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Chapter 416 Successful Ending

 Without waiting for everyone in Qianhe Group to respond, Zhang Yuanqing continued:

"The permission to borrow props three times is limited to one month at a time. Each artifact is borrowed in turn. After three months of accumulation, the right to use and ownership of the three artifacts will completely belong to the Qianzuru Group."

It is the end of July now, and three months later, it will be the end of October. By then, he should have reached the peak of level 6, waiting for the December killing dungeon to be promoted to the master.

In the killing dungeon, dominator-level props will definitely not be used, so it doesn't matter whether there are three artifacts at that time.

When I am promoted to master, I won't need the three artifacts anymore, Zhang Yuanqing thought silently in his heart.

Threaten, give in; threaten again, give in again, test the bottom line little by little, break the opponent's defense line little by little, or be broken by the opponent, and finally choose an ending that is relatively reasonable and satisfactory and acceptable to both parties.

The so-called game is pretty much what it is.

Zhang Yuanqing learned a lot from Fu Qingyang.

The request he made is currently the limit that the Chizuru Group can accept.

From his point of view, the reason why the Qianzuru Group was able to obtain the three artifacts was all due to him, and they even withstood the threat of the Dread King. Can these things be solved with money?

Now, the Chizuru group wants all the gains in Gaotianyuan, and the thought is too beautiful.

But things in the world cannot simply be measured by losses or no losses. There are too many variables involved.

For example, the position of Takamagahara is an important bargaining chip for the Chizuru group. Without the leadership of the Chizuru group, he would not be able to enter Takamagahara; for example, the Chizuru group does not have to be him. If he is as greedy as Tianshen, why would the Chizuru group choose


Wouldn't it be better to just hand it over to Heaven for Punishment? You can also get a head pat from the owner as a reward.

Of course, there are also factors such as the combat prowess displayed by both sides, Zhang Yuanqing's speed advantage and other factors.

In short, after the fight broke out, everyone had to fight to the death in the dungeon, risking their lives.

If you give in to each other, you can win-win.

Of course, after knowing the hidden mission of Qin Feng Academy and knowing that the Bronze Sacred Tree was the real treasure, Zhang Yuanqing actually didn't have that much desire for the three artifacts.

Asking for artifacts is just a reason for negotiation.

But Qianhe Group didn't know that Yuanshi Tianzun was not interested in drinking, so when they saw that he was willing to give in, they felt relieved.

If Yuanshi Tianzun forcibly asks for the artifact, the Qianhe Group will only be broken into pieces. Years of planning will be in vain.

Now it is best for Yuanshi Tianzun to take a step back.

Kobe Ichiro pondered for a few seconds and asked:

"We still need to discuss the right to use the props. Also, what do you want the jade plate for?"

Zhang Yuanqing has his own rhetoric:

“What I really want is the right to use the props, not the jade plate, it’s just incidental.

"I took on the threat of the King of Fear for you. He will not let me go. If I am caught by him in the future, I may be able to save my life by handing over the jade plate. Leader Kobe, this is my biggest concession. You have to pay it back."

Refuse to agree"

With a cold face, he raised the thunderstorm cannon in his hand.

"Yuan Shijun, calm down, let us wait for discussion." Kobe Ichiro raised his hand to express a certain degree of goodwill, then stepped back cautiously, gathered the cadres, and talked in a low voice.

A few minutes later, as the team leader, he came forward and said:

We agree to your request, but we have to add two conditions. First, one billion yen will not be paid before the end of your three-month usage rights and will be used as a deposit. Second, you need to come up with another Dominator-level item as a deposit.

Mortgage. Three, when we need the Gao Tianyuan key in the future, you must borrow it.

"If you agree, sign the contract now."

Zhang Yuanqing thought about it in his mind and said:

"Remove the second and third items. I don't have a master-level item, and if I do, I can't mortgage it to you. As for the key to Gao Tianyuan, I may not be able to keep it.

"Speaking of which, it shouldn't be difficult for the King of Fear to check the headquarters of your Chizuru Group. The key was given to me, so you are safe."

