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Chapter 470 Different copies

[Ding, the spiritual realm map is opening. You will enter the spiritual realm in 30 seconds. The spiritual realm you enter this time is "Chaos of the Five Elements", number: 028]

[Difficulty level: A]

[Type: Multiplayer (death type)]

【main mission:???】

[Side mission: transport the mysterious coffin to the Excalibur Villa.]

[Note: Non-spiritual items are not allowed to be brought in.]

[Introduction to Spirit Realm No. 028: During the Northern Song Dynasty, the world-famous Shenjian Villa entrusted the "Huangqi Escort Agency", "Yuanhai Escort Agency", "Chiyan Escort Agency", "Lingyuan Escort Agency", and "Three Sword Escort Agency" to escort a mysterious body.

The coffin returned to the village, but unexpectedly, strange things happened frequently during the escort]

Chaos of the Five Elements? Number 028, hiss, the number is very high. Zhang Yuanqing calmly summoned Blood Rose and Princess Yinyao, held their shoulders, and thought about the copy information at the same time.

Among the copies he encountered, No. 028 was the first one that was not revealed in the main plot.

There is no main mission, but side missions are given first, which reflects the difficulty and durability of the copy to a certain extent.

I'm afraid this dungeon cannot be cleared in three or two days.

In addition, the difficulty level A was a bit unexpected. He thought it would be S level, but then he thought about it. Spiritual Realm No. 028 was probably a level 5 or even level 6 A copy.

For him at level 4, it is probably more terrifying than the S-level cliff mountain sea.

Finally, No. 028 Spirit Realm Five Elements Rebellion is not included in the official database. The higher the ranking, the smaller the chance of appearing. It is normal that it is not included in the official database.

Those who are not outstanding enough will never be able to match this kind of copy in their lifetime.

Those who are too outstanding will have no time to open up new areas due to the rapid promotion speed.

Take the Demon Lord and the Marshal as an example. They have experienced no more than ten Saint dungeons and no more than three Level 6 dungeons.

30 seconds passed quickly, and the objects in front of Zhang Yuanqing's eyes were rippling like water waves, and then everything went black and he couldn't feel anything anymore.

In the boundless darkness, his ears moved, and the first thing he heard was a knock on the door and the young man's urgent call:

"Seventh brother, wake up, wake up quickly, my adoptive father has called us over."

Zhang Yuanqing opened his eyes and saw the dull cotton gauze tent and the crisscrossing beams.

The existence of beams indicates that he is in an ancient building.

Then, he felt something soft and slippery pressing against his chest and waist. When he looked down, he almost blurted out the words "fuck".

Sleeping in his arms was a young and beautiful woman with fair skin, a pretty face, and long and thick eyelashes. She looked like this:

The color of the crow is greasy, the light of the bird is cold, and the wind is leaning towards the pillow to look at. The water is tender, the jade mountain is swollen, and the spring breeze turns into the mandarin duck quilt.

Sleeping with a beautiful girl right at the beginning? Zhang Yuanqing said in his heart that the spiritual environment treats me well. At the same time, a memory that did not belong to him emerged in his mind:

His current identity is "Lin Ci", and he is an orphan adopted by Chen Xuedao, the head of the Huangqi Escort Bureau. Because of his outstanding talent and the potential to practice the magic of the Night Wandering God, he was adopted by Chen Xuedao as his adopted son.

Huangqi Escort Bureau is the most famous escort bureau in the Central Plains, founded by the chief escort chief Chen Xuedao.

Chen Xuedao is a Jianghu name, but no one knows his real name. He is a mountain god. In the early years, there was a severe drought in the Central Plains and bandits were rampant. A group of bandits robbed the bodyguards of the Huangqi Escort Bureau.

The escorts responsible for the escort were all wiped out, and no one survived.

In a fit of rage, Chen Xuedao broke into the mountain stronghold single-handedly and slaughtered five hundred famous bandits with one sword per man. He fought from dusk to dawn, and his endurance and physical strength were terrifying.

The name Chen Xuedao came from that time.

Chen Xuedao has six adopted sons and one biological daughter. Lin Ci is the youngest.

And the girl in his arms is Chen Xuedao's daughter, named Chen Wei, who ranks third and is Lin Ci's third sister.

Chen Wei was engaged to her eldest brother Zhuo Peiran, but she fell in love with her seventh brother Lin Ci. The two had been having an affair for many years without telling their sworn brother and their father. They had a passionate affair and always had secret trysts late at night.

Such as last night.

The method of directly instilling memories is very interesting. Well, it is not considered instilling memories, but more like watching a video, because this memory did not affect my subjective consciousness. I have no sense of belonging to the Huangqi Escort Agency, and I have no feelings for the girl in my arms.


This was the first time Zhang Yuanqing encountered this situation, and it felt extremely strange.

The knocking on the door continued, and Zhang Yuanqing responded:

"Fourth brother, stop shouting, I'll get up right away."

In my memory, the fourth brother Zhao Youcai was impatient, impatient, and always liked to make a fuss and yell.

