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Chapter 2125 Gui Zi Scroll Fuzi, secret hand

 "Haha, a chaste woman who was praised by everyone in the house, who was filial to her parents-in-law and raised her posthumous son, who was well-known in the local area, ended up seducing a libertine from a wealthy family, and ended up getting pregnant. Do you think this is possible? Is it reasonable?

What? His parents-in-law filed a complaint, but one of them was accused of being crazy, and the other simply disappeared, and the county government couldn’t find anyone. I was wondering what the county government was doing to support a large group of people. "

Feng Ziying burst out laughing, "Zhao Yuansheng, the magistrate of Qingjian County, is from Qingyang Prefecture, but he is one of the few donated officials in our Yan'an Prefecture. It's not easy. A donated official did not evade his registration to serve as an official in the province, and even became a county magistrate. I feel that


Qiu Zixiong also found it difficult to answer. Yan'an Prefecture was originally a bitter and cold place, and there were not many Jinshi to become officials. For example, local magistrates mostly came from Juren. Of course, it was rare to donate an official position, but Zhao Yuansheng not only did not avoid his hometown

It can be said that it is quite rare to be an official, and to donate an official to serve as a county magistrate.

There was a lot of noise about this case at first, and some locals said they would help Widow Jiao Er go to Xi'an to file a complaint, but the result was that the man was robbed and killed by bandits on the road, and Widow Jiao Er's natal brother also fell into the car.

He and the other committed a robbery and were directly sent to Liaodong.

In the end, the case went from being a hot topic to being silenced, and over time it disappeared.

Seeing that Qiu Zixiong had difficulty answering, Feng Ziying didn't care. He didn't expect the other party to answer.

The ferocious and vicious style of the powerful and evil gentry in this era and the despicable and dirty methods can exceed the bottom line of modern people. Power is the truth for them. Compared with them, they can be as docile as sheep against those who are stronger and more vicious than them, but

To deal with those who are weaker than them, they really can do anything.

Therefore, Feng Ziying will not have any psychological burden in dealing with these tycoons by any means. In fact, it can be said that any country gentry like this does not have the lives of those poor people on its hands. He really does not deserve to be called a powerful and evil gentry.


"Okay, Zixiong, I don't want to explain anything to you. For me, for us, what we have to do is a purpose. I have to get enough money and food, otherwise the situation will be difficult to control. The court will only

Given this official status, all I can offer is a bunch of petitions..." Feng Ziying walked around the hall with her hands behind her back, "Whoever can do the best for me, I will not hesitate to submit.

Write his name in a larger size..."

Qiu Zixiong couldn't help but swallowed.

Although he was born in a border village, it did not mean that he knew nothing about the officialdom of the Zhou Dynasty.

He also knew that Feng Ziying was not satisfied with Modlen's hesitant attitude. In Qiu Zixiong's view, since he had already boarded the ship, if he still had to look forward and backward at this time, then he really would not be able to fall into one of the two ends.

, he will not do this.

Now that you have embraced this thick leg, you must concentrate on holding it to the end.

Isn't it just to raise the bandits to respect themselves and become kings? It doesn't matter whether you become a bandit or a thief. The other party has promised that he and his sons will eventually give an explanation, and that is enough.

As for whether Modlen is worried about whether the other party will regret it and whether he and his people will be used as scapegoats, Qiu Zixiong admitted that this is a possibility.

But now that we have come to this point, can you back down just because of this?


Are there any other options?


If that's the case, what else can I say? It's better to just work hard and maybe make a good impression.

This father is the governor of the three sides, and also the governor of Jiliao. He himself is the old minister of the cabinet, and was born in the Hanlin Academy. He has an extremely noble status. He controls military affairs with literature and has the status of governor in Shaanxi.

Like an emperor, if he can solve problems for him and make great achievements, doesn't he need a group of people who do his dirty work for him and do evil things?

After all, Qiu Zixiong is also someone who has read a few "Twenty-One Histories". Which dignitary in the past dynasties has not done some dark work? Qiu Zixiong is willing to work regardless of the consequences, and he does not believe that Feng Ziying will look down on him.


"Sir, if Zixiong has no other identity, he will only follow orders to kill. As long as you give orders, Zixiong will dare to go through mountains of swords, fire and seas." Qiu Zixiong's face flushed, and he puffed out his chest fiercely.

"Very good. Since you want to be a warrior, don't think about all the fancy things. It's not your turn to think about it. Just do your job well! Just do what the superior officer tells you to do. If I, Feng Ziying, continue to

I don’t have any worries at all. I still have a large group of people under me. Some things can be hidden for a while, and you can hide them from some people, but you can never hide them from everyone for the rest of your life. Zixiong, don’t you think so? If I were

If I talk nonsense or break my promise, who will work hard for me in the future? Governor of Shaanxi is not my ultimate goal. I hope that my brothers can follow me to go higher and further!"

Feng Ziying's words were very suitable to Qiu Zixiong's taste. They were impassioned and resounding, and the implication was extremely clear. He wanted everyone to follow him and make everyone understand what kind of person he was and follow him for the rest of his life.

