Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 518: Sword, courage, piano, heart, great ambition

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"Exactly." Li Qi nodded lightly, "There is no doubt that those three people arranged for Yuanyang to come. The reason may be several aspects. It may be that Feng Lang has been in Jiangnan for too long and needs someone to take care of him. It may also be that he needs someone to take care of him.

It’s to prevent someone from taking advantage of the situation and maybe hearing something, but there’s also a point in sending a mandarin duck.”

Li Wei felt that she still underestimated her sister. At least this analysis was very reasonable, "Well, it's important. I'm afraid it's impossible for the three of them to send their own maids, so only the mandarin ducks can everyone accept it, right?"

"Absolutely." Li Qi pursed his lips and smiled, "But they must have ignored that Yuanyang does not belong to any room. Since it is impossible to stand on the opponent's side, it is also impossible to stand on their own side, so it is most likely that Yuanyang is

We have to consider Feng Lang’s feelings.”

"So what you mean is to strengthen or point out this point. Although we have no choice, we have also helped Feng Lang a lot in Jiangnan. We have helped Feng Lang provide and analyze some situations in Jiangnan.


Li Min felt that Li Qi was really quick-witted and used this kind of rhetoric to deal with mandarin ducks.

Originally, it should be said that this is Zhen Baochen who has done the most in this area. In fact, the two sisters have not done much in this area. At most, they just talk about it in casual conversations. But for Yuanyang, they can be vague and Yuanyang does not.

Maybe if you ask Feng Lang, Feng Lang will help cover it up even if you ask Feng Lang.

Li Qi sighed softly, "That's all. The relationship between Sister Wan and Yuanyang seems to be very ordinary. I don't think it can help us much. If we can arouse Yuanyang's sympathy for our fate, and we can also help Feng Lang

If we are more familiar with the situation in Jiangnan, maybe Yuanyang will be willing to help us soothe our cheeks after returning..."

Li Min raised her head and thought for a while, "My sister's suggestion is feasible, but I don't think we need to be too groveling. When we enter the Feng Mansion, we are also concubines. We will meet Yuanyang in the future. Yuanyang may be familiar with the second and third bedrooms.

Some, but I'm afraid Yuanyang is not familiar with the Changfang side, and Yuanyang may not be able to tame Qingwen's girl's temper. When we entered the Changfang, at least she had someone more familiar with whom she could communicate, and we also had some things to talk about.

Being able to help and speak up, she was entrusted with the important task by Feng Lang. She must also hope to make the house run smoothly, which means that people in each room need to support her in her work. This should be a win-win situation.


Li Min's rather confident tone influenced Li Qi, and she nodded in agreement with her sister's opinion. As she was talking, she heard a little girl outside panting and running in to report that a girl Yuanyang and Yuchaier came to visit the two grandmothers.

Li Min and Li Qi looked at each other, with some surprise and anxiety in their eyes. The mandarin ducks came so quickly. They obviously came to their side first and not to the two daughters of the Zhen family. This was a good sign.

"Please invite them in quickly." Li Wei said quickly.

Seeing Li Min and Li Qi, Yuanyang's heart sank slightly.

Just by looking at the two women's facial expressions and clothing, one can tell that the two women have lost their virginity and are no longer virgins, but women. Originally, this was reasonable. How could the uncle endure it with his temperament?

But Yuanyang felt that since sisters Li Min and Li Qi were also from a scholarly family, they should be more reserved and polite. Even if the uncle wanted to help them take them as concubines, they could wait a little until they returned to the capital city to behave decently.

Wouldn't it be good to carry it into Feng's house?

What would the three grandmothers in the capital think of such a hasty and hasty accomplishment of a good thing in a borrowed house in Nanjing? They would have to be carried into the house anyway, and I'm afraid they wouldn't be welcomed in any room they entered.

, and it’s no different than myself. I am a maid, and they are concubines.

Just seeing the surprise and uneasiness on the two girls' faces when they saw him, Yuanyang felt weak in his heart. It was not easy. The Li family was all like this. Maybe they were forced to have their own reasons.

"Yuanyang has met my two aunts..."

Yuanyang still abided by the rules and blessed him with a blessing. Although Kodama Chuaier was reluctant, seeing that Yuanyang had done this, he could only follow him and blessed him with a blessing.

However, Li Min and Li Qi had already rushed up quickly. One helped Yuanyang and the other helped Yuchao'er.

Li Min's eyes were red and she pulled the mandarin duck

Yuanyang's arm: "Sister Yuanyang, this is impossible, and we can't bear it..."

The mandarin duck was still lucky, and then he stood up and held Li Min's hand: "Auntie Wen said this, but this servant doesn't understand, I have already explained it..."

Li Min and Li Qi quickly shook their heads: "My husband may have good intentions, but we sisters are not people who don't understand rules and etiquette. There are some situations that Sister Yuanyang may not be aware of..."

Yuanyang quickly stopped her words: "Aunt Wen and Aunt Qi must not shout like that. Just call me Yuanyang. If you shout like that again, I won't be able to bear it. The uncle has official business at the moment, and I'm here to see you."

Fortunately, the two aunts and grandmothers were all familiar with each other before, which saved a lot of embarrassment..."

