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Chapter 793 Dragon Breath Test

 Zhang Yuanqing suddenly opened his eyes, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

Madoka, who had been paying attention to her lover, immediately asked: "What did you see?"

Zhang Yuanqing whispered: "The group is destroyed, the giant dragon has destroyed our group."

He briefly described the images he saw during stargazing and the changes in the stars.

As if a bucket of cold water was poured on their heads, the expressions of the four people were stiff, and the joy and sense of security they felt after gaining Linmu disappeared.

"It's not a dark night, and there's no starry sky. I can only see fragments. I can't get the details accurately, and I can't see more destiny trajectories, so it's difficult to make targeted arrangements." Zhang Yuanqing looked solemn.

The reason why Lingtuo can play with fate by playing with all living beings is because he can see many future directions and many details, which is equivalent to knowing the script in advance.

As for the low-level star officers, what they saw was the trailer.

There is no need to say more about how fake the trailer is.

If you arrange your troops according to the content in the trailer, you will be killed by fate.

So apart from knowing that the team would be wiped out, Zhang Yuanqing couldn't make any targeted arrangements.

"It doesn't matter, the effect of stargazing has been achieved!" Huang Taiji comforted with a serious face: "If we rashly seize the dragon's eyes now, we will really be wiped out."

He gently pushed the display cabinet next to him, changed the course of the boat, and floated towards the position of the clay mask.

The boat stopped in front of the display case of clay masks. Huang Taiji lowered his head and asked:

"How do we pass the dragon's breath test?"

He has figured out the mechanism of the dungeon, and most things can be answered without using his brain. He can ask questions to the clay mask.

——Even so, the dungeon is already a hell-level difficulty.

A clay mask with the image of a kind old man, smiling and saying: "Convince people with virtue."

God convinces people with his virtue!! Zhang Yuanqing almost cursed.

As calm as Huang Taiji, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. He knew it was a lie, so he asked again.

"Submit it with force!"

Huang Taiji suddenly frowned. It seemed that there was no shortcut to this level, and he could only pass the test through hard power.

He spoke for a few seconds and then asked again: "Is there any way to avoid the dragon's breath test?"

After asking twice, after eliminating the first wrong answer, I finally got the correct reply:

"There is no way to escape the dragon's breath test, but there is no limit to the number of people. You can leave one of the strongest to accept the test, and the rest will hide in the blank scroll.

"The scroll is the only way to avoid the dragon's breath, but it is inherently dangerous. Anyone who enters the scroll must come out within fifteen minutes, otherwise he will die inside."

Then, Huang Taiji asked about the methods of entering and leaving the scroll.

It's very simple. You can enter by throwing yourself into the scroll. Once you enter the scroll, you will naturally know how to leave.

The five people discussed it and decided that Zhang Yuanqing would stay outside to deal with the test, while the others entered the scroll and tried their best to survive fifteen minutes. The bottom line was ten minutes.

The green bamboo paddled the wood pulp through the exhibition hall and came to the scroll.

"After fifteen minutes and passing the dragon's breath test, we can pass the level." Zhang Yuanqing took the wooden paddle from Qingzhu and declined Alicia, Huang Taiji's defense items, Xiao Yuan's healing Gu, and Qingzhu.

Healing props, "You are also in danger, and the scroll is not safe either."

Considering that accepting the dragon's breath test on a wooden boat requires strong balance and flexibility, Zhang Yuanqing asked for a wood demon prop from Qingzhu.

A green earring.

The function is to improve physical strength, flexibility and balance. The improvement in strength is negligible, but the improvement in flexibility and balance allows Zhang Yuanqing to complete the Pure Land dance on a thin wooden paddle.

"I'll go in first." Huang Taiji jumped into the blank scroll.

Madoka followed closely, followed by Alicia and Qingzhu.

Soon, the figures of four people appeared in the scroll. They were composed of only a few strokes of ink, but they were so lifelike and charming that people could recognize them at a glance.

