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Chapter 119 Rescue the Hostages

The strong man opened his mouth, as if he wanted to curse angrily, but before his voice came out, his life left him first.

Zhang Yuanqing looked at him several times, and after confirming that he was completely dead, he turned to look at his aunt.

Jiang Yubai was stunned. He opened his small mouth to the extent that he could stuff an egg into it, and looked at his nephew in disbelief.

I like this expression. Zhang Yuanqing lowered his gaze, glanced at the trembling middle-aged female doctor squatting under the table, and knocked the doctor unconscious with a wave of his knife.

The female doctor groaned and fell to the ground.

Zhang Yuanqing put away the knife. He instinctively felt that this was too irritable and impolite, but he thought it was normal, so he didn't think much about it and looked at his aunt.

"Yuan, Yuanzi."

The aunt stammered, her watery eyes full of shock and confusion, as if she couldn't accept that her nephew suddenly appeared here.

But at the same time, amidst the shock and confusion, there is also the joy of the person you trust most falling from the sky when you need to be saved the most.

"Auntie, are you okay?"

Jiang Yuyi cried "Wow", and a baby swallow threw herself into the forest, hugged her nephew, and sobbed softly.

Zhang Yuanqing gently stroked his aunt's back and comforted him in a low voice: "Now is not the time to explain. You stay here and I will deal with those gangsters. If there is any problem, come to my room tonight and we will talk about it then."

The gangsters made the matter so big that those who survived had to sign confidentiality agreements. And my aunt witnessed the fire master's operation just now and her own appearance, so the existence of "superpowers" could no longer be hidden from her.

In addition, he arrived in a hurry and did not have a disguise. Anyway, there is no erasure mechanism in the spiritual realm, so he simply "revealed" his identity.

Zhang Yuanqing believed that there was no need to be secretive when saving her family, and she did not take the initiative to disclose it because she did not want to break the family's quiet life. Now that she has been involved in the incident, she will let it take its course.

"Don't go." Jiang Yuyi hugged his nephew's waist tightly and said in horror, "They have guns."

Zhang Yuanqing was not used to such close contact, so he gently pushed her away and whispered:

"There are bombs downstairs. If we don't deal with them, everyone in the hospital will die. Trust me."

He put on a serious expression, and then saw his aunt sniffing and nodding obediently. Zhang Yuanqing said in her heart, it seems that I have the mature temperament to take charge of my own business now. My aunt was even impressed by my domineering aura.


He gestured to his aunt to sit down in the chair, thinking about what to do next. He quickly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of both parties.

Li Xianzong's disadvantage was time. He would never dare to linger in the hospital for too long. When deacons and even elders from other districts arrived, Li Xianzong would definitely die.

Therefore, this bewitching demon's idea should be to force "Yuanshi Tianzun" into the hospital in the shortest possible time, and then detonate the bomb.

Bombs are the gangster's advantage. Once detonated, numerous casualties and casualties will be made headlines.

All official practitioners in Kangyang District must be punished.

So the most important thing next is to get rid of the bomb.

"The remote control of the bomb is definitely not in the hands of Li Xianzong. He dared to carry out this terrorist attack because he used the idea of ​​​​the "slaves" of Judge Sly Eyes to be destroyed together. It was a suicide attack, and Li Xianzong would not be destroyed together. In the eyes of such a person,

In my heart, how could the lives of ordinary people be compared with my own?"

"There are still five gangsters. It's impossible for me to kill so many in a short period of time. Locking the remote control is the key."

Zhang Yuanqing's thinking was very clear, and he quickly formulated a plan. First, he would kill the gangster who controlled the bomb controller, get rid of the bomb, and then he could slowly figure it out.

And how to lock the bomb remote control? Zhang Yuanqing plans to ask Ling to find clues from this fire master.

He did it as he thought. Darkness surged in Zhang Yuanqing's eyes. He communicated with the spirit remaining inside the corpse, summoned it, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Jiang Yuyi opened his eyes wide, with reddish circles, and looked confused, like a little girl who didn't understand the situation and didn't dare to ask in detail.

Ten seconds later, Zhang Yuanqing opened his eyes, his face extremely ugly.

There are two bombs, one on the first floor and one on the second floor. The bomb remote control on the first floor is in the hands of the gangsters on the second floor, and the bomb controller on the second floor is in the hands of the gangsters on the first floor.

In other words, he must kill two gangsters holding controllers at the same time.

"I can't kill the gangsters on the second floor and the first floor at the same time by myself. Let Fujiyuan help? No, once he enters the hospital lobby, the bomb will explode immediately."

Zhang Yuanqing took out his mobile phone, quickly edited the message and sent it to Li Dongze.

