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Chapter 114: Withdraw!


And give him tea?

Didn't you see that this guy called us pigs again and labeled us as unworthy descendants?

Many jurors were deeply dissatisfied with what Wang Anshi did.

This guy is a traitor among the bureaucracy!

Seeing us in such a mess, you actually gave this guy tea?

This is really unreasonable.

When Wang Anshi met Sima Guang, an old fox, he had no choice but to quickly grab a cup of tea and cover half of his face.

Out of sight!

can not hear!


Tea is served.

Xu Zhiqian actively poured tea for Zhang Fei.

The debate just now was so exciting, and she was very excited to watch it. At this time, she was really willing to serve Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei muttered: "Will it be poisonous?"

Xu Zhiqian heard her hand tremble, spilled a few drops, and lowered her voice: "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Fei said: "Look at their eyes, they all seem to want to eat me alive. What if I'm poisoned?"

The atmosphere was already tense. Xu Zhiqian secretly glanced at Liu Shu and other officials, and was immediately infected by Zhang Fei's conspiracy theory, and whispered: "How about I try it first."

She was completely immersed in the lawsuit and didn't think about anything else. She just wanted to win the lawsuit, so Zhang Fei was determined not to fail, just like protecting the coach on the battlefield.

Zhang Fei immediately looked at Xu Zhiqian with emotion.

Xu Zhiqian also reacted, her pretty face turned red immediately, and she said angrily: "This is all your fault, why do you need tea? Now that the tea is here, if you don't drink it, what will they think?"

"I'm scaring you, but you really believe it."

Zhang Fei chuckled, picked up the cup of tea, drank it in one gulp, and smashed it, "I feel relieved."

Xu Zhiqian lightly stamped her feet and said, "Are you still in the mood to joke at this time?"

Zhang Fei said: "Don't you see that I already have a chance to win? Now it's time to humiliate them."

Hey! You guys still chatted.

Wang Anshi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the opportunity came. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, Sima Guang scolded him first: "If you want to chat, go home and chat. This is Dali Temple, and you are not allowed to be presumptuous."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhang Fei nodded hurriedly.

Wang Anshi glanced at Sima Guang very depressedly and said in a low voice: "You want to rob me of this?"

He also wanted to show that he was not a traitor!

Sima Guang looked innocent: "Hey, you! I didn't know what you were going to say. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to bear it. Didn't you see that everyone is very dissatisfied with this? This kind of behavior must be stopped immediately."

Wang Anshi snorted.

"About this...!"

Zhang Fei looked at the process and then said: "I have prepared some examples."

Xu Zhiqian immediately stood up and gave each juror another copy of the questionnaire.

Zhang Fei said: "What you judges are getting now is a cow murder case that occurred in Chuzhou in the fifth year of Qingli. The process of this case is very simple. It tells the story of a local tenant farmer. All this time, this tenant farmer

He worked very hard to plow the land and herd cattle for his employer. One day, the cattle suddenly went crazy and ran towards the hillside. The tenant farmer tried his best to grab the cattle. As a result, the man and the cattle rolled down the hillside together, killing both the man and the cattle."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the paper in front of him, "Then the employer sued the tenant farmer for killing his cattle and sought compensation. Initially, the local county government ordered the tenant farmer to compensate, but the tenant farmer's family refused to accept it, so they continued

The lawsuit was appealed, and eventually the lawsuit was brought to the capital of Chuzhou. It was personally heard by Ouyang Xianggong, who was the prefect of Chuzhou at the time.

As a result, Xianggong Ouyang ordered the employer to pay thirty gu to the tenant farmer and be responsible for the funeral. The reason given by Xianggong Ouyang was that even if our soldiers died on the battlefield, the state must also provide pensions. And when the tenant farmer was working farming for his employer,

And for those who lost their lives, the employer shall be ordered to compensate.”

The Ouyang Xianggong he mentioned was Ouyang Xiu.

Zhang Fei really knew a lot about the ancient work-related injury system, because he had learned it from the Northern Song Dynasty, and it was one of the contents of Wang Anshi's reform.

But it hasn't appeared yet.

However, some states have also had work-related injury cases.

