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Chapter 958 Walking the Horse

Just when the situation was looking good, Zhao Xiaojin felt a little uneasy.

Just because all the conditions are perfect, there is only one last shudder left, but be sure not to be discovered by the little devil at this time!

I saw these Japanese cavalry getting closer and closer to Zhang Xiaoping. Their horses were not very fast, but everyone was patrolling around vigilantly, eager to dig out every piece of soil and inspect it.

In the distance, there were several low-level Japanese officers looking toward the woods with telescopes, and the reflections from the telescopes kept flickering.

Zhao Xiaojin is not worried that the Japs will find him. Not to mention that his disguise and hidden terrain will not be discovered. Even under the setting sun, if the Japs look from the east to the west, their vision will become blurred due to the stimulation of the light.

He can see a ghost.

What Zhao Xiaojin was worried about was Zhang Xiaoping lying under the manure pile.

I saw a Japanese lieutenant riding a horse and approaching the manure pile where Zhang Xiaoping was lying, and then stopped on horseback.

Zhao Xiaojin looked at him as if he was carefully observing the manure pile in front of him, as if trying to spot a flower, and he felt nervous.

Zhao Xiaojin quickly put down the telescope and stretched out his semi-automatic rifle from the haystack. The scope firmly locked the Japs in the center of the cross.

The observation position he set up was only about 200 meters away from Zhang Xiaoping. In addition to guiding Zhang Xiaoping's target, he also had another function, which was to cover Zhang Xiaoping's evacuation.

Now if the Japanese lieutenant made the slightest move, he would shoot him before he could warn him, and he would not hesitate to expose himself to allow Zhang Xiaoping to withdraw safely.

The Japanese lieutenant standing in front of the manure pile was Ohno Yuhei. He led a part of the security soldiers from the brigade and regiment headquarters to come out to check and escort the two bosses' galloping horses.

He was standing in front of the manure pile now not because he had discovered anything, but because if there were Chinese snipers in the mountains and forests, they might shoot him if they saw that he was an officer.

Although he also believed that the probability of this happening was not very high, he still took the attitude of being cautious and did not hesitate to use his body as bait.

I have to say that Lieutenant Yuhei Ohno is indeed very brave and dedicated. As an excellent adjutant, he will always put his life first to ensure the safety of his commander.

He just stood upright on the horse, waiting quietly and testing silently.

It wasn't until his horse couldn't stand the pungent smell of the manure pile that it shook its head and snorted a few times. Then he gently pinched the horse's belly, walked around the manure pile, and ran towards the edge of the forest.

Ohno Yuhei didn't know that he missed the last chance to save the life of his division commander.

Just now, if he just made a casual gesture of pulling out a gun or drawing a knife, Zhao Xiaojin would shoot without hesitation, because he didn't know whether the Japanese had discovered Zhang Xiaoping.

Of course, the result was the failure of the sniper mission and the desperate escape of the two brothers.

After patrolling the edge of the mountain forest, he made a safety gesture to the cavalry at the entrance of the village, and signaled the following cavalry to line up along the edge of the mountain forest, facing the direction of the mountain forest, forming a cordon.

At this time, the nearest Japs cavalryman to Zhao Xiaojin was less than 50 meters away, but he was completely relieved because the two Japs generals in the distance began to gallop on their horses, in this field covered with gold in the sunset.

Dust is swirling up.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoping began to poke the sniper rifle out of the manure pile, but that was all.

Just because it was not the time to shoot yet, the two Japanese generals were very interested in riding horses, and their horses were very fast, and they were running back and forth horizontally. It was difficult for the 6x scope to capture the target, and the muzzle might swing too much and expose it.


More than ten minutes passed, and the afterglow of dusk was almost obscured by the mountains and forests. Only then did the two Japanese officers slow down their horses.

Lieutenant General Masaemon Sakamoto was almost 60 years old after all. After riding a horse for more than ten minutes, he felt tired. He slowed down his horse, laughed, turned to Yamada Guiura behind him and said, "Haha

Haha... It’s so enjoyable! Yamada-kun, today is the most relaxing day I’ve had in a while, thank you for your hospitality.”

Yamada Guiura Kaima stepped forward and walked side by side with Sakamoto Masaemon, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, the division commander, you are so polite. This is what you should do."

But his face immediately darkened and he said softly: "It's a pity that the division commander is leaving. I don't know when I can ride side by side with you."

"Yamada-kun, there is no need to be sad. Elites in the empire are emerging one after another. When the old ones leave, the great cause of the empire will be left to rising stars like you to complete. I hope I can be lucky enough to see that day."

At this time, the last ray of dusk shone on Sakamoto Masaemon's face. He once again pointed his riding whip at the land in front of him and said: "Such great rivers and mountains..."

"Whoosh!" A voice cut through the air, interrupting the heroic words he was about to express.

Yamada Guiura suddenly felt something was wrong. When he looked sideways, he saw Sakamoto Masaemon's raised right arm slowly hanging down, and a stream of blood flowed from his forehead.

Yamada Guiura was so horrified that before he could even open his mouth to shout, another sound of death roaring through the air came. He only felt a sharp pain in his right temple, and his eyes were drowned by darkness.

Zhang Xiaoping finally waited for the best time to shoot. After the two Japanese soldiers slowed down their horses, he was already ready to shoot.

Even though the light at dusk was no longer enough for him to identify the faces and ranks of the Japanese 500 meters away, their appearance and characteristics had already been kept in his mind.

So when Masaemon Sakamoto stood on horseback to observe the scenery and was about to scold Fang Qiu, he locked his head at the center of the sight. All the parameters had been adjusted long ago. Just when the old devil raised his finger to point the way.

At that moment, the trigger was gently pulled.

"Boom!" A muffled sound exploded in this silent field.

Even with a special suppressor installed, the sound of the Mauser-98 standard sniper rifle is still loud, reverberating in the wilderness.

Zhang Xiaoping didn't look to see if the Japs had been hit, because he didn't even need to look. From the moment he pulled the trigger, he knew exactly where the bullet would land and where it would hit.

Special sniper rifle bullets ensure that the ballistic trajectory will almost not drop within 600 meters.

This kind of fixed target means that he will not miss even if he hits it a hundred times.

This is not self-confidence, but the feeling in the heart of a master who combines his body with his gun.

You don’t need to look at the results because you already know the results.

Then pull the bolt as fast as possible to load the bullet. The whole process is natural and smooth, barely affecting the other figure in the scope. Then put it on the head and pull the trigger.

"Boom!" Another muffled sound...

After two days and one night of lurking and waiting patiently, the hunter finally found his prey.
This chapter has been completed!
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