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Chapter 492 Refining the Inferi and the protagonist’s request for help

 Fu Qingyang is very efficient. Zhang Yuanqing happily put down his mobile phone and opened Baihuwei's warehouse.

Half of the props in the warehouse were emptied and all were replaced with materials. To refine three Inferi, one spiritual servant required too many materials, and Mr. Qian was rich - the props were packed to the brim.

Zhang Yuanqing applied one by one and took out more than 40 kinds of medicinal materials.

He first moved Guan Ya's big bed to the window to create a spacious space, and then cleaned the dust under the bed.

Finally, he went to the bedroom to move the corpses of Greedy God General and Hundred Man Killer, as well as Princess Yinyao, who was lying upright.

The princess didn't sleep, she just closed her eyes and rested her mind. When she heard that the refining started in advance, she immediately opened her eyes, her strange red pupils flashing brightly.

She followed Zhang Yuanqing to Guan Ya's room, walked straight to the corner where the materials were piled, squatted down, checked over and over again for a long time, and nodded with satisfaction:

"It's all together, nothing is missing."

Then, she began to take off her T-shirt and long skirt more neatly than ever before.

Zhang Yuanqing watched her take off her goose-yellow long sleeves, untie her skirt, and let the tulle skirt slide down her legs.

Under the light, the delicate skin of white porcelain shines and shines, complementing the black lace, creating a great visual impact.

"You come first?" Zhang Yuanqing said, "I still want you to be on the side to check it. After all, it is my first time to practice the sixth level of the Infernal Corpse."

Princess Yinyao lowered her head and glanced at the materials, "There are not many materials. If you fail three times, my joy will be in vain. I will come first."

Without any explanation, she bent down and raised her hips, pinched the edge of the lace, and pulled it off her waist.

Nowadays, she can take off her clothes and take off her clothes very calmly and be honest with each other. She is still a little shy and uncomfortable, but she is familiar with it once, and it is very smooth after she takes off her clothes three times.

Zhang Yuanqing said helplessly: "Don't worry, help me deal with the materials first."

"No." Princess Yinyao just lay down.

Hey, she can still act petty. She seems to be eager to upgrade. She has been alone in the ancient tomb for hundreds of years and has difficulty making money. Zhang Yuanqing leaned over to pick up the skirt and threw it on the princess's waist.

Although it is a top-notch figure, I still feel a little dissatisfied after looking at it too much.

Zhang Yuanqing laid out the materials one by one. The main materials for Princess 5 and Jin 6 are Yin Soul Stone and Star Heart. The former is a crystal formed by the condensation of countless souls.

The latter is a pure heart that contains a huge amount of star power, yes, the heart of a star official.

There are not many auxiliary materials, six types.

Zhang Yuanqing was familiar with crushing the auxiliary materials, making the "ink" for drawing the spiritual vessels, and at the same time carved the spiritual vessels on the two main materials - this was part of the formation, allowing the Inferi to better accommodate the main materials.

After the preliminary work was ready, he lifted up the gauze skirt around the princess's waist, and while the skirt was slowly falling, he picked up the pen and drew smooth lines of spiritual symbols.

Perhaps it was because of the night, but Zhang Yuanqing was in good condition. In half an hour, he made no mistakes in drawing a single stroke, successfully completing the second step of the vast project.

"Huh" he breathed out gently and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Your talent for drawing talismans is very good." Princess Yinyao couldn't hide her surprise, "With a shallow foundation, it is difficult to succeed in a large-scale sixth-level formation in one go. Only we ancient practitioners can practice it day after day.

Do your homework and practice hard to ensure your success rate."

Zhang Yuanqing, the spiritual body of Master Chunyang who I swallowed, replied in a calm tone: "For me, it's as simple as doing junior high school math problems."

Princess Yinyao was shocked by his aura, "It's so impressive. No wonder Master values ​​you so much. If it were back then, she would definitely accept you as her direct disciple. We are brothers and sisters in the same sect."

"Then steal her coffin together?"


The two chatted for a few words. Zhang Yuanqing was almost rested, and then moved on to the last step of drawing the formation.

An hour later, a circular array appeared on the spacious floor of the room. In the center was a spiritual talisman. With this talisman as the core, the twisted but Taoist spiritual talismans connected and interlocked with each other to form a circular array with a diameter of five meters.

