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Chapter 22 Ding! New mission!

 After climbing to the highest level of Beifansuo, Aomori and others stopped in front of an imposing paper sliding door.

Arima announced loudly to the door, and after receiving permission to enter, he led Qingto and others into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Aoto saw a big, fair and fat man - it was Chujiro Usui, the chief minister of Hokubansho Town who had seen off Aoto and others who were responsible for the crusade against the "Benevolent People" the night before.

As one of the two "mayors" of Edo, Susui exudes wealth both in appearance and demeanor.

"Oh! Arima, you are here. You are the first to come." After briefly saying hello to Qingto and the others, Susui made a "please" gesture toward the tatami on the left side of the office room, "You guys go first.

Sit down."

Arima led Qingto and others to sit down in a formal manner on the left side of the room.

After a while, the door of Bo Jing's office was opened again, and a group of people came in... a group of people who made Qingto and others' expressions become strange.

"Ah..." Inotani muttered softly, "The faces of the Dongcheng group are really getting more and more annoying the more I look at them..."

There are 4 new people in this group.

The leader is a middle-aged man about 40 years old.

This middle-aged man's head looked very big compared to his body, and his hair, which had no hair on his head, was messy as if he hadn't combed it for several days.

The facial features that were originally fairly straight have become slightly deformed due to the fatness of the cheeks.

His face was covered with oil and dirt, and a bit of eye dirt was still faintly visible in the corners of his eyes. He looked like he had just woken up and hadn't had time to wash his face.

Beards were not very popular in Japan during the Edo period, and most adult men were accustomed to shaving their cheek hair cleanly.

But this uncle went against the trend and kept a thick beard, which was as messy as his hair.

He had a fat belly, and the flesh on his belly trembled as he walked, making people have an inexplicable urge to get up and knead him.

He looked so slovenly, but the strange thing was that his eyes were clear and clear.

Such a slovenly face, but with such a pair of bright eyes... looks particularly inconsistent, like two springs that gush out clear water at the bottom of a pool of sewage.

A middle-aged uncle who looks very slovenly, unkempt, and unattractive--anyone who sees this middle-aged man will think so.

Shintaro Tojo—the name of this middle-aged man.

This slovenly old man is the other Yuriki besides Arima in the town of Kitaban.

The three people following Dongcheng were the three Tongxin people under Dongcheng's jurisdiction.

All the members of the Kitaban Shouchi are here now.

For the convenience of naming, the officials of the Northern Bansho have always referred to Arima and Aoshito and others under Arima's jurisdiction as the "Arima group". Then they collectively referred to Dongcheng and the three people under Dongcheng's jurisdiction as the "Arima group".

Dongcheng Formation".

The Sadacho area of ​​Edo Kitabansuo was given "two points in the world" by these two groups of people.

Infighting and competition are absolutely indispensable in officialdom, even if this department that is "divided into two parts of the world" counts only 8 members.

There has always been a competitive relationship between the "Arima Group" to which Qingto belongs and the "Dongcheng Group".

In order to compete for a case that can easily increase the performance, the two groups started to quarrel - this is also one of the most common situations in Beifan Law Firm.

The two groups often rob cases there, so the relationship between them is naturally not good.

After the people from the "Dongcheng Group" came in, Inoya, who had the most lively personality, immediately stared at them viciously.

Niushan, who was usually taciturn, now stared at the Dongcheng group with sharp eyes.

When Inoya, Ushiyama and the others glared at the people from the "Dongcheng Group", the members of the "Dongcheng Group" also stared back without showing any signs of weakness.

Neither group of people had the strength and energy to join in this "staring war."

Aroma, who was always indifferent to fame and fortune and rarely took the initiative to argue with others, sat on his knees respectfully, looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

Dongcheng, on the other hand, crossed his legs and stared at the ceiling above his head in a daze. While in a daze, he picked the toes of his right foot with his right hand. After picking his toes, he raised his right hand and blew his nose...

The two groups of people stared at each other - but Qingdeng stayed out of it.

Qingden is now looking at the books on the bookshelf next to him with great interest.

Reading was Qingdeng’s biggest interest in his previous life besides fitness.

Although in his previous life, he was a muscular tyrant who couldn't even wait to develop muscles, his reading hobby was quite literary.

He loves to read poetry, especially Russian poetry, and his favorite poet is the famous writer: Pushkin.

When he first entered Bojing's office, Qingdeng's attention was immediately drawn away by the bookshelf full of books standing on the side of the office, and he looked at the books on the bookshelf with interest.

Japan in this era was still greatly influenced by Chinese culture, and none of the intellectuals in the Edo period did not read Chinese books.

