Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 688: Irreversible, Collapse

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 Seeing his subordinates looking so confused, Jin Yuhe didn't know what happened for a while. Could it be that the Jianzhou cavalry directly broke through the Zhou army's defense line and the horse riding company camped?

Isn't that true? I heard the roar of artillery just now. The firepower of the Zhou army is still very powerful. No matter how fierce the Nurhachi's cavalry are, they can't break the formation in one battle, right?

Or could it be said that the Jianzhou cavalry was frustrated and suffered losses from shelling?

"Sir, the situation is simply unimaginable. You will never imagine it..." The scout almost danced, and for a moment he didn't know how to describe the scene he saw.

"What exactly is going on? Don't keep mumbling here for a long time without getting to the point. What happened?"

Jin Yuhe couldn't help but feel angry. He wished he could go up and wake up this guy who was still intoxicated by his emotions.

"Sir, it's like this. Zhou Jun's artillery fired a strange kind of shells, which were connected together with iron chains. When they fell, they dragged the chains and ran around. The Jianzhou cavalry was dragged to pieces by these running shells.

, he was defeated without being able to perform at all, the tragic situation..."

The scout made gesticulating introductions while describing everything he saw. The scene left Jinyu Kazuya dumbfounded.

He knew that the long-barreled heavy artillery was indeed very powerful, but it was even more powerful when used to attack cities and demolish strongholds, but he did not expect that it could produce such results in field battles. This must be related to the special projectile with an iron chain, but this is

What he doesn't know anymore.

But none of this is important anymore. The key is that Nurhachi's personal troops were defeated. According to the scout's account, the six thousand army was stunned by a cannonball and suffered heavy losses before they could even launch an actual offensive.

Now the front line doesn't even know whether to continue the attack or stop here and cease all activities.

How can we fight this battle?

Jin Yuhe didn't know what to do for a while.

Although he had long thought about leaving Jianzhou and returning to Dazhou, he still needed to choose the most suitable opportunity based on the situation.

It is said that now is the most suitable time. A counter-attack will definitely stab Jianzhou in the back and cause chaos in Jianzhou. However, Jin Yuhe also understands that generals such as Chu Ying still control the elite Eight Banners Army. If he acts rashly,

, if you don’t do it well, you will be shot at the head of the group, one by one.

"When you went to watch the game, did you see other people there, such as the Shi brothers and Dai Jixian's people watching the game?" Jin Yuhe suddenly asked.

The scout was stunned for a moment and then understood, "Yes, people from Master Li and Master Sun, as well as people from the Shi family and Master Dai are watching the battle there, and there are more than one or two. They are as shocked as their subordinates.


"Then what?" Jin Yuhe asked again.

"Then they looked at each other in confusion. Finally, they heard that the Great Khan had fainted, and it was only thanks to the support of his concubine that there was no chaos..." The scout swallowed, not knowing what his general meant.

"Dhan Khan fainted?!" Jin Yuhe was also surprised, "Are you sure?"

"He did faint. There was chaos in the main camp for a while. Later, the big brother-in-law came out to calm down the situation and finally stabilized the situation. But it seems that there was no talk of continuing the attack..." Scout

He said cautiously: "My lord, you can ask Mr. Li Ehuang and Mr. Sun. They should know..."

Jin Yuhe snorted coldly. If you can ask them, you still need to remind them. It is meaningless to ask Li Yongfang and Sun Degong now, and it will also arouse unnecessary suspicion.

"Do people from the Shi family and Dai Jixian also know about these situations?" Jin Yuhe was more concerned about the attitudes of these two people.

"We all know it and have inquired about it. We basically came back together..." the scout answered honestly.

Jin Yuhe rubbed his chin and thought.

The Shi brothers and Dai Jixian must also be a little shaken.

People like me originally came from the Liaodong Army, and they were not as trusted by the people of Jianzhou as Li Yongfang and Sun Degong. People like E Yidu, He Heli, and Fei Yingdong were naturally alienated from Han Chinese like them.


Everyone also knows that their identities are different and they need to behave with their tail between their legs.

Fortunately, Jianzhou does not have enough troops, and they still need to work hard, so they are still polite on the surface, and all kinds of supplies can be roughly guaranteed, but how long can this situation last?

If Jianzhou wins, it's easy to say, and everyone will follow suit slowly, but if they lose, what will be the fate of Jianzhou in the future?

Even if they go back, Jianzhou will definitely push people like themselves to the front line as consumables. This is to be expected. There are only so many people in Jianzhou. Under the huge losses, they will definitely need to take a breather to make up for it. Naturally, they have to

The people under the Han banner became cannon fodder.

How could my group of people be tied up with them and accompany them to the killing field?

Maybe it's time to re-choose a path.

It's not enough for him alone. The Shi brothers and Dai Jixian should also take action. But if they take the initiative, what if these two parties inform?

Jin Yuhe weighed his strength, then compared it, and said: "Immediately arrange for someone to go to the main camp to have a look, and also go to Shijia and Dai Jixian's main camp to observe the situation, and report back immediately...


