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Chapter 942 Demigod Meeting

Spirit Realm Copy: [Galaxy]

The vast universe is like a piece of pure black velvet, and the stars in the sky are diamonds inlaid on it, which are dazzling.

The starlight fell down and condensed into a bright and huge round table with fifteen high-backed chairs.

Immediately afterwards, figures appeared one after another at the round table.

There is a young white-haired girl, a strong man with red hair and a red beard, a gently swaying sapling, a burly middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes and an unshaven beard, a fair and cute boy, and a wise elder with white hair and white beard.

Fu Qingxuan looked around the table. In addition to the two demigods from the American Gods Association and the Merchant Guild, all the demigods from the lawful camp were present.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Zhao, how is your hexagram practice going?"

"If I don't eat you, it's hard to advance in hexagram skills, Brother Liu."

"What a coincidence, Brother Zhao and Brother Liu, Xia Houmou's weapon refining skills have been at a bottleneck for many years. Which one of you will feel aggrieved and give up your power?"

"Oh, old man, if it weren't for official restraint, I would have killed you sixty years ago."

"Brother Xie, I heard that the girl from the Chu family got the demon refining pot. How about we join forces? You take the demon refining pot and I take the remains of Emperor Wa."

"Fuck you, that's my descendant."

The musician, a demigod in the bachelor's profession, started "chatting" as soon as they met, and his words were full of humility.

"Quiet!" Fu Qingxuan knocked on the table and glanced sharply at the demigods of the spiritual realm family, "The demigod meeting is not a place for you to ridicule each other. If the sun, moon and stars don't return to their places, so what if you control the administrator's authority?

No one can climb up, and everyone who eats them will be useless. In addition, when the official was first formed, it was agreed that the three families of musicians and the three families of bachelors would share the administrator authority. The result of internal strife in the lawful camp has already occurred once. How did it end?

In this way, you all know it well."

It was quiet around the round table.

Although Fu Qingxuan is the least qualified among the demigods present, she is one of the official demigods and has the profession of scout. In ancient times, she was the general of the world's soldiers and horses.

The Generalissimo spoke, and the demigods from the spiritual realm family naturally gave him a bit of a thumbs-down.

Chairman Tianpu and Poseidon, who were hostile to each other, also curbed their cynicism.

At this time, another figure appeared at the round table. It was a man wearing a pink suit, a white shirt, a silver mask, and a glass of champagne in his hand.

His hair was waxed and neatly combed back, and he looked like he was attending a fashion conference.

As soon as the coquettishly dressed man came in, he slapped the demigods on the shoulders one by one:

"Hey, what a gathering. After the battle for the Light Compass, you old guys have never gathered together so neatly. Would you like to have a glass of champagne to share in this feat?"

He walked to the ancestor of the Zhu family and patted him on the shoulder:

"Lao Zhu, it is me and the Lord of the Sun who are responsible for the palace master to stop the killing. You are trying to control her because you don't want to give me and the Lord of the Sun face. Be careful when the sun returns to its position and you will be operated on."

The ancestor of the Zhu family was wearing black training clothes, with white hair and white beard, and a smile on his face:

"Void, we will wait until you can leave the conference instance alive."

He looked around and said, "Where's the Goddess of Beauty?"

"The Beauty God is sleeping with a male model and she entrusted me to participate in the meeting. My opinions are her opinions." The president raised his head and said with a smile:

"Why are you standing so high? Come down for a meeting!"

A bright and dreamy starlight fell down and condensed into a vague human shape without facial features. The starlight emitted was more dazzling than the stars in the sky.

"Have a meeting!" The starry figure said calmly.

"You might as well throw your phone again." Mr. President leaned on the high-backed chair and crossed his legs.

The figure condensed by the stars seemed not to hear it, and the voice was majestic and ethereal, without any emotion:

"Ever since Lingtuo pieced together the complete origin of Taiyin, this day was destined to come. After the return of the moon and stars, the evil camp began to make plans to deal with the two gods of wind and thunder. After the defeat, Lingtuo covered up the merit list, and the evil camp joined forces to surround the Emperor of the Sea.

