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Chapter 844 Beautiful Woman

Zhang Yuanqing immediately saw the wariness and hostility in the girl's eyes. This did not require the ability of an illusionist, but relied on countless experiences.

The two people's eyes met. Chu Meiren, who was about fourteen or fifteen years old, suddenly lowered her head, knelt down and said loudly:

"Welcome Your Majesty!"

The voice is young and moving, but the tone exclaims Zhang Fei's "me too" momentum.

This is not the daughter of Orion, this is Zhang Fei's daughter! Zhang Yuanqing quickly reached out to help her: "My dear concubine, please get up. I came in a hurry and didn't have a meal. I happened to be here with the beauty."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Beauty Chu leaning back and avoiding his support.

Then he quickly returned to his seat and said loudly: "I will serve your majesty for dinner."

He pulled several plates of meat and vegetables in front of Zhang Yuanqing, tore off a chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth.

"No need, no need." Zhang Yuanqing tilted his head to avoid it and said, "Just let the servants take care of you, the beauty can do as she pleases."

Chu Meiren nodded, lowered her head to eat, her cheeks puffed up like a hamster while eating.

Zhang Yuanqing first glanced at the two guards and asked them to take several palace maids down for questioning. Then he ate slowly under the waiters of the palace maids, looking sideways at the girls around him from time to time.

This Chu beauty is wearing a plum red double-breasted palace skirt, with pink face and peach cheeks, and beautiful facial features. Although she is young, she is indeed a rare beauty. She looks to be about fifteen years old at most, but her actual age may be even younger.

She does have a problem.

The first is the appetite. It is impossible for ordinary people to have such an exaggerated appetite. The second is the etiquette. Although she is the daughter of Orion, she has been in the palace for many days and has learned some rules. However, Zhang Fei is more elegant than her when it comes to eating.

Finally, she seemed to be very resistant to physical contact with the emperor. A favored concubine should not have this attitude.

Zhang Yuanqing thought for a moment and said:

"I heard that Chu Meiren was born as an Orion. I wonder if there are any deeds in the mountains that you can share?"

"No!" Chu Meiren objected immediately, and then added: "I am young and do not follow my father in hunting, so I don't know."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded, "If you didn't go hunting with your father, then why did you ride your horse into my hunting ground that day?"

Chu Meiren didn't answer for a while, she just pretended to be stupid and buried herself in her meal.

Beauty Chu doesn't look very smart. She probably can't be a spy. Zhang Yuanqing continued: "Speaking of which, Beauty Chu has been in the palace for a few days. Do you miss your family? I can allow you to leave the palace today."

"No! I don't want to see them." Chu Meiren subconsciously refused. Then she saw His Majesty was stunned and quickly changed her words and said:

"I want to stay with Your Majesty and don't want to leave the palace."

This was not the case when you were hiding from me just now! Zhang Yuanqing originally thought that the little girl was not too smart and might not be a spy, but now he has changed his mind.

This girl is weird, maybe she is a spy.

So, Zhang Yuanqing asked a few more indirect questions. In order not to arouse Chu Meiren's vigilance, he only asked some trivial matters and experiences related to Orion.

As he kept asking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. This girl didn't know any of the questions. She lowered her head to eat when she couldn't answer, pretending to be dumbfounded.

You want to say that she is a spy. How can there be such a stupid spy?

You have to say that she is not a spy. There are problems everywhere. You can find a lot of doubts with your eyes closed.

Who is Beauty Chu? Zhang Yuanqing's heart moved and he made a guess.

The inherited memory is too short, so there is a situation where you don't know everything about it. In addition, Chu Mei people barely understand court etiquette. Their sitting posture, eating habits and language style are all incompatible with this era.

A new question followed. If Chu Meiren was, who would it be?

Are there any such stupid members in My Return of the Dead?

Zhang Yuanqing checked all the female members who entered this dungeon and took their seats. Xiaoyuan Guanya and Aunt Xiaoyuan were all excluded. The remaining ones were Sun Miaomiao, Xiao Green Tea and the Queen.

Although Sun Miaomiao is naive, she is actually very smart and a scheming keyman. Not to mention Little Green Tea, she is too scheming to beat up adult women.

The Queen is also experienced.

