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Chapter 577 Very contradictory...

 The advertisement came very smoothly, not stiff at all, well-founded, and just a little natural, so it caught the officials present by surprise.

In just a moment, the entire courtyard and inside were immediately immersed in the melody of ice and fire.

Among the officials present, there were many who supported the New Deal, but also those who opposed it.

As soon as the advertisement came out, it seemed as if a flag was plastered on everyone's face, indicating a clear camp.

However, after the brief anger and surprise, everyone fell into new contemplation...

Because they discovered a very sharp contradiction.

That is, where is this kid on?

As the president of the court, Zhang Fei is undoubtedly a representative figure of judicial reform, and judicial reform came from Sima Guang. Sima Guang was also a representative figure who opposed the Youth Law and a leading figure of conservatives.


As a result, everyone asked Yuan Jiang, Zheng Xie and other Beijing officials one after another.

Yuan Jiang favored Wang Anshi, while Zheng Xie was a staunch conservative.

But the statements given by the two men were surprisingly consistent.

That's...I don't know!

But they didn't feel there was any surprise in it, because Zhang Fei in the capital had not only defended the new law and helped Wang Anshi win the first shot of the Servant Law, but also made suggestions for Sima Guang's judicial reform and provided judicial services.

The theoretical basis for reform is the law of law.

If you ask me, where is he from, I really want to know.

This can make everyone depressed.

How on earth did this kid do it?

Zhang Fei, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to their whispers at all. After taking a short rest, he began to hear the next lawsuit.

This kind of review speed was simply amazing in ancient times.

In the past, many talented people in the county government tried a case in public. Generally speaking, after the petition was submitted to the government, it was first reviewed by the clerk, who wrote down his or her own opinions, and then submitted it to the chief registrar for review.

After asking the question, it will be handed over to the county magistrate. The county magistrate will make the judgment directly whenever he is free.

After all, for the county boss, finance is the key.

Although public security is also very important, the county government will not spend too much energy on public trials of such small civil lawsuits.

The next lawsuit was about the employer suing his tenant farmer, but it was similar to Chen Liugen's case. The tenant doctor treated his mother, held her funeral, and borrowed some money from his employer.

This is the tragedy of homesteaders and sharecroppers. They cannot withstand any disturbance and have to borrow money if anything goes wrong.

But there is a slight difference, that is, the employer is in urgent need of money now and requires the tenant farmers to pay back the money immediately.

"Li Nianci."

"The little people are here."

The young man standing on the plaintiff's bench immediately raised his hands and said.

Zhang Fei asked: "Can you tell me why you urgently need this money, because judging from your family situation, you should not be short of this money."

Li Nianci immediately said: "Returning to the president, Xiaomin is from Daming Prefecture. He came here with his father to sell salt in the early years, and used the profits from selling salt to buy some fields in Hezhong Prefecture. Now my father is old, I hope

I can return to Daming Mansion, so I have to clear these debts as soon as possible."

The merchants of the Song Dynasty were very thoughtful about financial management. They also preferred land management rather than money, because the Song Dynasty did not inhibit land annexation. If they did business in one place for a long time, they would usually spend their idle money on hand.

The land is rented to farmers for cultivation, and he gets 50% of the income.

When you want to leave, you can then sell the fields. Compared with the little deed tax, the harvest from the fields will obviously be more every year.

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "That's it."

Li Nianci took out some more deeds, "This is the deed of the land that I have sold in the past three months. I would like to ask the president to review it."



The officials and landowners on the side were all looking forward to it.

This time you have to award the tenant farmer's land to Li Nianci. They are about to leave. Is it possible that you still need to use flying money to repay it?

Zhang Fei carefully looked at the deeds for the sale of the fields, and then asked Cai Jing and others: "How many fields does Gu Shuliu's family have?"

Shangguan Jun said: "Twenty-one acres of land."

Zhang Fei asked again: "What is the market value?"


Shangguan Jun was a little dumbfounded, "This is about the fields of Gu Shuliu's family. The fields vary from fat to poor. The students don't know how much it is worth at the moment."