“The purpose of both attacks was to weaken the demigod power of the lawful camp before the Sun Dungeon was opened.

"Now, the evil camp has no choice. The only thing they can do is to delay time and let Lingtuo cover up the merit list again."

The sound of Taiyimen is like turning on the mixing and 3D surround sound effects, layer by layer, in all directions.

"There is no point in covering up the merit list." Gang Leader Jiang said in a loud voice, "We have come this far and still want to use ordinary people to coerce us? There is no such thing as a war without death. The evil camp can kill as many mortals as they want. As long as I win,

Only when you win can you have a future."

As a centenarian who came through the war years, his thinking is not wrong at all.

As long as the lawful order wins the war, the world will eventually be at peace. These mortals today have multiplied and multiplied after winning the war.

The leader of Taiyi Sect said slowly:

"The purpose of Lingtuo covering the merit list is not to kill mortals, but to obtain this causal prop. When the sun copy is opened, we can compete with me for the sun."

Just as the bearded and burly King of the Sea was about to speak, the leader of the Red Fire Gang spoke first:

"Can't the sun purify all pollution? As a fallen person, Ling Tuo will be purified or incinerated if he comes into contact with the sun."

Poseidon nodded silently, and the leader of the Red Fire Gang asked his doubts for him.

It's a good mouthpiece.

The Taiyi Sect Master's voice was majestic, "Lingtuo will not control the sun directly, but he can use the merit list to exert influence. In addition, he can control the sun in many ways, creating a new soul, shaping the body, and using the new body

Control the sun for the puppet. However, judging from the current dynamics of the evil camp, they want to awaken the Night Emperor and swallow the sun."

The chairman of Tianpu nodded and said:

"The senior leaders of the Eternal Night Church have indeed been trying to awaken the Night Emperor recently."

The leader of Taiyi Sect said:

"The sun has no owner, and its original power has fallen into a deep sleep. Although it exudes the characteristics of purifying everything, it cannot resist the power of the abyss. Once the sun is swallowed, we will never be able to get it again."

Because no one can stay awake in the Night King's domain, the "sun" is equivalent to sinking into a copy that no one can enter.

Fu Qingxuan tapped her fingers on the table and said:

"The ultimate goal of the evil camp is to let the fallen night wandering gods control the sun and gain maximum authority in the spiritual realm. Even if they swallow the sun, it is only a temporary measure. Indeed, if the sun sinks into the abyss, the initiative will be in the hands of the evil camp.


The ancestor of the Zhao family said in a deep voice:

"The current initiative is in our hands. We must collect the fragments of the Light Compass, open the copy of the sun, and help the master of the Taiyi Sect control the sun. By then, the evil camp will undoubtedly be defeated."

After speaking, he looked at President Void.

Everyone turned their attention to President Void, some were cold, some contained warnings, some were scrutinizing, and some were admonishing.

Mr. President shook the goblet and said: "I support Yuanshi Tianzun, not the Master of Taiyi Sect."

Gang leader Jiang was furious and said in a loud voice: "That boy has just been promoted to the master. When he reaches the ninth level, he will not know how old the monkey is. Void, if you insist on holding back the entire lawful camp, we can only use the most drastic measures.


Mr. President smiled and said:

"In just twenty years, have you all forgotten my bravery and bravery in a one-on-one fight with three? If my president gets angry, even Shura can press him to the ground and rub him, let alone you and other ants."

Chairman Tianpu's tone was cold: "Then you have to bring out a demigod-level item first."

Mr. President immediately opened his palms, and a wisp of breeze condensed from his palms, turning into a small tornado, whirling.

Everyone stared at it, feeling the subtle aura of the storm.

Poseidon raised his eyebrows: "The thing that CEO Tianpu has been looking for for decades and hasn't found is actually in your hands?"

Mr. President said proudly: "It's good to know what I, the President, keep secret."

The demigods at the conference table were deeply troubled.

At this time, the magnificent layered mixing + three-dimensional surround sound effects came again, and the leader of Taiyi Sect said:

“This meeting is to resolve this matter.

