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Chapter 997

Gao Xiaoshan asked Zuo Mingqing to open the map, block the light with his cloak, and turn on the flashlight to study it carefully.

"That's not right. According to the location reported by the scholars before setting off, we have walked more than ten kilometers to the west. We should have contacted them near here. But not only did we not meet any of our own people, we didn't even meet the Japanese.

The last group, are they surrounded by little devils?"

Gao Xiaoshan was a little confused.

"No, they must have made a lot of noise when they met the Japs. It's so quiet at night, the sound of gunfire can be heard from several hills away. Brother Shan Zi, could it be that they didn't go in a straight line, but took a detour?" Zuo Ming

Qing said.

"That's right! How could I have forgotten this? The scholars and the others have been being chased by the Japs and are retreating to the northwest. They definitely cannot turn back, so they can only march northward to get rid of the Japs' pursuers, and then go around in a circle.


After all, Gao Xiaoshan was also the second-in-command of the mercenary group, and he had plenty of combat experience. He immediately drew a semicircle arc on the map, pointed to a spot in the middle and said, "It's very possible that they took this route. Let's

Get here as soon as possible in the middle of the night, maybe you can contact them."

Having made up his mind and packed up the map, Gao Xiaoshan stood up and patted Zuo Mingqing's shoulder, feeling quite satisfied with this great disciple of the Wudang Dragon Sect.

He felt that after Zuo Mingqing served as an instructor in the recruit camp for a month, his personality was much calmer than before, and he managed the recruit team in an orderly manner. Many volunteers, including Lei Dahai and others, were very convinced of him.

Thinking of this, Gao Xiaoshan said again: "Ming Qing, there is still a difficult task for you."

Zuo Mingqing immediately stood up and said, "Brother Shan Zi, please give me instructions."

"The route just now is just our analysis and judgment, but any situation may arise in the battle. I decided to divide the troops into two groups. One group will follow the previous straight line, and the other group will follow an arc."

"You, Xingxing, Bi Sheng, and Li Guo, the four of you, put on the intercom and walk in an arc. Every time you reach a hilltop, you have to use the intercom for one minute. After you find the main force, you launch a white flare. If there is an emergency on the way,

, fire a red flare."

"It's up to you to decide what constitutes an emergency."

"Remember, if you encounter Japanese soldiers along the way, you are not allowed to fight unless absolutely necessary. Hide if you can, run if you can. If you can't run, you must find a way to run. You must not be stuck by the Japanese soldiers. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task."

Gao Xiaoshan is actually quite relieved about Zuo Mingqing and the others.

Among the four people, two are precision shooters and two assaulters, and they are all veteran team members. They can fight and run. These mountains and mountains are a world where they can roam freely. As long as they are not greedy for merit and love for war, they will encounter a Japanese army.

It is not difficult for the men and horses to escape.

Taking a straight path has the greatest chance of encountering Japanese.

You must know that the Japanese 6th Division has been searching for mercenary groups in the mountains in the past few days, and their troops are deployed in the southwest.

Now that the 10th Division has broken through the Great Wall, the 6th Division will no longer waste a lot of troops to encircle and suppress the mercenary group. Now their top priority is to quickly capture Lengkou Pass and Xifengkou, and then advance directly to the Hebei Plain.


This was the strategic goal of the Japanese army's attack on the Great Wall.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the Japanese 6th Division will return to the cold front, and it is very likely that it will be tonight, so there is a high possibility of a head-on encounter with Gao Xiaoshan and the others.

This is Brother Shanzi of the mercenary group. He has always left the hardest and most dangerous work to himself, and has always shouldered the most important responsibilities.

Therefore, Gao Xiaoshan kept Xiao Shui behind just in case he met the Japs. He could only rely on Xiao Shui's familiarity with the terrain in this area to take the Japs over the mountain.

After the team was divided, Zuo Mingqing and the four of them marched along the mountain road for more than ten miles. On the top of a mountain, he climbed up a big tree as usual, took the intercom and called softly: "Scholar, scholar, the bamboo is calling

, the bamboo is calling.”

Someone here may ask, who is Bamboo?

As early as the establishment of the mercenary group, Zhou Wen stipulated that each member should have a nickname so that he could hide his real name on certain occasions and make it harder for others to find him.

So Zuo Mingqing and the others are no exception.

After these Wudang Dragon Clan disciples came to the mercenary group, the one they admired most was of course their junior uncle Zhang Xiaoping.

He is about the same age as them, but he is already a master of Qi Jinjing, and his military quality is beyond compare. He is the well-deserved number one sniper in the mercenary group. And after Zuo Mingqing and the others joined, this young uncle showed no signs of hiding anything.

He taught them various military skills privately and was loved by all his disciples.

Zhang Xiaoping's nickname is Zi Zi, so Wudang disciples all use Zi as the last character of their nickname.

Zuo Mingqing is called Zhuzi; Zhou Mingyuan is called Douzi; Quxingxing has an out-of-control personality and was originally called Little Monkey, so he is nicknamed Monkey; Wang Mingcheng is the fourth senior brother, with a bold and generous personality, especially a surprisingly big head, like

There are big peaches stacked on his neck, so he is called Taozi; the fifth junior brother Liu Mingkun is a bit honest and dull, and he doesn't talk much at all. In the past, everyone called him Kunzi, and he didn't change it.

The remaining twin brothers, Zhang Mingdong and Zhang Mingyuan, are also the two youngest. One is called Lizi and the other is Xingzi.

After Zuo Mingqing called several times, there was still no response. As he was about to get off the tree, he suddenly heard a "squeaking" noise coming from the headset.

Zuo Mingqing was overjoyed and once again used his body skills to climb higher, and then called out: "Scholar, scholar, the bamboo is calling, the bamboo is calling."

Along with the squeaking sound of the earphones, I heard a faint echo, "Zhu...received..."

Not long after, it seemed that Zhou Wen had also climbed up a big tree, and the noise was much less.

"Zhuzi, I am a scholar, your... position..."

Once the two of them figure out each other's position, things will be easier to handle.

Zuo Mingqing immediately led the men to speed up, and half an hour later, they finally met Zhou Wen, the commander of the regiment, who was the leading soldier.

As usual, when the mercenary group marches at night, Zhou Wenlai is the leading soldier, because his perception and night vision are so incredible that he almost sees the night as day.

It should be said that Zhou Wen and the others have not fought against the Japanese in the past few days. It is not that they have not encountered them, but they have avoided them even if they did.

As soon as Zhou Wen knew that China and Japan had ceased operations on all fronts, he knew that the Japs were definitely dishonest and would definitely concentrate their forces to wipe out the hated mercenary group.

So after he assembled his troops, he quickly evacuated the No. 1 secret camp in Dushan.

Now that the mercenary group has hundreds of horses, it is not a problem to bring all the supplies stored in the camp. More than a thousand people quickly moved to the No. 2 secret camp in the Pine Ridge Mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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