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Chapter 984 Parade

Peng Feng lowered his head and remained silent, smoking one cigarette after another. Various emotions and thoughts were intertwined in his heart. In just a moment, he seemed to have aged several years.

Xia Boyan did not persuade him again. The two of them had been partners for many years, and he knew Peng Feng well and completely trusted him.

But now that the situation has changed, he can only hope that Peng Feng can be strong and regard the internal investigation as a test for him by the organization.

What he didn't expect was that what Peng Feng was struggling with at this time was not entirely his own grievances and unknown prospects, but the young officer who always had a smirk flashing in his mind.

The bad boy who would often play pranks on him, but always pull him back when he was about to fall into the abyss.

That little bastard who would first think of asking for help whenever he encountered an obstacle that he couldn't overcome, and he never failed to do so.

That cheap fat sheep that he took advantage of and felt at ease with.

He had discovered before that there was always a depth and fog behind this young officer named Zhou Wen that no one could see through. Over the past few years, even though the organization had used many connections, he still didn't understand this man or the group of dragon spirits behind him.

Hu Meng's elite subordinates.

Where did they come from? What did they do before?

It seems that I have never heard of it before, and suddenly there is such a group of young talents who are both strong and incredibly young.

The key is that this group of people are not ordinary low-level troops, but are among high-ranking officials and nobles.

When Peng Feng saw him for the first time at the train station, he was actually greeted by a senior official at the level of lieutenant general, and a cordon was set up, which already showed that this group of people must not be simple.

In less than a year after arriving in Taiyuan, Peng Feng witnessed Zhou Wen's rapid rise with his own eyes.

He invented healing medicine, built a steel factory, rectified the underworld, and cracked down on Japanese spies. He soon formed an omnipotent force in Shanxi, with hands and eyes all over the sky.

Things that may seem difficult to others become easy in his hands, as if he has taken advantage of all the favorable factors and all the unfavorable difficulties go around him.

Even Peng Feng sometimes wondered if this boy was the illegitimate son of the King of Shanxi. He was able to eat well wherever he went, and was given face wherever he went.

Although he is young, he is decisive in killing and will never be merciful to his enemies. He can even be called ruthless.

But he is extremely tolerant towards his friends, although he likes to tease people sometimes.

But now, this fog has been lifted layer by layer by his so-called lover, a bourgeois young lady.

At that time, I was worried that this special force would eventually be used against my hometown, but now I realize that this worry was unfounded.

It turns out that there really are people in this world who exist just to fight against foreign enemies.

They may have no beliefs, no political alignment, no political demands and ambitions for high-ranking officials and generous salaries.

But they all have a pure and flawless patriotic heart... and a brave heart.

They only fight to defend the country's honor and fight against the invasion of foreign enemies.

Looking at the brilliant achievements they have created, Peng Feng, who is also Chinese, can't help but feel excited and yearn for them.

At this moment, there are no differences of faith, no ideological struggles.

There is only the pride and pride of brothers of the same nation, the same country, and the same blood.

It is the pride of every descendant of Yan and Huang.

But now, they were abandoned by the dark Republic of China government, betrayed by the conspirators, and surrounded and suppressed by the extremely cruel Japanese invaders.

Although Peng Feng now had no soldiers and could not rush to the front line to fight the Japanese invaders, there was a voice inside him shouting and a flame burning his chest.

Something must be done, even if it's just...screaming.

Peng Feng suddenly raised his head, looking a little excited, his face flushed, but his eyes glowed with determination.

He took a deep breath and said: "I am still planning to organize the teachers and students of the Normal School to go out for a demonstration. This news exposure incident must have the behind-the-scenes support of the Appeasement Office, so I judge that they will not arrest anyone."

"Lao Peng! You have to recognize the reality. Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? Not only will you put yourself in a desperate situation, but you may also implicate Comrade Lin Qing (Peng Feng's lover). If something happens to both of you

, what to do with the child?”

Xia Boyan was also a little anxious. He knew that his old comrade would not be able to pull him away once he determined something.

Peng Feng smiled and said: "Lao Xia, from the moment we joined the revolution, our lives and families no longer belong to us. I believe Lin Qing can understand. As for the children, if anything happens to us, you can

Just send them to Fuyuan Store in the north of the city, I believe that sheep head will not let my children go hungry."

Xia Boyan wanted to persuade him again, but Peng Feng raised his hand to stop him. At this time, his eyes no longer had confusion and confusion, but seemed to have figured out something, and his whole face began to glow.

Peng Feng thought about it and was about to say goodbye when he suddenly heard slogans coming from outside.

"Rescue the anti-Japanese heroes...defeat the conspirators...defeat the traitors..."

"Uncover the contemporary Qin Hui...defeat the Japanese invaders..."

The slogans are getting closer and louder.

At this time, a young man dressed as a day laborer hurriedly walked in at the door. Peng Feng saw that it was his bodyguard Xiao Zhao.

According to discipline, Xiao Zhao can take the initiative to come to this contact point if it is not an emergency.

Before Peng Feng could ask, Xiao Zhao said hastily: "Teacher Peng, the students in the school have spontaneously come out to demonstrate. There are students from the junior high school, the girls' high school, the normal college, and the national university."

On this day, large-scale student demonstrations broke out in major cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Peking, Nanjing, Tianjin, and Taiyuan.

The students ran around and shouted, demanding that the Military Commission take quick action to rescue the Central Party Headquarters Teaching Corps and punish the traitor hidden within the Military Commission, the contemporary Qin Hui.

Newspapers across the country are also constantly reporting on the teaching team’s series of achievements.

On the same day, Taiyuan Daily broke another blockbuster news.

At the beginning of the training corps being surrounded and suppressed by the Japanese army, the Taiyuan Appeasement Office sent three urgent telegrams to the Peiping Military Commission, promising to give the Peiping Military Commission a free truckload of arms in exchange for a truckload of arms, and requesting the Military Commission to send troops to assist the training corps in returning to customs.

However, the Peking Military Commission refused without explanation on the grounds that the Sino-Japanese armistice was imminent and they could not rashly start a war.

The key point is that this front-page news actually published photos of the exchanges between the Office of Appeasement and the Peking Military Commission in the newspaper at that time, which can be said to be conclusive evidence.

On the same day, Shanxi Daily also published a piece of news in an inconspicuous place on the last page, saying that a thief had entered the Telecommunications Department of the Office of Appeasement and stolen some confidential documents, and that they were currently working hard to solve the case.

This chapter has been completed!
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