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Chapter 533 Open the door

Facing the villager's exaggerated reaction, Zhang Yuanqing and his teammates looked at each other and said kindly: "Old man, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you, we just want to ask some questions."

The farmer turned a deaf ear and kept kowtowing:

"Master Jun, Master Officer, Master, I'm just a cattle herder. Please, don't take me there."

Next, no matter what Zhang Yuanqing and others asked, the farmer always looked frightened and uneasy, kowtowing and begging for mercy, making it difficult to communicate.

Could it be that this NPC needs a specific code word or slogan to trigger? Zhang Yuanqing and others fell into deep thought.

"Hey, uncle!" Brother Red Rooster couldn't help it anymore, grabbed the farmer's collar, lifted him up in the air, and cursed:

"What are you asking? Are you deaf or blind? If you talk to yourself again, believe it or not, I will burn you to death."

As he spoke, he raised his knife and made a "chi" sound. The knife in his hand burst into bright flames and emitted scorching heat.

"Mo Zong is in that mountain! Legend has it that as long as you walk through the dense forest ahead and reach the end, you can see Mo Zong where the immortals live." The farmer pointed to the mountains in the distance and explained quickly.

This was the explanation. Zhang Yuanqing's mouth twitched. He instinctively thought that the information in the S-level copy might require methods and wisdom.

With this in mind, he glanced at Tianxia Guihuo and others and found that everyone's micro-expressions were similar.

"Just go through this forest?" Brother Red Rooster thought for a moment, turned to look at his teammates behind him, and reminded: "I am keenly aware that something is wrong."

"You don't need to be sharp to notice something is wrong." Tian Xia Gui Huo stared at the villager with a serious face and asked:

"What were you afraid of just now? Don't take you there. Is there any danger in the mountains?"

The hand knife emitting high temperature had a good deterrent effect, and the farmer answered tremblingly:

"The mountains are where the gods live, so of course it's dangerous. This forest is also very dangerous. The elders in the village told us to stay away from this forest because everyone who went in died in it.

"The immortals of Mo Zong didn't like to be disturbed, so they arranged monsters to guard them in the forest.

"A few years ago, some Jin people came here, saying they wanted to enter the mountains. They captured many villagers to lead the way, but none of them came back. After that, more Jin people came here one after another, and they all died inside."

"Jinren." Tianxia Guihuo frowned: "What year is it now?"

The farmer looked confused.

Xiahou Aotian sneered:

"Are you asking a village man from Yamano who doesn't know a word of the name of the year? There's nothing wrong with you, right? But since he mentioned the Jin people, it should be from the Southern Song Dynasty."

Sun Miaomiao spoke enthusiastically: "It is mentioned in the introduction of the copy that Mo Zong has obtained a treasure passed down from ancient times, and whoever gets this treasure will conquer the world. The purpose of the Jin people sending troops to Mo Zong is self-evident."

Later, they asked in detail about the legend of the forest, as well as the number and batches of Jin people entering the forest.

After sending the villagers away, everyone discussed in low voices.

"The Jin people came three times and the whole army was wiped out. But they may not have died in the woods, they may have died in the city." Tianxia Guihuo started and said:

"We need a cannon fodder to step into the woods and find out the danger inside."

As he spoke, he looked at the three star officials.

Only the Night God can do this kind of thing.

"No need to bother!" Brother Red Rooster patted his chest, "I'll just set fire to this forest."

Seeing no one objected, Brother Red Rooster immediately raised his hands and condensed a fireball with a diameter of three meters. The hot air blew everyone back.

He sprinted a few steps and threw fireballs with all his strength.


The fireball exploded in the dense forest, sending up dazzling flames and thick smoke, but it quickly subsided and the fire did not burn.

"Set fire to the mountains will not work." Zhang Yuanqing said: "If it were that simple, the Jin people would have set fire to all the mountains."

Everyone looked calm, not surprised that the fireball failed to ignite the forest.

Brother Red Chicken's eyes widened: "Did you all guess it?"

Xiahou Aotian sneered: "Isn't this obvious?"

Brother Red Rooster suddenly felt unhappy, "Then why didn't you remind me?"

Because you are a fire master. Zhang Yuanqing pondered: "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

Brother Hongji then smiled and said, "What you say makes people feel comfortable."

Madoka, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke with a cold voice: "Don't waste your time."

Zhang Yuanqing immediately took out Little Red Riding Hood and shook out two corpses. One was a long-haired beauty wearing light white jeans and a black T-shirt, and the other was a haggard and cold middle-aged man.

The former is Princess Yinyao, and the latter is a level 4 Yin corpse obtained from the ghost city.

——It is worth mentioning that Princess Yinyao has a waist bag tied around her waist and a small speaker in her hand.

As soon as she appeared, she raised her trumpet and said, "Dear heroes, I am Yin Yao, Princess of Ming Dynasty. I am glad to meet you."

"F*ck!" Brother Red Chicken exclaimed: "She can talk? Isn't she an inferi?"