The King of Fear seemed to have a very strong deterrent effect. Kobe Ichiro's face changed slightly and he said:

"If you can't mortgage the master-level item, then there must be a clause in the contract: if the item is lost, you have to take out a master-level item to make up for the Qianzuru group."

Team leader Kobe expressed his determination in a low tone: "Yuan Shijun, this is our bottom line."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded: "Okay."

Immediately, Team Leader Kobe took out the brass book, wrote the contract on the brass with a pointing pen, squeezed a drop of blood from the belly of his finger, and smeared it on the brass book.

The officers of the Chizuru group, including Asano Ryo, pressed the blood seal one after another.

Zhang Yuanqing's fingertips scratched the blood droplets, and they popped out far away. Bang, the blood droplets spattered on the brass book and made sad stains.

The brass book shines brightly, and the power in the dark witnesses the contract.

This knight prop is of the finest quality among saints. Even a level 6 saint who violates the contract will be severely punished.

It will not take effect on the Overlord, but the Qianhe Group doesn't care. Yuanshi Tianzun will be promoted to Overlord by the end of the year at the earliest, and during this period, the three-month time limit has passed.

After the contract was completed, Zhang Yuanqing looked at the three props, thought for a moment, and said:

"The first prop I borrowed was the Yata Mirror."

Tian Congyun first ignored that this weapon had a sharp attack, but it could only exert its greatest power in the hands of a swordsman. He already had the Purple Thunder Hammer.

Magatama's ability to automatically evade attacks is very interesting, but the sun's divine power and self-healing ability overlap with his existing items.

The Yata Mirror is the most cost-effective, it can create a 100% restored clone, and it can also predict the death scene. It not only has powerful output, but also can seek good luck and avoid disaster, and is very maneuverable.

Kobe Ichiro put away the brass book, looked at Fujin, the ancient county, and said:

"give him!"

Gujun Fujin gritted his teeth and his face was full of reluctance.

Zhang Yuanqing smiled and said: "You can refuse!"

If you refuse, the power of the contract will backfire.

Gujun Fujin snorted angrily, shook his hand and threw the Yata mirror away.

Zhang Yuanqing took the brass mirror, put it in his backpack, and said with a smile:

"After one month, I will return the Yata Mirror. This trip has been successfully concluded, gentlemen, please go back."

The two parties kept a tacit understanding of keeping a distance, walked down the stone steps, and soon reached the foot of the mountain, passed through the light gate, and returned to the cave at the base of the mountain.

Zhang Yuanqing said casually:

"In the future, when this incident has passed, I will return the key to Takamagahara to the Chizuru Group."

He said this, firstly, to prevent the Qianhe group from breaking the jar and destroying the sculpture, and secondly, to ease the relationship between the two parties.

As a vassal of the Heavenly Punishment Organization, the Chizuru Group will definitely be useful in the future.

Mr. Qian once said that in the adult world, everything must be based on interests. The first step is not to block your own road.

After hearing this, the cadres of the Qianhe Group looked back at Gao Tianyuan and felt slightly relieved.

Zhang Yuanqing turned into hazy and dreamy starlight, escaped to the eye socket of the three-legged golden crow, and took off the jade plate.

The light went out, and the light door projected on the stone wall disappeared.

"Well, everyone, see you later."

Zhang Yuanqing waved his hand and turned into a starlight and disappeared into the cave.

This is the unique style of star officials.

Ryo Asano looked at the empty three-legged Golden Crow sculpture and thought sincerely.


The bustling streets are full of pedestrians, and young people in suits ride shared bicycles with stern expressions.

He is handsome and elegant, with two silver nails embedded in his earlobes. The oncoming wind lifts his forehead, filling him with the air of freedom.

The King of Fear likes this feeling, flying freely in the sunshine and enjoying the blowing of the wind. The freedom at this time is the purest.

He pedaled his bicycle leisurely and headed towards Kangyang District.

This place is still fifteen kilometers away from Fujiawan, and he can still enjoy half an hour of freedom.

Since I came to Songhai, I just happened to rescue Demon Eye. Poor Demon Eye, when I think of him losing his freedom, I can't eat. Under the stern expression of the King of Fear, there is a sentimental heart.