In my Return of the Dead, it seems that a member who is not so stupid is an internal member of the White Tiger Soldiers and followed him in? It shouldn’t be, with Xiao Fu’s emotional intelligence, he would not bring a stranger into an acquaintance situation.

Zhang Yuanqing has a lively mind and is constantly thinking about information that unfortunately cannot be exposed. Although the dungeon does not clearly indicate the punishment for "exposure", in such a high-difficulty dungeon, you'd better follow the mechanism of the dungeon.

Otherwise, a small mistake may bring down the whole team and lead to the destruction of the group.

After all, his character is the Foolish King, and the name of the dungeon is King of Subjugation. His mistakes are different from those of ordinary characters.

After drinking a bowl of mutton soup, he had a guess in his mind. He looked at Chu Meiren beside him and said with a smile:

"Beauty, at your age, you should learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and read and write. Tomorrow I will ask the bachelor to teach you."

Chu Meiren's pretty little face froze, and she said loudly like a reflex: "I don't want to study, I don't want to study!"

The next second, her eyes changed slightly, and she said with a pinched voice: "It's not that I don't like reading, I think that reading will distract my energy and prevent me from taking good care of Your Majesty."

Zhang Yuanqing said "Oh" and asked in a relaxed tone: "Beauty, I forgot your name."

Chu Meiren was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't understand.

"What's your name?" Zhang Yuanqing asked in vernacular.

"My concubine's name is Chu Xiaoyao." Chu beauty replied.

Zhang Yuanqing didn't speak anymore and continued to eat. The beautiful lady Chu next to her was straight with her back straight, her face full of nervousness, and the food in her mouth no longer tasted good. She glanced at His Majesty the Emperor from time to time, looking like she was guilty of committing a crime.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuanqing asked: "What is your father's name?"

"Ginger" Chu Mei's body trembled, and she answered like a reflex, but she stopped abruptly. Her face changed wildly, she picked up a piece of young ginger and stuffed it into her mouth, and said with a naive smile:

"Ginger is so delicious, Your Majesty, my father's name is Chu Laosi, and he ranks fourth in the family."

How did she get into the dungeon? Why didn't Fu Qingyang tell me in advance? There was nothing unusual on Zhang Yuanqing's face, but his heart was extremely excited. He already knew who Chu Meiren was.

Jiang Jingwei!

If Chu Meiren were Jiang Jingwei, all the unreasonableness would become reasonable, and all the stupidity would become natural.

Ages can also match.

With Jingwei here, even if the spy is not found today, I will not become a fish on the chopping board. Well, my identity cannot be exposed. Zhang Yuanqing stood up with a red face and said:

"I've finished eating. I like Chu's beautiful lady very much with her beautiful heart and pure heart. I'll come over to sleep with her tonight!"

After saying that, under Chu Meiren’s astonished eyes, she ordered her left and right:

"Give my Chu beauty another roast lamb."

Under the pull of the palace maid next to her and the hint in her eyes, Chu Meiren hurriedly knelt down on the ground and said happily: "Thank you, thank you, Your Majesty."

After leaving the three-story attic, Zhang Yuanqing got on the deer cart and continued to move forward. On the way, he listened to the feedback from the guards. There was no problem in Chu Meiren's house. At least they did not find any doubts. The palace maids and eunuchs did not notice anything unusual about her.

Too smart and ignorant of etiquette.

The next target is Wanmei.

She was the woman who was making ghost noises among the flowers in the middle of the night.

The deer cart drove for half an hour through the imperial harem, which was like a fairy palace, and stopped in front of a slightly humble building, two stories high. Although it was also decorated with carved beams and painted beams, it was not exquisite enough, and the flowers and plants in the courtyard were sparse and ordinary.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the curtain, landed with the help of the accompanying eunuchs, and led a group of people into the small courtyard.

There are only a few palace maids and eunuchs in the courtyard, and the appearance of the former is also sparse and ordinary.

Wanmei doesn't seem to be favored. Just as Zhang Yuanqing was thinking about it, he saw a eunuch saying loudly:

"Your Majesty is here~"

A few seconds later, heavy footsteps "dong dong" were heard in the building. In a moment, the lattice door was pushed open with great force, and a woman with a broad waist and a height of about 1.75 meters rushed out.

