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Gui Zi Volume Chapter 802: If Feng is not the emperor, he will be like the common people

Facing the roar of shouts and shouts outside the door, the countermeasures Feng Ziying and Wang Wenyan had discussed before seemed a bit redundant.

This Mao Chenglu is a wonderful man. He shouted his words outright in front of the people of the capital and the soldiers in the border towns. He did not trust those civil servants and did not believe that Feng Ziying, as the chief assistant, could fight against those civil servants.

, the chief assistant cannot protect the warrior.

Only the emperor can protect warriors, it's that simple.

Only when Feng Ziying became emperor could the military have the legal system to compete with the civil servants.

As for the current Emperor Xuan Shun, what the hell is that? People hate dogs, who gave him a slap in the face?

Even the people in the capital city can make fun of Emperor Xuanshun at will, so can he be called an emperor?

Feng Ziying and Wang Wenyan, who were standing inside the door, looked at each other and didn't know whether they should go out or not.

Should he delay a little longer, or just walk out? Or let the warriors rush in to "forcibly" escort him out?

Feng Ziying thought for a moment, then shook her head, walked out without hesitation.

Since the agreed-upon countermeasures don’t work, just adapt to circumstances.

Originally, no one had ever seen this kind of situation before. It was just a big girl getting on the sedan chair. For the first time, I thought that when Zhao Kuangyin was wrapped in a yellow robe, he was probably in a similar situation to me. Even if he had some preparations, but in the specific details,

I'm afraid it may not all be done in an orderly manner. No one can predict what kind of changes will happen in the middle. How can we deal with them one by one with the help of soldiers?

How can it be so easy to dominate the world?

Seeing Feng Ziying walking out of the door with a "sickly" face and a bit "haggard" but still in good spirits, Feng You immediately stepped aside.

Feng Ziying walked out calmly and stood still, "Chenglu, why are you doing this?"

Mao Chenglu, Geng Jimao, Shang Xueli and Liu Xingzuo all knelt down in unison, and the soldiers behind them also all knelt down under the leadership of Liu Xingzhi, scaring the people around them for a moment.

Therefore, I could only kneel down, and the entire outside of Feng Mansion and Sanjue Street turned into a dark place of kneeling.

"If the chief assistant does not come out, what will happen to the people?" A teahouse storyteller standing at the end of the alley saw this scene. While kneeling down, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's destiny!"

"If the chief assistant refuses to respond to the general's request, then the general and these thousands of soldiers will have no choice but to kneel and die in front of this door..."

Mao Chenglu's tearful plea made everyone "cry".

Feng Ziying also had to admit that this guy had some acting talent, but this kind of scene couldn't be played for a long time. The climax of empathy was always very short. Once it cooled down, many things would make people suspicious.

"Chenglu, why are you doing this? All the ministers and ministers in the cabinet..."

Feng Ziying's warm words were immediately interrupted by Geng Jimao who was standing next to Mao Chenglu. The man kowtowed several times, banging the green bricks on the ground, then raised his head and said in a loud voice: "Sir, please help me."

There is no need to make excuses. If the cabinet and important ministers would care about the life and death of our warriors, then we would not need to travel thousands of miles to Beijing to ask for help. By this time, if the chief minister can't wait for my life,

Hundreds of thousands of our border troops can only starve to death in the wilderness and become lonely ghosts!"

"Yes, sir, please wait for me!"

Monk Liu Xingzuo kowtowed repeatedly while learning etiquette.

Liu Xingzhi, who had been hiding among the sergeants, finally saw the cryptic look Mao Chenglu gave him when he turned around. He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, buried his head on the ground and suddenly shouted: "Your Excellency, the princes of Fengtian Palace are already waiting for you.

Ascension to the throne, the current emperor is already waiting for you in the inner Zen. In this country, only the virtuous live. The Zhang family has passed through two Jiazi and seven emperors. It is time for the rise and fall of the world. Please invite me.

The emperor will immediately go to Fengtian Palace to enthrone, and we will enjoy peace..."

Feng Ziying was stunned and couldn't help but look up. There were a lot of people kneeling there, so he couldn't see clearly, but he remembered the sound firmly.

Whose general is this?

After reading it in one breath, Liu Xingzhi swallowed the note lying on the ground and remained silent.

Along with this sentence "Enjoy peace", the words "Xiao Feng, the first assistant, will be the emperor, and the people of the world will enjoy peace" finally began to rise one after another, and became louder and louder.

No one noticed that "the people of the capital enjoy peace" had been cleverly changed to "the people of the world enjoy peace". Only Wu Yaoqing, Feng Ziyi and Wang Ziteng who were hiding in that corner exchanged knowing glances and breathed a sigh of relief.


It was "unable" for Feng Ziying to agree or disagree. A war horse was let out. A group of soldiers helped Feng Ziying onto the horse. They didn't know where they got an old ocher-yellow cloak and wrapped it around Feng Ziying. This situation made people sit there.

Feng Ziying immediately felt like a copy of Chen Qiao's Mutiny, and the imitation was too poor.