After a few seconds, ink quickly sketched an ancient house on the blank scroll.

The ancient house is in the style of ink painting, the sky is gloomy, and the lantern in front of the house emits a dark red light, giving off a Chinese-style eerie horror.

The four ink figures stood in front of the ancient house, hesitating, seeming to be aware of the horror and gloominess of the ancient house. Suddenly, the four people turned their heads and looked into the darkness behind them. Their simple faces revealed extremely lifelike expressions of horror.

They hurriedly pushed open the door of the ancient house and fled into the ancient house.

The ink painting began to change frame by frame, showing a long-abandoned courtyard, a patio covered with decaying grass, an overturned stone mill, and a crooked clothes drying pole.

The four of them looked around in the courtyard, stepped on the bluestone floor with weeds growing out of the cracks, and walked under the flying eaves. They opened the door of the east room.

A funeral was being held in the room, with red candles, white flags, paper figures, and a red coffin placed in the center of the mourning hall.

Zhang Yuanqing stood outside and watched, as if he were watching an ink-and-wash style cartoon from his childhood.

It's a strange painting. It's like a copy if you pick it out alone. It seems quite difficult. It's a pity that I'm the only night wanderer in the team. Otherwise, the painting style of the ancient house wouldn't be enough. Zhang Yuanqing stopped looking at it and picked up the wooden paddle on the wall.

A bunch of small boats cut through the waves briskly, leaning against the dragon sculpture to the west.

The giant dragon squats on the base. It is made entirely of brass and is six meters high. It raises its head and roars, with a lifelike expression and perfect scale details.

Its eyeballs are inlaid with dark red cat's-eye gems, and its vertical pupils are clear, as if it has the ability to see through people's hearts.

Zhang Yuanqing rowed the wooden oar, parked in front of the giant dragon statue, raised the two-meter-long wooden oar, and hit the dragon's eye socket hard.


Linmu struck the bronze statue and made a muffled sound.

The dark red cat's eye gem in the dragon's eye socket did not move at all. Zhang Yuanqing was about to continue tapping when he suddenly saw the gem "Gulu" turning and looking down at him. The inner cat's eye gap burst out with a cold light.

The statue comes alive!

Zhang Yuanqing was shocked and kicked on the base. The boat used the force to slide back and widen the distance.

The resurrected dragon suddenly opened its wings, and its membrane wings shook violently, just like a human stretching after waking up from sleep.

After a while, it retracted its membrane wings, its long neck swelled, and it instantly rushed to its throat.


A red fireball erupted and hit the humans not far away.

The fireball was not very strong, so Zhang Yuanqing calmly took out the Yin-Yang robe and put it on, bright flames appeared in his palms, he caught the incoming fireball and pressed it down.

The fireball as big as a washbasin was pushed into the weak water, hissing repeatedly, extinguished and dissipated.

If the strength of the dragon's breath is like this, it will be easy! Zhang Yuanqing took a look at his torn hands and secretly cheered up.

The fire dragon's neck on the base swelled again, its sharp snout opened, and with a "whoosh" sound, another fireball was ejected, and then, one fireball after another.

Damn it, you shouldn’t have raised the flag! Zhang Yuanqing’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly waved the wooden oar, paddling as hard as he could.

The boat rushed to the west like an arrow, passing by six or seven fireballs.

But the giant dragon is like a machine gun, with balls of high-temperature fireballs ejected from its large mouth, and its rate of fire is comparable to that of a heavy cannon.

After all, Zhang Yuanqing could not combine a man and a boat, so avoiding one wave was the limit. He used the power of the sun to condense a shield, and used a wooden oar as a spear to maneuver around the two-meter-long boat, either blocking, slamming, or

Dodge and let the fireballs pass by you.

Lin wood is extremely hard and impervious to water and fire, so it is perfect for use as a weapon.

Suddenly, a scorching wind blew behind him, and with a "bang" sound, a high-temperature fireball shot from behind and hit his back.