Zhang Yuanqing placed the Yin Soul Stone and the Star Heart on the edge of the circular formation, then picked up Princess Yinyao and walked to the center of the formation.

Put down the beautiful Yin corpse, retreat to the outside of the circle, squat down, hold the spiritual jar with your palms, and enter the power of Taiyin.

In the circular formation, the spirit urns on Princess Yinyao's body, and the two main material urns, lit up at the same time, emitting a bright black light. The majestic Yin Qi surged to the ceiling, then slowly sank, filling the room.


Zhang Yuanqing steadily input the power of Taiyin, and within a few seconds, the two main materials "melted" and turned into the power of bright stars and the power of pure soul, pouring into Princess Yinyao's heart and eyebrows.

The princess's body trembled and floated slowly, half a meter above the ground, with her long hair hanging on the ground.

The power of the lunar evaporation from the formation held her up, washing her body and soul, refining the power of the two main materials bit by bit, accelerating the fusion.

This process lasted for a full twenty minutes. Zhang Yuanqing continued to input the power of the twelfth yin, almost beating a man to the point of being fucked.

If you major in the power of Taiyin, this consumption is nothing. Zhang Yuanqing watched the princess' delicate body slowly descending, and bared his teeth secretly when he thought of the two Yin corpses and a spiritual servant.

Princess Yinyao returned to the circle formation, and the remaining spiritual power in the formation poured into her body, absorbing not a drop left.

She stood up straight, her eyes glowed bright red, and her powerful aura surged out, blowing a strong wind in the spacious bedroom.

"I have made a breakthrough." Princess Yinyao happily sensed the changes in her body and repeated:

"I broke through!"

Her beautiful face has no expression, but her spirit fluctuates violently, and then she is a girl who jumps for joy.

Zhang Yuanqing rarely saw such intense emotional ups and downs in her. This princess traveled all over the world and had clear ideas. She usually watched the queen and others from an "overlooking" attitude.

Encourage, tease, stay aloof, and watch the storm with a smile.

At this time, she looked like a girl.

"You get used to it well, I'll rest for half an hour." Zhang Yuanqing walked to the window, took off his shoes, and went to sleep.

It wasn't until 4:30 in the morning that Zhang Yuanqing finally killed hundreds of Greedy God Generals and turned them into Inferi, and Yichuan Mei also became a spiritual servant.

Among them, the main material of Hundred Man Killing is Snake Girl's venom glands and fangs. The leader of the Great Sword Alliance is at the peak of level 5. Zhang Yuanqing upgraded him to the early level of sixth level, and then integrated the snake girl's venom glands and fangs at the late sixth level into it to enhance his


The Hundred Man Killer is now a melee Inferi with poison attack.

The Greedy God General does not have any attribute bonuses. Zhang Yuanqing thought about it again and thought it was not necessary.

On the one hand, this divine general is a melee professional, with peak level six attributes such as strength, speed, agility, etc., which are one level better than his master, and does not require fancy blessings.

On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to refine a sixth-level Inferi. Adding materials from other professions increases the difficulty and the chance of failure.

The refining of Yichuan Mei is much simpler. There is no need to add main materials. She only needs to be transformed into a spiritual servant, branded, and then use her own lunar power to cleanse her soul and turn her into the shape of her master.

As for Blood Rose, Zhang Yuanqing has no plans to promote her. This Inferi has already begun to transform into a beast, and it will take only four or five uses to completely turn her into a wolf that has lost all reason.

At that time, it can only be cleaned manually.

Just use it as a consumable.

With four corpses and three spiritual servants, I can be considered a bit like a night wandering god. I will allocate props to them in the future, and the fighting styles can be switched and combined. Zhang Yuanqing suddenly felt a strong urge to practice.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find an evil professional practitioner of the same level in a short period of time.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Yichuan Mei crawling on the ground, and there was a mental wave:

"Master, I have a heartfelt request."

"Say!" Zhang Yuanqing was very gentle to his spiritual servant.

Yichuan Mei raised her pretty face and said, "Please master, please whip me every day and humiliate me."

As if afraid of Zhang Yuanqing's rejection, he added:

"If my spiritual needs cannot be met, my mentality will gradually become distorted until I lose control of my mind. This is a common problem in evil professions. The higher the level, the more serious the symptoms."

There is also this matter. Zhang Yuanqing twitched the corner of his mouth and thought about the evil professions he knew. It seemed that this was really the case.

