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Chapter 955 Frightened

Ring City Building.

In a high-end lounge with floor-to-ceiling windows, Zhang Yuanqing appeared at the desk by the window.

After looking around, he grabbed the landline phone on his desk and skillfully dialed the number in Annie's office.

Annie's call was not answered, and after a few seconds, it was transferred to her assistant.

"Tell Annie that I'm back and ask her to prepare food and clothes." After Zhang Yuanqing finished speaking, he hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom.

The sound of "swishing" water soon sounded.

Zhang Yuanqing washed away all the blood and dust on his body. As for his love and reluctance for Menia and Sekdia, he could only bury it deep in his heart and dilute it with time.

Cupid's arrow of love claims to enable people to achieve eternal love, but nothing in the world is eternal, let alone love, a consumable product with a very short shelf life.

After taking a shower, he returned to the table wearing a bath towel, unplugged his cell phone from the charger, and opened the chat software.

Then I saw two messages, one from the palace owner: [I'm bored, I have nothing to do, I'm entering the dungeon.]

One message comes from the Demon Eye King: [I plan to return to the army to teach my life, and I will not leave until level nine, so don’t disturb me! If I die in the gang copy, you must continue my faith and will.]

Palace Master and Magic Eye also entered the dungeon? Zhang Yuanqing was a little touched.

He immediately sent a message to the "Return of the Dead" group:

"I'm back!"

Sun Miaomiao, a key figure who surfs the Internet all the time, immediately bubbled up in the group: "So fast? Are you level 9?!"

Her level is stuck in the saint realm, and she is the core of power who has no chance of returning from the dead. She only knows that Yuanshi Tianzun intends to attack the ninth level, and will become a benevolent person if she fails.

As for the confidential information that Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to use the Sancai Dan to attack the ninth level, she didn't know.

Brother Red Rooster: "Monkeys compete with thunder, monkeys compete with thunder! Congratulations to the gang leader, congratulations to the gang leader. The gang leader is extremely talented. He can crush the marshal and defeat the devil."

It's mid-February now. It's only been two months since I was promoted to Day Tour God in the killing dungeon in mid-December. I've been promoted to level nine in two months. It's unprecedented and unprecedented. It's definitely a new record for the Demon Lord and the Marshal.

Zhao Chenghuang and Tianxia Guihuo stared at the screen in silence, no longer thinking about typing or talking.

Sometimes, even brothers who live and die together can't help but feel jealous - can you put this bastard behind!

[Yuanshi Tianzun: Not yet, just promoted to level eight.]

Seeing this reply, Zhao Chenghuang, Tianxia Guihuo and Sun Miaomiao were relieved.

This is only reasonable!

#红鸡哥retracted a message#

[Yuanshi Tianzun: @Guan Ya, has Xiao Fu not released a gang copy yet? 】

[Guan Ya: Not only him, Xiahou Aotian also didn’t come out. 】

Xiahou Aotian also followed the boss into the gang dungeon? Didn’t the boss say that he wanted exclusive experience, so I went to the love career dungeon... Zhang Yuanqing was stunned.

[The World Returns to Fire: After you entered the dungeon, Xiahou Aotian disappeared. We called Xiahou’s family to inquire and found out that on the day you entered the dungeon, Xiahou Aotian also entered the family dungeon. 】

The protagonist who needs to be strong in his life! Zhang Yuanqing muttered silently.

After chatting with the saints of the gang, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" He turned his attention to the door.

The door handle clicked open, and Annie, wearing a well-dressed women's suit, walked in with a tray in one hand, with a set of loose sportswear stacked in the tray.

"Mr. Yuanshi, you conquered Paphos Island faster than the minister expected." She said with sparkling eyes.

"We came out nine days ahead of schedule!" Zhang Yuanqing said with emotion: "The crisis in Paphos was compressed into five or six days. The pace was faster than I thought, and the difficulty was higher than I thought. I almost didn't come back."

Anne couldn't hide her curiosity and asked: "The Paphos dungeon has existed for more than thirty years and has never been conquered. Mr. Yuanshi, I am not qualified to know the dungeon guide due to my position. Can you make an exception for me?"


She unconsciously mixed her coquettish tone with charm.

"Paphos Island is a dungeon. It's useless to know the strategy. For the Eros profession who is not good at fighting, it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. When you, the president, entered Paphos Island when you were young, you would probably have to prepare your own stuff." Zhang Yuanqing.

Even as he said this, he roughly explained the plot line of Paphos Island.

But regarding the enmity between the God of Beauty and the God of Light, the identity of the God of Light, and the too-high-end confidential information, they were vaguely passed over.

Anne was dumbfounded. If it were her, she might not have survived the first day. No, she would have fallen in love with the ram on the first day.

Simply terrible!

Zhang Yuanqing opened the inventory, took out the "Meishen's Gauze Skirt" and threw it to Annie: "This is for you."

Annie took it blankly and read the item information attentively. After a few seconds, her hands trembled slightly. It was obvious that she was not fighting or drinking, but her heart was beating wildly, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

A prop that dominates quality, and is of high quality.

It can increase the charm of the erotic profession, increase the number of "controlling" partners, and it can also turn men into women and have the ability to have pleasure.

The function of sexual transformation is extremely rare.