"I offer you two options: First, gather the power of the lawful demigods, hunt down the God of Beauty and the Void, and collect the fragments of the Compass of Light. No matter how heavy the cost, the lawful camp should bear it.

"Two, give up the Sun dungeon and take advantage of Lingtuo's failure to control the merit list to fight the evil camp in advance. The price is that everyone's moral values ​​will be cleared and they will be wanted in the spiritual realm. Of course, at that time, the moral values ​​will no longer be important. But

I can't guarantee how many percent of mortals in this world will survive.

"I have already made detailed plans and layouts for these two plans. Let's start voting now. All you need to do is reach a consensus. Once the votes appear, they will be implemented immediately. No one will have any regrets."

"I have no objection!" The Zhao family demigod was the first to express his stance.

Then came the chairman of Tianpu, Gang Leader Jiang, the Lord of the Atrium, the Sea Emperor and the feminine and beautiful Lord of the Water God Palace.

The little sapling shook his head: "Follow...the wave...the flow..."

The ancestor of the Xie family was silent for a moment and sighed: "I have no choice, and I have no objection."

In the end, only Fu Qingxuan was left.

Marshal Bai Mao pondered for a long time and looked at Mr. President:

"What is the chance that Yuanshi Tianzun will be promoted to level nine within half a month?"

The president sighed: "Zero!"

Fu Qingxuan couldn't hold it back, rolled her eyes and said:


She immediately raised her hand: "I have no objection either."

As an official demigod and the marshal of the world's soldiers, she cannot place the safety of the world on an illusion.

The leader of the Taiyi Sect stared at the demigod in the void and said in a majestic voice: "The voting begins!"

The Xie family demigod sighed:

"A decisive battle with the evil camp in advance is tantamount to disregarding the life and death of ordinary people. I don't agree with letting the world pay for the willfulness of a few people. Therefore, I choose to hunt the Void and the God of Beauty."

The Lord of the Atrium was silent for a few seconds: "Me too!"

Fu Qingxuan said coldly: "I choose to start the war in advance."

Ancestor Xiahou nodded: "The void can fight one against three. I agree to start the war in advance. I don't care about the life and death of ordinary people."

Gang Leader Jiang's idea is simple: "This guy is slipperier than a loach, so I choose to start the war early."

The ancestor of the Liu family conjured up a tortoise shell in his palm, "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, let me calculate the fortune."

Chairman Tianpu said solemnly: "Hunting the Void and the God of Beauty will inevitably cause casualties to the demigod-level forces of the lawful camp, but if we can support the leader of the Taiyi Sect to become the Lord of the Sun, it will be enough to make up for the losses."

Poseidon immediately said: "My choice will always be the opposite of yours."

The Lord of the Water God Palace: "I don't agree with starting a war in advance."

The head of the Zhao family stroked his beard and said, "My choice is the same as the palace master's."

The head of the Liu family poured out the copper plate from the tortoise shell, stared at it with squinted eyes, and sighed: "A decisive battle in advance is a sign of great disaster. Internal strife in lawful order is also a sign of great misfortune. In this case, why don't we all disagree with the outside world."

Ticket type:5:5.

Everyone looked at the sapling.

The little sapling shook his head: "Follow...the wave...the flow..."

Gang Leader Jiang was furious: "You are only one vote away, which side do you choose?"

Little Sapling: "It doesn't matter which way..."

At this time, Mr. President applauded:

"As expected of the Lord of the Stars who is the best at arranging things in the world. This is a conspiracy. You won't be able to delay it by pretending to be a rogue. My Lord of the Sun cannot live up to expectations. There is nothing you can do.

"As a demigod of the lawful camp, you should put the overall situation first. I admit defeat. I can hand over the fragments of the Compass of Light, but before that, you need to answer me a question."

The figure condensed with stars slowly nodded: "Say!"

Under Mr. President’s silver mask, his eyes flashed with unknown meaning, and his tone was serious:

"Why did you want to kill the Demon Lord in the first place!"

This chapter has been completed!
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