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Renzi Scroll Chapter 280 Looking forward to having an heir, eager to welcome the spring

 This night in Tanchun was the best night I slept in the past six months.

No matter how exhausted she was in prison, no matter how much she was guarded by her servant Cui Mo, no matter how strong-tempered she was, she was unable to change the situation.

She was also afraid that some prison guards would suddenly break into her, take her away, and rape her, and then she would be left with only three feet of white silk to die.

This kind of thing is not unheard of. This prison is full of prisoners. It is inevitable that some women will be taken out quietly in a few months. Some never come back, and some only come back at dawn. What happened? Who

do not know either.

But now all these things no longer exist. With Brother Feng here, Tanchun feels extremely fulfilled and at ease. When we were having a bit of a conflict, Feng Ziying took the initiative to calm down her emotions and sent Tanchun back to the compound where she was.


Girls' feelings are always poetry. Not to mention how Tanchun and Feng Ziying fell in love with each other in their dreams that night, but Feng Ziying was actually "angered" by Tanchun, so only others will bear the responsibility.

Fortunately, today we were resting in Yingchun's room in the second room. Yingchun and Si Qi, the master and servant, were also very happy, and Feng Ziying's restless mood was finally calmed down.

"Sir, if you are like this, I will have no choice but to let Xiuju risk her life." Si Qi always spoke carelessly and did not care. He sat cross-legged and wiped Feng Ziying with a sweat towel.

She didn't care that Xiuju next to her was half-kneeling to serve Yingchun, wiping the sweat on her body for Yingchun who was lying on her back with her legs curled up.

Xiuju was startled, ashamed and annoyed, and almost dropped the sweat towel in her hand. Yingchun, who was still panting at the side, glanced at her, "Don't listen to Si Qi trying to scare you. How can risking one's life be so exaggerated? She's not yet

So you came here?"

Siqi's upper body was naked, only wearing a gauze dress, her chest was full and trembling, and there were some bruises, which was shocking, but she didn't care, and even felt like she was enjoying it. How can a private room in a boudoir be so particular?

"Young lady, what you said is wrong. It depends on the person. My slave's body and bones are not as good as Xiuju's small arms and legs. Isn't the girl going to have to live or die on her bridal night? If it were Xiuju, I'm afraid she wouldn't be as good as the girl."

Yingchun also recalled the wedding night, and her face suddenly felt a little hot. It was indeed true. Xiuju's body was slender and thin. If she really encountered such a situation, I'm afraid it would be really embarrassing.

When Xiuju saw Feng Ziying and Yingchun's eyes falling on her, she was even more ashamed, happy and afraid. She didn't need Si Qi's "good figure". The uncle seemed to like Si Qi's "coquettish and dissolute", but she wanted to let him

She is so shameless when playing chess, she will never be able to do it.

I just followed the girl, but now I feel a little unwilling to leave her and live with a boy for the rest of my life. It's just too much to hope for how much I can expect from my master.

So this kind of complicated and unspeakable thoughts have been bothering her, and it was not until today that Si Qi made it clear.

Feng Ziying didn't care about this. He had never had any thoughts about Xiuju, but having said that, he, Yingchun and Siqi were doing husband and wife things like this, and Xiuju was waiting by the side without hiding anything.

It's a bit embarrassing, but that's how it is in this era. If you want the maids to avoid it, then there may be rumors that Uncle Feng doesn't do it.

With a dry cough, Feng Ziying slapped Si Qi's fat buttocks hard and changed the topic, "Okay, I'm in a good mood today. I hope your girl can hit the target with one shot. I have a feeling...


"Really?" Not to mention Yingchun, even Siqi and Xiuju couldn't help but sit up straight. "Master, I really feel it. Please don't lie to us. The girl has served you so many times, and I can't help it."

There was no movement, and the girl cried several times in private..."

Feng Ziying was stunned when Si Qi said this, and glanced at Yingchun who was a little shy and hesitated to speak: "Isn't that true? I don't have Baochai, Baoqin, or Eryou over there, so I'm so anxious.

do what?"

"Sir, you still don't know what kind of temper our girl is?" Si Qi leaned his plump and strong body over, "You can't fight for anything, but this kind of thing can't be achieved by fighting. You can't treasure the girl.

There is no movement from Miss Heqin, so we girls can only wait, right? When the girl went to greet her wife a few days ago, the wife was still telling her to take good care of her body and get pregnant as soon as possible, without even saying that she had to wait first.

The treasure girl, Miss Qin, needs to be born first. Everyone knows this girl’s temperament. Even if she gives birth to a boy and a half girl, she will never learn to be arrogant..."

I have to say that Si Qi's words are quite reasonable. Yingchun's temperament is called "two pieces of wood" in Rongguo Mansion. Some people say that even if the awl pricks her, she will not dare to say a word. With this temper, even if she is born,

After giving birth to a son, she will definitely serve Baochai and Baoqin as her sisters. She will never feel arrogant and arrogant after giving birth to a son like some people do.

