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One hundred and three chapters of the self-character volume

 "Then Ziying, do you think there is any room for maneuver?" Of course, Zhu Zhiren couldn't be fooled by Feng Ziying's bluff with a few casual words. He wanted to listen to the other party's opinion.

It's only May now. According to Mongolian habits, it will basically take around October to start gathering to go south. There are still five months left. In terms of time, it is indeed relatively generous, but in the face of a Mongolian army that may go south at any time,

Cavalry, how to deal with it?

How to prevent the Mongols from ravaging Yongping Mansion is the most critical thing.

As for whether the Mongols are willing to go to Shuntian Prefecture, Liaoxi or Xuanfu, that is none of Zhu Zhiren's business. He only hopes that Yongping Prefecture can live in peace.

Even if it is really impossible to survive safely, at least the damage must be minimized.

It is best to squeeze the Mongols to the north of Lulong. If necessary, Qian'an and Funing can be sacrificed, as long as they do not go south into the line of Lulong, Luanzhou and Changli.

"Master Fu, I have talked with Commander-in-Chief You. He is not sure which way the Chahar people will come in, but I am sure that once the Chahar people attack, the side wall will definitely not be able to withstand it. We can only

Only after the Chahar people come in can we discuss how to deal with them and drive them out." Feng Ziying said thoughtfully.

Zhu Zhiren was a little impatient, "Ziying, I understand what you said, but how should we respond? If the Jizhen army can't stop it, what can we do?"

Zhu Zhiren was telling the truth. If even the main frontier army in Ji Town could not intercept the Mongolian cavalry heading south, how could Yongping Prefecture prevent these Mongolian cavalry from going south to Lulong and Luanzhou as they wished?

In fact, if you look at the map, you will know that the terrain to the north of Yongping Prefecture is there. If the Chahar people want to break through the border wall, the two biggest threats to Yongping Prefecture are two roads, one is Yanhe Road and the other is Taitou Road.

These two roads overlook Lulong and Changli in the south, which is the hinterland of Yongping Prefecture.

Taiping Road further to the west is close to Santun Camp, which is the headquarters of Ji Town's general troops and where heavy mobile forces of Ji Town are stationed. Shimenzhai Road further to the west is close to Funing Guard and Shanhaiguan.

, not only are there many forts, but they are also heavily defended.

The line from Lengkou of Yanhe Road to Taolinkou is sandwiched between the confluence of the Qinglong River and the Luanhe River. Qian'an County and Xingzhou Youtunwei are also in this area. It is considered a relatively prosperous area in the North, and in Feng Ziying's opinion, it is dangerous.

The coefficient is the largest, and the section from Qingshankou to Jialingkou of Taitou Road directly faces Taitou City and Funingwei, and further south is Changli.

"Sir, there are many troops in Ji Town, but the area to be taken into account is too large. It is impossible for him to concentrate all the heavy troops in our Yongping. Regardless of the importance of defending the capital and for their own sake, they will all

Heavy troops are placed on the line from the west of Xifengkou to Gubeikou. Once a breakthrough is made here, they can directly advance to the capital city. The court will definitely not tolerate it, so we in Yongping Mansion are likely to become victims..."

Feng Ziying patiently explained to Zhu Zhiren, even spreading out a map she brought to introduce the overall situation to Zhu Zhiren.

Zhu Zhiren was eclipsed.

Why doesn't he understand this truth?

No matter how strong the troops at Shuntian Prefecture are, knowing that the Chahar people cannot capture the capital city, as long as there is a slight disturbance, the imperial court will definitely demand that the defense there be strengthened first. This is a political influence.

As for Yongping Mansion, it doesn't matter if you make some sacrifices for the capital city. Anyway, the Mongols come and go like the wind, and it is impossible to stay in Yongping Mansion. It is nothing more than the loss of some people and property. As long as Shanhaiguan is not lost,

The Liaodong Channel remains open and everything is acceptable.

There is another reason that Feng Ziying did not mention. You Shigong has just taken charge of Jizhen, and the forces under the Jizhen system are complex. He, as the commander-in-chief, has to act carefully to avoid giving others power, like Li Chengliang's direct descendants, but also

There are generals who support Ma Gui. Although Ma Gui is seriously ill now, these people still hope that Ma Gui can replace You Shigong. Under such circumstances, if You Shigong mobilizes troops to fight and encounters a slight setback and defeat, he will only

He was afraid that a flood of criticism would come, and even his own father might not be able to protect him.

Therefore, in this case, the first thing to do is to maintain the security of the capital line. The pass forts directly north of Shuntian Prefecture must be strengthened for defense, and then enough mobile troops should be reserved on the Pinggu-Sanhe-Baodi line to prevent the Mongols from doing so.

After the people broke through from Yongping Mansion, they took advantage of the situation and headed westward to Shuntian Mansion.

On the premise of ensuring the safety of the capital, You Shigong also had to consider avoiding too much loss of troops and being criticized. Under such circumstances, it would be a bit difficult to ask the Jizhen border troops to take the initiative to consider the safety of Yongping Mansion.

Well, even if Feng Ziying brought up the father's sign, You Shigong could only say that he would give it some thought and it would be impossible to change this general trend.

"Ziying, as you said, once the Mongols invade south, our Yongping Mansion can only sit back and wait for death. Or do you mean that we should make preparations now to strengthen the walls and clear the country?" Zhu Zhiren's face was dark and his voice was dry.