, what you say will be better than Ji Bu's promise, and a thousand pieces of gold will not come easy.

Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing were both outside the house, listening quietly to the conversation between Feng Ziying and Qiu Zixiong.

The two exchanged glances with each other, both smiling and saying nothing.

Qiu Zixiong's force that wants to go south plays a more important role than Modlen on the northern route, because in the short term Feng Ziying will focus on the three prefectures of northern Shaanxi, and must completely pacify the three prefectures of Yan'an, Qingyang and Pingliang.

Leading the troops south, Qiu Zixiong's department needs to grasp the scale during this period.

We can't fight too hard, otherwise all the money, food and materials will be difficult to gather in Feng Ziying's hands, and will be obtained by these "rebellion armies", but we can't fight too slowly, so that once other rebel armies grow up, Qiu Zixiong's "rebellion army"

"It will be difficult to gain the leadership of the rebel army, so this balance is very difficult to grasp.

Feng Ziying's goal for Qiu Zixiong was to focus on the three counties of Qingjian, Yanchuan and Yanchang. He could go south to Ganquan and Yanzhou, but it was not suitable to go deep into Xi'an Prefecture.

Because the rebel forces in Baishui, Chengcheng, and Hancheng counties in the east of Xi'an Prefecture are already very powerful, and they are integrated with the rebel forces in Pingyang, Hedong Province. Once they are over, it will be difficult to win the dominance, and they may even be defeated by the opponent.

annexation, then it would be best to wait until the three northern prefectures are sorted out before moving south according to the opportunity, so that Feng Ziying can solve the troubles in Xi'an Prefecture.

In Qingjian, Yanchuan, Yanchang, Ganquan, and several prefectures and counties in Yanzhou, activities must be carried out at the right time. Where to fight, who to fight, and how to fight must be grasped at the right time, choose the target well, and obey Feng Ziying's big plan.


This requires Qiu Zixiong to enforce orders and prohibitions in this department, and Qiu Zixiong also needs to have strong control over the people in this department to be able to do it, so Feng Ziying also has to give Qiu Zixiong a "helping hand."

Feng Ziying wanted to prepare intelligence, supplies, weapons and armor for Qiu Zixiong, and even set up a flag for Qiu Zixiong so that he could go south in glory, so that he could rob the rebel army with Zuoguaizi Wang Zuogui and Miao Renmei.

of leadership.

Since you want to be the "boss" of the rebels and the "flag" of the rebels, you must show your differences in every aspect, otherwise how can you convince the public?

After the conversation, the next step was for Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and Qiu Zixiong to contact each other.

Weapons and armor, some old armor and swords and guns, Feng Ziying has already obtained some from He Shixian, which can be quickly replenished to Qiu Zixiong, and even gives Qiu Zixiong dozens of fire blunderbuss and related gunpowder projectiles. This is the part that establishes Qiu Zixiong.

The rebel army has unique characteristics and advantages that are different from other rebel armies.

There are also personnel. Feng Ziying also instructed Qiu Zixiong to recruit those hesitant or dissatisfied border troops and rebels. Feng Ziying did not want such unstable personnel to join the assault camp and the city-destroying camp.

It's better to let them fight to the death and be exhausted.


"Oh, Feng Ziying is still in Yan'an Mansion?" Behind the spacious desk, the middle-aged Confucian scholar with a slightly green face put down what was wrong in his hands, took the towel handed over by the maid next to him, wiped his hands, and snorted softly,

"The governor's office is almost forming a cobweb, but he just refuses to go south. What is he going to do? Could it be that he needs to move the governor's office to Fushi City?"

"Sir, you may feel that it is not safe to go south. I heard that several groups of rebels who originally planned to surrender have turned back. One group is heading west, and the other is running south. This time, the road to the south is almost cut off.

Ah." The staff accompanied him with a smile, "I thought that the governor was really capable and could defeat tens of thousands of rebels in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect that he was used as a delaying tactic."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar shook his head, "It's hard to say now. It's normal for these rebels to surrender and rebel again, and to rebel and surrender again. How could there not be a few ambitious people among tens of thousands of people who are not satisfied with the conditions offered?

, or it can’t be fulfilled, and if someone below incites it, you might have a drink and get drunk, and you will change your mind again, who can tell clearly? "

"But it's not that the Border Village rebels are very good at fighting. Why can't they attack even Wubao City? It's also said that the Border Village rebels themselves are also fighting among themselves. All kinds of news are flying all over the sky..." The staff sighed, "Yan'an Mansion

It’s so chaotic over there, Master Pan is really having a hard time with him.”

"Huh, Pan Ruzhen has a weak temperament. Being the prefect is too reluctant. If I couldn't find a suitable replacement, I would have suggested to the court that he should be replaced." The middle-aged Confucian scholar shook his head: "I don't understand now.

What exactly is Feng Ziying planning to do in Yan'an Mansion? Do the Yulin Army really dare to send him 10,000 to 20,000 people south?"

This chapter has been completed!
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