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Chapter 943

Delengtai noticed a Japanese soldier in front of him, holding a bright bayonet and rushing towards him from the slope. It turned out that his intention was to stab his own horse with the bayonet.

De Lengtai is not used to his faults anymore. I don't kill people because I don't want to sacrifice my life for others. It doesn't mean that you think that I am a soft persimmon that you can manipulate at will.

At that moment, he gently pulled on the reins, and the horse under his crotch, as if it knew its master's thoughts, took an agile step diagonally and dodged the Japs' thrust.

With the speed of the war horse, Delengtai swung the saber in his right hand lightly, and saw that the devil's right arm was broken at the shoulder level. Before he could howl in agony, he was directly hit by Guan Xiaoxi's war horse, which was following closely.

As a trapeze artist, the blood he spurted out splashed all over Guan Xiaoxi's face.

Guan Xiaoxi was so frightened that he screamed, but at this moment, Delengtai's eyes tightened. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a Japanese man lying on the ground pretending to be dead. When he saw Delengtai's horse running past, it turned out that

A gun was pointed at him behind him.

At this moment, Delengtai had no time to turn the horse's head, and he did not dare to jump off the galloping horse. There were countless horses following him. If he jumped off the horse, he would definitely turn into meat. He felt cold.

You can only risk using the stunt hidden in the stirrup.

But his own war horse had no place to hide. Once his war horse was shot and fell to the ground, he would only die.

At this moment, there was the sound of continuous gunfire from behind.

He turned around and took a closer look on the galloping horse, and saw a string of blood splatters coming out of the little devil's body, while a plume of smoke was emitting from the long-magazine rifle in the hand of a national soldier.

Before Delengtai had time to thank the Chinese soldier who saved his life, he was carried away by his war horse.

Now Delengtai also understands the situation. This is not a matter of working hard for anyone. When he goes to the battlefield, he is now with the national army. If you don't kill people, you will be killed by those devils. Who cares?

It doesn't matter whether you work hard or not.

Delengtai cheered up, turned around and said loudly: "Follow me closely, don't slow down, only attack the enemies in front of you, don't worry about those who are behind."

After saying that, he clamped his legs together, and the war horse knew that its master was serious about it. It neighed excitedly, stretched out its four slender and strong thighs, and accelerated into a gallop.

Now there are dozens of puppet soldiers following him. At the critical moment of life and death, no one dares to have other ideas and starts to fight desperately.

It has to be said that the performance of professional cavalry is indeed different from Zhou Wen's half-baked cavalry.

After all, these puppet cavalry were veterans who had trained together for many years, and their formations quickly became tight.

Delengtai is the arrow, but the other cavalrymen are only half a horse behind him, guarding both sides of him, followed by four more, and so on, dozens of people form a swallow-shaped formation.

, directly followed the national army in front and sprinted deep into the Japanese army's formation.

Although Delengtai's cavalry team was small in number, they ran with a rainbow-like momentum, their horses' hooves were like thunder, and their swords were flashing. In just a moment, they were connected head-to-head with the cavalry of the mercenary regiment that was the first to attack.

Then they kept accelerating, and gradually kept pace with Zhou Wen and his first-line assault group who were rushing at the front.

After Zhou Wen slashed a kid to death with his sword, he heard the sound of galloping horse hooves behind him. He turned his head and saw a dark-faced puppet cavalryman. He just extended his saber and waved his forearm lightly, and a kid ran desperately.

In an instant, a gash ran through the entire back of the devil's back, causing bones to grow and blood to splatter.

Amid the screams, the cavalryman didn't even look at him. His horse speed did not slow down at all. He stretched his saber again and rushed forward.

This sword and horse look so comfortable and calm, and have their own artistic conception.

"Good swordsmanship! Good riding skills!" Zhou Wen praised loudly.

At a glance, he knew that this cavalryman was an expert in horse fighting. The man and horse were one, and he could swing the sword freely. He was also very good at using the speed of the horse, and he did not waste any physical or arm strength. Only in this way can the war horse be fully utilized.


Although the infantry brothers in the mercenary group also rode horses and wielded swords, and everyone had martial arts skills, they lacked that person's calmness and smoothness.

For the same sword strike, because you are riding a galloping war horse, the strength of your feet and waist and abdomen is greatly weakened, so you can only swing the sword with the strength of your arms. If the distance is not well controlled, it will not only take effort, but also easily strain the arm.

And that man perfectly combined the rhythm of the horse's running with his own sword swing, completely borrowing the horse power, and he just pointed the sword at the target. When he swung the sword, he made a stroke along the human body instead of forcefully.

Cutting hard, saves effort and time, and does not affect the horse's speed.

Zhou Wen thought for a moment, among the mercenary group, perhaps only Xu Dacheng's riding skills can compare with this person, but his horse fighting skills are not as smooth and smooth as this person. Maybe with Dacheng's half foot

The skill of using the air-intake mirror to kill people on horseback is not much worse than this man's, and it may even be more powerful than him, but the silky and freehand beauty is far inferior.

That idiot from Dacheng will definitely only be able to charge and kill with his brute strength. Not only will he scream, but he will also make himself bloody.

When Delengtai heard that the young colonel of the national army praised him without hesitation, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He felt as if a scholar would die for his confidant. He suddenly felt heroic in his chest. He turned to Zhou Wen, grinned, and said loudly: "Thank you.

...Sir! Hehehehe..."

Before Delengtai finished speaking, the knife in his hand lightly and deftly slashed a Japs neck. By the time the headless neck sprayed blood into the sky, his horse had already passed by without a trace of blood on it.


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Although Zhou Wen's riding skills are not as good as this black-faced man, Qi Jinjing's martial arts can also coordinate his body with the horse, and he has a competitive mentality in his heart.

Zhou Wen used the technique of distraction to control the war horse with both feet. He had a Japanese military officer's sword in his right hand and a black iron dagger gifted by his master in his left hand. As the horse galloped wildly, the swords on the left and right were shot out, and two Japanese heads flew into the sky.

Delengtai also gave Zhou Wen a thumbs up and said: "Good sword skills!" This sentence was said very smoothly. At this moment, he did not regard Zhou Wen as a superior, but as a fellow-minded person.

Zhou Wen laughed and said loudly: "That man, let's compete."


They saw the two men marching at the same time, shouting and killing in the Japanese army.

To say that Colonel Jiro Kawatani's current mood is as depressed as that of a dog on sunday.

I had the intention of being cowardly, but my cowardice was not thorough enough.

If he had delayed a little longer before, waiting for his men to have lunch before eating at the same place, and starting an hour later, he would not have been attacked by cavalry that suddenly appeared on this march.

This chapter has been completed!
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