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Chapter 38 The Grave of the Living, the Life of the Dead

While eating the best aged veal steak on the plate, Granbell asked the humans at the table: "The manufacturing technology is poor, and most of the meat that is intended to be made into good aged meat is wasted.

.And the calf doesn’t have much meat, which is really a pity, so

"Why not raise the cow as big as possible, keep it bigger and bigger, raise it to the end of its life, and then let it rot naturally?"

Although Crownpiss complained about talking about philosophy or something in the middle, Melissa, who was asked, had no time to think about philosophy.

To be precise, human civilization in this world has been subject to too much interference from players, and its development is unnatural. Without philosophy, what kind of philosophy would you ask a group of game geeks to talk about?

Moreover, ggdrasil is a product of the 22nd century. The world at that time was a dystopian era. The outside world was seriously polluted. It was usually best not to go out. Video games were almost the only way to pass the time to numb the nerves of the lower class of society. They could finish elementary school.

Getting a job can probably be called lucky to some extent.

Do you want a group of game nerds with elementary school education to popularize philosophy in a different world?

Let's get back to the topic, now Melphis has to answer Granbell's question about why the cows are not raised as large as possible, so that they die naturally and then rot.

"Ah... wouldn't that mean you can't eat it? Even if the animal is slaughtered before it dies, the meat will become very old and unpalatable, right?" Merriface replied, she didn't even think about this.

She didn't have any common sense, but she didn't understand the meaning of Granbell's questions at all.

"Yes, livestock raised to die of natural causes can only be fed to the slimes who are responsible for cleaning the sewers." As she said this, Granbell showed a somewhat heartbroken expression, "Regrettably, humans seem to be completely

I don't realize that there is no difference between myself and these animals. Human beings who die naturally are meaningless and will only become skeletons and zombies with almost no potential and only instincts to harm society. The best thing is to become an undead, but that depends on me.

That’s the skill.”

"I see, uh-huh, what next?" Clawnpis was curious about the next development. Based on the contrasting metaphor between mature meat and rotten meat, Clawnpis hoped that he had guessed correctly.

"Well, without relying on the magic of creating the undead, only those humans who have vitality and desires who are struggling to survive all the time, but ultimately have to regret and fall on the road to pursue their goals, are qualified to regain their sanity and obtain transcendental powers.

Possibility." Granbell paused and explained, "This is the conclusion reached by Belle asking Varudo to send people to investigate the resumes of some deceased people and make judgments based on the lives of the people corresponding to the corpses used in the experiment.


That is, consciousness determines matter, idealism.

Crownpiss: "Did you tell the old man?"

"No, no." Varudo shook his hand, "Only a few people involved in the investigation know this. They are all loyal soldiers, so there is no need to worry about the matter being exposed."

Human suspicion and investigation methods are still relatively small, and even if the big nobles do something unnatural, they will not be easily manipulated. This is the benefit of power.

"Hahaha," Granbell said with a smile, "Beier is worried that the teacher will impulsively commit suicide once he learns the news."

"Wow, I can't veto it easily. I can totally imagine that person would do this." Crounpis grinned.

"So far, the immortals I have made still have a certain rate of spontaneous disappearance. To satisfy the wishes of some people who want to pursue immortality without understanding the reasons is a waste and waste of life. Yes, the value of life should be respected. It is not allowed.

What a waste of food!" After cleaning up all the steaks on the plate, Granbell looked at Melissa dissatisfied.

Merriface quickly covered her mouth harder and swallowed back the things that made her want to vomit. First published on the New Bayi Chinese website.

"Oh, human beings, it is so stupid to waste their own surplus value like this even though their survival is caught in the cracks." Granbell clenched her fork and hammered the table as if to vent, "For the sake of the soul, it is no longer possible to occupy it.

The so-called face of those who are dying is a waste of land and resources. The result of this is to create a graveyard that humans themselves have to constantly consume more resources and energy to clear out, which is irrational and can only continue to give birth to the instinct of hatred for the living.

It’s just a factory of the undead.”

"I don't understand, I don't understand what you are talking about at all, monsters..." Crounpis heard a slight whisper next to her.

"Merriface, I heard you." Clawnpis shook her long ears.

"Ah! I'm sorry, please don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Alas" Crounpis sighed and fell into temporary thought.

It’s not that she doesn’t understand Melphis’s thoughts. She can understand because she has quite a lot of human memories. However, Crounpis does not accept the values ​​​​in human memory. There may be some residue that affects Crounpis.

Si's world view, but it is true that these memories are almost only used as reference knowledge.

From a human perspective, Granbell's remarks are a bit like the act of sacrificing one's life and offering value in exchange for the pursuit of eternal life and immortality. It is simply like a cult. The fastest update Mobile version:

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