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Volume B Chapter 54 Shocking and enlightening! (Second update!)

 Before it started, the entire podium was already packed with people.

Compared with the lectures and discussions in the morning, the afternoon sessions are obviously more exciting.

This is a real debate competition, something new that has never been experienced before, and before the debate, no one knows what the topic of the debate is, or whether it will be pro or con.

It is this kind of debate full of uncertainty that makes the contestants who have gone through several preliminary rounds stand out.

It should be said that the previous preliminaries have basically made everyone familiar with the rules, but this time it is different.

The East-West Park confrontation has a wider topic and an unprecedented intensity.

Everyone has discussed these topics in the early stage, but because the coverage is too broad, it is impossible to explain every issue in detail, so they can only cast a wide range of nets, basically understand them one by one, and then follow their own instructions

Division of labor based on one’s own expertise.

Xiyuan is undoubtedly strong, but Dongyuan has won through several preliminary rounds among more than 70 students, and they are not weak opponents.

For example, Fang Youdu was one of the five debaters on the Dongyuan team this time. For a period of time, he almost pestered Feng Ziying for advice, focusing on getting ahead in this round of debate competition.

Of course, Feng Ziying would not hide anything, and also gave Fang Youdu targeted training in choosing the weaknesses of his opponents, which also benefited Fang Youdu a lot.

You don’t have to be good or reasonable in what you say, but you must be good at catching your opponent’s weaknesses and flaws, and then help your teammates launch attacks.

As the Xiyuan team led by Xu Xie and the Dongyuan team led by Fan Jingwen came on stage, the entire atmosphere became even more intense.

The East and West Park teams are divided into east and west sides, and in the middle is the arbitration team. Qi Yongtai, Wang Yongguang, Han Jing, Yang Sichang, and Feng Ziying serve as the arbitration team, of which Feng Ziying also serves as the moderator.

Of course, no one yet knows what form this debate will be held in. Only the contestants of the debate probably know, and Feng Ziying will give a brief introduction.

Qingtan Academy also worked hard on the composition of the arbitration team, but finally accepted Feng Ziying's suggestion.

Since it is necessary for Chongzheng Academy to participate, it is definitely unrealistic for Chongzheng Academy to send a group of team members to participate in the competition now. Wang Yongguang will only think that this is Qingtan Academy deliberately making them look embarrassed, so he can only use the arbitrators.

Make a fuss.

A college principal and a student from Yi Ming participated as representatives, which showed that this event was jointly organized by the two companies. However, due to specific reasons, Chongzheng Academy will not send people to participate this time.

Perhaps next time, such a competition may arise between Chongzheng Academy and Qingtan Academy, and it may even involve Tonghui Academy and Diecui Academy.

Looking at the excitement and curiosity on the faces of the teachers and student representatives from Tonghui Academy and Diecui Academy below, it is enough to believe how many people will be fascinated by such a competition next time.

This is even certain to become an exciting event for students from the entire Shuntian Prefecture and even Beidi Academy.

"Entrusted by Master Qi, this disciple will first introduce the rules of this debate competition and the members of the arbitration team to the guests and students attending this lecture and discussion event..."

Facing such a big scene, someone else might really have stage fright, but in his previous life, Feng Ziying had hosted meetings and spoken too many times on such occasions, so it was a piece of cake for him.

"Rule 1. This competition is composed of five students from each school in the East and West Parks. Three students will be responsible for the first debate, second debate and third debate, and then the other two students will serve as supplementary debaters..."

Since we have come to this era, of course it is not impossible for everything to follow the modern debate rules. Having more debaters can also give students more opportunities to practice. Besides, this is also the first time, and everyone is still in the familiarization stage.

So you can't ask for too much.

"..., the topics for this competition will be selected from the ten topics selected by the competition rules group. Any ancestor of the East and West Garden will choose the topic, and the other group will draw pros and cons,..."

According to the plan, Qi Yongtai, Guan Yingzhen and Feng Ziying comprehensively designed ten debate questions based on their trip to Shandong and some current court newspapers.

Of course, these topics are topics that both parties have been exposed to or even debated in daily life. Even if there are slight differences in some angles, they are not very big. Otherwise, you will really be at a loss in this debate competition.

Oh, that's too embarrassing.

Three of the ten questions are selected for debate. The results of the three debates are selected by the referee team based on the evaluation results of five people. As long as two of the three rounds are won, it means that one side has won.


Zhu Guozhen and Miao Changqi both listened very carefully to Feng Ziying's introduction to the rules of the debate competition.

Like everyone else, it was the first time for them to hear such competition rules, especially since a topic would have both pros and cons.

