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Chapter 32 Big Events

The ringtone rang for a long time, and then the person on the other side answered the phone. He spoke in a polite but indifferent tone:

"I'm looking at Ou Xiangrong's information to speculate on his behavior. I'll give you ten seconds."

Officially, each team is the main force in handling cases, with deacons coordinating behind the scenes, and will only take action personally when encountering difficult cases.

Centurion is very stressed... Li Dongze cleared his throat and reported in a low and serious voice:

"Centurion Fu, we have killed Ou Xiangrong."

This answer was obviously unexpected. The phone went silent. After a few seconds of silence, Fu Qingyang's no longer cold voice came:

"Where did you find him?"

Li Dongze said:

"The one who was shot dead at Songhai University was trying to interrogate Xu Yingying about the whereabouts of the Holy Grail and the roster, but Xu Yingying didn't know. She was just an ordinary female student. You are right, Ou Xiangrong is indeed in high spirits."

Fu Qingyang praised: "Yes, Li Dongze, you were very sharp this time. You successfully suppressed a large-scale bloody incident. I will ask the Council of Elders for credit on your behalf. Are there any casualties?"

"No," Li Dongze paused: "Centurion Fu, we didn't kill him."

"Didn't you kill him?" Fu Qingyang's tone was mixed with doubts. He seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "I almost forgot, there is an elder of the Water God Palace in Songhai University. Who took the action? It seems that I have to find it.

I’ll visit you soon and thank you.”

There was an elder at Songhai University? Li Dongze looked stunned, and immediately realized that Centurion Fu had misunderstood, and explained:

"The person who killed Ou Xiangrong was Yuanshi Tianzun, the Night Wandering God I newly recruited."

The level 1 night wandering god killed the level 3 bewitching demon?

The centurion on the phone was silent again. After more than ten seconds, Fu Qingyang said: "I know, let him write a report and hand it in."

After a pause, he said with a smile in his voice: "Well done."

After ending the call, Li Dongze turned the reverse wheel with excitement and stepped on the accelerator unconsciously.

Bai Long turned on his cell phone and called the captains nearby into a group: "Look at Li Dongze who is so proud, his beard is almost flying to his eyebrows."

Qingteng: "Their team has made great achievements. I would be proud to have such a subordinate."

According to the internal rules and regulations of the official organization, in order to deepen the collective sense of honor of the team members, one person's meritorious service will be rewarded by the whole team, and other team members will also receive bonuses and performance.

If they were just envious of the Night Traveler recruited by Li Dongze before, now, several captains are so jealous that they want to give up their martial ethics.


Kangyang District Public Security Department, Morgue.

Li Dongze closed the door of the morgue and blocked the captains from outside.

He looked at Zhang Yuanqing beside him with a deep look in his eyes and said:

"Yeyoushen can increase his experience by devouring spiritual bodies, but the side effect is that his spirit will be polluted in the long run. If you have tried to improve your strength in this way, you should understand what I mean."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded.

"Have you tried using that prop to purify your distracting thoughts?" Li Dongze suggested, this is his method.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing frowning in thought, Li Dongze suddenly laughed and said, "It seems that the price of that prop is not small."

Yes, if you use it too much, you will easily become anemic and lose both your energy and blood... Zhang Yuanqing suddenly remembered a detail. He once found a spiritual crystal in the mouth of the Mountain Goddess.

Now it seems that the crystal is most likely formed by the souls of those who died in the mountain temple.

That’s why the information introduction says that this is the best supplement for Night Walker God.

The impurities in the spirit crystal must be spiritual pollution, but they were purified by the empress. From this, it can be speculated that the magic pestle must also be able to purify spiritual pollution.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanqing opened the inventory and took out the magic pestle made of brass and engraved with exquisite patterns and incantations.

He briefly talked about the function and cost of the prop, and said: "If I go crazy later, you can use it to prick me, um, prick my thigh."

"Okay!" Li Dongze took the props.

Zhang Yuanqing walked to Ou Xiangrong's body, put his palms on his chest, took a deep breath, and saw thick, dark energy pouring out of his eyes, awakening the remaining spirit body in the body.

There was a swelling and pain between the brows, and the consciousness immediately expanded, and something that did not belong to him surged into his brain.


In the hazy state, Zhang Yuanqing saw himself, the underground parking garage, and the strange red dancing shoes.

This is the fight that just happened in the parking garage.

Zhang Yuanqing waited silently for the battle to end. The scene quickly changed. This time it was a dark room. Standing in front of Ou Xiangrong was a masked man holding a beautifully crafted crystal cup. The liquid in the cup was as scarlet as blood.

"As a bewitching demon, your evil is very pure and you have good potential. Drink the wine from the Holy Grail and you will be my slave."

"Every half month, you have to drink the wine from the Holy Grail again, otherwise the gods will not be able to save you."

"Remember my name, Judge Cunning Eyes."


In a cheap rental house, a man wearing a mask and a peaked cap stood in the living room and said coldly:

"Judge Cunning Eye is dead. His henchman is evil. He absconded with the Corrupted Holy Grail and the roster and hid in Songhai City. If you don't want to "die from poison", just find him for us. Will psychic powers be treated badly?



