Jizi Volume Chapter 114 News from Jia Yun

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 Jia Yun didn’t quite understand the conversation between Feng Ziying and Gu Dengfeng.

When it comes to the "three advanced technological processes" of coking, iron smelting and cement, if Feng Ziying plays a "leading" and "guiding" role, then the actual concrete experiments, practices and implementations are basically coordinated by Gu Dengfeng on site.


For Gu Dengfeng, he originally thought that when he followed Feng Ziying northward, he would have a completely different life than in Yangzhou. Unexpectedly, life was indeed different, and he became a coordinator-like identity, which was completely different from his previous expectations.

, but extremely fulfilling.

Well, in Feng Ziying's words, he is the on-site commander of this "coal-iron complex construction project". He urgently needs to coordinate with the local government, coordinate funds from all parties, and manage the talented craftsmen and masters from Foshan and the local area.

Gu Dengfeng had never experienced anything before, and he had to find his way through everything.

But I do feel a sense of accomplishment, especially when I see the "blast furnaces" that are completely different from the existing furnaces being erected. They are used for coking, iron smelting, and cement calcining, each with its own style.

The division of labor and cooperation among hundreds of people under his command is indeed very different from the pure coordination and communication work that he did in Yangzhou. It is a completely new life.

I don’t know how this little Feng Xiuzuan knew so much, but he seemed to be a little confused, and many of the things he introduced were specious, requiring the craftsmen to explore, explore and improve in practice.

Gu Dengfeng was very busy. After making a report to Feng Ziying, he left first.

He also has to deal with the workshops and households of the Yongping Prefecture Government and the workshops and households of the Lulong County Government, which involves the transfer of land title deeds, and the future sales of iron materials will all have commercial taxes paid. Don’t think that in this era

No more, it is indispensable. Feng Ziying will never let others grasp the situation in this regard.

"Brother Yun, how about the Capital Ship?"

Only Feng Ziying and Jia Yun were left, and Jia Yun's aura in front of outsiders was much lowered.

Three groups have gradually formed around Feng Ziying. One is his classmates, the other is the group of staff he received from Lin Ruhai, and the third is the group related to his original identity, including the Jia family, and the identity of this group is the most complicated.


The group of his classmates and Lin Ruhai's original staff is basically fixed, that is, they are close to each other, but the special bond formed by him as a disciple of Wu Xun and the special relationship with the Jia family has made many original "Dream of Red Mansions" books

The lives of the characters have undergone tremendous changes.

For example, Jia Lian, Jia Yun, Jia Huan, Xue Biao, and even Jia Baoyu, Liu Xianglian, Xue Pan and Ni Er are no longer the inherent identities and images in the original "Dream of Red Mansions" book.

Jia Lian became the chief shopkeeper in Yangzhou, while Jia Yun took over the capital. Jia Huan studied very hard at Qingtan Academy. In addition to being a bit extreme and introverted, even Zhou Yongchun wrote to Feng Ziying saying that Jia Huan had a promising future.

Even in the spring of the eleventh year of Yonglong's reign, I dare not say, but in the autumn of the tenth year of Yonglong's reign, Jia Huan, the grand master, is very likely to be admitted to the imperial examination.

Two years later, a sixteen-year-old Juren should be a dream prospect for both Jia Huan and the Jia family.

Similarly, for Jia Yun, the changes in the past few years are also like in a dream. How come a side branch of the Jia family, a purely marginal figure in the Jia family, suddenly caught the eye of Uncle Feng. He was a little worried before.

Jia Yun was extremely confused as to whether this little Feng Xiu Zhuan had some special hobbies in other areas. Later, when he saw Uncle Feng's hobby of female sex, he was really relieved.

There are quite a lot of people these days who are rich and have a good reputation. Even people like Jia Lian and Jia Rong don't occasionally act like this in an arty way. Even Baoyu has that kind of clumsy affair with Qin Zhong?

But fortunately, Uncle Feng doesn't seem to have that kind of hobby, but he is quite interested in pretty and handsome girls.

With the change and promotion of her status, Jia Yun also jumped from a marginal figure in the Jia family to the most popular person in the Jia family. As soon as she arrived in the Jia family, she would be surrounded by a lot of people, Jia She.

When Jia Zheng saw him, he would stand and say a few more words.

Although it cannot be compared with Feng Ziying, it gives the side characters and servants of Jia's family unlimited hope, that is, as long as they embrace the right thigh, everything is possible. Didn't you see Brother Huan and Brother Yun?

Jia Yun originally lived in a secluded alley to the west of Rongning Street, commonly known as West Corridor, with an old mother at home. Now that she has become rich, she has not moved out, but she has renovated several of the original side houses.

Wow, this is quite extraordinary.

In addition, he sold a house in Lige Old Hutong in Yongfang when he was young, and he probably moved there after he got married in the future.

Although it is not big, it is not far from Lige Old Alley and Taiye Pond. The location is excellent, the houses are not cheap, and it is quite glamorous.

