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Chapter 232 Great Terror

Zhang Yuanqing found that he had missed the point.

Based on the experience of the Mountain Temple and the insights accumulated from reading many guides, he subconsciously believed that for this kind of survival copy, he needed to discover clues by himself, find out how to deal with the crisis, and then solve the crises one by one.

Just like he did at the Mountain Temple.

Therefore, after he relied on intelligence to successfully survive the crisis of the ghost doll, he actively searched for the rouge box, believing that the rouge box must contain a solution to the crisis of the paper man.

In fact, this was indeed the case. From this, he understood the rule that the paper man would kill one person a night or stop killing when the blood essence was satisfied, and he survived.

But this is unreasonable. Not every night traveler has such capital.

It can be said that based on the difficulty of the first two levels, 99.9% of the night wandering gods will not be able to pass it and will definitely die. And this is not the biggest crisis in the dungeon.

He misunderstood the key point. Aphasia Village is a survival dungeon, not a combat dungeon (although fighting is also for survival). Survival is the main mission, and he should not have fought in the first place.

But in the village, you can't live without fighting. The elusive ghost dolls and teleporting paper figures will inevitably be encountered when the time comes. You can't live without fighting.

Therefore, the correct way to play is-leave the village and go to the ancient tomb.

Yes, the ancient tombs and villages combined form the complete map of Aphasia Village.

Starting from the introduction of the spiritual realm, to Wang Xiaoer's dictation, to the old man's description, to the location of the ancient tomb given by Mr. Xu, these clues all tell that there is a map in the copy.

The tomb is safe, at least at night.

Because the introduction to the spiritual realm made it very clear: that night, she followed him out.

The princess and the supernatural props have left the ancient tomb. The most dangerous place now is the village, but the ancient tomb is safe.

Therefore, the "Escape" prompt given by the Elvis Presley speaker is not a way to deal with the paper man, but a way to clear this copy.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yuanqing did not leave immediately. He continued to sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing the cold metal shell of the Elvis speaker, and whispered to himself:

"There is one more doubt, one question.

"The suspicion is that there is no crisis on the third watch, but all the villagers are dead on the fourth watch. According to the existing rules, it is speculated that what we encountered on the third watch should be a mirror, and on the fourth watch it is the princess, who is the most cruel, so the whole village is


"But there is no crisis in the third watch day. Is the crisis in the fourth watch day the mirror or the princess? If it is a mirror, what about the princess? Is she just a backdrop?

"The question is, the ancient tomb is safe at night, but what about during the day? Is it safe during the day? The main mission is to survive for 24 hours, not to return to reality at dawn. I entered the dungeon around ten o'clock this morning."

Due to the lack of pre-information, it was difficult for him to deduce the answer. He could only press the matter first and take the deceased No. 1 out of Mr. Xu's yard and go to the ancient tomb.


The Dead One politely closed the courtyard door.

Zhang Yuanqing stood by the river and looked around cautiously. He was in a village where rammed earth houses and stone houses were arranged in an orderly manner. His field of vision was not wide, but there was no strong gathering of Yin Qi in his perception.

The paper man is not nearby.

He quickly left and led the Inferi for a few steps, but suddenly stopped on the soles of his feet, dumbfounded on the spot.

Zhang Yuanqing encountered a very fatal problem - he couldn't distinguish between east, west and north.

The commonly used methods to distinguish directions at night are to "observe the moon" and "observe the constellations", but the night sky in the dungeon is as dark as ink, without stars or moon.

Lack of reference.

In addition, there is no fresh vegetation in the village, so it is impossible to infer light according to the growth of branches and leaves.

"The passage of time in the dungeon is the same as in the outside world. It is summer now. I remember that the southeast wind blows in summer."

However, the village was shrouded in gloom, like invisible gauze mist, disrupting the natural wind.

Zhang Yuanqing searched his guts, but he couldn't come up with a good idea. He was stunned on the spot and thought to himself that a top student from Songhai University, the top university in the country, was defeated by such a small detail?

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the cheerfully flowing river and thought of a different way.