The expanding fire tore his clothes and carbonized the flesh and blood on his back. The powerful impact caused Zhang Yuanqing to stumble, his center of gravity became unstable, and he fell into the weak water.

At the critical moment, his waist muscles twisted, and his body continued to rotate, forcing his downward center of gravity back, and he fell on the edge of the boat.

Beastmaster's props worked.

Ignoring the burning pain in his back, Zhang Yuanqing quickly turned around and saw that the fireballs he had just avoided did not fall into the water, but turned around and hit him again.

At the same time, the giant dragon not far away bulged its neck and transformed into a machine gun again, spraying fireballs intensively.

Attack from front and back!

No matter how flexible and balanced the wood demon is, it cannot remain unharmed in a hail of bullets.

Ridiculous, weak water drowns all things. How come these fireballs are floating in the air? The dungeon mechanism does not respect martial ethics! Zhang Yuanqing cursed in his heart. The fireballs must have been blessed by the dungeon to ignore the "gravity" of weak water.

There was a sea of ​​fire in front and behind, and the heat wave was overwhelming.

Zhang Yuanqing held a pale golden shield and waved a wooden paddle, blocking and scattering fireballs. Sometimes he dodged between the two fireballs, sometimes he bent down, and sometimes he pounced forward.

Even after escaping most of the fireballs, it was still carbonized all over, giving off the pungent smell of burnt meat.

His organs were intact, but 80% of his body was carbonized, and the severe pain put him under great mental pressure.

The flame has a burning effect, which offsets my self-healing ability. If it happens again, I will probably die. Zhang Yuanqing smells the breath of death.

Fortunately, the dragon stopped breathing its breath, and the first wave of tests was over.

Zhang Yuanqing took out the Mountain God Scepter, activated the healing function, and at the same time grabbed the life source liquid injection and stuffed it into his mouth. With a continuous "click" sound, he chewed the glass tube with his steel teeth, swallowed the liquid, and then spit out the glass shards.

The skin and blood vessels have been carbonized and the injection cannot be injected.

Using a two-pronged approach, coupled with the self-healing power of Night Traveler, his flesh and blood regenerated rapidly, and the carbonized skin cracked, revealing bright red tender flesh.

I don't know what the pattern of the second wave of dragon's breath test is. Zhang Yuanqing turned his head and looked at the hanging painting to the east. The ink animation was playing frame by frame. He saw that only green bamboo was left in the mourning hall.

He looked at the bloody coffin in horror. The coffin opened a gap and a blue and black hand poked out.

He saw a disheveled female corpse crawling out of the coffin, pounced on Qingzhu, and tore off her right arm.

Seeing Qingzhu's face frightened, he ran around the mourning hall, with the female corpse chasing after him.

Huang Taiji and the other three stood aside with empty eyes, as if they did not see their companions in danger.

The crisis in the scroll has broken out, and the test must be passed as soon as possible! Zhang Yuanqing put away the mountain god's scepter and took out the thunder armor and arm guards.

He doesn't have many defensive items. Among the saint's qualities, the Thunder God suit's lightning protection is the strongest.

It was useless to endure it just now, because I thought I could withstand the first wave, and I didn't want to use the strongest defense too early. After all, electromagnetic protection has a cooling time, electric shock, and paralysis.

Zhang Yuanqing put on arm guards and armor, and a bright blue electric arc enveloped his whole body. Burns immediately appeared on his newly recovered tender red skin.

My body is a little paralyzed, which is not conducive to my movement, but the electromagnetic protection should be able to help me hold on for a while. Zhang Yuanqing thought, at this moment, he saw the dragon's eyes light up.

A red beam as thick as an arm spurted out from the long snout.

A beam of light, too fast to avoid!

The next second, Zhang Yuanqing heard the "pop" of electromagnetic protection shattering, and the armor composed of lightning collapsed. An arm-thick, translucent hole appeared on his chest.

This chapter has been completed!
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