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Chapter 509 Monkey Park where shit is thrown

 Zhang Yuanqing never expected that the "Dodder Garden" that needed to be passed quickly and the "Dense Fog" that could not be moved would be triggered at the same time.

The goddess of luck seemed to have heard the threat of killing the palace master, and secretly retaliated.

Without any hesitation, he opened the inventory and put on blue gloves on both hands.


With him as the center, the strong wind spread in all directions, and the thick fog rolled with the air currents.

The strong wind that could bend the tree trunks blew for a long time, blowing away large amounts of thick fog, but there was always more thick fog to fill it, as if it would never be blown away.

After more than ten seconds, Zhang Yuanqing stopped and his expression became solemn.

The Windbreaker's gloves, which are specially designed to suppress dense fog, failed. This was something that had never been encountered before, indicating that the level of the dense fog was very high, exceeding the limit of saint-quality items.

Damn it, I can't speak or move in the thick fog, but as a wooden man, the danger of the Dodder Garden is bound to come. What should I do? Zhang Yuanqing was worried.

As the strong wind stopped, the mist returned to calm, flowing quietly like a trickle and fluttering soothingly like a gauze ribbon.

There was silence all around, with visibility less than one meter. Zhang Yuanqing could no longer see Princess Yinyao and Palace Master Zhisha, and there was a white fog all around.

He didn't dare to call the two of them, nor did he dare to "speak" in Yeyoushen's unique way, because he couldn't talk in the thick fog, and the "no talking" in the employee handbook probably meant that communication in any sense was not allowed.

Instead of speaking in a literal sense, this is in line with the dominance-level rule-based props.

In the soundless silence, he saw a disturbance in the thick fog ahead, and a tall and strange silhouette loomed, seemingly approaching him, but without making any sound.

As the outline approached, Zhang Yuanqing saw it more and more clearly. It was a three-meter-tall giant with three heads and eight arms.

He was naked from the waist up, with gnarled muscles that only appear in comics, and his skin was pale gray, like a muscular man carved from granite.

But the strange thing is that the giant's eyes are dark and hollow, and blood flows down his cheeks like tears. The eyeballs have been gouged out. There are dark red wounds on his neck, shoulder blades, and thigh roots, as if he was cut into pieces.

Then reassemble it.

Far, ancient God of War?! This idea popped into Zhang Yuanqing's mind immediately. The three heads and eight arms are the unique symbol of the ancient God of War.

No wonder. He immediately understood the origin of the thick fog and the reason why the Windbreaker's gloves could not blow away the fog.

——It's hard to say that the ancient giant in front of him is still alive. This is not even its corpse, because it walks without making any sound. Zhang Yuanqing suspects that it was formed by dense fog.

After the death of the ancient war god, his unyielding will or unwilling obsession turned into thick fog? But he couldn't sense the breath of the spirit body.

Zhang Yuanqing did not dare to be careless and could not hold his breath.

Even if the opponent is a resentful spirit, he will not have the slightest idea of ​​going up to fight.

He has passed the age of putting his hands in his pockets and not knowing what his opponent is.

How can the little flying stick compete with the ancient sausage?

The three-headed and eight-armed ancient war god walked step by step and quickly approached Zhang Yuanqing. When the distance between the two sides was three meters, it seemed to sense something and suddenly stopped.

Zhang Yuanqing's heart almost stopped, then beat uncontrollably and rapidly, and his blood pressure soared.

He didn't dare to move.

If you haven't read the employee handbook, encountered thick fog, and saw the obsession of the ancient god of war, your normal reaction would be to run away, but once you act, you will definitely be targeted by the obsession in the thick fog.

A dead end.

The mist flowed quietly, the ancient god of war stood still, and Zhang Yuanqing did not dare to move.

The two sides were in a stalemate for several seconds, and the ancient God of War suddenly let out an angry, unwilling roar filled with endless resentment:


%¥#? This seems to be a dialect sentence with a very weird pronunciation. It is as difficult to understand as the dialect of Jiangnan Leather City. Zhang Yuanqing did not understand it.

Finally, after roaring deeply, the ancient war god took silent steps, passed Zhang Yuanqing, and continued to move forward.

Huh. Zhang Yuanqing breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Suddenly, an erratic and strange call came from the garden:

"Zhang Yuanqing~"

The sound was like the high-pitched cry of a cat. It was scary and weird to hear in the silent night, and it made people feel chilly.

Zhang Yuanqing's hair suddenly exploded.

Staying in Dodder Garden for too long triggered a crisis in this area.

"Zhang Yuanqing, Zhang Yuanqing~"

The voice kept shouting, and when he didn't respond, it became more urgent and sharp.

Is that enough? Calling my name directly seems to be the voice in his heart. Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart, although he did have a strong instinct to turn his head after hearing the call, but as a saint, it is easy to restrain the instinct.

"Zhang Yuanqing" the voice in the garden shouted urgently, reaching the ears:

"Don't you want to know what your father left in your soul?"

Zhang Yuanqing almost turned his head, but restrained himself.

"Don't you want to know the truth behind the demise of Xiaoyao Organization?"

