Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 795: Please start reform with difficult problems

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 When feelings and interests are combined, the effect is self-evident.

The scholars valued feelings, restored the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties, opened up more living space for the Li people, and competed with the Western Barbarians in Nanyang. This was in line with their philosophy of governing the country and their feelings of being famous in history.

Warriors value reality. Once there is no place for warriors to use their skills, the army will inevitably be reduced. The twelve towns are reorganized into four theater clusters. How many can be retained depends entirely on how much share you can retain in future foreign conquests.

How important is the direction of your foreign expansion?

Merchants value profits, and they cannot give up the spices, cane sugar, valuable timber and consumer markets brought by Nanyang. Kuwu and Ezo in Liaodong, the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties in the west, Annan and Dongwu in the southwest, besides Annan, are rich in

Rice can make them excited, but other things lack motivation.

In the next two days, warriors and businessmen will continue to come into contact in so-called discussions, exchange for fame and fortune, fight and form alliances, and eventually evolve into various combinations of fame and fortune.

"Ziying, you use your fame and fortune to drive people around, and you can achieve success."

Feng Ziying had already prepared for the arrival of Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang, but when faced with the other party's questions, Feng Ziying was still a little emotional.

These veteran scholars obviously still have some opinions on their methods.

After Feng Ziying served the tea, she sighed: "I am self-improving and you are Fu Gong. Standing in my position, can you think of a better way? Some are the general trend, some are precautions, and some are beyond our capabilities. The same

One thing in the world, in the eyes of different people, is a completely different view. Like Nanyang, some people may think that our great Zhou Dynasty is rich in all things, so why bother to go on an expedition to fight for the barbaric land there? But some people don't think so. Nanyang

Wealth, spices and sucrose are all beyond our reach, not to mention that the Western barbarians have already set foot in this place. The so-called death of lips and teeth is nothing more than this. If we don't go, maybe the next step will be that their ships and guns will reach our Lingnan and Jiangnan coasts.

The enemy is outside the country's gates and above the country..."

"Some people will think that the hometown of the Han and Tang Dynasties in the Western Regions has long been a story. Why bother worrying about the glory of the past? It is serious to be realistic. It is not beautiful to waste people and money. But some people will think that it was originally our hometown of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Now

When the conditions are ripe, why can't we take it back and let it bathe in the light of our Han and Tang civilizations? What's more, opening up the Western Region passage allows us to control the power to reach the hinterland of Central Asia, and we can better understand and build defense lines. This is a wise move to prepare for a rainy day.


"To sum up, all of the above are the result of looking at things from different angles. In this case, I will lay out the prospects and consequences one by one, so that everyone can express their opinions and work together. This is also a kind of democracy that brings together the wisdom of everyone. You cannot say that your opinion is the only one.

Absolutely correct, other people’s views are short-sighted and pedantic. It cannot be said that what you insist on is the great cause, and what others are pursuing is not worth mentioning. Give them an opportunity to communicate, integrate and compromise, and let them seek common ground while reserving differences. I think

This is a good thing and a good time to enhance understanding and achieve coexistence..."

"Besides, profit-seeking is not a bad thing. As long as the benefits can be used by us, the Zhou Dynasty, and the people of the Zhou Dynasty, I think there will be no problem. What the court does is not to defend the interests of the country and its people.

?Otherwise, what are we doing with so many officials and troops? As long as it is beneficial to the country and the people, we should do it calmly. There is no opposition between righteousness and benefit..."

Speaking of this, Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang also roughly understood Feng Ziying's point of view.

From the perspective of the country, as long as it is conducive to the development of the country and is beneficial to the country, we cannot use the inherent principles of justice and benefit to calculate. Isn't the court only responsible for its own people?

This is a matter of course.

What's more, this method is most popular among warriors and businessmen. It can even be said that a considerable number of scholars and the gentry they represent also support it very much.

Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang are much more open-minded than Han Xu and the Sun brothers, and they have a deeper understanding of local changes. They are very aware that the merger of gentry and industrial and commercial forces is increasingly becoming a fashion.

It has become a general trend for the gentry to sell their land and participate in industry and commerce, and it has also become a trend for industrial and commercial forces to train their children to become officials.

As Feng Ziying said, justice and benefit are not opposites, but can also complement each other.

"Ziying, I heard from Youfu about the matter of the Ministry of Rites. Do you want Youfu to be the Minister of Rites?" This is the purpose of Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang coming here today.

Of course, both King Cui and King Cui were happy to see Wang Yongguang become the Minister of Rites, but Feng Ziying proposed the idea of ​​reforming the imperial examination, which put both King Cui and King Cui into a difficult choice.

Both King Cui and King Cui are very aware of Feng Ziying's current strength. He must complete the goals he has set. Regardless of whether Wang Yongguang serves as the Minister of Rites or not, he will also promote the reform of the imperial examination.