This woman has a round face, copper bell-like eyes, thick eyebrows and thick lips, and a masculine body. She is really a good man who can run a horse with his arms and stand up with his fists.

Zhang Yuanqing backed away in shock.

The good man stopped in front of him, saluted Yingying, and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty~"

"Wan, Wan beauty?!" Zhang Yuanqing's mouth was trembling, and he was thinking, "Didn't he say that his eyebrows were newly painted with moonlight, and his bun was dragged into the clouds, which made him look so special? Who wrote the daily notes? I'm going to chop off his head."

"Your Majesty, I have been waiting for you day and night, and finally you are here." Wanmei grabbed Zhang Yuanqing's hand.

Zhang Yuanqing struggled to get away, but couldn't. He struggled again, but still couldn't get away. He was so frightened that he screamed: "Save the driver, come and save the driver."

Two guards and three eunuchs swooped up and pressed the beautiful woman to the ground.

Zhang Yuanqing, under the cover of two palace maids, fled back to the deer carriage as fast as a rabbit.

The wheels rattled, the deer chirped, and Zhang Yuanqing learned the situation on the way to escape. It turned out that there were two Wanmei in the harem, one of whom was spotted by Zhao Shun recently for singing among the flowers, and was named Wanmei.

As for this beautiful woman, Zhao Shun was visiting the lake two years ago and accidentally fell into the water. At the critical moment, a hero jumped into the water and, as fast as a fish, caught His Majesty the Emperor before all the guards.

Zhao Shun didn't have many merits, but he was grateful, and his reward for women was canonization.

So he canonized this heroic man as Wanmeiren, hoping that he could protect the peace of the harem.

It turned out that something was wrong. Let me just say, Zhao Shun's character is not good, and his aesthetics cannot be blasphemed. Zhang Yuanqing thought to himself, and suddenly saw the stag pulling the cart barking a few times, and then quickened his pace, and after a burst of clicks,

With a rush, he rushed towards an attic not far away.

Zhang Yuanqing looked carefully and saw a few green branches and leaves stuck outside the attic, and the branches and leaves were stained with water.

The stag couldn't wait to rush over and chewed it with his head.

Zhang Yuanqing sniffed his nose and heard a faint salty smell emanating from the branches and leaves.

After applying salt water? He became even more curious about the graceful beauty.

At this moment, a beautiful and ethereal voice came from the second floor, and following the sound, I saw the back of a beautiful woman sitting next to her in light-colored palace clothes and wearing gorgeous hair accessories.

After lunch, Fu Qingyang inspected the defense equipment, grain and grass, surveyed the terrain around the city wall, checked the official granary, and hurried back to the marshal's barracks.

I saw five teammates sitting in silence in the room, their expressions not very good.

Seeing his return, Tianxia Guihuo said worriedly: "I just looked around and there are no women in the army. The female saints and rulers who have returned from the dead should all be over there in the capital."

Xiahou Aotian's face was solemn: "There is even worse news. Brother Hongji is not in the army."

Lingjun sighed and concluded: "Those without brains are over there, and those without strength are over there."

Fu Qingyang thought for a moment and said, "Actually, Jiang Jingwei is here too. I didn't expect this to be a character copy."

The Demon Eye King slapped the table and stood up: "Retreat to the capital immediately."

"Don't panic, as long as we guard Linxia, ​​the country will not be in danger." Zhao Chenghuang reassured.

After saying that, a soldier came in a hurry, stopped at the door, and said loudly:

"Marshal, we have a secret report."

Fu Qingyang strode forward, took the fold from the soldier's hand, unfolded it, and looked at it slightly.

He looked at his companions and frowned:

"The secret report said that the Northern Dynasty sent an assassination team to sneak into the capital. In addition, there may be spies lurking in the palace, and their goal is to assassinate the Southern Emperor."

The Demon Eye King, who had just sat down, slapped the table and stood up: "Retreat to the capital immediately."

After that, another soldier came in a hurry:

"Marshal, the lieutenant general suddenly suffered from diarrhea and vomiting, and is suspected of being poisoned."

Before Fu Qingyang could respond, the sound of drums and vague shouts came from the city wall:

"Poisonous insects, all poisonous insects"

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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