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Volume B, The Dew Waiting For The Sun, Section 3, The Mountain Chief

 As soon as she stepped into the small room, Feng Ziying bowed deeply and handed over a letter of recommendation: "Feng Keng pays homage to the mountain chief."

"Are you the Feng family man who rose up in the Linqing Civil War?" After a long time, the man on the seat seemed to put down his letter of recommendation, and a deep and honest voice sounded: "Brother Ru Jun has written to me before, and I am very grateful to you.

I’m full of praise. I read this letter of recommendation and it’s very high praise. I wonder if you think you deserve such praise?”

Feng Ziying felt a little nervous, she was another guy who didn't act according to common sense, and she was thinking silently in her heart.

Qi Yongtai, courtesy name Chengfeng and Baishi Jushi, was a native of Baoding Prefecture, North Zhili, and was a Jinshi in the 26th year of Yuanxi.

This man had a resolute and persevering character, and was very generous, but his official career was not smooth. He once served in the military department, as a minister, as a member of the civil service department, as a scholar in Jiangxi Province, as a right minister in the household department, etc. In the 40th year of Yuanxi's reign, he was dismissed from office.

He was appointed as the headmaster of Qingtan Academy.

He was most famous when he took office in the Ministry of War, and he continuously rejected the suggestions of the then Minister of War and the Left Minister of the Ministry of War, which triggered the resignation of the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Left Minister of the Ministry of War.

In the end, the emperor, who is now the Supreme Emperor, had to issue an order asking Qi Yongtai to withdraw his rejection, but he was refused, and Qi Yongtai resigned.

Three years later, Qi Yongtai was reinstated as a member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Wailang, and later transferred to Jiangxi Academic Affairs and the right minister of the Ministry of Hubu. He was eventually dismissed from office due to differences of opinion with the Minister of Hubu on the pay of the nine-border army.

Feng Ziying never fights an unprepared battle.

If you want to study at Qingtan Academy, you naturally need to know the details of this academy.

There are currently two core figures in Qingtan Academy, one is the Mountain Chief Qi Yongtai, and the other is the headmaster Ying Zhen.

Qi Yongtai is from the north, while Guan Yingzhen is from the south.

Guan Yingzhen was a native of Huangzhou Prefecture, Huguang. He was a Jinshi later than Qi Yongtai. He served as the magistrate of Nanyang County and the right minister of Hu Ke, and later served as the censor of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate and the right counselor of the Chief Secretary of Shaanxi Province.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Even though Qingtan Academy is said to have the best ethics, there are also factions within it.

For example, Qi Yongtai is the head of the academy and is a typical northerner. He is a Jinshi from Baoding Prefecture in North Zhili. The head of the Academy is the role responsible for the daily affairs of the academy. Guan Yingzhen is a typical southerner and represents the Huguang people.

Born as a Jinshi.

Qingtan Academy was originally composed of northern scholars, but its purpose was to teach without distinction. If you can't even break the regional prejudice, how can you convince the public?

Therefore, after Qi Yongtai took charge of Qingtan Academy, he began to consciously break geographical boundaries and welcomed scholars from all over the north and south to study at Qingtan Academy. Guan Yingzhen's appointment as the dean of Qingtan Academy was also the result of the strengthening of this trend.

Although efforts have been made to attract southern scholars to study at Qingtan Academy a few years ago, in general the academy is still dominated by northern scholars, but this trend is slowly changing and becoming more balanced.

Of course, with Guan Yingzhen, a native of Huguang, when the academy attracted southern scholars to study, it was not limited to Nanzhili, Jiangxi and Zhejiang where the academic style was the most prosperous. Instead, it included Huguang, Yunnan, and other areas in a more balanced manner.

Scholars from Guizhou and Sichuan were all included.

Feng Ziying also spent a lot of effort to find out these situations from various channels.

Jia Yucun very much provided Feng Ziying with some channels and information in this regard.

He was a Jinshi in the 35th year of Yuanxi. He was three subjects behind Qiao Yingjia and Qi Yongtai, and two subjects behind Guan Yingzhen. If he had not been dismissed from office for being greedy and cruel, he might have joined the imperial court and served as a capital official at this time.

Although he is now in dire straits, he still has some connections, but most of his classmates in the same department gave him a cold reception because of his accident.

Fortunately, he could still find one or two familiar people of the same age who were well-informed and knew that he had climbed into the Jia and Wang family and might be about to be resurrected. They were willing to take the initiative to make friends with him, so Feng Ziying entrusted him to inquire about the information.

You finally found the right person.

In addition to Jia Yucun, Feng Ziying also entrusted Wei Ruolan to help him inquire about some information in this regard.