The books placed on this bookshelf in Bojing's office are basically Confucian classics, such as "The Analects of Confucius" and the Four Books and Five Classics.

While Qingdeng's attention was focused on the bookshelf, another wave of people entered Bo Jing's office.

The group of people who came this time are temporary returnees.

The Temporary Hui is a department composed of elites selected from those who have worked for a long time in the Sadachi Hui. Its mission is to guide and assist the Sadachi Hui. The establishment is also composed of 2 people and 6 people.

To put it simply - they are the training team, firefighting team and all-purpose bricks of the Edo police.

Wherever they are needed, move them there.

Because all the members of the Temporary Hui were once elites in the Sadachi Hui, they are all older, with the youngest ones in their 30s.

"Ah..." Inoya on the side once again let out a low sigh that only he, Qingteng and Ushiyama could hear clearly, "The people who returned temporarily are still so vicious..."

Temporary police officers gathered together with elites are often sent out to deal with some extremely troublesome cases.

This also resulted in the "dark eye circle rate" of the temporary return being surprisingly high.

Everyone's eyes looked like "What are you doing? I'm very busy! Don't touch me!"

After the 8 people who came back temporarily also arrived, Hakui's office immediately became crowded.

Coming in right behind the temporary members were two young men.

These two young men are the two colleagues who secretly returned to the department with the smallest number of people in the entire Beifan Institute and no middle-level cadres.

If we were to use an idiom to describe the appearance of these two secretly concentric people, it would be - ordinary.

The job of the secret agent is to carry out espionage activities throughout Edo and collect information for the Dinghou and temporary agents.

Therefore, the nature of such work requires all members of the Hidden Hui to be ordinary people in appearance and temperament.

If it's the kind of appearance that has no sense of existence and makes people forget it at a glance, and can't be found in a sea of ​​people, then that would be the best!

There are eight Sadomachi returnees who are responsible for fighting on the front line, eight temporary returnees who are responsible for both fighting on the frontline and serving as universal bricks, and two covert returnees who are responsible for espionage activities - all the police forces of the Edo Kitaban Station are here.

This is it.

Seeing that everyone from "Three Times" had arrived, Bo Jing stood up slowly with his hands behind his back.

"It looks like everyone is here."

"In order not to hinder everyone's work today, I will keep the story short."

Bo Jing cleared his throat vigorously, then took a deep breath, gathered enough strength, and shouted loudly:

"Elder Jing Yi has an order: A large-scale assessment will be held on March 1st!"

"Assess the political performance of all the officials of the 'Three Chapters' of Edo Minami and Hokuban Office!"

"Those whose political performance is not up to standard - be dismissed directly!"

As soon as Bo Jing said this, the originally quiet office immediately became noisy.

Everyone's eyes widened and they cast shocked glances at Bo Jing.

"Elder Ii is going to assess our political performance on March 1st?" Arima, who was sitting directly in front of Qingden, was looking at him with astonishment with his eyes that never squinted.

Bo Jing, "Master Shixing, why is it so sudden?"

Elder Jingyi—this is not a person’s full name.

The "big boss" at the back is an official title.

As the government organization that currently actually rules Japan, the Edo Shogunate naturally has a mature official system.

Standing at the top of the Edo shogunate is naturally the "General of the Conquering Barbarians" who is currently hereditary from generation to generation of the Tokugawa family and whose status is similar to that of the Chinese emperor.

Under normal circumstances, the official position below the general who conquered the barbarians is "Lao Zhong".

The status of Lao Zhong is similar to that of the Prime Minister in China.

However, when encountering some special circumstances, an official position will be established whose status and power are still higher than those of the elders - that is, the elder.

The official position of Dairo is not permanent. This extremely powerful official position is only established during special periods. Therefore, throughout the 200-year history of the shogunate, there are only a handful of people who have held the position of Dairo.

And it just so happened that just two years ago, in the fifth year of Anzheng (1858), due to various reasons such as the country's unrest and the urgent need for a strong man to take charge, the official position of the elder was reinstated.

A strong man named Naoki Ii was pushed into this position.

The "Elder Ii" that Hakui just mentioned refers to this Naoki Ii.

The power of the elder is higher than that of Laozhong, who is similar to the prime minister of China. It is conceivable what status Naoki Ii, currently sitting in the position of the elder, has in Japan today.

His status is undoubtedly second only to the Shogunate's general who conquered the barbarians, "below one person and above ten thousand people".

"Why else?" Bo Jing twitched the corner of his mouth, showing an impatient look, "It's not because of those thugs who talk about 'rejecting the foreigners'!"



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