T-Scroll, Section 181, Yin Hand

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 "Then Ziying, what do you think our Zhongshu Department should do now?" Guan Yingzhen already had some ideas in his mind, but he still preferred to listen to Feng Ziying's opinion, because this guy can always bring something different every time

s things.

"Confirm rights and responsibilities, establish rules and regulations, and promote implementation." Feng Ziying's words were concise and comprehensive.

"Oh?" Guan Yingzhen was slightly shocked. It was somewhat consistent with what he thought, but it was more clear and accurate. He had to admit that this guy was a genius. Except that he was too young and had little qualifications and little experience, everything else was simply perfect.


"Be specific."

"In fact, it is very simple. It is to clarify the scope of responsibilities and power of our Zhongshu Department, and then formulate the rules and regulations that we need to follow in the process of fulfilling our responsibilities and implementing our powers. Finally, it is the specific implementation and operation, such as the establishment of the Municipal Shipping Department.

, such as the construction of shipyards, the opening of waterways, the reclamation of places like Dongfan, etc. This is a very complicated and trivial but extremely important matter, because it is related to the life and death of the institution Zhongshuke in the future.

, then as the first person in charge of the new Zhongshu Science and Technology Department, it is even more necessary to do this matter carefully and meticulously..."

Feng Ziying's words shocked Guan Yingzhen. He really didn't expect that he would suddenly have to shoulder such a heavy responsibility. The affairs that Feng Ziying mentioned casually seemed to be the responsibility of the Chinese Book Department, but he

But the meaning is completely different, that is, it needs to transform from temporary affairs to permanent fixed rights and responsibilities.

But after thinking about it again, Guan Yingzhen seemed to have some realization.

Like the reclamation in Dongfan, who was in charge of it before?

Ministry of War? It seems not. The Ministry of War is only responsible for foreign expeditions and intelligence collection.

Ministry of Works? It doesn’t look like it. Even the local government has not been established. Do you expect people like the Ministry of Works to build water conservancy roads themselves?

The Ministry of Household Affairs? That is even more impossible. Apart from collecting taxes, how can the Ministry of Household Affairs worry about such things?

So no one will take care of it at all.

Another example is the establishment and management of the Municipal Shipping Department. In theory, the Ministry of Accounts collects tax money. However, the current City Shipping Department is different from before. It not only collects customs duties and taxes on goods entering and leaving the port, but also involves the entire import.

Calculate exported goods and promote the growth of imports and exports, because only in this way can the increase in sea taxes (tariffs) be met and the credibility of Kaihai Bonds guaranteed.

This also involves the development of related industries and livelihoods. It seems that no one or institution has ever really bothered about this before. They just let it take its course. Even the local government has to worry about whether there will be any problems if it is too much. How come this happened unknowingly?

Has it started to evolve into encouraging the development of this type of business?

All because of the opening of the sea.

The opening of the sea was like opening up a whole new world all of a sudden, and countless things that had never been touched before emerged, such as the reclamation of Toban and even the future reclamation of Ezo, and the establishment of the Municipal Shipping Department, which brought sea tax revenue.

The income and sea-opening bonds will even bring about the prosperity of the entire export industry (tea making, ceramics, silk, cotton, medicinal materials), as well as the prosperity of the shipbuilding, shipping and dock industries.

The introduction of a large amount of spices, copper, and silver will also make up for Dazhou's shortcomings in these aspects, which is also urgently needed by Dazhou.

This may annoy many people. After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing, but it also brings a kind of vitality, which Guan Yingzhen can fully feel.

Of course, the most important thing to the imperial court was real money income and support for the Liaodong strategy.

Taking a deep breath, Guan Yingzhen nodded slightly. He realized that his previous considerations were still a bit narrow and superficial. His disciple had far deeper and broader considerations in this regard than he did.

"Ziying, can you first tell me what major matters our calligraphy department may involve in the future?"

"Well, Master, this student hasn't thought it through yet. I can only say that he has a rough general direction, such as business, how to promote the sales of our Dazhou goods and sell them at a good price, so that more people can

Many people come to engage in this industry and the livelihoods involved, such as tea making, ceramics, silk and cotton medicines, etc. If the Westerners, Japanese, or Nanyang are willing to use their products, such as spices and

Why don’t we exchange silver and copper for these goods of ours? This is what we might do.”

"Another example is the reclamation of Toban, well, there is also the reclamation of Ezo. Toban produces salt, grain, and large trees. It can also build docks for fishing, which can accommodate more landless refugees. Isn't this good? Another example is shrimp.

The surrounding area of ​​Yi and Ezo is the best fishing ground, and it is also a strategic location connecting the Haixi Jurchen and Savage Jurchen to our great Zhou Dynasty. How can it be left in the hands of others? How to develop and cultivate it is also the subject of Zhongshu Ke

Things, and our Da Zhou’s reclamation goals should not stop at these two places, right? Sulu, Luzon, Annan, Dongwu, and even the entire Nanyang, our Da Zhou has such a large population and a prosperous civilization, shouldn’t we

Move away the people,..."