The river flows from high to low, and where there are mountains, the terrain is higher, so the direction in which the stream flows can be ruled out, and the mountains behind are not over there.

Although the river water does not necessarily flow from the mountains, as long as it goes against the flow of the water, at least it will not go in the opposite direction.

"One mile is five hundred meters, and twenty-three miles is about 11 kilometers. The mountain road is more difficult to walk than the flat ground, plus it takes time to search for the ancient tomb."

It was now very close to the third watch. Zhang Yuanqing silently calculated that it would be difficult to find the ancient tomb before the third watch, but if he arrived at his destination before the fourth watch, he would have plenty of time.

One person and one corpse walked in the dead mountain village. Their footsteps and the cheerful sound of water merged into a lonely and monotonous movement, echoing in the silent night.

In this kind of atmosphere, if an ordinary person is weak-minded, he or she will have a nervous breakdown even if there is no danger.

It has to be said that the exclusive spiritual realm of the Night Travel God is really a bit like the underworld.

Zhang Yuanqing counted while walking forward. After about fifteen minutes, he finally walked out of the village. A compact dirt road led to the fields outside the village. At the end of the fields was a rolling mountain.

Towering and tall, dormant quietly in the darkness.

Fortunately, the river flows from the mountains. Zhang Yuanqing let out a breath.

Suddenly, just when he was about to walk out of the village completely and walk towards the fields, a chill ran down his spine and he seemed to be peeping behind him.

Zhang Yuanqing suddenly turned around, and behind him was a depressed and dilapidated mountain village, shrouded in gloomy darkness, with quiet paths leading deep into the village.

Evil sect Zhang Yuanqing frowned secretly, stopped staying, and started running quickly with the corpse, running farther and farther, and disappeared into the fields.

Running across the muddy fields, they soon reached the foot of the mountain.

After entering the mountains, there are many ways to identify directions.

The sunny side of a single tree is south and the shady side is north.

In a dense forest, the drier side of the rocks is south, and the wetter side with moss is north. Even the ant nest (cave entrance) faces south.

After finding the southwest, Zhang Yuanqing took the Yin Corpse deep into the dense forest, walked through the forest and over the stream, and moved forward quickly.

Every few minutes, he would stop, re-identify the east, west, north, and south, and adjust his direction to avoid getting lost in the lush mountain forest.

As for the distance of twenty-three miles, there is no better way and I can only rely on my own estimation.

After running for about ten miles, Zhang Yuanqing stopped beside a pine tree, opened his mouth and let out a breath of yin.

The yin energy curled up and fell to the ground, condensing into a round and cute little baby with sparse fetal hair.

"Aba Aba."

The little funny boy opened his big black eyes and looked around, then crawled to his master's feet in fear and hugged his calf.

Speaking of which, Xiao Doubi has grown so big, oh, it's not that big. Anyway, since he was born, he has never seen deep mountains and dense forests, and he has an instinctive fear of strange environments.

"Go find the baby!"

Zhang Yuanqing gave orders while comforting the little funny boy.

It is not difficult to find ancient tombs. You only need to make reasonable use of Xiaodoubi's treasure hunting function to locate the location of the tomb in the mountains. Of course, the premise is that it cannot be too far away.

If the little funny boy is released in the village, he will probably look for the rouge box.

After receiving the master's order, the little funny boy said "Abba" several times and quickly crawled behind Zhang Yuanqing.

I asked you to find the ancient tomb, not to go back to the village to find the rouge box. Zhang Yuanqing grabbed its little fat legs, lifted him in the air, and threw him forward:

"If it's the other way around, go look for it over there!"

The little funny boy looked confused, as if he didn't understand why his master's orders were inconsistent, but he still obeyed his master's instructions, suppressed his instinct, and crawled in the designated direction.

The little baby spirit moved its limbs quickly, like an agile little spider.

Zhang Yuanqing followed Ying Ling leisurely.

While crawling, the little funny boy suddenly changed direction and returned the same way.


Zhang Yuanqing quickly stopped him and recalibrated his direction.

The little funny boy immediately broke away from the treasure hunting state, glanced at his master blankly, followed his orders, and crawled toward the southwest.