Seeing Yingchun's face full of expectation, Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly, she touched Yingchun's dimple and said with a smile: "Well, Si Qi's words make sense. I like the temperament of my second sister. If she doesn't have this temperament, then I'll do it."

It's not the second sister. Baochai and Baoqin won't bully the second sister. It's you, Siqi. If the second sister really wants to give birth to a son for the Feng family, I'm a little worried that you will take the opportunity to show off your power.

Get up."

When Feng Ziying said this, Si Qi also proudly puffed up his chest, "If the girl really gives birth to a son for the Feng family and continues the family relationship, of course I will celebrate happily. After all, this is also my eldest son, not only the eldest son of the second wife, but also the eldest son of the second wife.

He is also the eldest son of the entire Feng family, and even if he is a slave and does not show off, his wife will definitely show off..."

Feng Ziying glared at Si Qi helplessly. This girl, she was talking about her, but she went to blame her mother. But if Yingchun really gets pregnant and gives birth to a son tonight, then my mother will probably be overjoyed. Then

Naturally, I will also look at Yingchun with admiration, which is also a good thing for Yingchun. It's a pity that I don't have the ability to get pregnant whoever I want, and have a son if I want to have a son.

But tonight he really felt something. The passion accumulated in Tanchun was finally vented on Yingchun and Siqi, and finally broke out in Yingchun, so the most promising thing was Yingchun.

"Okay, Siqi, please stop making noise there. I think that with you in there, everything will go wrong. The second sister doesn't have that kind of mentality in the first place. According to your way of doing things, I'm afraid

It's all unbearable. Do you really want to feel comfortable when Baochai, Baoqin and the second sister don't deal with each other?" Feng Ziying gave the other party a sideways look.

"I want to say this, but I am unjust to my death." Siqi pouted and said unhappily: "My slave is thinking about the girl. The girl cannot give birth to a son instead. It should be the same as before. There must be some changes, right?"

Feng Ziying's face sank, and Yingchun also felt that Si Qi's words were a bit out of line, and could easily cause discord within the second room, so she quickly said: "Si Qi, please stop talking nonsense. You don't even have to write a character now, but you think about those who have

No, Baochai and Baoqin are sisters. The younger sister knows the rules, and I can rest assured that even if the younger sister is really lucky enough to have a baby, she won’t be like Si Qi said..."

"Second sister, I trust you as a brother, but Siqi's little hooves has always been unruly and likes to cause trouble. We must take care of it!" Feng Ziying said fiercely: "If there is a disagreement between the two wives, I will

Look at you as the biggest disaster!"

"I want to punish this slave, so of course I have nothing to say, so I will let you punish me." Siqi's charming eyes were like silk, he bit his lips, his body was covered with lustrous flesh, and he was wearing a milky white gauze, which was meant to charm all living beings.

This situation of Si Qi really left Feng Ziying speechless. This little hoof was really sure that he would not do anything to her, and he made it clear that he would fight fiercely with her, which made Feng Ziying speechless.

Not being able to go up or down, I could only give the opponent a few hard slaps on his fat buttocks, and the crisp sound could be heard directly outside the room.

But after Siqi and Xiuju retreated, Yingchun snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms and said quietly, "Do you really want me to get pregnant first?"

"Why are you still talking about this? Didn't you say that it doesn't matter who gets pregnant first?" Feng Ziying knew Yingchun's concerns and said softly: "Actually, Baochai also told me that it would be a good thing if you get pregnant first.

I feel like she would rather you get pregnant first."

Although Yingchun was honest, she had noticed something after staying in the second room for so long, "I mean Baochai and Baoqin..."

"I didn't say that." Feng Ziying smiled slightly. Although Baochai and Baoqin were sisters, they were not biological sisters after all, and more importantly, Baoqin's always strong temper was becoming more and more powerful in the second room. Although not

It is said that Baochai is the most popular person in the city, so it is inevitable that there will be some discord among the servants in this house.

"I'm not in the house, but I'm still aware of it?" Yingchun whispered: "Siqi said that the young official had a very arrogant temper. He relied on her being enchanting and Baoqin doted on her, so she was a little arrogant. Baochai

The Ying'er around him was not easy to get along with, so the two of them quarreled several times, but Baoqin remained silent, which made Baochai embarrassed."

"Oh? What's the reason?" Feng Ziying didn't expect that the space between the two bedrooms of this big house seemed to be normal, but the interior of the second bedroom was warped. Ying'er was an arrogant person who was not easy to deal with. He knew that, but she was young.

Guansheng's appearance is quite similar to Daiyu's, and she doesn't talk much. Feng Ziying has a good impression, or she is somewhat fond of her by nature, but she is also arrogant.

"It's just a trivial matter. I don't care much about it. It's all Si Qi mentioned when he came back. I guess Baochai and Baoqin don't want me to know about it because they are annoying me." Yingchun was also a little tired.

I was tired, so I forced myself to talk to Feng Ziying.

Seeing this situation, Feng Ziying also knew that Yingchun would definitely not want to get involved in these things, so she nodded: "Go to sleep."

This chapter has been completed!
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