"Then come down quickly, don't keep your foster father waiting too long, something will happen!" Zhao Youcai warned, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

At this time, Chen Wei in her arms opened her eyes. She sat up on the bed, breathed a sigh of relief, and said:

"Fortunately, my fourth brother didn't open the door and come in, otherwise our adultery wouldn't have been hidden, and my father would have beaten us to death."

She has big eyes, a sharp chin, white and round shoulders, and a bulging red belly. Due to her martial arts practice, she has a strong figure and a heroic spirit between her brows.

It fits the image of a female knight-errant who dares to love and hate.

"I don't know why my adoptive father summoned us. You haven't drank the Bizi Soup yet. Don't forget it." Zhang Yuanqing naturally said words that fit Lin Ci's style.

In his memory, Lin Ci regarded this third sister half-heartedly. How could a vigorous young man refuse the embrace of a beautiful sister?

But he was also afraid of his adoptive father and eldest brother. While he was greedy for the woman's body, he was also worried that his adultery would be discovered.

"Marry me if you get pregnant with me. If you dare to betray your heart, I will burn your life to ashes." Chen Wei's round eyes widened and she reached down with her little hand.

What does Lin Ci's actions have to do with Yuanshi Tianzun and me? Zhang Yuanqing ducked and avoided the third sister's troublesome hands.

"Also, next time, remember to cover the two dead bodies with linen. Every time I do things, they stare at me, and I feel so scared." Chen Wei said, looking at the head of the bed.

Zhang Yuanqing turned his head and saw two women standing on the bedside, dressed in elegant clothes and with stunning looks. They were Princess Yinyao and Blood Rose.

Accepting the existence of two Inferi without any abnormality, the characters in the copy were also imbued with memories by the spiritual realm? This Chen Wei has flesh and blood, a soul, and self-awareness. She is a living person, not an NPC.

Gee, the spirit realm does have the ability to create life. By the way, if I get her pregnant in the dungeon, will the child be born, or will it be refreshed by the spirit realm? If she is born, will it cause the spirit realm to change the dungeon settings? Does the child count as a spirit realm?

The NPC that was born is still a normal person. Zhang Yuanqing's thoughts were floating in his mind.

Due to time constraints, Chen Wei did not linger with her lover, so she hurriedly put on her skirt, picked up her coat, and concentrated for a moment before her body turned into a ball of blazing flames.

Use the oil lamp in the next room to use the fire element to leave.

——Her room is next door.

After she left, Zhang Yuanqing put on the bodyguard's uniform without any delay, reached out his hand and grabbed it in the air, took out the ghost mirror, and looked at his face.

The good news is that the inventory can still be opened and the level has not changed.

The bad news is that his face has turned into a handsome and unfamiliar face. He is about seventeen years old and does not look young.

Obviously, this is Lin Ci's face.

Entering the dungeon directly by seizing possessions? This is an experience Zhang Yuanqing has never had before.

He thought for a moment and said, "Princess, did you feel anything unusual when you entered the spiritual realm?"

Princess Yinyao shook her head slightly: "My vision went dark, I lost consciousness for a short time, and then I came here, and my clothes also changed."

She reached out and groped around in her arms, "The little speaker is still there."

The princess's physical body has not changed, but her clothes have changed. Zhang Yuanqing reached into his crotch, groped carefully, and made a guess in his mind.

——The body has not changed, he is still Yuanshi Tianzun, but his true identity has been covered up by the spiritual realm with extremely advanced illusions, and he is active in the dungeon as "Lin Ci".

The basis to support this guess is that the second son of the Zhang family is clean.

As we all know, when a drill bit goes into a deep well, it will be sticky and oily when it comes up. It is absolutely impossible to be so clean and tidy.

Therefore, Zhang Yuanqing's current physical body is the original body, not Lin Ci's body.

"My teammates from the lawful camp should be like me. In the escort team of a certain escort agency, where are the enemies from the evil camp?"

"I don't know if the identity assigned to me by the spiritual realm is random selection, or there is another mystery, such as a hidden mission." Zhang Yuanqing muttered, walked to the window, and opened the lattice window.

The noisy people suddenly rushed into the room, the sun was shining brightly outside the window, the street was bustling with people, there were many pedestrians, there were cloth arches hanging on the street, and there were many shops.

Occasionally, a wealthy family drives a carriage by with the wheels rattling.

Zhang Yuanqing's pupils dilated slightly and he received a strong shock.

This is the first time he has experienced the feeling of dreaming back to ancient times in a dungeon. It is no longer a scary amusement park, a gloomy town, a gloomy virgin forest, or a terrifying northern mountain village.

This is the charm that the spiritual realm should have!

Everyone here has flesh and blood, a heartbeat and a soul, 100% restoring the life of the ancient city.

"I suddenly fell in love with this place. Princess, let's go and experience the ancient world." Zhang Yuanqing said excitedly.

"There is no need to experience the ancient world." Princess Yinyao said calmly.

"Oh, I almost forgot that you are also an old clapper from ancient times." Zhang Yuanqing said.