Li Min and Li Qi were greatly relieved when they saw Yuanyang speak candidly and naturally, especially when Li Min took Yuanyang's hand and sat down on the spring bench in the room, and then started to talk to Yuanyang softly.

, Li Qi was also talking to Yu Chuan'er over there. Although they were not familiar with each other, Li Qi's weak appearance endeared her to Yu Chuan'er.

Li Min's eloquence was of course not a problem. He told everything about the situation of the Li family and the situation of his uncle Li Shouzhong. He even did not deny the role that Jia Hua played in it at that time. For a while, Yuanyang didn't know how to evaluate it.

Is it wrong to blame Li Min and Li Qi? Is it wrong to use the innocent daughter of a scholarly family to fight for the entire Li family?

Is it Jia Hua’s fault? We’ve always been friends with each other, and yet we’re still not willing to help when someone comes to ask for help? If this kind of thing isn’t his turn, who knows the difficulties here?

Blame the uncle? That’s even less to say. After being drunk and with the two women volunteering themselves, what can be said?

It seems that no one can blame anyone. From Yuanyang's point of view, Li Min and Li Qi are really affectionate, righteous and responsible in doing this. If Li Shouzhong falls, the Li family will be completely ruined, and neither of them will end well.

By taking such a risk, he not only fulfilled his filial piety for his uncle, but also found a way out for himself.

Yuanyang was originally a chivalrous person with a brave heart and a brave heart, and she particularly admired such kind and righteous actions, so Li Min's words really touched her.

"Aunt Wen, this is fate. Fortunately, you have me, so the outcome will not be bad." Yuanyang also comforted Li Wen, whose eyes were red, "As for Aunt Wen, who is worried about the attitude of the three grandmothers after returning to Beijing, I feel that

It’s just that I am too anxious. Normally, the three grandma would not object to my decision. This incident is also excusable. All three grandma can understand it. Second grandma Bao and third grandma Lin have always known the two of them.

My aunt, I will definitely not embarrass my two aunts..."

Li Min could finally breathe a sigh of relief. After impressing the mandarin ducks, the matter was half done...

Feng Ziying was a little uneasy when she went to see Bi Ziyan at Guo Zhengyu's place, but he quickly focused on business.

Bi Ziyan was indeed a master of financial accounting. He was full of praise for Feng Ziying's concept of joint-stock enterprises and stock exchanges, and his understanding was deeper than that of Guo Zhengyu.

He particularly agreed with Feng Ziying's proposal to raise private capital in such a way to promote industry and commerce, expand overseas colonization and the development of maritime trade industries. At the same time, he also agreed with Feng Ziying's idea that industrial and commercial taxes would account for an increasing proportion of the court's taxes.


The three people also basically agreed that in addition to Wusongkou Shipyard being the first pilot joint-stock listed company, they should also try their best to promote two to three companies to conduct pilot projects in order to attract more people to participate in the transaction.

In addition to the Zhou family's confiscated shipping company, which can be built into a water transportation enterprise that can always cross the Yangtze River and canals, Feng Ziying also proposed that the Ding family's tea mountains, tea factories and tea houses can be integrated into a one-stop tea-making enterprise.

Carry out shareholding reform and listing.

In addition, Feng Ziying is also preparing to let Xue Biao's shipping fleet cooperate with Anfu merchants, and Duan Xigui has already established a presence in Sulu and Bo Ni, to form a company to colonize Southeast Asia, similar to the Dutch East India Company, and is ready to officially start promoting the already established

It has quietly promoted the pace of colonization into Nanyang for several years, and now it is just a good opportunity to list the Nanyang Company, openly raise funds and purchase shares, and advance into Nanyang.

Feng Ziying really couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't wait any longer.

For every extra day, the Francois, the Dutch, and the English will increase their power in Nanyang, and the Great Zhou Dynasty, which originally had many starting advantages, will gradually become a latecomer.

It would be more and more difficult for Zhou to reach in and get a piece of the pie, so he would add the colonization of Nanyang to the list and take this opportunity to promote his march into Nanyang.

Regarding the shipping company and the tea factory, Guo Zhengyu and Bi Ziyan had no objections. They just had to follow the existing procedures. However, they were a little confused about the so-called Nanyang Colonization Company.

"Ziying, colonizing Nanyang is not about sea trade, so what are you going to do? You talked a lot, and Meiming and I didn't understand what exactly we need to do to colonize Nanyang and how to ensure the benefits.

You only talked about the Xue family’s merchant ships, the Anfu merchants’ pioneering experience, and the Duan family’s intelligence collection and business base construction in Nanyang in recent years, but how can they be put together to become a colonization company? What is the industry and how to make money?


Bi Ziyan hits the nail on the head.

Feng Ziying knew that she couldn't hide it from Bi Ziyan, so she had no intention of hiding it. She thought for a while and then said: "Brother Jing Hui, it's a long story. I'll just clarify one point first. The profit comes from the rich products of Nanyang, gold and silver from Luzon, and Bo

There are tin, spices and big wood on the mud side, and the same on the old port side, including rice, and there are many Han people in Nanyang, so the foundation is very good..."



This chapter has been completed!
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