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Chapter 981 The Veil of Mystery

During the Republic of China, there were two relatively large newspapers in Shanxi, one was Shanxi Daily and the other was Taiyuan Daily.

Shanxi Daily was founded after Marshal Yan took control of the military and political power in Shanxi in order to promote his policies and ideas and safeguard his rule. It was the official newspaper of the Military and Political Administration of Shanxi Province at that time.

Taiyuan Daily is a private newspaper, but its backend is Shenbao, a famous newspaper in the Republic of China.

"Shen Shen" was founded by British businessmen, but it is a newspaper run by Chinese people. It is the longest-running newspaper in modern China and has extensive social influence. It is a symbol of the beginning of modern Chinese newspapers.

The speeches in "Shenbao" must be "relevant to the national economy and people's livelihood", and must be "related to the country's major policies and to understand the hardships of small people in farming."

The newspaper attached great importance to the authenticity of news. When Japan invaded Taiwan, Shen Shen sent people to Taiwan for interviews in order to find out the truth. This was the beginning of military communications in Shanghai Chinese newspapers, and it was also a reflection of Shen Shen's emphasis on the authenticity of news.

Secondly, it focused on reflecting the actual life of society and reported on the "Yang Naiwu Unjust Case" for three consecutive years. This was the earliest and longest continuous report in Chinese newspapers at that time, and finally revealed the truth about the unjust case.

The reason why "Shen Shen" has a strong influence in Chinese society is actually because it "dare to report, dare to comment, and dare to criticize." It was a model and representative newspaper for press freedom in China at that time.

Of course, these are all related to the fact that the backstage boss of the newspaper is a foreigner. If it were a newspaper run by the Chinese themselves, if you dared to report on some government maladministrations and scandals, if you dared to expose the corruption and darkness of the officialdom, you might have been punished by the Republic of China government long ago.

Cleaned up.

Therefore, when "Shenbao" wanted to establish a Shanxi branch in Shanxi, Marshal Yan, who was facing a formidable enemy, rejected it with various excuses and names.

Just kidding, Marshal Yan, who was already a well-known person in Shanxi at that time, was determined not to allow such a newspaper that dared to speak and report on anything and had a huge influence across the country to settle in Shanxi.

That's like putting a tight spell on yourself, making you feel uncomfortable all over.

But there are ways to apply. If you don't let us open a branch, then we will change the name and apply in the name of a new newspaper. Now the commander-in-chief can no longer find an excuse to refuse.

So Shanxi has Taiyuan Daily.

However, just today, the two major newspapers, which usually do not deal with each other very much, received an invitation to hold a press conference at the same time, and the inviter turned out to be Liu Ruolan, the legitimate daughter of the Liu family, one of the three famous families in the Republic of China.

The legitimate daughter of the Liu family personally held a press conference, which is sensational news in itself, not to mention that the news she is about to break is definitely not an inside story that ordinary people can understand. It is really exciting!

Therefore, the chief editors and reporters of Shanxi Daily and Taiyuan Daily came out in full force and arrived early at the venue of the press conference, which was the Jianguo Hotel in Taiyuan.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, two black cars drove to the entrance of the hotel. Liu Ruolan, who was wearing a black cheongsam, just got out of the car and was immediately surrounded by a group of reporters.

"Ms. Liu, what is the theme of your press conference today?"

"Ms. Liu, can you reveal some content first?"

"Ms. Liu, does today's news have anything to do with your family?"

Liu Ruolan frowned slightly, as if she had something unhappy on her mind, and did not answer the reporters' questions. Hao Laodao, who was walking in front of her, led a few of his men and roughly pushed through the crowd to clear the way for her.

Not long after, Liu Ruolan came to the podium.

She was wearing a black silk cheongsam today, with a touch of powder on her beautiful fair face. She looked like an orchid in the empty valley, Tingting stood in front of the stage.

"First of all, I want to thank all the newspapers and reporters for coming." Liu Ruolan looked around, her voice was clear and sweet, with a touch of sadness. As soon as she opened her mouth, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Today, I would like to introduce to you a little-known group of people and a heroic anti-Japanese force. They are still fighting bloody battles at the forefront of the anti-Japanese war, creating one glorious victory after another."

"Let's start with last year's Anti-Japanese War in Songhu..."

Liu Ruolan's voice was elegant and gentle, without any ups and downs. It was as if she was telling a story that had nothing to do with her, using a third-party perspective to interpret the story of Zhou Wen's mercenary group's battle from Songhu to the Great Wall.


The entire hall was silent. Everyone was attracted by her story and shocked by the achievements of the Central Party Headquarters Teaching Corps.

Even if they heard that the teaching corps had wiped out so many Japanese troops and achieved such incredible results, no one would doubt its authenticity.

Because they had long known from various channels that such a force did exist during the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, and then mysteriously disappeared after the war.

There are various versions of rumors about the whereabouts and origin of this mysterious force.

Some said it was from the tax police corps created by the eldest son of the Song family, others said it was from the military police corps, and some people even mysteriously said it was a security force directly under the principal, but none of them could be verified.

And now, the veil of this mysterious force called the Central Party Headquarters Teaching Corps is slowly being unveiled.

The story lasted for almost an hour, and no one interrupted Liu Ruolan's speech, and no one used flash to take pictures in a shocking way.

The whole hall was filled with the sound of rustling writing. The reporters all lowered their heads and wrote hard, fearing that they would miss the next sentence or word.

The story was finished, but the silence in the hall remained. Everyone was still immersed in the tragic stories of the anti-Japanese heroes and could not extricate themselves.

What a group of people this is!

They did not throw their heads or blood for fame or fortune, but they were dedicated to resisting Japan and have been fighting at the forefront of the fight against Japan.

Are there really such people in this world?

After a pause, the next sentence Liu Ruolan said in the same tone was thunderous, and the entire hall was in an uproar.

"But now, they have been abandoned, abandoned by the National Government and this country."

All the reporters raised their heads in astonishment and looked at Liu Ruolan with incredulous eyes.

"They are now surrounded by tens of thousands of Japanese troops, but the Peiping Branch of the Military Commission uses the impending Sino-Japanese peace talks as an excuse to not allow our troops along the Great Wall to go to rescue."

"Even if you look at it from the perspective of a little girl who doesn't understand military affairs, you can still feel the smell of conspiracy in it. Why did the Japanese propose an armistice? Because just three days ago, several lonely heroes from the Central Party Headquarters Education Corps,

Sneaking into the heart of the Japanese army, he killed the Lieutenant General Commander of the Japanese 6th Division in one fell swoop."

This chapter has been completed!
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