It is impossible for Wang Anshi to imagine the new law out of thin air. He must have formulated the new law based on some cases.

Lu Gongzhu knew this relatively well and had studied it before, so he asked: "What does this have to do with this?"

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Zhang Fei did not answer but asked: "I wonder if Magistrate Lu thinks Mr. Ouyang's sentence is reasonable?"

Mr. Lu nodded and said: "It's very reasonable."

Zhang Fei looked around at the crowd again, "Do you think the judges were at fault for this punishment?"

Everyone nodded involuntarily, indicating that there was no problem.

Zhang Fei looked at Xu Zhiqian again.

Xu Zhiqian stood up again and handed out a eucalyptus roll to them.

Liu Shu had never seen such a lawsuit before, and said impatiently: "That's all you say, why do you need to be mysterious?"

It's annoying to look at.

Zhang Fei replied: "There is no basis for what you say."


Liu Shu was speechless. He looked through the scroll and saw that the whole story of Shi Dalang's incident was written on it.

Zhang Fei coughed: "Judges, do you feel a little familiar?"

Sima Guang said: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Zhang Fei said: "You might as well compare the two eucalyptus rolls."

Everyone responded as he was told and suddenly understood.

Zhang Fei glanced at it and said with a smile: "I believe everyone has also discovered the problem. The two eucalyptus papers just changed the names and replaced the cultivated land with the escort. Other than that, there is no difference. But the consequences faced by the two

, but it’s the complete opposite.”

"You are changing the concept secretly and playing with the words cleverly."

Qi Hui said: "The two things cannot be confused."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "The only difference between the two things is that the employer has to pay the tenant farmers, but the court does not need to pay the government any compensation. It is mandatory, obligatory and free of charge."

Qi Hui said, well...!

Is it really okay to state exploitation so straightforwardly?

Zhang Fei added: "It's a pity that Mr. Ouyang is not in the court at the moment. Otherwise, I would really like to hear Mr. Ouyang's views on this matter."

Liu Shu said: "According to what the magistrate said, it was Shi Dalang's insistence on walking along the river that caused this disaster."

Zhang Fei said: "Since ancient times, there have been countless incompetent generals, but even they did not pass the responsibility for defeating the battle to the soldiers below. If the government can decide, then why should the magistrates do it?

But this is not what we are going to argue about today. The investigation is a matter for the government, and we want to see whether it violates the laws of our ancestors."

As he said that, he looked at Xu Zhiqian again.

Xu Zhiqian stood up again and handed out a roll of eucalyptus to everyone.

How much preparation has he made?


These gentlemen are really drunk!

They thought they were very thin, but when they compared with Zhang Fei, they realized that they were thicker.

After Xu Zhiqian came back and sat next to him, Zhang Fei said: "What you judges are seeing now are some of the discussions about Yameng by the important ministers from the Renzong Dynasty to the present.

For example, take Han Xianggong, the patriarch of the three dynasties today."

Han Qi, who was sitting in the corner, was extremely surprised. Ouch, he even talked about me.

This is like reading an online article and suddenly seeing yourself playing a small role in it, and he is also a positive character. The feeling of surprise is indescribable!

Zhang Fei really didn't know that Han Qi was there, but Han Qi had also made fine adjustments to this service law, and read according to the article: "Han Xianggong once said, 'The suffering of the people in the prefecture and county is not more important than the integrity.

When Shuang's mother remarries, relatives live apart, or abandon their fields and people to avoid being superior, or live alone without orders.' He also said, 'The rich have plenty of rest, and the poor are ruined one after another.'"

Han Qi stroked his beard and tried his best to suppress the raised corners of his mouth.

This kid has a future.

Fu Bi glanced at Han Qi secretly and smiled secretly.

He knew that Han Qi was more of one person.

The jurors all knew that Han Qi was here, so they could only nod in agreement.

Talking about the matter, Han Qi's words truly vividly depict the pain that Yaqiang brought to the people.

It is indeed very, very sad.

Zhang Fei added: "There are still some public security problems caused by the Yaqian Campaign, and countless families were broken up and people died. According to records, there were thirty-two cases of encirclement and suppression of grass bandits, all related to the Yaqian Campaign. This

The forced labor forces the people to become bandits, which is a great hidden danger for the country."