"Don't you want to know whether Zhang Zizhen is dead or alive?"

"Don't you want to know whether the Demon King is dead or alive?"

"Look at me, look at me~"

Zhang Yuanqing's expression was stiff. As he was questioned one after another, strong desire took over his instinct and overwhelmed his reason. He turned his head little by little.

These were all the doubts that he most longed to have answered, especially the life and death of the Demon King, which was almost a nightmare and troubled him from time to time.

It was at this moment that he understood the source of the power of "Dodder Garden".

——Inner demon!

The professional name of the master-level illusionist: Inner Demon, also known as the Void One. The former is an ancient name.

The core skill of Inner Demon is called "Inner Demon", which is an enhanced version of emotional manipulation.

As his level increased, Fu Qingyang used his authority to disclose a lot of master-level information to him.

The information about inner demons is in it.

In ancient legends, ascetics must pass through a heavenly tribulation before they can ascend to immortality, and when they go through a heavenly tribulation, there will be a tribulation of inner demons.

In fact, this is a distortion and distortion of the deeds of inner demons.

Everyone has inner demons and past events that they don't want to face. Some people can kill their inner demons with a sword, but some people can't cross that threshold in their entire lives.

Those who cannot cross the threshold will be in danger once they encounter the "inner demon".

Zhang Yuanqing was taken advantage of by his inner demon at this time. He didn't know how the inner demon killed people, but he knew that as long as he turned around, he would definitely be able to kill him.

And as he turned his head a little bit, the thick fog was disturbed, and the ancient God of War, who was gradually retreating, suddenly stopped, twisted his head back, and looked over with empty and dark eyes.

Terrifying and scary.

Zhang Yuanqing broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

Can't look back, can't look back. He warned himself desperately in his heart, but the remaining reason could no longer defeat his instinct, and he was still turning his head little by little.

The moment the dodder flower appeared in the corner of his vision, Zhang Yuanqing finally stopped. His pupils turned into molten gold, and a golden shimmer emitted from the pores of his skin.

At the critical moment, he activated Chunyang Body Cleansing Record!

It symbolizes the purest and most domineering power in the world, which has restrained the inner demons and allowed reason to regain its high ground.

The ancient god of war didn't get any feedback from the mist for a long time, so he started to leave again.

"Zhang Yuanqing, Zhang Yuanqing~"

The thin, strange voice continued to call and seduce.

The voice can still seduce Zhang Yuanqing, but he is no longer defenseless.

Not long after, the thick fog around him dissipated, and the dark night sky appeared again, and of course there was the Palace Master in a red dress, Princess Yinyao and Blood Rose.


Zhang Yuanqing shouted.

The two corpses passed through the Dodder Garden quickly and stopped at a fork in the road.

Zhang Yuanqing said with lingering fear: "I almost died, I almost died."

At this time, he discovered that Princess Yinyao and the Master of Killing Palace were observing the soil on the ground, their faces surprisingly calm, as if the encounter just now seemed to be just an entertainment experience.

"You guys." Zhang Yuanqing said in surprise, "Aren't you too calm?"

Princess Yinyao raised a small trumpet and pointed it at him: "The ancient war god is very powerful, but as long as he doesn't move, it will be fine. As for the call of the dodder flower, it is just the inner demon at work."

"Merely? You are a little Yin Zombie who has just been promoted to the sixth level. How can you have such a loud tone? If you don't know, you would think that Lao Bangzi is your apprentice."

"You called me Master Lao Bangzi again. I want to make a note in my diary. I have learned how to write a diary." Princess Yinyao plausibly put the trumpet in front of him:

"Have you forgotten who made the ghost mirror? I gave up my wealth and status in my early years and traveled around the world. I have already understood my thoughts and cut off my obsessions."

The thought of fart reached Zhang Yuanqing's heart and he cursed, "I took one look at your body and you were so angry that you died. Last time I touched your bear in the underground palace of Qin Feng Academy, you gave me a big pussy!"

He then looked at the Master of the Killing Palace. This man had suffered the calamity of annihilating his family, so it stands to reason that he should be haunted by inner demons.

The Master of the Killing Palace said with a playful smile: "I can hypnotize myself to forget hatred."

I’m the best?! Zhang Yuanqing couldn’t accept it for a while.

Meat Dumpling Market, Baiyin Building.

In the darkness of the night, a ray of green light came quickly, landed on the rooftop of the building, and transformed into an exquisite and petite teddy dog.

The elder dog looked around the rooftop with deep eyes, and finally landed on the paper pressed by the stone.

A corner of the paper was flying in the wind.

The elder dog raised his paw lightly, the stone rolled away automatically, and the paper flew up and was delivered to him.

Looking at it carefully, it was written on the paper:

"I'm being targeted. Please come to the 'Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore' to get together."

Fell into a trap?!

Elder Gou's heart trembled, and he immediately realized that he had fallen into a trap to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

But the next second, the font on the paper caught his attention.

He seemed to have examined it several times, found a comparison sample in his long and vague memory, and murmured to himself: "It's Zizhen's handwriting."

