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Chapter 541 The whole story of the demise of the government city

 The baby's eyes were clear and innocent, watery as he stared at the army of inferi, his little mouth opened, and he cried "Wow".

"Wow wow."

The childish and loud cries echoed in the valley and in the corridor. Madoka and the others who were escaping deeper into the corridor inevitably heard the cry of the baby.

The next second, their lower abdomens bulged slightly, and within a few seconds there were fetal movements and a high-pitched baby cry.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, can't you wait a moment?" Xiahou Aotian held on to the wall of the corridor, jumped to his feet and cursed.

How can I let the protagonist get pregnant in public? I am shameless.

As soon as he finished cursing, he leaned against the wall, holding his growing belly and groaning in pain.

Xiao Yuan held onto the wall with one hand and covered her lower abdomen with the other, her mouth twitching slightly.

She never thought that one day she would experience pregnancy in such a way, and the initiator was Yuanshi Tianzun.

Guan Ya originally ran away with Sun Miaomiao on her back, but Sun Miaomiao was fatally injured. It would take some time to heal and she was unable to move.

But as soon as the crying started, she couldn't take care of herself anymore. She held her ball-like belly and leaned against the stone wall, her pretty face turned pale in pain, and her brows were knitted together.

"I, I, I'm pregnant? Pervert, Yuanshi Tianzun is a big pervert." Asano Ryo held the knife and looked down at his belly, looking like he was about to cry.

She endured pregnancy pains that she shouldn't have at this age.

Compared with women, Tianxia Guihuo and Zhao Chenghuang, who experienced the taste of pregnancy for the first time, simply had their mentality exploded, and the outlook of straight men was strongly impacted.

Their faces were ashen, and they looked like they wanted to scold their mothers, but the children in their stomachs were too noisy, and now they just wanted to rest against the wall.

Only Brother Red Rooster stubbornly held on to the wall and staggered forward. Seeing that his teammates did not follow him, he turned around and shouted:

"Don't stop, walk quickly. The child in your belly will take away your spiritual power and skills. If you don't want to drop the level, just come with me. Stay away from the crying and you'll be fine."

At this time, the team members' bellies were close to six months old. The baby's little hands were protruding from the surface of the belly, and the fetus in the belly seemed to want to burst the belly and crawl out.

Spiritual power and physical strength began to disappear, and the skills of the extraordinary stage were stripped from their genes and transferred to the fetus.

Everyone felt their own changes, their hearts sank, and they endured the severe pain of their internal organs being turned upside down, holding on to the wall and staggering forward.

After walking a few steps, Guan Ya suddenly remembered that Sun Miaomiao was still lying there, she hurriedly stopped and shouted with pale lips: "Miaomiao."

Even though Sun Miaomiao was in a coma, she could not escape the fate of pregnancy.

"You go first, I'll go rescue her." came the voice of the princess, as steady as an old dog.

Guan Ya looked at Princess Yinyao, took a few breaths, and urged: "Quick, hurry up!"

Princess Yinyao ran back and picked up the potbellied Sun Miaomiao. Like an agile female leopard, she chased everyone, surpassed them, and disappeared deep into the corridor.

The team members held on to the wall and walked quickly for a long time. The baby's cry gradually fell behind them and was finally not heard.

The fetus in the abdomen first became calm, then lost activity, and the bulging belly slowly recovered, but the pain of torn abdominal muscles still accompanied them.

This pain is so wonderful in the eyes of everyone.

It’s great that the fetus is gone.

"Not good!" Princess Yinyao raised her trumpet and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone almost instinctively held their bellies in their hands, ready to escape at any time, like a frightened bird.

Brother Red Rooster turned around and looked around. When he saw that there was no crisis and no baby crying, he relaxed and then said angrily:

"What are you making such a fuss about!"

"I'm not pregnant!" Princess Yinyao said.

"Isn't it a good thing not to be pregnant?" Brother Red Rooster spat.

"The Yin Corpse cannot get pregnant, so how will Yuanshi Tianzun deal with the enemy?" Princess Yinyao snatched the Han Bafang Ancient Sword from Guan Ya's hand and walked away: "I want to go back and help him."

The expressions of Zhao Chenghuang and others changed slightly. Indeed, if the Yin Corpse cannot become pregnant, how can Yuanshi Tianzun deal with hundreds of Yin Corpses?

"Let her go." Guan Ya sat cross-legged on the ground and said in a calm tone: "The function of the Holy Infant is clear to Yuanshi. Since he lets us go, he will naturally be sure to deal with the Inferi, so there is no need to worry."

No one knows Yuanshi Tianzun better than her, that is the man she knows deeply.

Princess Yinyao, who was not far away, suddenly stopped and looked back at the crowd, holding a small trumpet:

"I have a question for you."

Everyone looked over.

