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Chapter 385: The Severely Injured Pisi Wants the Box of Bliss

After the communication was over and everything was done, the two fairies each used teleportation magic to go to different places.

After entering her own time and space, Crownpis did not immediately open the "door" on the opposite side. Instead, she bent down and spit out several mouthfuls of thick, colorless blood.

She couldn't reveal her true nature before the show in front of the native Hokage was over. She had swallowed it hard before.

"Everything in my body is simulated as a magic circuit to drive the Noble Phantasm-turned-battleship. At the same time, I also have to exert all my strength. The side effects of persisting for so long with five times the magic flow released by the Deviation Sword are really great."

The current status of Crownpiss is: HP204909/210842, MP3930/3930;

Before the war, it was originally: HP300000/300000, MP10000/10000.

According to Crounpisi's original calculation, she shouldn't have consumed so much. In the one-sided battle just now, she had tried all the moves, but because the cost of using them together made Crounpisi reluctant, she didn't try them.

However, it ended up costing a lot.

The super-level magic that Pliny used to activate was [Judgement of Osiris [Prt M Hrw]]. This super-level magic can manipulate the good and evil values, reducing the negative numbers to a lower level and adding the positive numbers to a higher level. The Hell Demon Tree

The underworld goblin, the underworld nymph goddess Lampards who summons ghosts, is a negative magic that is poisonous to all living things. The good and evil values ​​​​are naturally negative, and the value reduced by the quintet is five times. This

This is the reason why Kraunpisi's output instantly increased five times after realizing that Kaguya was unable to fight back.

It is understandable that the magic power consumption is also five times. The loss of each value is five times. The burden on Crounpisi's body is really unexpected, as if his body is about to explode. Thanks to this body's very solid level, it is

Any other compatriot who has not broken through level 100 in the world of Naruto will definitely explode on the spot.

"Even the upper limits of HP and MP have been damaged so much. You have to know that the upper limit is not something that can be easily repaired. [Eight Doors Dungeon] doesn't have such big side effects, right? Well... we took more damage than when we dealt with Otohime.

Judging that the cumulative total value is close to one million, it is already a great improvement, and it also eliminates the risk of the other party touching my base camp through the connection of parallel bodies. Congratulations, Coca-Cola. But this side effect is completely borne by the main body...

Since I have no potential to level up, based on the maximum natural recovery of 10 points of HP and MP per day, how many years of rest will it take for me to recover? I hope King Arthur's scabbard can heal this level of burden."


Caoyin Village, Ghost Lantern City————

Ghost Light Castle is a "city" located on a small island surrounded by the sea near Caoyin Village. The island is named after a sour berry called "Ghost Light" that grows all over it.

By the way, the sour berries seem to taste good, but some colors are slightly toxic, and sometimes become a key prop for prisoners to take the opportunity to go to the hospital to escape from the prison environment. However, sour berries grow outside the prison, and whether you can get them depends on God.

Will mercy blow a strong wind?

This kind of place was a prison commissioned by various countries to build a special prison for ninjas who committed crimes because the village was good at imprisonment techniques such as [Fire Release and Heavenly Prison]. There was also a reason why the village itself was not easy to use.

Although it is called a prison, the outer wall does not have the function to prevent ninjas from climbing over, because the rapids around the island are enough to make the ninja's treading water and swimming skills useless. If you can break the [Fire Escape·Sky Prison] and cross the rapids and cross the ocean on foot,

No matter how powerful the prison is, it cannot contain people.

However, no matter how strong the prison is, it cannot escape the light of [Infinite Tsukuyomi]. All prisoners and guards are wrapped and hung on the roots of the sacred tree.

Therefore, fairies can visit easily.

Not long after Larva came to the square originally used for prisoners through Sunflower's portal, she felt the cloth bag Sunflower had given her move a few times. She opened it and dumped Sunflower's head on the ground.

"Ouch, Larva, can't you be gentler?" Himawari complained as he grew a new body from the section under his neck.

"Stop complaining. I did this for your willfulness, which could be sealed if you're not careful." Larva put his hands on his hips and said, "Get up, Pisi is probably already in front of us."

"I know."

After just a few steps, I saw a circle that looked like a tile floor decoration opened in the center of the square, and a dark cubic box the size of a toilet rose from it. There were four faces on the four sides of the box, holding faces of happiness, anger, and anger.

Sad and happy expressions.

"The Box of Bliss, the legendary ultimate weapon of the Six Paths Sage Era." Larva looked up at the box and said, "It can grant the wish of the one who opens it, but it doesn't. It does give a sweet taste at first, but from there it ends.

The object that appears in the form of the caster's wish will eventually turn into the power of fear, a monster named 'Enlightenment'. According to legend, in the era of the Six Paths Sage, Kusakin Village almost gained the whole world through it, and it was born with enlightenment.

It moves and ends with enlightenment.”

"Lalva, even though there is plot information given by Pisi, why is there always so much more content about Larva-chan? The same thing happened with the 'Spear of the Sky' last time."

"Of course, hum. Isn't it possible to investigate?" Larva said with a slight air of dignity, "Actually, there are a lot of interesting things in this world, such as the ancient Gray's Stone veins and the dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom.

It's like nuclear weapons, which are enough to support a military power alone. If you add these to the chakra cannon of Kumoyin Village that is still under development and can destroy the moon, it will be perfect."

"Is it a good thing?" Sunflower was a little excited, "Everyone go get it?"

"Let's just talk about it. Let's not talk about how to take away the mineral veins and dragon veins. Those were all taken away by the Konoha ninjas. As for the chakra cannon in Hidden Cloud Village... An Qi used [Tailed Beast Jade] against the ninja alliance before.

It was completely destroyed by the saturation attack, and the blueprints were obtained by Haku Zetsu, who had not yet been taken over by Kaguya."

"Huh, it's great that it wasn't all in vain. Is it a gift for Luna?"

"Well, that's right. Compared to us, Pisi cares more about Luna's mood. It would be great if she is happy."

At this time, Crownpis and Otohime flew out of the building and landed in front of the Box of Bliss. Otohime raised her arms like a prayer.

"Is it really okay for me to make a wish?" Otohime asked.

"Who will you choose if you don't want to?" Crownpis said with her hands in her hand, "No matter what wish you make, according to the intelligence, although you can taste the sweetness, the guy who comes out will stab the person who made the wish in the end, manipulating a powerful body.

If my clone can't get on top of my weak body?"

"Are you weak? If I don't have the Ten-Tails, why would I be beaten by you?" Otohime looked at Crounpiss, then turned to the Box of Bliss and made a wish.

(to be continued)

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