The picture changed here. He saw the blue sky and a group of students in school uniforms, punching and kicking him.

The change in painting style was so sudden that Zhang Yuanqing was a little confused. It took him several seconds to realize that he was suffering from campus bullying.

Is this Ou Xiangrong's previous memory? I never imagined that such a murderous villain would have such experience when he was a student...

"You didn't bring any money? Ou Xiangrong, did you turn a deaf ear to what I said? If your parents don't give you money, won't you steal it, you loser?"

"Hit me until you die. If you don't beat me, you won't have a long memory."

"Here, light a cigarette and burn his face."

"Go away, I'm going to pee on him."

Don't hit me, don't hit me... Zhang Yuanqing felt the strong fear in Ou Xiangrong's heart and curled up in fear.

They are all just teenagers, but they are so pure in their evil ways.


In the dilapidated office, the teacher wearing glasses criticized sternly:

"Why is it always you who is bullied and not others? Have you ever thought about your own problems? You should get along well with your classmates and don't complain to the teacher about everything. Teachers are also very busy."

Zhang Yuanqing felt strong anger from Ou Xiangrong's emotions.


"You're a useless thing and you're being bullied again? If you're beaten, just beat him back. Why are you crying? How could I give birth to a waste like you?"

A middle-aged man cursed loudly and spit.

This time, Zhang Yuanqing felt despair from Ou Xiangrong's mood.

Many messy and broken scenes flashed quickly, bullying and beatings again and again.

In the end, his mentality became more and more distorted and violent.

At this moment, a bright and pure golden light broke into the sea of ​​consciousness, dispelling violence and pain and bringing warmth.

Zhang Yuanqing suddenly opened his eyes and saw bright incandescent lights and white walls. He also saw Li Dongze with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and a messy suit.

"Shi Chang, are you okay?"

Zhang Yuanqing was shocked. He immediately touched his face and found that his face was full of tears.

"It's okay." Li Dongze casually threw the bloody pestle on the ground, straightened his clothes, and complained:

"I should have let Guan Ya do it. She is better at fighting than me. This is not elegant at all."

After he finished arranging his clothes, he couldn't wait to ask: "How are you doing? Have you found any clues... You seem to be in a bad state."

"I'm just...a little sad."

His experience value increased again, but this time, Zhang Yuanqing was not happy about it.

Li Dongze looked astonished and said, "Is it because of Ou Xiangrong's memory?"


The memory of the spirit body is incomplete and broken, and it will only remember some experiences that are difficult to let go.

For so many years, Ou Xiangrong has been brooding over what happened during his student days, which has affected his life.

Although the other party was a damn criminal, Zhang Yuanqing still felt uncomfortable.

Li Dongze sighed:

"Although I don't know what you saw in your memory, I can understand that the Night Wandering God of Taiyi Sect hates the spirits that devour evil professions the most. This is the reason. Yuanshi, do you know why there is the concept of evil professions."

He did not rush to ask for clues to the case, but took this opportunity to enlighten and teach him, saying:

"During the camp confrontation, we have killed countless evil professions. After summarizing the data of the Taiyi Sect's Yeyoushenwenling, we have observed a phenomenon. Every evil profession is a villain and criminal in reality.

"In other words, those in evil professions are selected by the spirit realm from a specific group."

Zhang Yuanqing was stunned, "So, they didn't become bad people by becoming evil professionals, they were bad people originally."

"But their badness is not all innate, but is brewed by human beings themselves." Li Dongze sighed:

"The spiritual realm will not actively cultivate evil. The birth of any evil profession is the result of human karma. This phenomenon is very depressing and not positive enough, but this is the real world. Just understand it and don't publicize it."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded silently.

"Also, let me tell you one more thing. You have killed Ou Xiangrong, so you should have gained reputation." Li Dongze said:

"Hunting each other will not deduct moral points, but if you have reputation, you will be afraid of people in the same camp. If you have 10 points of reputation, killing your same camp will deduct 20 moral points. Haha.

, there is a difference between lawful and good.”

After saying this, Li Dongze patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, let's talk about business, don't waste time."

Among the lawful professions, there are good ones, chaotic ones, and neutral ones? Among the evil professions, will there be those who have changed their ways... Zhang Yuanqing took back his thoughts, calmed down, and said in a deep voice:

"What, I seem to have seen something big happen in Ou Xiangrong's memory."

"A big thing?" Li Dongze smiled: "He is a level 3 bewitching demon, no matter how big the big thing can be, I have been working for so many years and I have never seen any big things. Let me tell you."

It’s not that he is arrogant, but in Li Dongze’s view, Yuanshi’s experience is shallow and his definition of major events may not be accurate.

"That's it..." Zhang Yuanqing explained the memory he read.

A few minutes later, Li Dongze rushed out of the morgue and roared at the captains outside:

"Something big happened!!"


ps: Change first and then change.

This chapter has been completed!
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