As restless as Jin Yuhe were Li Yongfang, Sun Degong, the Shi brothers, Dai Jixian and others.

Li Yongfang and Sun Degong are different from Jin Yuhe, the Shi brothers and Dai Jixian.

Li Yongfang had surrendered to Jianzhou Jurchen a long time ago. He knew that he had no way of turning back. No matter how much Da Zhou promised to forgive him, he would not believe it.

The same goes for Sun Degong. His surrender caused huge casualties and losses to Liaodong Town. It can be said that he "taken the most credit" for the last fall of Shenyang, and his corruption in the army has already had strong repercussions. The Metropolitan Procuratorate

The censor had already set his sights on him, so he didn't dare to look back.

Now that the situation in Jianzhou was unfavorable, the two of them were naturally flustered and didn't know what to do for a while.

Especially after learning that Wang Yiping's defection did not seem to be implemented according to the planned plan, nor did it achieve corresponding results. On the contrary, the Khan's pro-army, which was implemented according to the planned plan, suffered a devastating blow and suffered extremely heavy losses.

Li Yongfang was a little confused by Zhou Jun's display of powerful firearm abilities.

It is true that the firearms of Dazhou were stronger than those of Jianzhou, but to be honest, the power of those firecrackers a few years ago was really limited. They also had many operating procedures, poor quality, and took a long time. They were far less effective than bows and arrows.

Perhaps the only advantage is that it does not require long training. You can go into battle in three to five months and become proficient in one or two years. Compared with training an archer, it is indeed too simple and cheap.

But the situation shown this time was completely different, at least it was completely different from when he defected to Jianzhou a few years ago.

The shooting distance of the fire gun has been greatly increased, and its power is so fierce that even ordinary leather armor can be penetrated, even iron leaf armor can be penetrated. Moreover, the artillery that was not worth mentioning at first has now become a trump card.

This kind of long-barreled heavy artillery was originally only used for siege, and it was difficult to manufacture, and the gun body was heavy and difficult to move. Now the Zhou army can easily take out hundreds of them, and it seems that they have also set up special artillery carriages to move them, and there is that weird

The chain bullets immediately blinded Jianzhou.

This not only caused huge losses to Jianzhou, but also the most important thing was that it destroyed Jianzhou's morale. Dahan actually fainted. Although he woke up now, he seemed to have lost his mind and had to rely on He and Li.

Help him make a decision. Has this situation ever happened before?

Judging from their tone, they seemed to be worried that there would be a trap on the Western Front. Once the reinforcements on the Western Front were already plotted by Zhou, then the world would truly fall apart.

Li Yongfang didn't know what to do. He had no way out. He also knew that Da Zhou hated him to the bone, but now he was at a loss.

Li Yongfang and Sun Degong were in panic all day long, but the Shi brothers and Dai Jixian had other thoughts.

The news that the scouts came back from the investigation shocked them inexplicably. Why did the tree seem to fall down in the blink of an eye? Could it be that Jianzhou really couldn't get over this hurdle?

Jianzhou can't get over this hurdle, but they can't jump into the pit. If Jianzhou really wants to retreat to the deep mountains and old forests east and north of Hetuala, they won't accompany him.

The question is what to do now? The Shi brothers also thought of Jin Yuhe first. Each family had the same plan. If there was a leader who took the lead in attacking, then it would be right for them to follow, but if they were to take the lead, they would be the first to attack.

Somewhat timid.

When Jin Yuhe learned that Nurhachi and He Heli had agreed to temporarily stop the offensive and wait for news about the situation on the western front, he knew that a decision needed to be made.

Once the news coming back from the Western Front is unfavorable, then Jianzhou may have to consider a retreat, and the opportunity for itself will be at that moment.

If the news about the return from the Western Front is good, that's another matter, and we can continue to observe and observe.

Everyone's eyes are looking at the Western Front, and at this time, Youshilu's troops are rushing to the battlefield on the Western Front. They must enter the battle in the shortest possible time to prevent Huerhan's troops from breaking through the Western Front. But in fact, Huerhan's troops are rushing to the Western Front.

The Ministry has also suffered heavy setbacks under the power blockage of Hei Yunlong.

It can be said that the major misjudgment of the Zhou army's use of firearms should be Jianzhou's biggest mistake in this war. The power of firecrackers was increased, artillery was widely used, the use of new chain ammunition, and the ability to anticipate the enemy's opportunities.

Preparation, all of this directly caused Jianzhou to fall into the rhythm of Da Zhou from the beginning, and everything was proceeding according to Da Zhou's plan.

Now the addition of You Shilu, a new force, is just the final nail in the coffin of Jianzhou's failure.

Therefore, when You Shilu's cavalry brigade first appeared behind the Jianzhou Army who was still besieging Tao Dasheng's camp, which was in danger, everything collapsed irreparably.

This chapter has been completed!
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