After pondering for a moment, Elder Dog turned into a green light and escaped, flying towards the former residence of the famous troll in history.

Zhang Yuanqing glanced over the encounter just now in dejection, and looked along the sparse mud to the road on the left.

"This road leads to the Monkey Park." The owner of the Killing Palace said happily: "It seems that your lucky necklace is still useful."

Are they the group of monkeys that people say on the Internet will poop on the spot and then hit tourists? While Zhang Yuanqing was complaining in his heart, the rules in the employee handbook resurfaced again.

10: The monkeys in the garden cannot speak.

This rule is more like a reminder, just like the warning sign standing by the reservoir, which reads: "No swimming" and "No fishing".

The ban on swimming is for fear of drowning, and the ban on fishing is simpler and easier to understand.

But what does it mean that this monkey can’t speak? What would happen if it could speak?

The two of them were filled with doubts and chose the left route to continue moving forward.

After running at high speed for two minutes, a garden surrounded by an iron fence appeared in front of me. There were ponds, rockeries, and green plants in the garden. It was silent in the dark night, and not a single shadow of the monkey could be seen.

"There are no monkeys, let's go!"

Zhang Yuanqing felt relieved and urged his companions to speed up their pace.

They ran wildly on the not-so-wide concrete road and quickly bypassed half of the monkey park. Suddenly, out of the darkness ahead, an employee in blue uniform walked out, wearing a peaked cap, with the long brim covering his eyes and half of his face.

He walks in the darkness like a midnight undead.

"He doesn't have a work permit."

The leader of the Killing Palace Master stamped his feet suddenly and lowered his voice.

Without a work badge, Zhang Yuanqing instantly recalled Article 11 of the employee handbook:

If his badge is not there, please run away immediately.

"Quick, hide!"

The Master of the Killing Palace quickly looked around and took the lead into the bushes on the side of the road.

After a period of "rustling", the two bodies hid their bodies and peered through the gaps in the bushes to see what was going on outside.

The staff member in blue uniform seemed not to notice them, or ignored them, and walked step by step with a mechanical, stiff pace.

Walk past the bushes where the team is hiding and continue walking towards the darkness in the distance.

As he passed by everyone, Zhang Yuanqing looked intently and was shocked to find that the back of this staff member in blue uniform was stained with mottled black.

The blue uniform is transforming into a black uniform.

This phenomenon shocked him. Did the black clothes transform from the blue clothes?

"Look at his posture, he seems to be sleepwalking." The master of the Killing Palace also observed this phenomenon and said softly:

"So Wang Mingming is also like this. He doesn't know that there is something wrong with him and becomes an employee in black uniforms."

"No, no, no, the employees in black uniforms are not so weird. We have seen it outside. Wang Mingming must have turned into other monsters." Zhang Yuanqing shook his head repeatedly.

The Master of the Killing Stop Palace looked sideways, "That's in the periphery. There are only two or three rules in the periphery. They are easy and simple. Can the employees in the periphery be the same as those in the core area? That Wang Mingming was not kicked out of the core area for some reason. The consequences

Is it the violent blue uniform?"

Princess Yinyao also actively expressed her opinions:

"Fortunately, we hid in time, otherwise we would have been violently killed, or he would have been implicated and attracted other blue uniforms and white lions."

Zhang Yuanqing thought for a while, felt it made sense, nodded, and raised another question:

"But it's very strange. Why did the blue uniform turn into a black uniform? What is the underlying logic? The game of the spirit of the weapon? The evil taste of the spirit of the weapon?"

He has come into contact with several rule-based props. Rules are actually another name for abilities.

Such as the endless pursuit, such as getting pregnant after hearing the cry, such as resisting any form of attack.

These abilities are given "mandatory" and become rules.

He was deeply puzzled by the rules of the zoo. If the thick fog and the dodder garden were understandable, then the undead souls who died in the zoo were recruited as employees.

Then he asked employees to patrol and fall in love with each other and kill each other. He couldn't understand it.

Doubts were doubts, and action could not be delayed. Zhang Yuanqing jumped out of the bushes and was about to continue on the road with his companions. Suddenly, he was inspired and felt that he was being watched.

Following his feeling, he turned his head and looked towards the Monkey Park.

On the rockery beside the pool, at some point, a monkey was squatting.

Hiding in front of the bushes, there were obviously no monkeys there.

This is an extremely large monkey, with a squatting height of more than 1.5 meters. It has a thunderous mouth, slightly convex brows, dark brown hair, and a pair of eyes that shine brightly in the dark, hiding the color of blood.

"Stop looking and leave quickly," the palace owner said.

Zhang Yuanqing nodded, ignored the monkey on the rockery, and walked quickly.

The monkey watched them quietly and said human words:

"Elder Dog, this zoo will be handed over to you from now on. It cannot be put in the inventory or taken into the spiritual realm. To me, it is a burden. Don't be angry. I just said the wrong thing. You are the cutest.


"Elder Dog, the zoo cannot be without a caretaker, otherwise the things suppressed inside will come out. You are the official elder, and it is your obligation to keep order."

Zhang Yuanqing's pupils suddenly shrank and he could no longer move forward.

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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