"No, if that's the case, it would be meaningless for us to make such a big move now." Feng Ziying said word by word: "Iron ore mining in Qian'an and Lulong has already started. I'm afraid you know it. In addition, carboniferous

Coking has also been successful, and a new iron-smelting blast furnace is under construction. I believe the first batch of molten iron will be produced in June..."

Gu Dengfeng and Zhuang Limin made quite smooth progress. This was due to their adequate preparation in the early stage. In addition, Feng Ziying's actions also successfully attracted the gentry and wealthy people from all over the country. Therefore, the wealthy and powerful people in these places were all focused on Feng Ziying's next move.

, are unwilling to offend Feng Ziying on the issue of mining and iron smelting and make themselves a target.

A large number of craftsmen from Foshan Zhuangji have already arrived in Linqing through the canal. They are expected to arrive from Zhigu to Yongping Prefecture within a few months to prepare for the processing of iron materials after blast furnace smelting and steelmaking.


Feng Ziying also specifically told Zhuang Limin to bring a group of craftsmen who made firecrackers, including the three Western Yi craftsmen.

Time was too urgent, but Feng Ziying had no choice. Who made Lindan Batur suddenly ambitious? Maybe it was the support his father gave to the Chahar people last year that made him suddenly swell.

Zhu Zhiren was puzzled: "Ziying, if you do this, aren't you giving the Mongols a doorstep? What do you think?"

"Your Excellency, since Ji Zhen cannot be relied upon, and you and I cannot do anything, otherwise we will really allow the Mongolian cavalry to come in and wreak havoc. I guess it will be difficult for you and me to explain to the court. I am afraid that the court will not only talk about Ji Zhen at that time.

Whatever happens to the border troops, the imperial censors will definitely find trouble with us, and the local gentry may have been dissatisfied with us for a long time. Given the huge losses this time, why not take the opportunity to launch an attack?"

Feng Ziying's description made Zhu Zhiren shudder. He could imagine such a scene, which was almost the same as what Feng Ziying described.

I have been doing nothing in Yongping Mansion in the past few years, but I have not won the support of the local gentry. I am in a state of peaceful coexistence. But if the Mongols invade south, the court will not be able to explain it, and the damaged gentry will have to find a gas bag.

, I am afraid that I am the best scapegoat.

Feng Ziying's revealed meaning is that if this is the case, then there is no need to worry about the attitude of the local gentry. But the question is, does this have anything to do with cleaning up the hidden houses of military households and the land of military camps?

Is it possible to make a fortune through this and wait until the Mongols invade the south to be held accountable by the court and then become an official? You can do this, but what about Feng Ziying?

Seeing Zhu Zhiren becoming more and more confused, Feng Ziying said: "Sir, I plan to summon the people."

Zhu Zhiren suddenly realized, and then he shook his head with a wry smile, "Ziying, why are you so naive? If Minzhuang, who has been training for several months, can withstand the Mongolian cavalry, then wouldn't our peripheral army be able to come out of the border wall to defeat the Mongols a long time ago?

They were all wiped out? This is so ridiculous, how is it possible?"

Zhu Zhiren shook his head and smiled bitterly while sighing, but when he saw that Feng Ziying was unmoved, he gradually calmed down, "Ziying, do you still have the ability to turn stones into gold and scatter beans into soldiers? I understand what you mean.

Clean out these military households from their hidden houses, recruit them to form a civilian army, train them, and use them to resist the Mongolian cavalry..."

Feng Ziying nodded steadily, "Yes."

Zhu Zhiren felt a little hairy and suppressed his inner anger: "Ziying, are you seeking death? What happened to these minzhuangs? There are also minzhuangs in various states and counties. What do they look like? They join the army.

If you come from the house, how much stronger can you be?"

"Sir, if you want to train a group of civilians who have not been in combat into combat soldiers or archers, it is impossible in a short time. But if you want to train them into fire rifle soldiers, it may not be possible. At least now we can only treat dead horses as work.

Doctor Ma, I also want to go to Liaodong and ask my father to bring in a small group of gunmen to help us train Minzhuang. In four or five months, we may not be able to train a character that has always been unsatisfactory, and we don't expect them.

You can fight the Mongols in the field, but if you can hold on to the city and fort, you can still give it a try, right?"

Feng Ziying said calmly and calmly: "I dare not say anything else, but as long as the fire gun soldiers are willing to spend money and train hard, I am somewhat sure. Otherwise, what should I do? You and I should just resign now to save the censor in the future.


Of course Zhu Zhiren knew that Feng Ziying came from a martial arts family, so he must have some confidence in saying so, but his rationality told him that pinning his hopes on this was just like betting in a casino.

Seeing Zhu Zhiren's silence, Feng Ziying said again: "Sir, believe me, I think I have a bright future, and I will not risk my life and future, and my father will not allow it..."

Feng Ziying's last sentence, "My father will not allow it," moved Zhu Zhiren. He did not believe that Feng Tang, as the governor of Jiliao, would sit back and watch his legitimate son take such a risk. It was simply not worth it.

After a long silence, Zhu Zhiren said with difficulty: "Ziying, if your father can give you a reasonable strategy, then I..."

Keep up the good work, Lao Rui!

This chapter has been completed!
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