Princess Yinyao looked at Brother Red Rooster with her strange scarlet eyes:

"I've always been good at talking. Last time in Qin Feng Academy, you slandered Yuanshi Tianzun for only selecting beautiful Yin corpses and having bad habits. I haven't settled the score with you yet."

"Ah this. Thunder Monkey Thunder Monkey" Brother Red Rooster was embarrassed again.

Zhao Chenghuang and Sun Miaomiao were also stunned, with astonished expressions on their faces. This was the first time they had seen a self-aware Inferi.

When Yuanshi Tianzun controlled the Level 4 Yin Corpse to move towards the forest ahead, Sun Miaomiao hurriedly shouted:

"Hey, you want to use the Inferi of the Saint Realm to explore the way?"

"What's the problem?" Zhang Yuanqing asked.

Are you a prodigal? Sun Miaomiao and Zhao Chenghuang showed exactly the same expressions.

Zhao Chenghuang said:

"Let me explore the way."

Without any explanation, he took out the heavy bronze box, opened the lid with a clang, and a shadowy figure wearing a tattered robe emerged from behind Zhao Chenghuang.

The ghost raised his hand, and thin black lines stretched out from his fingertips, drilling into the bronze box.

A dark, metallic warrior warrior jumped out of the box, and under the control of the shadow, walked towards the forest with stiff steps.

"The action range of the mercenaries is three hundred meters. We need to explore while moving forward." Zhao Chenghuang said.

While everyone's attention was focused on the warriors, Zhang Yuanqing approached Princess Yinyao and whispered:

"Who asked you to come out with it?"

"I think it's cute." Princess Yinyao lifted up Zhang Yuanqing's T-shirt and stuffed the small speaker into his belly so that the sound would be quieter.

"I think you have plans to cause trouble written all over your face," Zhang Yuanqing lowered his voice and said angrily: "That's not what you thought when you first saw it. You almost killed me. You should know its origin."

"His previous owner used it to record a bunch of dirty words and cursed me. I said a few days ago that I was going to smash it. Now it is well-behaved. It is a prop that knows current affairs." Yinyao County

said the Lord.

Just as he was talking, Zhao Chenghuang suddenly said in a deep voice:

"The contact between the military mercenaries and me has been severed."

Zhang Yuanqing followed the sound and saw that the thin black thread extending from the shadow's finger had been broken and hung limply on the ground.

"What's going on inside?" Tianxia Guihuo asked hurriedly.

"It's a tree demon," Zhao Chenghuang said: "This forest is full of tree demons. They attacked my warriors. Their combat power is about level 4. There are many of them. Their attack method is physical output."

Xiahou Aotian touched his chin and said:

"Dryads, and they are very resistant to fire. The soldiers will be disconnected within five minutes. The forest is so large, and the number of dryads is about ten meters each. If you force your way through, you will probably have to face them directly across the forest.

The attack of hundreds of tree demons, even with treatment and defense items, will probably reduce the number of people.

"Yuanshi, it's your turn to take action."

Now that the enemy's "identity" and attack methods have been explored, it will be easier to handle.

Just dispatch Yuanshi Tianzun directly.

Under the watchful eyes of Xiao Yuan and others, Zhang Yuanqing slowly took off his T-shirt and pants, leaving only a pair of black boxer briefs.

Ryo Asano and Sun Miaomiao exclaimed in surprise and looked away anxiously.

Guan Ya and Xiao Yuan did not respond.

"Keep it safe for me!"

Zhang Yuanqing originally wanted to throw the clothes to Guan Ya, but after thinking about it, he threw them to Brother Hongji.

Then, he grabbed the Qing Emperor Jade Belt from the inventory and strode into the forest.


He stepped on the fallen leaves covering the ground and entered the forest.

As soon as we entered the forest, the light immediately dimmed, and the layers of tree crowns blocked the sunlight.

Zhang Yuanqing moved forward cautiously, observing the surrounding plants.

The trees here are all thick and tall, and even the thinnest ones can be hugged by a person. Their main trunks and branches are dark, and their surfaces are smooth and shiny, as if they are coated with a waterproof and fireproof metal film.

These trees should be of special species, but unfortunately there are no wood demons in the team, so they can't give us popular science. Zhang Yuanqing thought in his heart, and punched the tree trunk next to him.

With a click, the tree trunk broke.

"Not a dryad."

He continued to move forward, and after walking for nearly five minutes, he saw a big tree standing in front of him with three people hugging each other.

Under the tree, there was a pitch-black terracotta warrior, its heavy body pressed into the soft soil, but the whole body was intact.

It should be damaged, but the characteristics of the soil give it the ability to "regenerate".

Speaking of which, Huang Taiji's soil is still here with me, and this guy doesn't care about me. Zhang Yuanqing suddenly remembered this.

Approaching the terracotta warriors, he saw broken bones, ribs, leg bones, skulls, etc. lying on the ground.

When a normal human dies, the skeleton is intact, but these bones are scattered all over the ground, more like food on a table. The flesh and blood have been eaten up, and the bones are thrown around casually.