The princess said: "Guan Ya, Sun Miaomiao, the world will return to fire."

She read out everyone's names one by one, and then asked: "How does it feel to be made pregnant by Yuanshi Tianzun?"

???Everyone looked at her in silence, with expressions that wanted to hit someone.

Princess Yinyao patted her pocket regretfully, turned around and walked away.

It's a pity that there is no such clue.

The violent and bloodthirsty Inferi rushed over with their teeth and claws. Zhang Yuanqing stood at the entrance of the corridor. Under the protection of Yi Chuanmei, he methodically took out the Windbreaker's gloves and put them on. He grabbed the Mountain God's Scepter and held it in his left hand.

Finally, he took out a box of square iron tea cans from the gang warehouse.

The tea can was filled with black powdery spores.

Zhang Yuanqing threw the tea can high into the air, activated the Windbreaker Gloves skill, controlled the airflow, and carried the spores to fly towards the oncoming Inferi army.

Then, he raised the mountain god's scepter high and brought it to the ground.


The emerald on the top of the scepter emits a bright but not dazzling green light.

There was a slight popping sound in the air, and groups of black plants grew rapidly, with twisted vines like tentacles, shaped like octopuses, or wriggling tumbleweeds.

These plants automatically capture the inferi, and the tentacle-like vines bite the cold body, and then greedily grab the power of the lunar corpse.

This kind of plant is called ghost claw grass. It is a rare plant in the exclusive copy of Night Walker. They have very strict requirements on the environment and must grow in mass graves with strong yin.

They cannot grow in the soil and must take root on the corpse and use the carrion as nutrients. If the corpse is exhausted, the ghost claw grass will produce seeds and enter a long dormancy, waiting for an opportunity.

The vitality of seeds is very tenacious and can lie dormant for decades, even hundreds of years.

Due to their ability to absorb carrion and the power of Taiyin, the Taiyi Sect spent a huge amount of manpower and time cultivating a large amount of ghost claw grass, specifically used to destroy dangerous places with strong Yin energy such as mass graves.

Because of the ability of ghost claw grass to restrain the inferi, Zhang Yuanqing asked Fu Qingyang for some.

The boss is the boss and never refuses his requests.

Under the entanglement of the ghost claw grass, the movement of the Inferi suddenly slowed down, and the Yin Qi gradually disappeared. Without intelligence, they did not even know to clean up the ghost claw grass on their bodies.

Upon seeing this, the black-robed resentful spirit immediately let out a high-pitched scream, as if conveying some kind of order.

The confused Inferi finally "realized" what was threatening it, and lowered its head to clean up the ghost claw grass wrapped around its body.

Ghost claw grass uses carrion as soil, and corpses will not resist, because they have not evolved the ability to fight, and are "uprooted" and torn into pieces with almost no power to fight back.

Then he continued to pounce on Zhang Yuanqing at the entrance of the corridor.

"Wow wow."

The baby's crying continued.

The ghost claw grass that had been torn into pieces suddenly came to life, and the fragments grew rapidly, just like the single-celled ghost claw grass that split and multiplied, but there were more ghost claw grass.

Babies' cries give them the ability to reproduce.

In addition, black tentacles emerged from the mouths and noses of hundreds of inferi, twisting and squirming, and their abdomens bulged high, like pregnant women.

But what they carry in their bellies is not a fetus, but clumps of ghost claw grass.

A small part of those ghost claw grass spores enter the body through the mouth and nose of the inferi. The number is very small. In the cry of the Holy Infant, they multiply rapidly and continue to multiply.

It finally broke out at this moment.

It is easy to clean the ghost claw grass from the body, but cleaning the ghost claw grass from the stomach is something that the Inferi cannot do.

Zhang Yuanqing's initial plan was to use the "fertility" ability of the Holy Infant to reproduce unlimited ghost claw grass from limited spores, and then use the characteristics of the Mountain God's Scepter to activate the growth of the spores and alienate them to make them have stronger powers.

Attack power.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, he took out the Little Red Riding Hood and shook it.

Nine corpses headed by the God of Greed fell out of the hat.

Zhang Yuanqing waved his hand: "Destroy them."

After the words fell, a starlight rose from the army of Yin Zhi. Princess Yinyao appeared from the starlight and swept across with her sword.

There were pop-pop sounds, several heads flew up in the air, and the headless Inferi fell to the ground with a crash.

The Greedy God General led the undead and charged into the enemy's army brazenly. The fat-bellied Inferi army was powerless to fight back, and their rotten heads flew up one by one.

Zhang Yuanqing looked at the black-robed resentful spirit floating in the air, raised his hand and pressed his forehead, "It's time to deal with you."

Dark blue light bursts from the fingertips and quickly spreads to the entire face. The black, white and red colors outline the mouth and eyes, depicting a face that is unruly and upright.