Then, he looked at his aunt and whispered: "Hide here and don't go out. If there is an explosion, don't panic."

The aunt nodded obediently and said worriedly: "What about you?"

"I'm fine." Zhang Yuanqing waved his hand, then felt his phone vibrate, and Li Dongze sent a message:

"Captain Yuan will arrive in two minutes."

On the other side, outside the outpatient clinic building, Fujiyuan, wearing a cap and mask, pressed the button of the intercom:

"Li Xianzong, you should be able to see me."

Scattered laughter came from the intercom: "How do I know if you are Yuanshi Tianzun? Take off your mask and hat and let me see."

Fujiyuan said calmly: "If you take off the mask and hat, can you be sure it's me?"

"It makes sense!" Li Xianzong laughed:

"Then I will treat you as Yuanshi Tianzun. Now I will give you a reminder. There is a bomb installed under the information desk on the first floor. In a few minutes, the bomb will explode automatically. The controller is on the guy in the black coat.

If you want to save ordinary people in the hospital, act quickly.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, let me see your level."

Teng Yuan raised his hand, put it to his ear, and whispered: "Did you hear that?"

Li Dongze’s voice came from the wireless microphone:

"He is lying to you. There are bombs on the first and second floors, but the bomb controller on the first floor is in the hands of the gangsters on the second floor. Once you break in, the gangsters on the second floor will detonate the bomb on the first floor."

Fujiyuan: "How did you know?"

Li Dongze: "Yuanshi has sneaked into the hospital. He assassinated a gangster and obtained the information through asking the spirit."

Fujiyuan: "This guy is very reassuring. I'll give him a salary increase later."

Li Dongze: "."

I am so talented!!

Li Dongze: "Don't go in yet, pretend to be hesitant, and wait as long as you can. Li Xianzong is paying attention to you."

Fujiyuan: "Counting the time, the deacon and other teams are coming. Have you ever thought about why Li Xianzong dares to stay in the hospital? What is his confidence and confidence?"

Li Dongze: "You mean, he has the confidence to escape"

Halfway through, Li Dongze changed the topic: "Yuan Ting is here, prepare to take action, Fujiyuan, you will provide support according to the situation."

Fujihara: "Understood."

"Yuan Ting has sneaked into the hospital. He is responsible for killing the gangsters on the first floor. You are responsible for the second floor. In three seconds, I will ask Wang Tai to cut off the surveillance system in the hospital."

The phone vibrated slightly. After reading the message, Zhang Yuanqing counted silently in his mind, one, two, three.

He entered the night tour and ran out like a wild horse.

On the other side, in the control room, Li Xianzong moved his eyes away from Teng Yuan, first looked at the time, and then scanned the first, second, and fourth floors.

He doesn't have much time. This method of play takes advantage of the time difference. If he continues to waste it, he will be dead end and he will have to evacuate in five minutes at most.

Thinking of this, Li Xianzong subconsciously touched his pocket and confirmed that the props were still in his pocket.

This prop is not offensive, but its level is very high. Except for some special banning methods, no one can trap him.

This is the reason why he dares to take risks and engage in terrorist attacks. You know, if you don't want to live a terrorist attack in a big city, even a master in the saint stage will not dare to do it.

He suddenly frowned and picked up the walkie-talkie:

"No. 4, let me see you, No. 4, let me see you."

The intercom was silent and no one responded.

Li Xianzong raised his eyebrows and asked, "No. 5, what's going on?"

The lean man in the waiting room on the fourth floor picked up the walkie-talkie and replied, "No. 4 is playing with women in there, and I heard that I met a hottie."

"Go and check, I suspect Yuanshi Tianzun has lurked in."

"Isn't he at the door?"

Li Xianzong sneered: "The official said yes, and you believe it?"

The lean man immediately left the hostage behind and walked towards the obstetrics and gynecology corridor. At the same time, Li Xianzong saw monitor screens flickering and turning into snowflake screens.

Here it comes! Li Xianzong gave orders over the walkie-talkie:

"Someone cut off the surveillance and immediately detonated the bomb."

Someone cut off the surveillance and immediately detonated the bomb

The gangsters on the second floor received the message from the intercom. One of them, a dark-skinned, taciturn man, reached for his pocket without any hesitation.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. From the moment he learned that Hei Wuchang was killed and the Holy Grail fell into official hands, his life was filled with despair.

A life of despair should bloom with brilliant sparks at the end.

"Bang bang!"

The moment his finger touched the detonator, two bullets exploded in the back of his head. The impact and the burst of fire made the man tilt and stagger back.

The imagined scene of brains being splattered did not happen, this was a monster.

Behind the two men, the attacker's figure appeared. He looked young and his face was covered with black and red scorch marks.