This novel setting made them even more incredible, and what was even more incredible was that they were not sure who was responsible for the head or tail, and they had to find out after they drew it themselves.

This also means that you cannot debate according to the answer or result that you may think in your heart, but must answer according to the rules set by the competition.

This kind of setting and rules is simply incredible, but as Feng Ziying mentioned in the introduction, this can maximize the students' ability to adapt on the spot, and at the same time allow them to understand many problems and the two sides of things.

When these rules were announced and interpreted, they immediately caused a huge shock on the court.

The students of Qingtan Academy are even better. After all, they have already seen this rule. What they are interested in is to choose from ten debate questions, instead of just setting one question and needing to choose the right and wrong as before.

, and this time it means there are more variables and uncertainties.

But for the teachers and students from academies such as Chongzheng, Tonghui and Diecui, this simply subverted their thinking, and they could not even imagine that debate could be conducted in such a way.

But this is not the most shocking thing.

After Feng Ziying introduced the rules, and then Qi Yongtai introduced the guests, he announced that the question drawing process would begin. After the first question was drawn, the entire venue was shocked and speechless.

The first question is about the pros and cons of the Central Method of salt production in the Great Zhou Dynasty, or in other words, the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the Open Central Method on the nine-border strategy of the Great Zhou Dynasty and even the court's salt policy.

The west garden drew tail, and the east garden drew square.

In other words, Dongyuan must try to prove the advantages and advantages of the Kaizhong method. Losing the Kaizhong method will adversely affect the strategy of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and even affect the stability of the entire Great Zhou court.

Similarly, Xiyuan must try its best to expose the negative side of the Kai-Zhong method and let the arbitration team understand the huge harm and disadvantages caused by the Kai-Zhong method, as well as the means and methods that can be used to improve or even replace it.

Zhu Guozhen and Miao Changqi's expressions changed.

How brave is Qingtan Academy?!

What are Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen trying to do? Question the formulation and implementation of imperial policies?

The first impression they both had was this. Was this an open provocation to the court and questioning of its laws?

But when the two sides quickly started a heated debate on the pros and cons of opening China to France, Zhu Guozhen and Miao Changqi realized that they had underestimated the political wisdom of Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen.

Being impartial and strategizing, as the leader of the arbitration team, Qi Yongtai constantly used his authority to adjust the intensity and depth of the debate, so that both parties in the debate would not point the finger at the court, but just discuss the matter and discuss the law.

specific problems in itself.

In other words, this is to find the source of the problem for the court, and then to make suggestions for the court and propose strategies that can be exploited.

Miao Changqi's face was gloomy and uncertain. He didn't know how to evaluate such a debate competition, or in other words, his mind was as buzzing as when Wang Yongguang was exposed by Tang Bin Yinlai in the morning, and he even felt a little lost.

The ability to think.

What is this Qi Yongtai going to do? Is he going to shake things up? This is incredible. Is the court just going to sit back and watch?

There are also academic discussions and even debates in Jiangnan Academy, but this is definitely not the case.

Jiangnan Academy scholar Linli basically did not discuss and debate the specific policies of the imperial court, but more of a debate on classics and meanings, or even if there was a discussion on current affairs, it was more about certain policies.

Criticism and criticism of trends and phenomena are mostly limited to certain individuals’ behaviors and trends rather than specific policies.

But today, Miao Changqi saw a completely different side.

No wonder Qi Yongtai repeatedly criticized the Jiangnan scholars for advocating chatting rather than being practical in their arguments with himself. No wonder Guan Yingzhen, in his dialogue with himself, believed that Jiangnan Academy only studied rote books and taught only pedantic masters who only knew the basics.

Even if you pass the examination and are promoted to Jinshi, it will be difficult for you to be qualified for the post after becoming an official.

Qingtan Academy has already begun to do such "big things", so of course it doesn't pay attention to those "just talks" at Jiangnan Academy.

Zhu Guozhen was not as narrow-minded as Miao Changqi thought. It can be said that this debate shocked him quite a lot, but he had already been mentally prepared before.

He knew Qi Yongtai, who was a thorough pragmatist and hated empty talk. Qi Yongtai should have been opposed to this kind of debate, but now he took the initiative to promote it, so Zhu Guozhen was a little worried at that time.


But at first Zhu Guozhen only thought about whether Qi Yongtai was going to make some changes and innovations in his methods. He never thought that Qi Yongtai would dare to go all out and carry out such an initiative, completely subverting the debate that ordinary people can imagine.

I have to admit that I am not as courageous as the other party in this regard.

This chapter has been completed!
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