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Chapter Thirty: Piranha, Sariel

Crownpiss made a brief comment on some curse magic that is suitable for torture and causes injuries but does no harm: "We focus more on direct mental torture than torture. We don't pay much attention to things that create phantom pain.

Well, although it is not impossible if we try to do it. But none of them are more powerful than the Sharingan genjutsu, so it must be meaningless to Otohime... but it is not without merit."

There are a lot of pleasure magics, but those ways of pleasure are not of interest to Crounpis for the time being, but they are very powerful in a sense. She estimates that if she were to use them, they would obviously be only third-level magics, but some of them would be enough.

Even the Senju Hashirama is hard to resist, so he can kill them instantly by combining it with illusions. Although this is probably meaningless to Otohime, there is no loss in trying it by the way.

Leaving there with the necessary things, Crounpisi felt that holding such things made her look a little inferior, so she simply——

Those magics are all used at night, so there is no shortage of time. Walking with Bai Yiji, breaking and combining several times in the middle, the thing appeared in the hands of Crounpisi. Although it is not a measure, buy more.

Is it okay to use other things to make this thing look like it came by the way?

Baek Eul-hee shouldn't be able to [roll her eyes] even while shopping, right?

There is also a reason why the imperial capital is holding activities during this time, and the flow of people is different from the past, with curiosity.

However, Hesta seems to feel the same way, is there always an undercurrent? Even his own country is indispensable.

Clownpiss will definitely not wear the Stars and Stripes when shopping in the human country, but the Alice costume that ordinary people will have the opportunity to admire, otherwise it will be very troublesome on the street.

They won't be surrounded, no one has the courage, but there are too many people stopping what they are doing to kneel down and looking at them from the corner of their eyes, which will delay things for both fairies and people.

"I am really brave to dare to follow the Fairy Temple openly." Clawnpis stopped and said.

The stalker had never been hiding. Ever since they passed by Crounpis when he first visited the hotel and was about to leave, he had just followed him.

The person who came was wearing a floor-length skirt of an aristocratic woman. Except for her face, which was as delicate as a doll, the rest of her body, including her neck and hands, were completely wrapped in clothing. Her footsteps seemed to be walking forward rhythmically, alternating left and right in the skirt, but Crowe

Empisi secretly sighed that the stem tentacles seemed to imitate the swinging rhythm of human legs; if you look more closely, you can see that long skirts and other clothing are made of large leaves surrounded by large leaves, and her orange hair is made of a large number of long petals. The top of her head and

Crownpis's hat has the same stamens as hairy flowers - this is a complete humanoid plant monster.

When the visitor saw no one around, he took off the human skin mask on his face, revealing the true appearance of the calyx "head" without any facial features to show respect. He bowed slightly, and a voice came from the top of his head: "Sariel Limo, my subordinate.

West Cleas, whose racial name is Dismolin, was fortunate enough to meet Lampards here, and came here to see him." After saying that, he put the human skin mask back on, and it looked like a man with flowers on his head.

There is no difference between a human girl wearing a long skirt.

"Huh?" You know, Crounpiss is now playing Alice who lives in the human country and doesn't know Sariel.

Crounpisi recalled the information about this plant-type monster.

Dismolin flowers are social plant monsters. When they are clustered in plant form, they will look very beautiful as a landscape. The nectar is fragrant and the fruits are sweet. In fact, they are also very nutritious and medicinal. However, that is what attracts prey to the Dismolin flowers.


The more intelligent a creature is, the higher the magic power it can obtain from squeezing life. Therefore, the Desmolin Flower, which loves magic power, prefers to eat intelligent creatures.

In layman's terms, it is one of the "piranha flowers".

Anyone who is attracted into its attack range will be sucked out of life, but the trouble doesn't end there. If the Dismolin Flower is upgraded to take the form of a monster like Sariel Lemony Claias, it can be as powerful as Dryads and other fairies.

Using spiritual magic, you will try to induce some prey to get your nectar and fruits, advertise yourself safely and powerfully, and then lure more prey to your door.

This is a "mutually beneficial" symbiosis method. The prey of intelligent creatures can always get their nectar and fruits, but they must also make sacrifices and part of them becomes their food. Complete avoidance is impossible, because they can

Use mental magic to ask for information before the prey dies, then kill the prey and peel off the skin to disguise yourself, or use special racial abilities to manipulate the mentally broken target, imitate its original words and deeds, and induce its family and friends to come to you.

area, making them new prey. However, their body structure is not suitable for living in stone areas, so there is no need to worry about such monsters mixing in the city and using the city as a granary. In contrast, there are fertile farmland and ordinary burial cemeteries in rural areas.

Slaughtered by the Dismorin Flower, all the villagers are imitated and transformed into a huge trap that swallows passers-by.

The Dismolin Flower and the Crystal Fairy once lived very close to each other and were full of conflicts. The food that the Dismolin Flower ate would slowly decay naturally until it could no longer extract magic power through their methods.

It can be directly used as plant food, but the crystal fairies will crystallize corpses, so "wars" often break out.

After the Kingdom of Titania was established and accepted its rule, the upper fairies forcibly separated their territory. The main job arranged for the Desmolin Flowers was to take nectar and fruits to several countries in the Central Continent in exchange for money, and then use

Money buys livestock from intelligent creatures for them to eat.

Then there is the personal information of Sariel, the leader of the Clesias race.

In fact, Crounpis knew Sariel, although she had only met her a few times, but because she was very good at pretending to look like other races, her strength and status among the Titania natives were adequate, and she was a good person in the Star organization.

His performance in the battle against the Theocracy was pretty good, and his number of enemy annihilations was remarkable among the natives, so he was invited to the banquet.

Sariel's current human skin mask was naturally obtained from the battlefield - God knows where she picked up a intact beautiful head on the battlefield.

The problem was Sariel's own "personality", and Star made various simple comments about them when making the list.

Sariel is usually a monster that does not fight unprepared battles, but it is more adventurous in dealing with things that have nothing to do with fighting. She likes to show off herself and has narcissistic tendencies. She never cares about the thoughts of those below, and she also likes to flatter and tease those above.


These are all small problems, but the biggest problem at the moment is——

Crounpisi snapped her fingers to set up a repellent barrier and asked, "How on earth did you recognize me?"

"It's not very difficult." Sariel's human skin mask smiled...

(to be continued)

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