In addition to bones, he also saw broken armor and several rusty knives.

"These should be the skeletons left by the Jin soldiers. There are signs of being opened on the fallen leaves. Did Zhao Chenghuang check them?"

As soon as this thought flashed across his mind, Zhang Yuanqing suddenly felt his ankle tighten. He looked down and saw two tentacle-like roots wrapped around his ankle.

Immediately afterwards, a rustling sound sounded, and several flexible vines with green leaves sprang out from the layers of tree crowns, tying him up.

At the same time, on the smooth and shiny trunk of the big tree in front, there were two dark eyes and a gap with intertwined fangs.

The roots retracted into the ground, while the vines pulled Zhang Yuanqing and sent him into the gap in the tree trunk.

Zhang Yuanqing immediately activated the "Animal Transformation" skill. Thick black hair grew on his body, his body grew taller, his head became larger and rounder, and round ears grew on the top of his head.

In an instant, he transformed into a two-meter-tall black bear, and the vines that bound him were broken by the sudden increase in size during the transformation.


The black bear bared its teeth and roared, saliva dripping down its white teeth, and the entire forest trembled with the roar.

It stood upright and pushed hard with its forelimbs. It was not afraid of fire or thunder and lightning. The indestructible tree trunk broke with a sound, and the trunk was like a crack in the eye, and the gap where the fangs intertwined closed.

The black bear immediately charged in the forest, pushing into giant trees one after another.

In front of it, the tyrannical tree demon is as weak as a weed that is trampled at will.

Outside the forest, Guan Ya and others heard the sound of a huge collapse and the roar of a black bear in the distance, and felt a strong sense of security in their hearts.

"The movement is so big, tsk tsk, Yuanshi Tianzun, this guy, when we formed a team together in the sea of ​​​​Yashan, he was still the weakest one." Brother Hongji said with emotion:

"With two or three months of hard work, he is better than us."

He is better than us. The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Guan Ya, who personally led Yuanshi Tianzun into the officialdom, Xiao Yuan, a former saint-level boss, Sun Miaomiao and Zhao Chenghuang, who bullied Yuanshi Tianzun during the ring competition, and Xiahou Aotian, who claimed to be the protagonist, all fell silent.

"Hey, why aren't you talking?" Brother Red Rooster looked at them.

No one paid attention to him.

Princess Yinyao raised her trumpet and said, "They think you are mean-mouthed!"

Brother Hongji was stunned: "Did I say something wrong?"

He said angrily: "Are you being regionally discriminatory and looking down on Huadu people?"

Still no one paid attention to him.

Princess Yinyao put the trumpet to his ear and whispered: "It's you they are discriminating against."


At the end of the forest is a rugged cliff with a three-meter-high stone door embedded in the wall.

The stone gate is engraved with a relief of Bagua, with raised characters such as Qiankun Zhenkanli.

Zhang Yuanqing slumped on the ground with a pale face and said:

"This door cannot be opened. It should require a specific key. My task has been completed and I will leave it to you."

After transforming into a beast, the pain of torn muscles, broken bones and tendons was still tormenting him. He was reluctant to use the Green Emperor's Immortality Technique and Life Source Liquid. The self-healing skills of the Mountain God Scepter were not very effective, so he could only endure it hard.

Guan Ya probably wanted to show off her affection in front of Xiao Yuan. When she first came over, she saw Zhang Yuanqing's miserable state and quickly knocked on his legs and rubbed his shoulders, almost killing him on the spot.

Zhang Yuanqing tearfully scolded him as "fuck you" and became angry and ignored him.

At this time, he was standing in front of the door, observing the stone gate with Sun Miaomiao and others.

"The secret to opening the door should be found in the Bagua Diagram. If I remember correctly, this is what bachelors are good at." Guan Ya said.

Sun Miaomiao turned around and said, "Xiahou Aotian, I leave it to you. The Mohist organization should be an organization dominated by bachelors."

Xiahou Aotian frowned:

"Yes, it is the field of bachelors, but this thing is like an electronic lock. I am a locksmith, but I can only open the lock. Cracking the password of the electronic lock and opening the lock are two different things."

"You just can't handle it." Brother Red Rooster still hasn't learned his lesson and is still outspoken.

At this time, Xia Hou Aotian suddenly lowered his head and stared at the black iron thumb on his thumb, as if listening to some sound.

A few seconds later, he held his head high and said proudly:

"Who says I can't figure it out? The Bagua map on the door is actually the Bagua gate sealing formation passed down from the pre-Qin era. It can be unlocked by following the correct route and using spiritual power. It's simple!"

After saying that, he pressed randomly on the embossed font, and then pressed the central Taichi Fish.

I heard the stone door shake with a "bang" and slowly slid open to one side.

Behind the stone gate is not the dark and gloomy mountain belly, but a corridor with swaying candlelight.

There are obvious traces of excavation in the corridor, which are not naturally formed, and the flat wall is stained with dark red blood.

At the entrance of the corridor, corpses were spread out on the ground.

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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