After all, Wei Ruolan's mother is the eldest princess, and although her father only holds an idle job now, he is very arty and has a lot of people in his family. There are even some elders who are scholars but can't stand the poor life in other places and would rather stay in the capital.


These people had nothing to do on weekdays, so they enjoyed gossiping about gossip inside and outside the imperial court. Feng Ziying found one or two Qingqing through Wei Ruolan. After a meal of wine and two envelopes of money, he could know a lot of secrets about the imperial examination room.

Qi Yongtai's words made Feng Ziying have to think carefully about how to answer in order to attract Qi Yongtai's attention, but not too outrageous.

"The question of the mountain leader is difficult for students to answer, but the venerable asked and dare not not answer." Feng Ziying thought for a moment and then answered: "Whether he deserves this praise is not important to the students. If this matter is placed in

For others, it may not be worth mentioning, and the court may think that Feng Keng is too young to do this, or he may have ulterior motives."

"Oh?" Qi Yongtai became interested and nodded slightly, "You have an ulterior motive? Then what do you think the court's motive is?"

"In my humble opinion, the imperial court may be using it to encourage local officials to be proactive and courageous in their duties, instead of looking forward and backward, being lazy and passing the buck."

Feng Ziying knew that although Qiao Yingjia gave her such a letter of recommendation, it could only be regarded as getting her in, but whether she could gain a foothold in the academy still depended on several aspects.

And Qi Yongtai is the most critical link.

Then the answer to his question must satisfy Qi Yongtai, and it must be innovative and meaningful.

It is easy to give a satisfactory answer. Qi Yongtai may also let Qiao Yingjia pass based on his recommendation letter, but this is not what Feng Ziying wants. He needs to leave a deep impression on the other party.

A glint of admiration flashed across Qi Yongtai's eyes. No wonder Qiao Yingjia praised him in his previous letter for not only his courage, but also for his ability to understand the situation between the DPRK and China.

This also made him a little confused.

For a twelve-year-old boy with an ordinary noble background, it would be fair to say that he is courageous and courageous, but what does he mean by watching the wind and debating the situation?

It refers to the view of the situation inside and outside the court, and even more deeply, it is the speculation of the future direction of the court.

Do you dare to use this on a twelve-year-old boy?

Therefore, Qi Yongtai was very dissatisfied with the flattery used by his fellow student on Feng Ziying, and was even very dissatisfied. He felt that Qiao Yingjia had lost his mind.

But just such a question was enough to make Qi Yongtai look at Feng Ziying with admiration.

Are these martial arts disciples actually of this level? Or has someone pointed them out before?

The question is, who knew that he would ask him this question? Is there anyone who could have predicted it?

Obviously neither is possible.

That is, this young man may have had some enlightenment after the Linqing Civil War, and someone may have given him some guidance, so he had some guesses, so he was able to behave like this in front of him. It is not even ruled out that it was Qiao Yingjia's own arrangement.

But the person who can make Qiao Yingjia work so hard is definitely not Yi Yu. Qi Yongtai still has some understanding of his own age, and he is not the kind of person who is just a fool.

This can only show that Qiao Yingjia is really optimistic about this boy.

Feng Ziying's two sentences almost shed light on some of the difficulties faced by the current court.

The Supreme Emperor's many years of administration left behind a "rich" "political legacy", especially in the later period when his laziness in government affairs was very prominent.

Laziness and neglect in government affairs have become a major chronic disease of the imperial court, and many courtiers have also understood some of the emperor's thoughts, so they are all singing praises in political affairs. In fact, many government affairs tasks are pushed and delayed as long as they can.


This kind of custom has gradually been left over, and has even become a matter of course.

When Qi Yongtai was in charge, he couldn't stand the behavior of some yamen and officials in the court.

Now one of the disciples of Wu Xun actually wants to study, and he has pointed out the difficulties faced by many current problems in one sentence. Qiao Yingjia recommended him because he must be carefully inspected and cultivated.

In particular, the influence of the Supreme Emperor will gradually fade. Today's emperor is the first to advocate loyalty and filial piety to govern the country, and basically follows the Supreme Emperor's governance style, and it is difficult to see the emperor's thoughts.

But Qi Yongtai has always believed that this situation cannot continue, otherwise once the Zhou Dynasty encounters another big event like the Imchen Japanese Rebellion, it will really fall into ruin.

But now that the Supreme Emperor is still here, and the Emperor advocates loyalty and filial piety, it is impossible to suddenly overthrow many things of the original Supreme Emperor, but Qi Yongtai has been observing, and Feng Ziying, recommended by Qiao Yingjia, is undoubtedly a weather vane.

The emperor specially praised Li Sancai, Qiao Yingjia and Chen Jingxuan for their decisive actions, and also praised Feng Ziying's bravery. Qi Yongtai naturally had channels to know about this situation, and he had been thinking about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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