Zhang Yuanqing followed behind him with the Yin Corpse. After about a few minutes, Xiaodoubi made another turn and returned the same way.

Alas, you little melon, you have rebelled again. Zhang Yuanqing leaned over and picked up the little funny boy, frowning deeply as he did not let him lead the way.

He analyzed it carefully and concluded that there were probably no treasures in the ancient tomb, or the remaining items were of little value, so the little boy crawled back to the village again and again.

Because there are rouge boxes, ghost dolls, and mirrors there. Although they are all cruel supernatural beings, they are also excellent props.

They attract little funny ones.

"In this case, I still have to rely on myself."

Zhang Yuanqing swallowed the little infant spirit in one gulp and continued moving forward with the corpse.

The night was dark and time passed quietly. About forty minutes later, Zhang Yuanqing finally found the robbery cave.

It was a mountain col that was overgrown with weeds. There were no rocks around, and a round hollow was exposed among the lush green weeds. A stream of strong Yin Qi gushes out from the dark and deep hole.

Found it. Zhang Yuanqing was overjoyed.

Although there was no timer, he had an estimate of the time, and it was very close to the fourth watch.

To be cautious, Zhang Yuanqing's spirit body split into two, took possession of the Inferi, and jumped into the robbery cave. The entrance of the cave was not deep, about two meters. After landing, the Dead No. 1 moved forward along the narrow robbery cave that could only accommodate one person.

After more than ten meters, we came to the end of the cave. The hole around the entrance was not filled with dirt, but thick blue bricks.

This robbery hole was drilled from the top of the tomb, and the tomb chamber was below. "Zhang Yuanqing" picked up a gravel and threw it into the darkness below. Soon, he heard a slight falling sound.

About four meters high. He jumped into the tomb.

Zhang Yuanqing outside waited for a few seconds to confirm that there was no abnormality in the tomb, then jumped down from the robbery hole, walked along the corridor at a low waist, and jumped into the tomb.

He has the ability of night vision and can see everything in the tomb.

The tomb covers an area of ​​about 40 square meters. The walls are made of blue bricks. There are two clay sculptures of maids and guards in each corner of the tomb. Over the years, the clay sculptures have cracked and limbs have been broken.

There is an upward stepped tomb passage connected to the outside of the tomb, paved with cobblestones.

Behind the tomb is another passage door leading deep into the tomb.

"This should be the front room." Zhang Yuanqing made an analysis based on the clay sculptures in the four corners.

Probably because the robbery hole is connected to the outside world, the air in the tomb chamber is not dull and there is sufficient oxygen.

He controlled the Inferi to explore the path in front, and followed behind, looking at the surrounding brick walls. The brick walls were built with blue bricks at staggered joints and glued with white ash. The walls of the corridor door were made of three layers of vertical bricks.

The brick laying technique.

In archaeological terminology, this is called three coupons and three volts.

Only very high-level tombs can use this kind of construction method. Well, Zhang Yuanqing learned these from reading tomb-robbing novels, and they are not taught in school.

After passing through the approximately six-meter-long passage door, one person and one corpse arrived at the main tomb chamber.

The main tomb is vast in area, as big as the lobby of a five-star hotel. There is a Xumizuo sarcophagus bed in the center, and a white jade coffin is placed on the bed.

There are niches on the east, west and south walls of the main tomb chamber.

In these niches, some placed porcelain pottery rainbows, some placed rusty copperware, and some placed half-person-high black wooden boxes.

In the four corners of the main tomb, there are some bronze ceremonial utensils.

Zhang Yuanqing withdrew his gaze, silently exited the main tomb chamber, stood by the aisle door, and then controlled the deceased No. 1 to push the coffin.

Next, he wanted to test a conjecture. If the princess's body was lying in the coffin, then the crisis at the fourth watch came from that bronze mirror.

On the contrary, the largest boss in the dungeon is the princess.

What is surprising is that with the physical strength of Dead Man No. 1, he was unable to push the coffin open.

Zhang Yuanqing, who was at the corridor door, returned to the main tomb in surprise, and pushed the coffin together with the Infernal Corpse. With the combined strength of the two of them, they still couldn't push it open.