Feng Ziying has not mentioned industry and mining. If he gets involved in this area rashly now, I am afraid that not only will he be distracted, but he will also easily give people the feeling of biting off more than he can chew. The current Zhongshu Department does not have this ability, but he will do it in

The silent addition of these clauses in relevant laws and regulations is nothing more than vagueness, which can be made up for by detailed rules in the future.

After Feng Ziying left, Guan Yingzhen asked the old man sitting on his side with a smile, "How is it? I am an extraordinary student, right?"

"Sure enough, he is worthy of his reputation. He is worthy of being a disciple of Dong Weng." The old man in gray shirt was the staff hired by Guan Yingzhen. He was also from Huguang. He had failed the scientific examination for many years. He had served as Guan Yingzhen's staff for many years after he became an official.

, it’s just that after Guan Yingzhen arrived at Qingtan Academy, he returned to his hometown to live in seclusion. Now that Guan Yingzhen has come out again and is in charge of writing and science, it is natural to invite him back again.

"This guy has a broad mind, far-reaching vision, and is very good at thinking. A question can always lead to many problems by analogy. This point alone is unique among the hundreds of disciples I teach at Qingtan Academy. No wonder Brother Chengfeng and

Qiao Rujun is regarded as the pride of Northern scholars."

Guan Yingzhen's words made the old man in gray shirt nod, "It's true. Dong Weng has this son as his arm, and he will certainly be able to do a lot in the calligraphy department. However, this son is a scholar from the North, but I feel that some of his ideas are not the same."

He is not completely inclined towards Beidi, and he does not think more about Beidi in some matters, but he is somewhat like Li Sancai."

Li Sancai, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, was born in the North, but he has always been close to the Jiangnan gentry and has always been regarded as the spokesperson of the Jiangnan gentry. This is an open secret, so it also makes the Northern scholars quite hostile.

"Zhi Zhong, you are a little mistaken about this. This child's ambition is indeed not limited to the north, but it is not limited to the south of the Yangtze River. If you have more contact in the future, you will know..." Guan Yingzhen smiled and said,

There was some regret, "It's a pity that this boy is too young and has no local experience. Chengfeng told me that when the affairs of the Zhongshu Department are straightened out in the next two years, he will be sent to polish it."

So that I can shoulder heavy responsibilities in the future."


Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng sat opposite each other with expressionless faces.

"Li Chengliang is bedridden. I don't know if he really can't get up or is he just pretending?" Niu Jizong rubbed his cheek, the flesh on his cheek twitched slightly, but his eyes became more fierce, "Here comes Zhang Jingqiu.

He talked to me and asked for my opinion. The governorship of Jiliao cannot be vacant for too long. I feel like he wants me to go, huh,..."

Wang Ziteng looked very relaxed.

Li Chengliang was promoted from the chief military officer of Liaodong Town to the governor of Jiliao before he fell ill within half a year. This is hard to accept.

But he is sick and old. He has been guarding Liaodong for decades and has worked hard without any merit. How can you let an eighty-year-old man still stay in Liaodong?

It doesn't make sense.

Fortunately, I slipped away quickly and arrived at Denglai. Now Denglai is a white land, with everything waiting to be done. I have to start from scratch. I have just started, but I can't get my turn. Niu Jizong is unlucky. The two towns of Xuanda and Da are both structures.

Complete, anyone can get started quickly. It is obvious that both Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke want to send him to Liaodong.

Governor Ji Liao is nominally in charge of Liaodong and Ji Town, but in fact the focus is on Liaodong. Jianzhou Jurchens do not yet have the strength to cross the Liaoxi Corridor and attack Ji Town. Ji Town plays more of a role in supporting Liaodong.


"How is Chen Jingxuan?" Wang Ziteng asked.

He ignored the matter and avoided Liaodong, relying solely on Feng Ziying's advice. But now Niu Jizong was also facing difficulties, and Wang Ziteng also knew that the Supreme Emperor must also be worried.

Chen Jingxuan is the commander-in-chief of Jizhen, and it makes sense to be promoted to the governor of Jiliao. However, Chen Jingxuan also has shortcomings. He has never really experienced a big battle. Liaodong is not as good as Jizhen. It requires real swords and real spears to face the Jurchens.

"No, if Zhang Jingqiu directly denies it, the emperor will not agree, and he cannot control the Li brothers." Although Li Chengliang retired, his sons are still in Liaodong, and none of them are experienced generals.

Can't hold it down.

"Then let a civil servant take up the post." Wang Ziteng said solemnly: "This governor's position has always been dominated by civil servants. Later, he began to occasionally select military commanders. How come it has become exclusive to military commanders now?"

"The problem is where are the suitable civil servants in the court now? Especially those who have experienced military affairs. Chai Ke is fine, but he is now Zuo Shilang and cannot go to Liaodong again. Yang He is too junior and cannot be suppressed.

Those arrogant and powerful generals in Liaodong Town..."

Niu Jizong's eyes suddenly raised, as if he remembered something, and met Wang Ziteng's gaze. At this moment, they seemed to have an understanding.

The two of them smiled at the same time and nodded slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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