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Chapter 74 Quanzhen Volcano Tower Defense

"Is the guild leader a tentacle monster?" Seeing a large group of tentacles coming, Miyu couldn't help but clenched her wand and took a step back.

Shiloe and Jack both almost drew their weapons and attacked.

"No, no, no. It is true that people who see me for the first time think that I have low-grade tentacles, but I am a more advanced multi-tactile race, Lopa."

"Yes, is there any difference?" the lolita asked a little timidly. It's not that they have never seen races whose looks are not in line with human aesthetics, but they feel that this kind of race that restrains magical girls does not want to touch them.

"Although I have to explain it again every time, in order to eliminate the misunderstanding, I reluctantly explain it again."

According to this Ropa, tentacle monsters are all monsters without intelligence and similar to wild beasts. Polytenkton is a collection of a large number or even a variety of tentacle monsters that fight and entangle each other for some reasons but fail to devour them. As a result,

For various reasons, perhaps also due to the increase in the total surface area of ​​the brain, the multi-contact body begins to have an overall consciousness with wisdom, but there are also stronger individual consciousnesses in the overall consciousness that do not intend to integrate into the collective, and then gradually become dominant, just like

Now this multi-touched body can speak and communicate like ordinary intelligent creatures.

"Is this what it feels like when an ordinary Hollow evolves into Killian and then into Achucas?" Jack muttered, holding his chest.

"Ah, what is that?"

"Jack, is this the knowledge you acquired while staying in this world?"

Shiroai and Miyu asked sideways.

"Well, that's basically it." Jack replied casually. He hasn't decided yet when he will tell them the story of how he failed to conquer Aizen but was captured instead.

"I am Elinte Ropa, please give me some advice." Guild leader Elinte said as he stretched out his tentacles.

"I, I am... Emiya... Miyu." Miyu reported her favorite name among all the names she had ever used. She was a little hesitant to reach out and hold the tentacle, but finally did it. Unexpectedly, it felt good.

Shiloe and Jack also briefly reported their full names.

Erinter invited everyone to enter the room and take a seat. He said: "Without further delay, let's get to the point. How much do you know about this matter?"

"I only know that there is a volcanic crater near this country that will continuously emit flaming monsters." Mei Yao said.

"That's right, it just turned like this." Elinter skillfully took out the map with his tentacles and pointed out the area with the big red circle. "At first, there were just a lot of small fires coming out of the crater that suddenly appeared.

Elemental elves and slime-type monsters may threaten the residents of nearby villages. After receiving the commission and deposit, we immediately sent people to eliminate them. However, new and stronger monsters appeared later, although it took a lot of effort.

The cost was high, but it was still successfully annihilated. However, next..."

"Oh, after all, the monsters keep coming, getting stronger and stronger, right?" Shiloe said with a smile on her face. She remembered that she had heard someone talk about tower defense before. This model is indeed very similar, and that person was also a mercenary who accepted the commission.


"Ah, fortunately, they are all monsters that don't show hostility if they don't take the initiative to attack, and they don't have the tendency to eat." Elin clicked his tentacles and said, "It seems that they don't have the tendency to actively attack. As long as the new ones don't stimulate them,

It was okay for the time being. They were all avoiding the raised obstacles but seemed to be wandering aimlessly. So we built simple fortifications around the volcano and tried not to stimulate them as much as possible, thus temporarily blocking them. But this is not the way to go.

Puff, pew, pew.”

"What was the result of those two who went out just now?" Shiloe had Arturia's intuition and felt that the strength of those two was quite close to theirs.

"We paid a lot of money once, and they cleaned the crater once, but they didn't clean it completely. Then they suggested that we imprison or seal the rest, so that maybe no new monsters would emerge from the volcano, but

To be honest, maybe some big countries have quite advanced and long-lasting sealing technology, but to be honest, this is very difficult for us. Although it has been reported to the country, this country has not established diplomatic relations with such a country."

"So, what do you want us to do? Isn't it to continue to suppress the country before it obtains the means to seal it? Isn't it good to continue to employ those two?" Shiloe pointed to the door that the two people walked through before.

"They also have their own conditions. I am not a national military organization." What Elinter did not say was——

In fact, it was the magic caster in the duo who used extremely harmful magic during the battle against the crater, which exposed his identity as a high-level undead, especially someone who had given up his body and only

There is only a skeleton left, so it is said that no one wants it, and it is the most terrifying kind of undead.

Although there is no country of the undead, and there are organizations that use the undead for labor and combat power, these are controlled by rulers such as necromancers, or they retain their bodies and therefore have residual human desires and obsessions.

Therefore, there are still some possibilities for communication, including the organizational formation established by the legendary Dark Night Dead Magician in the past.

I no longer dare to hire this kind of "wild" skeleton type undead, for fear of ulterior motives, and exposure will not be good for the guild's reputation. Anyway, I'll lower my head and ask the undead named Momonga to give me some advice, and then I'll pay him according to his work.

, after watching that kind of battle, I can’t think of anything else.

Finally, Miyu and the others decided to go and have a look first.

A volcano that spews out fire elements and slimes sounds like it has quite some ornamental value in a sense. If you don't plan to accept a commission, just treat it as a part of the tour.

Ernite heard that they could fly forward, so he sent members of the Feather Insect Guild who were also good at high-speed flying as guides.

After leaving the town, it took less than half a day to reach the top of the crater.

To be honest, it's a bit disappointing. The crater is only less than ten meters in diameter, and the volcano doesn't look much bigger. It's basically just a magma pond standing on the flat ground, right?

No wonder building a barrier around a volcano was said to be so easy. Lolita people once thought how efficient this country's engineering projects were.

"Look, look, look." Jack pointed to a vague, semi-human-shaped flame standing there in the crater that was not very obvious, and there was a large cave on the volcanic rock wall next to it.

"Is there only one left now?" Shiloe asked.

"No, there should be more, maybe under the potential magma. Don't stimulate them yet, because the situation is a bit difficult to describe, so please follow me." The feather insect guide flapped his "buzzing" insect wings, almost touching the rock.

The wall flew into the crater, bypassing the fire element. He applied fire-attribute defensive magic to himself, flew into the cave of the rock wall against the heat wave of the volcano, and waved to the three lolita who were still in the air to let them in.

(to be continued)

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