Facing the sudden attack, the two gangsters were mentally prepared. One raised his gun and fired, and the other continued the interrupted "detonation process."

"Bang bang bang"

The bullet hit the sneak attacker, but it seemed to hit his reflection.

Zhang Yuanqing, who was hiding in the corner, took out the "scarecrow". The scarecrow's face twisted and changed, and eyes and noses wriggled out, exactly like a soil monster.

Zhang Yuanqing pinched the scarecrow's head with two fingers and exerted force.

The scarecrow showed a "painful" expression.

The next second, the monster suddenly held his throat and made a difficult "ho ho" sound, and his face was shrouded in a grayish color.

All kinds of negative emotions flashed through his mind, including anger, pain, killing, hatred, and sadness. The monster's reason was lost in the depravity, and he became a savage beast dominated by negative emotions.

He targeted the only other gangster who was in danger and pounced on him.


The gloomy companion yelled angrily, backed away, pointed the gun at the monster, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang"

The bullets hit the monster's head one by one, like hitting steel armor. Stray bullets were scattered in all directions. The hostages around him panicked, screamed, and fled in a hurry.

The gloomy-looking man threw away his empty pistol, ducked away from the monster's unruly fist, and reached for the opponent's pocket.

He wants to get the detonator.

At this time, the man with a gloomy expression saw the sneak attacker reappearing from the corner of his eye, a few meters to the left. What was different from the phantom just now was that the sneak attacker had a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face.

The sniper raised his gun and aimed at him.


The large-caliber pistol spewed out smoke and flames, and the fiery red bullet rotated at high speed, hitting the gangster with a spray of water, like stones thrown into a pond.

This is a water ghost!

He can temporarily ignore any physical attacks.

The gloomy-faced man smiled mockingly at the attacker, and he successfully put his hand into the monster's trouser pocket.

But at this moment, the sniper dropped his pistol. At some point, he had a pair of red half-finger gloves on his hands, and he clenched his fists against his chest.


Flames and heat waves rolled, as if a high-explosive grenade exploded in the waiting room. The shock wave shook the walls, and the flames licked the flammable items.

The water ghost and the earth monster both flew out amidst the violent explosion.

Fortunately, the battle just now allowed the nearby hostages to escape, otherwise most of the hostages would have died in just this moment.

Of course, it was precisely because the hostages escaped that Zhang Yuanqing dared to use this trick.

He picked up the explosive pistol on the ground and pulled the trigger on the water ghost, forcing him to roll over.

Zhang Yuanqing fired while walking towards the confused monster, like a cold killer walking in a hail of bullets.

At this time, the monster shook his head and stood up staggeringly.

Zhang Yuanqing jumped up and kneeled down on the opponent's neck, causing the monster to lie back on the ground again.

He reached into the void with his gloved hand and pulled out a forty centimeter-long silver broken blade. He raised it high and stabbed the gun on the back of the monster's head with all his strength.


The armor-breaking effect of the bloodthirsty blade directly destroyed the defense that the monster was proud of, and half of the blade stabbed his head.

The monster suddenly stopped struggling.

The water ghost took the opportunity to escape to the depths of the consultation area.

Zhang Yuanqing ignored the escaping water ghost and took out the detonator from the monster's pocket. As soon as he put it away, he heard a dull landing sound in the corridor outside the waiting hall.

Following the sound, I saw it was Yuan Ting.

This river king is wearing black trousers and a black shirt, and there is an indescribable nobility between his brows.

Next to him, there was a burly man with a pale face and a stiff expression, with sharp black fingers and cloudy eyes.

This is a zombie.

"The two gangsters downstairs have been dealt with, and the hostages have been sent away. Have you got the detonator?" Yuan Ting spoke very quickly.

"I've done it too." Zhang Yuanqing looked away from the zombie and said, "But a water ghost escaped, and there is also a gangster on the fourth floor. Well, there is also Li Xianzong."

The operation went more smoothly than he expected.

Once the bomb is eliminated, the hostages can escape. With the current number of gangsters, it will be difficult to control the hostages. And by this time, Li Dongze and others must have already taken action.

Yuan Ting nodded and said: "Well done, you are growing very quickly. Elder Sun is confused, don't waste time, go to the fourth floor."

As he finished speaking, a heavy fog suddenly filled the surrounding area.

The white mist shrouded the field of vision, and also obscured Yuan Ting from Zhang Yuanqing's sight.

"Be careful, the bewitching monsters in the saint stage are called fog lords. They are invincible when fighting in thick fog. This should be Li Xianzong's prop." Yuan Ting's voice stopped abruptly.

There was silence all around, and Zhang Yuanqing couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. It seemed like he was the only one left in the world.

PS: Correct typos first and then code the next chapter.

This chapter has been completed!
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