Sima Guang just glanced at it and stopped looking.

He can really memorize these things, after all, he is the man who wrote Zizhi Tongjian.

Zhang Fei added: "Whether it was during the Renzong Dynasty or the late Emperor's period, the government and the public have almost reached a consensus that the Yaqian Service is indeed a bad government. I wonder if all the judges agree?"

There was a moment of silence.

This was not only the consensus reached during the Renzong period, but also the consensus of the current government and the public. Sima Guang also believed that this was a serious problem.

But there's just no way around it.

Everyone also knew what Zhang Fei was going to say next, but they couldn't stop it and could only watch his performance.

Zhang Fei waited for a while, but when no one responded, he said: "Then the problem is, this is a bad government that has existed for decades, but it is still being implemented without any improvement. And the ancestral law requires the prevention of cheating.

Government, then does this violate the laws of our ancestors?"

This ancestral law is to prevent the occurrence of bad government, and this bad government has existed for decades. This should be classified as knowing the law and breaking the law, and the crime will be increased.

Lu Hui coughed and said with no confidence: "What you said is wrong. You have written it clearly and clearly. Many important ministers have written about this matter, and the court has also made some corrections."

He was also a little aggrieved, and we wanted to guard against him, but...we couldn't!

Zhang Fei said: "I'm just defending Shi Erlang. As far as the Shi family is concerned, I haven't seen any improvement. Let's see what the court does on this matter.

A magistrate confiscated the family property of the historian without any investigation, and his brother and his wife were immediately demoted to official slaves and maidservants. Do you judges really respect the laws of the ancestors? The laws of the ancestors.

This is a policy to prevent abuses, but you are condoning a policy of abuse and doing the opposite."

If official money is lost and not replaced, many officials will be held accountable. Therefore, when something goes wrong, get the money first to make sure you don't lose money, and then talk about justice.

Liu Shu became angry and said: "This important national matter is not as simple as you think."

Zhang Fei said: "For decades, the bad government has remained the same and there has been no improvement. I am a common man and I dare not make any arbitrary comments on whether the ministers in the DPRK are incompetent, but...how should I understand this problem?"

Liu Shu blew his beard and stared: "Who are you calling incompetent?"

This is a personal attack.

Zhang Fei said: "If you have the ability and do not prevent abuses, you are knowingly committing the crime. This intention is even more incomprehensible to the common people."

What do you mean? If you keep saying this, then I won’t be able to seek power and usurp the throne!

Liu Shu couldn't help but look at Sima Guang with a pale face.


We show up again

Otherwise, let’s withdraw first!

Lu Hui, Qi Hui and other jurors also gradually felt tired.

They are all officials, and they have many scruples, and some of their words are hard to say. At the same time, they still have to bear the responsibility for this bad government, who allows them to enjoy high officials and generous salaries.

At this stage of the lawsuit, they already feel that they have no chance of winning. If they continue to fight, they will gain nothing except humiliating themselves.

Fortunately, they can cheat.

This is their disadvantage, but also their advantage.

I can unplug the network cable.


Sima Guang understood the idea and couldn't help but look at Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi whispered: "I can continue the trial."

Sima Guang sighed: "You are shameless, but we still want it! Let's stop here!"

The war situation was so tragic, the court had lost all face, and continuing to argue would be purely humiliating.


Wang Anshi chuckled and said, "If you want face, you can be a good person. You are really a villain."

Sima Guang said generously: "Then you, this good man, can do it."

Wang Anshi said: "I didn't admit defeat."

"Then I'll say it."

"Anyway, it's not the first time you've run away."


Sima Guang was too lazy to argue with him and coughed: "This case is very complicated, and it is also related to the laws of the ancestors. I may not be able to examine it clearly in one day. I think you are also quite tired. I will stop here today. What do you think?"

Zhang Fei suddenly asked Xu Zhiqian: "Ms. Xu, is there anything else you want to add?"

As soon as these words came out, the officials were furious.

This is really nakedly humiliating.

The key point is that Sima Guang is not asking about you!

Xu Zhiqian's face turned red. How could she dare to say anything?


Sima Guang was too lazy to pay attention to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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