Whether it's magic eyes, fear, or lust, the higher the level, the more distorted the mentality, and it's difficult to control one's self.

He thought for a while, and the power of the twelfth yin condensed into an illusory whip, and struck Yichuan Mei hard:

"Is that so?"

Yichuan Mei screamed and fell down softly, but she was in high spirits: "Thank you, master, thank you master. It would be better if you could whip me with the power of the sun."

What a pervert. Zhang Yuanqing satisfied her immediately.

Listening to Yichuan Mei's painful and sharp screams, he said in a deep voice: "Flogging is fine, but humiliation is okay. You are not even as good as the princess."

"I, I can also possess you." Yi Chuanmei was unwilling to have her entertainment experience cut off in half, but she was glared at by Zhang Yuanqing and resigned, "You are the master, you have the final say."

Zhang Yuanqing originally wanted to inquire about the information about the Nihility Sect (Southern Sect), but after a busy night, he was already exhausted, so he accepted the spiritual servants, asked Yin Yao to leave with the two inferi, and went to bed himself.

"ding ding ding"

A rapid ringing sound came.

Are there so many calls tonight? Zhang Yuanqing, who had just laid down, picked up the phone a little irritably and saw that the caller was Lingjun.

He was refreshed, his sleepiness dissipated a lot, and he answered the phone.

"Is Guan Ya by your side?" Lingjun's voice was serious and low.

"I can't bear the whipping. I just cried and begged for mercy and called my brother, but now I'm asleep." Zhang Yuanqing made a joke, and then asked in a serious tone:

"She went out on a mission, what happened?"

Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief, "I found some clues."

Immediately, he told Yuanshi Tianzun in a low voice the information about "Shanhe Yongcun" and the cause of death of Lingtuo and Shanhe Yongcun that he learned from Elder Sun.

"He really did it." Zhang Yuanqing took a breath, "Did Elder Sun tell you the reason?"

"Confused old Sun told me not to commit suicide." Lingjun said in a deep voice.

"Stop checking." Zhang Yuanqing said solemnly, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

It was he who brought Lingjun into the trap because he wanted to understand the past and find out the truth behind Xiaoyao's disbandment and his father's death.

But if finding out the truth would cost Lingjun's life, Zhang Yuanqing would rather delay for a while and investigate by himself later, but he didn't know whether the hidden dangers planted by his father's generation would explode in advance.

Take his life when he has no defense.

"I don't want to give up just like that, but don't worry, I will be careful to test the edges and not touch the core. As long as the core is not touched, I will not be silenced." Lingjun comforted:

"Victoria is here to protect me."

"Who is Victoria?"

"Yes, yes, he is a trustworthy elder." Lingjun said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yuanqing heard a woman's lazy and charming laughter coming from the loudspeaker: "Just now you called me darling on the bed, now you have become a trustworthy elder?"

"I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first." Lingjun seemed a little embarrassed and said hastily.

I was wrong. This guy is no better than the Demon King. He is a scumbag with no moral integrity. Zhang Yuanqing listened to the busy signal from his cell phone and was so full that he didn't know how to vomit.

A trustworthy elder? A lover? Is this guy Lingjun’s filial piety like cheese that has been fermenting for more than ten years? It has deteriorated so much that it cannot go bad anymore.

Zhang Yuanqing stuffed his cell phone under his pillow, thinking about the deaths of Lingtuo and Shanhe Yongcun, and the role Elder Sun played in this matter.

Obviously, Elder Sun was implicated in what happened back then.

But it probably wasn't very involved, so it was just hidden, not silenced.

"The line of Taiyi Sect cannot be forced. Let it go as long as it is necessary. If it kills Lingjun or attracts the attention of the leader of Taiyi Sect, I will be in danger. Fu Qingyang can't even protect me."

"I can also investigate from other channels. There is no need to stick to the dragon's den and the tiger's den. Go to bed first and recuperate before talking."

He pulled up the quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, at half past nine.

Zhang Yuanqing was woken up by the harsh ringtone again, and he picked up the phone with bleary eyes. The caller was Xia Hou Aotian.

"Did you get the money?" Zhang Yuanqing asked.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I'm being targeted." Xiahou Aotian said loudly: "The Qin Dynasty antiques we sold are being targeted. I'm hiding in the Wanbao House and quickly support the protagonist."

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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