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Chapter 98 The murderous woman in white


The knocking on the door sounded again, with exactly the same rhythm as before, and the intervals were exactly the same.

It's hard to imagine that people can control rhythm to such a fine level.

Is it his aunt? Zhang Yuanqing had a splitting headache and his mind was confused. He was about to get out of bed and open the door, but when he lifted the quilt, his body suddenly froze.

He suddenly thought,

There is no sound of footsteps from people outside the door

Yes, there were no footsteps, and he didn't hear any movement before the knock on the door. And for a level 2 night wanderer, at such a close distance, even if the door has a weak sound insulation effect, it is impossible to completely isolate him.


Not an ordinary person!!

Zhang Yuanqing raised a hand, pressed his throbbing brain, and thought:

Someone has found out my true identity? Came to my door? Dark Night Rose, a person from Black Impermanence, or Taiyi Sect?

At this moment, his body tensed up and adrenaline was secreted crazily, which temporarily suppressed his headache.

"No matter which force is sneaking into my house at this time, the person who comes is not good. I can't fight with them at home. It will affect my aunt and the others. I will try to lure them out."

At this moment, the knocking on the door stopped, and then Zhang Yuanqing saw the door handle slowly turning.


With the slight sound of the lock bolt popping open, the bedroom door creaked open through a gap, and outside the gap was pitch-black darkness.

Zhang Yuanqing stared at the crack in the open door, his muscles tensing up. He still couldn't sense the enemy's breath, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Pop!" Suddenly, a dark-skinned hand came in from outside the gap, held the door frame, and pushed the door as far as it would go.

As the door was violently pushed open, Zhang Yuanqing finally saw the uninvited guest clearly.

This is a woman with disheveled hair, wearing a dirty white cloak that is stained and dragged to the ground.

Her standing posture was weird and crooked, like a doll with its limbs misspelled.

Her black right hand held a rusty kitchen knife, with the blade facing behind her.

Her long, messy hair covered her face, and drops of dark blood kept dripping from her hair.

This, this look gave me an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, as if I had seen Zhang Yuanqing somewhere and suddenly realized, the murderous woman in white? The resentful spirit in the text message during the day?

Isn't that a prank?!

His face was full of astonishment. He never expected that a spam text message he received during the day was actually true?

This is hard to guard against, but if it is a resentful spirit, I am not afraid. Just as he was thinking this, the murderous woman in white at the door ran towards him with clumsy but quick steps.

Her posture was very weird, as if she was walking backwards. As she walked, her body became crooked and her hands and feet showed unreasonable twists.

"Hmph!" Zhang Yuanqing's eyes were filled with darkness as he mobilized the power of Taiyin.

His expression suddenly changed because he found that he had lost the ability imprinted in his genes and lost the ability to suppress the resentful spirits.

At this time, the murderous woman in white came back tremblingly, raised the kitchen knife high, turned her right arm 180 degrees, pointed the blade towards Zhang Yuanqing, and suddenly cut it off.

Zhang Yuanqing rolled on the bed.

Duh duh duh.

The kitchen knife chased after him, leaving a series of knife marks on the bed.

Zhang Yuanqing rolled from the bed to the ground, his face becoming even more ugly, because not only had he lost his skills, but his physical fitness had also returned to the level of an ordinary person.

Completely knocked back to his original shape.

He couldn't help but think of the description in the text message.

Is this a dream?!

It's not that my skills have disappeared, it's that I'm in a nightmare, and none of my skills or props can be used.

Before he had time to think about it, he caught a glimpse of the resentful spirit wrapped in dirty clothes from the corner of his eye, raising his knife and dropping it again.

Zhang Yuanqing rolled over again and heard the sound of the elm floor breaking in his ears. If the knife hit him, his body would be separated on the spot.

Fuck. He held up his hands, bounced off the ground, and quickly rushed to the living room, the entrance, and the security door.

He wants to escape from this home.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't turn the handle of the security door, and the lock bolt seemed to be rusted inside the door.

A whistling sound came from behind his head, and Zhang Yuanqing dwarfed without even thinking.


The kitchen knife whirled over and embedded itself in the security door.

Can a kitchen knife be thrown? Zhang Yuanqing swallowed, and subconsciously wanted to pull out the kitchen knife to fight against the resentful spirit. He looked up suddenly and found that the kitchen knife was gone, leaving only a deep knife mark on the security door.

The murderous woman in white held the kitchen knife again and ran backwards.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yuanqing came to the dining table in a few steps, picked up the high-backed chair, smashed it hard, and faced the incoming kitchen knife.

The high-backed chair in his hand shattered with a "click", and the kitchen knife chopped the chair into pieces and hit Zhang Yuanqing's chest.

Severe pain came instantly, and the rusty blade cut open his chest and severed several sternums.

In the dream, he lost his ability to heal himself.

Zhang Yuanqing smelled the smell of death, staggered a few steps, and leaned against the edge of the dining table.

The murderous woman in white walked back and forth tremblingly, raising the kitchen knife high.

Zhang Yuanqing turned sideways fiercely, and the rusty kitchen knife struck the dining table with a "duh" sound, and was deeply embedded.

The murderous woman in white pulled it out several times but failed to pull it out.

Seizing the opportunity, Zhang Yuanqing endured the pain in his chest, grabbed the high-backed chair next to him, used all his strength, and swung the wraith's waist hard.


The waist of the killer woman in white broke instantly, her waist showed a strange twist, and she fell to the ground.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!"

The wraith lying on the ground had its hands and feet twitching, its head twisted to the left, its hands and feet twisting in opposite directions, its left leg's knee facing the right, and its right leg's knee facing the left, like a haphazardly pieced together doll.

With the sound of bones twisting, her waist bounced, her lower body stood up, and her upper body dragged on the ground.

Damn it! Seeing this scene, Zhang Yuanqing's scalp went numb, he covered the stab wound on his chest, and staggered back to the bedroom.

This thing can't be killed.

Returning to the room, he locked the door and staggered back to the window.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the window and looked outside. It was dark outside. There were no street lights, no vehicles, and no nearby residential buildings could be seen.

If it were in the real world, he would risk jumping on the air conditioner, but this was a dream.

Let’s not talk about whether jumping out of a window can save oneself. What if jumping out of a window results in death?

what to do?

Unable to escape from the dream, unable to kill the resentful spirit, and unable to use his skills and props, Zhang Yuanqing was in a desperate situation.

What's even more fatal is that the blood on his chest won't stop at all. If this continues, he will die from his injuries in less than ten minutes.

If you die in a dream, what will happen in reality?

He didn't dare to think about it.

Who wants to kill me? I remember that dreams are the domain of illusionists, but illusionists and I have no enmity or intersection.

At this time, the door handle was turned, and after finding that the door could not be opened, the resentful spirit outside seemed very irritable, and the handle made a "click" sound when it was turned.

After a few seconds, it stopped again, seemingly giving up on opening the door.

Suddenly, there was a loud "bang" sound, and half of the kitchen knife protruded from the door panel.

Desperation appeared in Zhang Yuanqing's eyes. He glanced outside the dark window and considered whether to jump out of the window and try his best.

Bang bang bang!

As the kitchen knife chopped again and again, the door panel was gradually chopped into pieces, and the gap became wider and wider.

Finally, with a "clang" sound, the door panel was torn apart, and the evil spirit with disheveled hair walked in with a strange posture, carrying a knife.

PS: Didn’t I feel weak yesterday? I was very sleepy. When I woke up, I realized it was almost noon. I quickly took a few mouthfuls of rice and started typing.

Sorry if the word count is a little short, I’ll make it up tonight.

This chapter has been completed!
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