What's the situation? Is it because the spiritual realm restricts me, or is the coffin sealed with secret techniques and cannot be opened by outsiders? Zhang Yuanqing pondered for a few seconds, gave up the idea of ​​opening the coffin, and felt relieved.

Since the Lao Bangzi incident, he had a lot of psychological shadow over the matter of opening the coffin.

Zhang Yuanqing then manipulated the Inferi to move the wooden box in the niche, but found that it could not be opened either.

"Yeah, it looks like a refuge."

Zhang Yuanqing sat on a wooden box, stopped fussing, and waited quietly for dawn.

The ancient tomb was dark and silent. Zhang Yuanqing sat for a few minutes, feeling a little bored. The Dead No. 1 was unable to chat. He once again thought about "a doubt and a question."

Although he had arrived at the ancient tomb, he still had not gotten answers to these two points.

This made Zhang Yuanqing feel uneasy.

"Let's wait until dawn first. After dawn, the village should be safe and the villagers will return to normal. I will go back to find an old man to find out. If the mirror is sold, then there will be an explanation for the absence of strange things in the middle of the night. Four

The most serious danger is the princess."

"But why can't the coffin be opened?"

By the way, the wandering Taoist priest.

According to Wang Xiaoer's description, wandering Taoist priests also came into the ancient tomb.

In connection with the fact that the coffin could not be opened, Zhang Yuanqing already speculated that the person lying in the coffin was a wandering Taoist priest, and he did not belong to the plot line of the copy, so it could not be opened.

It would have been nice if Lao Bangzi's sarcophagus had been so sensible. Zhang Yuanqing thought about it, scanning the tomb chamber, and felt that something was wrong.

He pondered for a few seconds and took out the clairvoyant glasses.

After putting on his glasses, he glanced around the room again, his pupils suddenly condensing.

Through his glasses, he discerned the details in the main tomb and understood what was wrong.

The funerary objects were placed too neatly.

It shouldn't be. Wang Xiaoer has been here before. If a thief breaks into the house, there's no reason why he shouldn't rummage through the cabinets.

But from the porcelain to the pottery rainbow, to the boxes, to the ceremonial guards, everything was so neat.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanqing's body seemed to have electric current flowing through it, bringing a trembling and terrifying feeling.


He quickly spit out the funny words, stared at the round and cute baby, and ordered in a deep voice:

"Treasure hunt!"

After receiving the master's order, the little funny boy moved his limbs smoothly and crawled towards the outside of the main tomb.

The infant spirit ignored the coffin, ignored the valuable burial objects, and crawled away.

Zhang Yuanqing's face instantly turned extremely ugly.

He suddenly understood the reason why Xiao Doubi kept returning the same way before, and also understood why the coffin and the box could not be opened. All of this was false.

This is not an ancient tomb at all, and he was not close to the ancient tomb at that time. He was under the spell of enchantment!

When did you fall under the spell?

Who bewitched me?

Zhang Yuanqing thought of the eerie gaze when he left the village.

From beginning to end, it was only at that moment that he felt something abnormal.

As for who cast the charm, the answer is ready to come out - the bronze mirror!

Counting the time, it was almost the third watch when he left the village.

"I understand why there are no strange things in the middle of the night, because the charm of the bronze mirror is invisible to ordinary people and will not cause substantial harm. It's not that strange things don't happen in the middle of the night, but that no one knows about it.


If so, I didn't leave the village at all

Did not leave the village

Zhang Yuanqing's eyes became frightened little by little, and his face turned pale little by little, until he lost all color.

"What time is it now?!"

Zhang Yuanqing shouted in a sharp voice, although no one would answer him.

As soon as he finished speaking, a bone-chilling cold wind blew in the airtight tomb, an overwhelming cold wind.


Zhang Yuanqing heard the howling of the cold wind, and saw the brick walls, coffins, and burial objects all shattered into pieces by the cold wind.

No matter how powerful the charm is, once it is disturbed by the outside world, it will be broken immediately.

The princess is here!

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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