind of people his opponents were just through the first battle report.

The number of people they exposed was not large, but the pain they caused themselves was considerable.

They are familiar with mountain warfare and know the terrain of this mountain range well. They have shooting skills and individual qualities that are no less than those of imperial soldiers, but their individual weapons and equipment exceed those of the imperial army.

What troubled him even more was that the Chinese army's tactics were extremely vicious and cunning.

They never had too much entanglement with the Japanese troops. They would only fire a few shots or two before running away, and their marksmanship and artillery skills were extremely accurate.

What surprised Keita Sakaguchi even more was that this small Chinese force must have an unknown and fast way of contacting them. They seemed to be dispersed in their actions, constantly irritating the Japanese infantry officers and soldiers. When you rush into pursuit in a hot head,

However, they can quickly gather together and bite off a big piece of your flesh with dense and precise firepower.

Just an hour ago, a small team serving as the vanguard on the right wing was troubled by the continuous snipers. The team leader led dozens of soldiers to break away from the team and rush into the woods. In less than 10 minutes, there was a heavy barrage of gunfire.

The sound of gunfire.

When the Japanese soldiers from the two squadrons heard the news and rushed to support, they only saw dozens of Japanese corpses scattered everywhere. There was no one alive in the entire squad, and everyone showed signs of being shot.

This made Sakaguchi Keita even more vigilant.

By laying mines in the north and harassing and ambushing him in the south, this elite Chinese force may not only be trying to hinder his westward advance, but there must be a bigger conspiracy behind it.

You must know that his 24th Regiment only has a total of 3,500 troops, and a few days ago he had sent a brigade to attack and contain the 139th Division's positions. Now even counting the mountain artillery squadron reinforced by the brigade and regiment headquarters,

There are only less than 3,000 troops left.

If you are bitten by the Chinese army, you will not know how many troops you will have left by the time you arrive at the cherry orchard.

This chapter has been completed!
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