The streets are crowded with people. Old men holding dogs are walking leisurely. Mothers holding children are cautious. Vendors holding hydrogen balloons are shouting. At crossroads, vehicles and pedestrians are waiting quietly for the red light.

As the young man riding a bicycle passed by, the obedient big dog suddenly stood up angrily, slapped the old man, knocked him to the ground, and then the dog chased away to freedom.

The young child shook off his mother's hand, jumped up, slapped his mother, and ran away to freedom.

The ropes of the hydrogen balloons all broke, and dozens of balloons floated into the sky, free.

All the red lights on the street turned green and stopped pulsing, and the driver was free.

The King of Fear pedals away on his bicycle, hiding his body and name.

As soon as I turned a street, the clear sky suddenly became cloudy, a strong wind blew, accompanied by a roar of thunder, and heavy rain poured down.

The rain fell fiercely, pitter-pattering like beans, and puddles quickly formed on the streets.

At some point, those passers-by who were rushing to take shelter from the rain disappeared, and the vehicles on the street disappeared. The shops along the street were open, but the people inside disappeared.

Mirror world!

King of Fear stopped the car and stopped on the street. He looked up at the cloudy sky and said displeasedly:

"Stop meddling in other people's business. I gave you a chance last time, but you couldn't kill me. Even if I gave you a chance, it would be useless."

A figure slowly emerged from the puddle in front of it. It was made of water, and its face was blurry, but its figure was graceful and graceful, exuding an indescribable charm.

"You should be lucky that it's me who's here. If that girl were here to stay, why would she talk nonsense to you?" The graceful figure said in a soft and cold tone:

"Go back. It's his fate that the Demon Eye will be planted in Songhai. You shouldn't interfere in the play between the masters."

The Demon Eye? The King of Fear was silent for a moment, put his forehead to the back of his head, and said with a smile:

"Did Yuanshi Tianzun send a message and leak my plan?"

The figure didn't answer, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"I must save the Demon Eye. You can kill him, but you cannot imprison him. This violates my bottom line." Fear parked the shared bicycle, took out his mobile phone, paid the fare, and then looked at the puddle.

The figure said:

"It's been a long time since I've moved my muscles and bones. It's just a good time to play with you."

As the words fell, the rain curtain suddenly accelerated, and every raindrop was endowed with power. They fell on the street and on the roof, making shallow pits.

The King of Fear stood in the rainstorm, pointing like a sword, and the sword energy tore through the clouds, revealing a corner of the blue sky.

It was raining heavily all around, but within three inches of where he stood, the sun was shining brightly.

The dark clouds in the sky condensed and turned into a human face, and a majestic voice filled the world:

"Fear, are you ready to be resurrected?"

In the bedroom, Zhang Yuanqing silently exited the sea of ​​consciousness of Princess Yinyao, and his spirit body returned.

Next, just wait for the princess to come back.

Fu Jiawan can't go back recently. I will go to Qinfeng Academy tomorrow and hide in the dungeon for a few days. I don't know what the hidden mission of Qinfeng Academy is. Is there any information about the Bronze Sacred Tree in it? I'm looking forward to it just thinking about it.

Well, the Bronze Divine Tree is related to musicians and bachelors. I will meet the palace master tonight and ask about the situation.

Today is the weekend, I went shopping with my aunt.

While he was thinking about it, he walked out of the bedroom and went straight into his aunt's room and found that she was not there.

Zhang Yuanqing left the room and said to his grandmother who was mopping the floor in the living room:

"Grandma, where is my aunt?"

"Go to your uncle's place. Your aunt's niece brought back a batch of skin care products from abroad, and she used them." Grandma said angrily.

She immediately remembered something, "By the way, your aunt asked how you and Guan Ya are getting along?"

"Why is she asking this?" Zhang Yuanqing opened the refrigerator and took a bottle of mineral water.

"I want to introduce you to my girlfriend. Her niece has seen your photos and seems to like you very much." Grandma said.

"That's good, let her be my little wife, and we can get closer to my aunt's family." Zhang Yuanqing gurgled.

Grandma was furious and picked up the mop to beat him.

"By the way, grandma, are you familiar with my dad?"

While he had nothing to do and was at home, Zhang Yuanqing wanted to ask about his dead father.

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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