Wang Yongguang pondered and stroked his beard, "Ziying, I know you have always had great ambitions, but this reform of the imperial examination is related to the fate of thousands of scholars in the world. If you are not careful, it will set off huge waves. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties,

In this dynasty, from poetry and classics to current political content, it is also a step-by-step process. You suddenly want to add investigation of objects, laws and financial planning into it, and the weight is so heavy, it is bound to cause turmoil."

Feng Ziying and Wang Yongguang discussed that the reform of the imperial examination should be changed from the original two items to five items.

Classics and meanings have always been the main ones, but they have been learned by scholars for many years, so it is difficult to widen the gap. Although current affairs account for a small proportion, they have very different views and opinions. If there is a slight difference, one will be in heaven and the other will be in earth. Now

Adding in the study of objects, financial planning, and laws that scholars have never understood before will inevitably further reduce the weight of the classics and meaning, and will definitely lead to the future of scholars in one or two subjects, so they must be cautious.

"Self-improvement and prosperity are a step that must be taken sooner or later. The reason why we took the representatives to visit the Gyeonggi Coal, Iron and Military Industrial Complex to see the development and railway tracks of Yuguangang is to let everyone understand that the times are changing.

With development, society's demand for all kinds of knowledge is also changing. What kind of talents are needed to support future social development? The same goes for officials. You don't even know how much molten iron a furnace produces. Du Shao doesn't know how much iron a foot of rail consumes.

I don’t know how much rice and millet a ship can transport, and I don’t know how to increase grain production from one acre of land. I completely rely on the people below to fool you. I think it will be difficult for officials like this to adapt to our great Zhou court in the future.”

"I don't ask you to be very proficient in this, but at least when you face the documents and files given to you by your staff and subordinates, don't blindly understand everything, and just listen to what they say to you.

It’s what it is. No matter how good your moral character and proficient in classics and principles are, how can you govern the place? Do you rely on staff and subordinates? If there is a problem with their integrity, who will supervise them? Even if there is a problem with their integrity.

As a censor, you must at least know some knowledge about objects, financial planning and laws, so that you can better investigate and handle cases and find out the evidence of others' crimes."

Feng Zi is very focused in English and speaks very patiently.

It is difficult for Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang to argue with each other's reasoning.

Feng Ziying's point of view also involves another initiative he is about to promote, that is, Jinshi's observation of politics is no longer limited to the Eight Ministries and the Metropolitan Inspectorate, but should go more to the local areas to understand and learn how to be a good local official, and at the same time observe

After the end of the administration, based on the results of the administration, all Jinshi were required to serve in local offices for three years and then be transferred back to the central government in batches based on their performance.

To be a good local official, with the development of industry and commerce, financial income has become increasingly complex. It is not limited to land tax. There will be more and more local economic lawsuits, and the requirements for case settlement will be further increased. Therefore, Feng Ziying proposed the official

It will be a general trend to understand the investigation of things, financial planning and laws, especially in the more economically developed Jiangnan, Guangdong, Huguang, Shandong and Beizhi, the standard will be higher.

In other words, in the future, officials with Jinshi origins will have to serve in local areas. County magistrates will be the main battlefield, and then gradually move to the state level. In the future, the performance evaluation of officials by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will no longer use the evaluation of gentry as an important basis.

It depends on your performance in efficient and accurate local industrial and commercial development and litigation handling.

From this perspective, Feng Ziying's proposal of reforming the imperial examination is indeed a need to meet the needs of future local officials in governing the country, and is also a measure to cooperate with the reform of official administration.

"Ziying, we understand your thoughts, but in terms of intensity and time, we suggest that it should be more peaceful and gradual, and not cause sudden rises and falls, causing too much shock."

It is difficult to persuade Feng Ziying to change his mind. This is what Cui and Wang have expected. Moreover, Feng Ziying chose Wang Yongguang as the Minister of Rites for the specific implementation. In fact, it is a disguised show of goodwill. Wang Yongguang can control the specific scale, but cannot control the goal.


"Mr. Ziqiang, Mr. Youfu, I know you are doing this for my own good. We can discuss the specific progress of the advancement. For example, if this subject is impossible, can some proportion be added to the next subject now in Qiu Wei?

For example, 20%, 10% for investigating objects, 10% for laws and financial accounting, 15% for Chunwei, and we will increase the proportion appropriately for the next subject..."

The next step is nothing more than a proportional increase and continuation to three subjects and four subjects, and then to a fixed ratio. At this point, Cui and Wang both hope to have a slow-down process as much as possible. In addition, there are also some differences in the ratio of investigation and finance.

Differences should not be too great.

Feng Ziying can also understand this. After all, if a dynasty like Zhou Dynasty, which has been in a feudal society for a long time, is to change, even an increase of one percentage point is very important. He does not want to lose the support of these two people because of this matter, so he also

Said it could be discussed further.

This chapter has been completed!
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