Anne raised her head excitedly, "Mr. Yuanshi, have you finally accepted me? Can I be your lover?"

If she was not to be included in the harem, why would she be given such a precious prop?

In the past, Zhang Yuanqing would have explained that after experiencing the dungeon of the American Gods Association, he didn't care anymore.

If there is a misunderstanding, there is no need to explain. When the mood comes, just shake the bed. If you have no idea in this regard, then say: Sorry, I am very tired today.

It just passed by perfunctorily.

Explanation is something only little boys can do. Mature men never explain and firmly control the initiative.


There was a knock on the door, and Annie smiled and said, "The lunch I ordered is here."

She put the props in her inventory and walked towards the door with her sexy and plump round buttocks.

Standing outside the door is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana.

"Minister?" Anne was stunned.

Diana's beautiful face was shrouded in a haze, her eyes were solemn, and she lost her usual calmness and maturity.

"Annie, you go out first, Mr. Yuan Shi and I have something to say." Diana turned sideways to make way.

Annie looked back at Yuanshi Tianzun, and seeing that he didn't express his position, she immediately said: "Yes!"

He passed by Diana and walked out of the room.

Zhang Yuanqing looked at the mature beauty with deep eyes, and his tone became serious: "Minister Diana, you seem to be bringing me bad news."

He sensed the seriousness and badness of the problem from Diana's expression, body language and emotions.

Diana turned around and closed the door, sat down on the sofa, and sighed:

"The Sun Dungeon has been opened, and the demigods from the two camps, lawful and evil, have entered the Sun Dungeon."

The Sun copy was opened? Zhang Yuanqing was shocked: "Didn't Mr. President resist the pressure?"

Diana nodded, "The Lord of the Stars held a meeting of demigods a few days ago and proposed two plans: hunt down the two presidents and obtain the fragments of the Compass of Light; and start the decisive battle of the camp in advance. Alas, for the sake of the overall situation, he can only choose

Compromise. You should know that procrastination is just a delaying tactic and cannot be used to the end. This is not his fault."

Zhang Yuanqing sat on the sofa in a daze. He looked a little confused and his expression was a little uninterested.

In the end, my uncle couldn't bear the pressure anymore.

As a result, the throne of the Lord of the Sun is completely lost to him.

All of a sudden, I felt a sense of disappointment that I have been working hard for most of my life, but only to have nothing, and I feel confused and confused after losing the sense of purpose.

The joy and excitement of clearing the Paphos Island dungeon were gone.

After several minutes, Zhang Yuanqing calmed down and looked at his mature and beautiful aunt: "Have they also entered the dungeon?"

"This is inevitable." Diana replied in the affirmative and said: "Before entering the Sun Dungeon, your uncle came to me specifically and asked me to tell you the matter and asked me to relay a sentence."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at her, "I hope they are not words of comfort or encouragement."

"You guessed it right, it is indeed an encouragement." Diana said softly: "He said that the Sun Dungeon will not end in the short term. The battle of demigods is long and arduous. You still have time, do what you should do."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuanqing's depressed and confused heart began to burn with hope again.

This encouragement is quite useful.

The uncle did not give a clear time, but he knew his nephew's situation. Since he felt that there was still enough time and there was still hope, it meant that the demigod melee might be long.

At least it won't be decided within a few days.

Zhang Yuanqing silently calculated in his mind:

"I am now at level eight. If I want to level up quickly, it is impossible to enter a dungeon. No matter how long the demigod melee is, it won't take more than a few months. The only way to quickly advance is to refine the Three Talents Pill."

"There are too few choices for the 'main material' of Sancai Dan. You have to either plunder the Sun Traveling God in the Taiyi Sect copy or hunt down the Dark Night Rose Protector."

Both roads have many troubles and need to be sorted out carefully.

Option 1: Hunt the Day Traveling God from a copy of Taiyi Sect.

Advantages: Clear goals.

Disadvantages: I can only find it in the dungeon and cannot bring it to reality, so I need to bring Xiahou Aotian into the dungeon with me; it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to conquer the dungeon; the elders of Taiyi Sect may not agree; there is a chance that the Lord of the Stars will plot to harm me in the dungeon.


Plan 2: Hunt the Night Rose Guardian.

Advantages: High safety.

Disadvantages: Hard to find!

Under the premise that the demigods of the evil camp gathered in the Sun Dungeon, he wanted to hunt down the protector of the Night Rose, but the peak master could not keep anyone.

High success rate and high safety.

It's a pity that the only shortcoming is the fatal flaw, no one can be found at all.

In fact, if there is a way to locate the Dark Rose Guardians, option two is undoubtedly the best choice.

Zhang Yuanqing's eyes lit up: "The New Testament County branch has a regular item called the Eye of the Sky. By inputting the spiritual realm ID, you can accurately find the target person within a city. You can use it to lock the Dark Night Rose Guardian."


But soon, he shook his head in disappointment.

The Taiyin blessing of the guardians most likely comes from Lingtuo's Taiyin, and Taiyin's status is higher than that of regular props. It is impossible for the pupil of the sky to see through Taiyin's hidden blessing.

Is there any power in the world that can restrain the concealment of Taiyin?

While thinking silently, Zhang Yuanqing suddenly had an idea and thought of a way to restrain Taiyin's blessing.

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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