But this does not affect the results at all, it is even better.

Zhao Kuangyin encountered Han Tong's resistance at least, but in this capital city, who was a warrior who had not been promoted by himself?

Of course, the opposition will be even greater. Will civil servants accept this result?

Feng Ziying was not sure either. Except for Fu Shi and Pan Ruzhen who had vaguely suggested something tentatively, he did not reveal anything about his close classmates and colleagues such as Lian Guoshi, Geng Ruqi, Zheng Chongjian, Fang Youdu, Fan Jingwen and He Fengsheng.

This is what I mean.

There is really no preparation for this. Once it is revealed rashly, it will probably cause a huge psychological shock and lead to an internal rupture.

It's just that things have come to this, and sometimes we can only move forward boldly.

However, Feng Ziying is not unprepared. Some people cannot change, but some people may not.

When Gu Bingqian got the news, he couldn't help but fisted his fist, and he was so excited that he spun around in the inner hall several times.

He has never returned to Kunshan. It's not that he doesn't want to go back, but he doesn't want to go back in such a cowardly manner. Moreover, he also knows that his reputation and popularity in his hometown in Kunshan are not good. If he goes back like this, it will only become a joke.

Feng Ziying gave him enough courtesy, so he just stayed in the capital. After all, he was also the former chief minister, and not many people in the capital had bad words.

It's just that this situation has changed so drastically that Gu Bingqian was unexpected.

Before, I just felt that the cabinet was in a deadlock. Han Xu, Sun Juxiang, Li Banghua, Zhu Guozhen and others were resisting Feng Ziying openly or covertly. In addition, Cui Jingrong, Chai Ke and Xu Guangqi, three pig teammates, did not support Feng Ziying well, or they were in disarmament and conquest.

Huge differences arose on the Mongolian issue, which forced Feng Ziying to temporarily give up power due to "illness", and then Cui, Chai, and Xu came to power together.

But in Gu Bingqian's eyes, Cui Chai and Xu were just three trashes who couldn't control the situation at all. Facing the constant advances of Han, Sun, Li Zhu and others, they could only keep giving in.

In fact, this group of people is not a coalition of allies at all. It is entirely because they unanimously made a temporary peace on the issue of disarmament. They have their own opinions on other policies. Even several policies that Feng Ziying basically agreed upon when forming the cabinet were shelved.

In the end, it was completely reduced to a bunch of supporting roles, but gave Han Sun and others a chance.

"Master, what should we do now?" Chang Sui asked quickly when he saw Gu Bingqian was so excited.

"Well, you said that Babu Gong's house and Wenyuan Pavilion were surrounded, and most of the people were inside?" Gu Bingqian forced himself to calm down and walked around with his hands behind his back.

"That's what the word that came over said, but now they should be being pressed into the palace by those warriors one after another. Now both the inside and outside are controlled by these border troops. The people in the Beijing camp are even cooperating with the border troops.

With this action, this capital city will completely become the world of warriors..." Chang Sui was also filled with emotion.

Gu Bingqian pondered for a moment, "You immediately arrange for people to find Tang Binyin, and by the way, there is also Miao Changqi. Both of them are in the capital now. They must have thought about it after hearing the news. Since Ziying thinks highly of Laochan, Laochan

Naturally, I have to do my part,..."

"Ah?" Chang Sui still didn't know where the messenger came from. Hearing what the master said, he was surprised and said: "It's Feng Chieffu..."

Gu Bingqian nodded slightly, "You know I know what to do, hurry up and find Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi. These two are also thinking about things and are unwilling to leave the capital. Isn't it because they still want to fight again?"

What are they thinking? I don’t believe that they would be willing to look at Li Banghua and Zhu Guozhen who are so beautiful while they themselves are so miserable?"

Chang Sui, who had been following Gu Bingqian for many years, nodded repeatedly, but then asked: "What about Huang Ruliang? Is it necessary for the master to..."

Huang Ruliang? Gu Bingqian paused and wanted to shake his head, but he thought that the situation was different again. It would be too narrow-minded to stick to the past personal grudges. In the future, Feng Ziying ascends the throne and becomes emperor. I don’t know what the situation will be like.

, why should you care about those things?

If he takes the initiative to seek help and invites Huang Ruliang to join him, it will show his magnanimity. If Huang Ruliang himself refuses the promotion, it means that he has renounced the new dynasty.

"Forget it, you can ask people to go to Huang Ruliang and explain the whole story. Let's forget the past and work together to participate in this grand event..."

Miao Changqi was the first to be called by Gu Bingqian, so he was naturally overjoyed.

He has been living in a miserable state in the capital city, and he can't even make a living, but he can't bear to go back to Jiangnan, and now he is obsessed with a handsome young man, so when he got this news, he was like

Joy falls from heaven.

However, Tang Binyin was with his most proud disciple Han Jing, and was summoned by Gu Bingqian, but he seemed very calm.

"Zijing, what do you think? You and Feng Ziying are classmates. In this situation, do you think Feng Ziying can succeed?"

This chapter has been completed!
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