Blue face, endurance increased by 50%, immune to three mental attacks.

Zhang Yuanqing harnessed the strong wind and led Yi Chuanmei into the sky, rushing towards the black-robed resentful spirit.

Deep whirlpools appeared in the eyes of the black-robed resentful spirit, pulling the two of them into a dream.

"Little trick!" Yi Chuanmei raised her hand, imitating her master's habit, and snapped her fingers.

The surrounding space was suddenly filled with cracks, shattering like glass.

Dream interpretation.

The black-robed resentful spirit raised its head without hesitation, screamed, and unleashed a mental attack!

A blue light lit up on Zhang Yuanqing's face, and he was immune to the attack. The divine power of the sun rolled into his palm, condensing into a long sword with thin golden light.

Cut it off with all your strength.

The body of the black-robed resentful spirit split into two halves in an instant, and green smoke billowed out.

A sixth-level femininity that has turned into a wraith and has no props is impossible to compete with him as a star official.

A dark, sticky energy appeared in Zhang Yuanqing's eyes. He opened his mouth and sucked in the two remaining souls into his belly.

Devouring souls!

The machine city is full of machines and puppets. It is not easy to encounter a "creature" with intelligence. Maybe you can get a glimpse of the truth about the destruction of the machine city from the memory of the resentful spirit.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the resentful spirit disintegrated into a torrent of chaos, evil, and negative emotions, washing away Zhang Yuanqing's spirit body.

The pain and chaos that caused him to suffer from schizophrenia were immediately suppressed by his will.

Broken memories flashed by one after another, and Zhang Yuanqing read the identity information of this black-robed resentful spirit. He was a dream master who was active in the Song Dynasty. At that time, the Jin Kingdom dominated the north, sent its army south, and captured Bianjing in the Song Dynasty.

, captured the two emperors.

In pursuit of glory and wealth, this dreamer pledged his allegiance to the Jin Kingdom and followed the Jin Kingdom's cavalry southward to destroy the Song Dynasty. However, he encountered resistance from patriotic generals such as Yue Pengju, and his progress southward was blocked.

The top brass of the Jin Kingdom's army received a secret report that Mo Zong in the southwest had recently obtained an ancient treasure that could be used to create a weapon that could destroy the world.

It can just solve the dilemma of the Jin Kingdom.

So the top officials of the Jin Kingdom sent envoys to Mo Zong to "borrow" the treasure, and promised that after unifying the world, Mo Zong would be the state religion and promote the art of mechanism.

However, Mo Zong did not understand current affairs and killed the Jin envoy.

Jin Ting was furious, and immediately mobilized his capable men and strangers, as well as the masters of the army, all the best to come out, vowing to destroy Mo Zong.

The leader of the team is an ancient war god and a big shot in the Jinting military.

The Dream Palmist followed the leader all the way to this place, died of exhaustion, was bound by the mechanisms here, and became a spiritual servant guarding the valley.

At this point, Zhang Yuanqing has completely understood the plot line of Mo Zong's Organ City.

Subtle but messy footsteps came from the corridor.

The team members who had recovered their strength rushed back. They looked at the corpses scattered on the ground in shock. Although they knew that Yuanshi Tianzun was left alone to deal with the enemy, they must be confident.

But seeing this scene is still hard to describe the shock in my heart.

In their hearts, the strong men who can challenge the valley alone should be the strong men at the level of the official Fourth Young Master, and are the strongest group of people under the ruler.

Now Yuanshi Tianzun has also done it.

Before he knew it, he was already at the pinnacle of the saint stage.

"Zhao Chenghuang, Sun Miaomiao, I have left a Level 5 Inferi for each of you. When the dungeon comes out, your experience points should be enough to control this level of Inferi." Zhang Yuanqing pointed to the one being killed by the Greedy God General and the Hundred Man.

Trampled underfoot, the pot-bellied inferi.

Sun Miaomiao and Zhao Chenghuang's eyes lit up.

At the Taiyi Sect, a fifth-level Infernal Corpse can only be exchanged for a B-level meritorious service.

Although Sun Miaomiao doesn't play with corpses, she can sell them to fellow sect members.

"There are a lot of good things in S-level dungeons." Xiahou Aotian finished sighing and complained: "Why don't you keep a few more and sell them to me?"

I still have tens of millions in debt. He was embarrassed to say this.

Guan Ya asked: "Have you tried eating spirits?"

"I have figured out the causes and consequences of the destruction of the machine city." He immediately informed his teammates of the information obtained by the Devouring Soul in detail.

"That's it!" Everyone suddenly realized, but they were not surprised. This was what they expected.

Tianxia Guihuo frowned and suddenly shook his head:

"It doesn't seem right. The main mission is to find out the cause of Mo Zong's demise. It stands to reason that we have completed the main mission now, but there is no prompt in the copy."

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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