"Master said that you once secretly called her Lao Bangzi behind her back. How did you avoid getting beaten?" Princess Yinyao humbly asked for advice.

"Because I didn't steal your mother's coffin."


During the conversation, one person and two corpses walked along the wooden stairs to the inn lobby. It was already bright, it was past breakfast time, and it was time for lunch. Several square tables in the hall were empty.

This inn is called "You Ke Lai", and it is the inn where the escorts of Huangqi Escort Agency rest.

Three days ago, a mysterious man who claimed to be from Jian Shen Villa visited the Huangqi Escort Bureau with a coffin, entrusting the escort agency to escort the coffin to Jian Shen Villa and paid a deposit of two thousand taels of silver.

After the coffin arrives at the villa, the final payment of three thousand taels of silver will be settled.

A total of five thousand taels.

But there is a condition, Chen Xuedao must escort him personally. This is a big order that can last three years for Huangqi Escort Bureau.

Chen Xuedao agreed without hesitation.

The Yellow Flag Escort Bureau escorted the mysterious coffin and traveled under the stars. After entering the city yesterday, they chose this place to rest and rest. They booked the inn and kicked out all the guests who were originally staying there.

After walking around the lobby and entering the spacious backyard, Zhang Yuanqing glanced around and saw more than 20 young and strong escorts wearing the standard attire of the escort agency, standing upright in the courtyard.

Chen Wei, the fire master who had just been having a good time last night, now put on a dashing outfit and was winking at him, signaling to come and gather quickly.

Zhang Yuanqing lowered his head, quickly entered the queue with two corpses, and looked at the east wing at the same time.

The lattice door of the east wing opened, and a stern reprimand came from inside:

"Two of our escorts disappeared in your inn. Shopkeeper, you are definitely involved in this matter. Let me ask you again, did you hear any strange noises last night?"

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard this voice, he knew it was his eldest brother Zhuo Peiran.

Then a frightened middle-aged man explained:

"Master Guard, you are so powerful that you didn't even notice anything unusual. How could I know that?"

Zhang Yuanqing listened for a long time and roughly figured out the reason for the matter. The two bodyguards who were responsible for guarding the coffin last night disappeared this morning.

Huangqi Escort searched the inn to no avail and was questioning the shopkeeper and waiter inside.

The introduction to the spiritual realm mentioned that strange things happened frequently on the way to escorting the black coffin, and this is what happened. Zhang Yuanqing was secretly vigilant.

At this time, a Zhongzheng loud voice came from the east wing room:

"Is Lin Ci here?"

All the escorts turned their heads and looked at Zhang Yuanqing.

Zhang Yuanqing said loudly: "Father!"

"Come in!" Chen Xuedao said.

Zhang Yuanqing immediately stepped out of the queue and strode towards the east wing. The room was dimly lit, and after passing the threshold, there was a small reception hall, and the bedroom inside.

The tables and chairs in the living room have been cleared and replaced by a huge black coffin.

The coffin lid and body were painted black, and the coffin was painted with red cinnabar. There was a yellow talisman on the head of the coffin, and a purple talisman on the end of the coffin.

The whole coffin gives people a feeling of being full of evil and gloomy, and one look at it will make people feel chilly.

Chen Xuedao, whose temples were slightly frosted, stood in front of the black coffin with his hands behind his back, staring at the coffin lid.

Standing next to Chen Xuedao was a burly bald man. His bald head was covered with twisted curses and his eyes were fierce, like a bloodthirsty god of death, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

This is Zhuo Peiran, the eldest brother among the adopted sons, a mist master.

In the Song Dynasty, the Immortal Sect was aloof, while the world was a mixed bag of good and bad. There was no division between lawful and evil camps, and because of the weak ruling power of the court, it was difficult to restrain people in the world.

Therefore, there are happy grudges and grudges everywhere about killing someone in ten steps and leaving no trace behind. In this era, killing is rare and common, which dilutes the bloodthirsty style of the bewitching demon.

Of course, the bewitching demon who harms innocent people and causes disaster to all living beings will still be denounced as evil spirits and be besieged and killed by people in the world, including other evil professions.

There are no camps in the spiritual realm, but there are rules in the world.

"Foster father!" Zhang Yuanqing bowed and quickly obtained information:

"Zhang Hu and Zhao Ma, who were on duty last night, disappeared?"

Chen Xuedao nodded solemnly:

"The entire inn has been booked by us. I didn't notice anyone sneaking in last night, and I didn't hear anyone shouting in the backyard. Zhang Hu and Zhao Ma have been following me for many years. They are experienced and are both good players. It is very strange that they disappeared this time.


As he spoke, he stretched out his palm and showed Lin Ci the copper lock that had been cut in half.

"We compared the traces. It was Zhang Hu or Zhao Ma who cut them open. Last night, they broke the copper lock, entered the house, and then disappeared." Chen Xuedao said, looking at the black coffin.

"Father, do you mean that the coffin caused their disappearance?" Zhang Yuanqing looked at the coffin.

Chen Xuedao nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "You are the Night Wandering God. Take a look at this coffin to see if there is any Yin Qi leaking out."

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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