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Chapter 938: Chance to Live

"My name is Guan Xiaoxi, and the squad leader's name is De Lengtai." Guan Xiaoxi's tone softened a little when he heard the question, and he hurriedly answered.

He raised his head and only dared to glance at it before lowering his gaze. He didn't see the face of the national soldier clearly, but he felt that he looked very young and the helmet on his head was very powerful.

"You continue to squat, and you can gather up later and listen to the order." After the soldier finished speaking, he walked away.

With his sharp ears, Delentai could vaguely hear the soft voices of the soldier and his companions: "...these two people are pretty good. They know how to resist and are quite courageous. They actually dare to kill a little Japs."

"Actually, these soldiers are not very educated. They usually follow the orders of the officers. As long as they don't do evil, they can still be saved."

Hearing these words, Delengtai's heart felt hot, and he almost shed tears of grievance. That's right, we soldiers can only follow the officials, and who knows that we have become little Japanese dogs for no reason.

It only took about a pack of cigarettes when I heard someone shouting: "Okay, everyone, stand up. You don't need me to teach you how to line up, right? Everyone, line up."

When Delengtai lined up, he realized that not only the area where he was was queuing, but also several groups of people queuing not far away. He thought about it for a while and knew that all the cavalry regiments were probably gone.

There were at least seven to eight hundred people taken prisoner.

Only then did he observe that the uniforms of these national troops were different from those he had seen before. They all wore leather helmets, and their bodies were also colorful. The weapons in their hands had never been seen before, but they exuded murderous intent and momentum.

But he couldn't hide it no matter what.

He has seen a bit of the world, and knows that these national army officers and soldiers must be elites who have seen a lot of blood on their hands.

Delengtai saw a circle of people squatting in an open space in the middle, about 50 people, basically all officers, and several Japanese instructors from other companies were also hiding in it. It seemed that they had been put there when they were checking people just now.

The officers have been selected, and I don't know if they will all be massacred later.

I saw a young and outrageous colonel officer of the Chinese army walking over and loudly said to the group of officers: "Little Japanese came to our country to burn, kill and loot, doing all kinds of evil, but you former Chinese soldiers have forgotten your ancestors and responsibilities.

Not only are you not resisting foreign enemies, but you are helping little Japan to harm your own compatriots, and I am getting upset for you."

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These few short words, although they were not spoken to their soldiers, made Delengtai's face feel hot and uncomfortable. He thought to himself: "Isn't this the reason? I will never wear this skin again even if I become a horse thief.


"Now, I know that there is still little Japan hidden among you. Now I will give you a chance to survive and find out Little Japan. I only give you 1 minute. If there is no movement, I will shoot them all. I don't have time to nag you.


After the officer finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a dozen soldiers wearing steel helmets and leather shoes, holding a type of submachine gun they had never seen before, aimed at the group of officers.

The national army colonel's voice contained no emotion, as if he was talking to a group of dogs and cats, but for some reason, everyone present believed that he would definitely order the shooting when the time came.

The officers looked around in panic, and then the acquaintances began to signal each other with their eyes, gritted their teeth, and pounced on several people in the crowd.


"Asshole, your conscience is so bad!"

There were shouts and scuffles, and not long after, several officers with bruises and bruises were tied up with belts and twisted out of the queue.

But a few little devils were still tough-mouthed and yelling and cursing.

A surrendering officer nodded and bowed, looked at the young colonel flatteringly and said: "Sir, our cavalry regiment has not yet been reorganized. There are 6 companies with Japanese instructors. One was killed, another is missing, and the other 4 are all here."

Here it is.”

Delengtai recognized that this man was the deputy commander of the cavalry regiment and the commander of the 1st Battalion. He was the brother of Brigadier Cui's third concubine. He was also considered Cui Xingwu's cheap brother-in-law. He was usually a coward without eggs and only knew how to bully.

Fascinating from below.

The national army colonel waved his hand, and a soldier threw a bundle of captured sabers on the ground.

The colonel of the national army said: "Just uncovering the little Japanese will not fully atone for his sins. Now you officers will pick up the sabers and kill the little Japanese, and you will only give one minute."

As soon as these words came out, there was not only an uproar in the military circle, but also a commotion in several soldiers' queues.

"This is the name of the surrender! The key point is that this is to kill the Japanese in front of hundreds of soldiers. It is tantamount to completely cutting off the way to surrender to the Japanese army. Moreover, it has also established a deadly feud with the Japanese. Maybe it will happen again in the future.

What should I do if I will be hunted down by Little Japan?"

These officers began to sweat on their heads.

In fact, smart people know that they have no choice at all. If they don't kill the Japanese, they will be shot to death by these national troops. These officers who have long since lost their bones are naturally smart people, and they will be killed soon.

A few people who reacted quickly picked up the saber first.

Those who reacted slowly became impatient, and there were only a dozen sabers thrown on the ground, which was not enough. They were afraid that if they were slow and not active, they would be killed immediately, so they all swarmed up and rushed towards the sabers on the ground.

"Mine, bring it to me..."

"Ma Xiaoer, how dare you rob me..."

The colonel of the national army didn't care. He just watched the officers fighting for their sabers with a smile on his face. He even saw an officer getting anxious and drew it out to drive away several of his companions who came to fight. He ignored it, as if

I was watching a group of clowns perform.

This young colonel of the national army is naturally Zhou Wen.

Although Zhou Wen decided to mainly deal with the Japs' 24th Regiment, he did not relax his surveillance of the puppet Manchukuo troops. Seven people from the Ergazi Spear Group spread out on Qinglong Mountain to monitor the movements of these puppet troops.

So when the cavalry of the puppet Manchu Army began to gather, Zhou Wen already knew the little devil's intention.

In fact, Chen Wanli had guessed before that the Japanese army might mobilize the puppet Manchukuo army from the north to support it, because the current 24th Regiment was basically trapped halfway by the mine array and the attack of the first detachment, and was in urgent need of reinforcements.

Therefore, after knowing that the puppet troops had begun to dispatch, Zhou Wen and Chen Wanli discussed and decided to divide the second squadron into two. Zhou Wen led Mu Qinghe's 1st infantry company, Tang Jian's artillery battery and Mo Dahai's 1st machine gun company to deal with it.

This puppet army.

The other troops continued to stay in the south. On the one hand, they were waiting for an opportunity to use harsh words on the Japanese. On the other hand, they continued to put pressure on the Japanese so that they could not let the Japanese realize that they had divided their forces.

Even though there were more than 4,000 puppet troops, including cavalry and infantry, Zhou Wen didn't take it to heart at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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