"Back to uncle, everything is normal on the Jingshi. Uncle Duan has gone to Guangzhou now. It is estimated that the sea trade there is quite prosperous now. Our Haitong Bank is still a bit unfamiliar there. It will probably take some time to open up the situation.

"Jia Yun pondered for a moment, "But Uncle Duan also wrote to say that General Wu Jianzhang of the Guangdong Sea seems to have some connection with the Jia family. It is said that it is the friendship between his grandparents. General Wu controls the navy of the Guangdong Sea and has a lot of connections with the maritime merchants.

If we can pull the strings, we can save a lot of time..."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying still has some impression. There is indeed a Guangdong general in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", and his surname is indeed Wu. It seems that on the 80th birthday of Jia's mother, a glass screen was specially sent to her. It was very dazzling.

He is cherished very much by the Jia family.

Unexpectedly, General Wu actually existed. He was actually the Admiral of the Guangdong Navy. He was really a key figure, even more prestigious than Shen Yourong's current Admiral of the Denglai Navy. He was in charge of the sea in Guangdong.

"Then have you asked anyone in the house?" Feng Ziying asked.

"I have asked, but even Mr. She and Mr. Zheng are not very familiar with each other. Brother Zhen seems to have some friendship with him in Dongfu. But you also know that Uncle Zhen is a person. If you want to ask him to come forward, you will definitely have to spend a lot of money.

Said, and it may not be as effective as what he said, so I haven't had time to reply to Uncle Duan..."

Jia Yunchu was in charge of the Jingshi Hao, and he was still very cautious in doing things, especially when it came to the Jia family. Naturally, he didn't want to be stabbed in the back. If someone thought he was trying to convey benefits, that would be inappropriate.


"Well, please contact Brother Zhen and spend the money that needs to be spent. If the situation in Guangzhou can be opened up as soon as possible, it is far better than spending a small amount of money here." Feng Ziying nodded, Guangzhou is the number one in sea trade.

The important thing is no less important than Ningbo, so there can be no mistakes.

"Okay." Since Feng Ziying expressed her stance, Jia Yun naturally felt confident.

Jia Zhen's side is actually not difficult to deal with. It's nothing more than trying to get some money. Now the situation in Rongning's second house is not good. The lavish spending in the past few years has made the current increasingly poor situation more obvious, but the external scene

But it can't be lost, so it's really a shame. Only insiders like Feng Ziying and Jia Yun who have a special relationship with the Jia family know the current difficulties of the Jia family.

The Grand View Garden of the provincial villa has indeed suddenly exposed the Jia family's glossy appearance, but now it can only be papered over by various means, while outsiders can see the flaws.

"Speaking of it, I have been in Yongping Mansion for almost three months. It seems that all of a sudden I have changed from a bustling crowd in the capital to a deserted one. Well, you are still the first old friend who came to see me after I came to Yongping Mansion.


While Feng Ziying was sighing, she heard Jia Yun say with a smile: "Not counting my nephew, Miss Yuanyang just came to visit me some time ago, right?"

Feng Ziying blinked her eyes. The Jia family was really a lantern that leaked air everywhere. Why did everyone know about Yuanyang's visit? Did they know it was not Baochai? Daiyu and the others knew about it? I don't know what they would think if this news spread.


"You know it again? Doesn't everyone in the house know it?" Feng Ziying looked at Jia Yun.

A tacit smile appeared on Jia Yun's face.

Uncle Feng is very kind to the maids in the house. Not to mention Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er and Qingwen are treated like big maids in the Feng Mansion. The monthly salary they get there alone is said to be higher than that in the Jia Mansion.

The sides are one or two times as high. Isn't this what people are drawing?

It is said that as long as Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er and Qingwen give birth to a boy and a half girl and have a common girl, they might be able to take a concubine in Feng's house. It depends on whether their belly is good enough.

"Uncle, it doesn't matter if you know that. Miss Yuanyang is quite popular in the house. Even those who like to stir up trouble can only envy Miss Yuanyang..."

Feng Ziying put her hand on her forehead, wondering where this was going. Although she was interested in Yuanyang, nothing like this happened this time.

Besides, Yuanyang, a girl, can travel hundreds of miles to make this trip. How could she do this without the arrangement of her master's family?

But to Jia Yun, Feng Ziying didn't bother to explain, not to mention that she was indeed very interested in Yuanyang. When thinking of Yuanyang, Feng Ziying subconsciously thought of Ping'er and Sister Feng, and some of the eager thoughts in her heart seemed to float a little.

"Is there anything else new happening in the house?" Feng Ziying suppressed her inner thoughts.

This man seems to be really fond of the new and dislikes the old. The two Yuga, Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling, take turns sleeping with each other every day, but why is he always thinking about the outside world? What he doesn't get is the best.

This sentence is really the best portrayal.

Some of the longings that I had felt diluted by the busy work in Yongping Mansion for several months were suddenly aroused by the news of Jia Yun's arrival.

This chapter has been completed!
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