Cai Jing said: "The student estimates that it should be worth seventeen or eighteen gold no matter what."

Zhang Fei looked at their uncertain eyes and said, "I can't blame you. After all, this is not what we are good at, and we don't have so much energy. Cai Jing, you go to the dental shop tomorrow to recruit some professionals in this field."

Cai Jing nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhang Fei looked up at Li Nianci again and said: "Since you and your son are eager to leave, the Gu family should repay all debts immediately. Moreover, the interest you gave Gu Shuiliu is slightly lower than the legal interest stipulated by the court, and Gu Shuiliu should also do the same.

Pay back in full."

"Thank you, President Zhang."

Li Nianci held his hands in joy and said.

When those big landowners saw it, their eyes were all rolling around, but there is still room for maneuver here!

As long as it can be proven that I urgently need money.

Zhang Fei looked at the middle-aged man on the right and said, "Look at Shui Shui."

"Xiaomin is here!"

Gu Shuishui lowered his head and responded in a low voice.

Zhang Fei said: "You are a very hard-working and honest farmer. You borrowed money out of helplessness. The president of the court is also willing to help you once."

Gu Shui Shui suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Fei excitedly.

Zhang Fei said: "You first take the land deed to raise Changpingsi's mortgage loan to repay Li Nianci's debt, because the interest for raising Changpingsi is two cents, which is far lower than the market loan interest. And you just said that you would still pay some more

For carpentry work, I can introduce you to the branch office to help, and at the same time I will ask Sergeant Ma to give some uniforms to your wife to do. If you work hard, you should be able to pay it off within a year."

As soon as these words came out, the big landowners and officials present were all dumbfounded.

Can this still be done?

Compared with the previous words, this propaganda is simply super hardcore!

Take out low-interest loans and pay off high-interest debt.

It won’t be long before all the loans on the market will come from Chang Ping Division!

Gu Shuiliu couldn't help but burst into tears with excitement, "Thank you so much, President, thank you so much, President."

"Thank you, Chief Ma."

Zhang Fei pointed at Ma Xiaoyi next to him and smiled.

"Thank you, Chief Ma. Thank you, Chief Ma."

Gu Shuiliu excitedly thanked Ma Xiaoyi again.

Ma Xiaoyi said hey: "It's a trivial matter. Just like Chen Liugen, go to the police station near you and ask. They will tell you what to do."

"Yes, yes, thank you, thank you."


Cao Dongdong whispered to Fu Shichun: "Brother Xiaochun, when the next trial is held, Xiao Ma will be transferred. I will personally appear in court to assist Zhang San."

Fu Shichun and Fan Zheng looked at Cao Dongdong with question marks on their faces.

Why are you so happy?

Cao Dongdong said: "The last time I appeared in court, my office's reputation was damaged. I have to find a way to get it back."

Fu Shichun was speechless for a while and said: "Don't you see that the person who is really grateful in his heart is Zhang San, not Xiao Ma. If you really want to improve your reputation, then you might as well arrange work for them yourself and pay them wages.

They will definitely thank you then."

Cao Dongdong rolled his eyes and said, "This is a good idea."


After this judgment, I don’t know whether it is new or old, but one thing is certain, that is, the imperial court is extremely unfriendly to big landowners.

The next few lawsuits were all related to loan disputes.

Zhang Fei's judgment remains the same. It basically stops the increase in interest, extends the repayment period, and provides different help to the debtor's integrity.

For people with good integrity, we will actively provide them with work so that they can earn money and repay their debts.

As for those old people, they are required to find jobs as soon as possible and provide repayment plans. Otherwise, they will be forced to sell their labor.

This makes most landowners look very ugly.

Because their pursuit is land annexation, not the little interest money, the development of landlords must be the pursuit of land annexation. Otherwise, how can they become landlords?

However, the judgments of the imperial court are often based on the basic guarantee of people's lives.

If it is a lawsuit between wealthy households, the imperial court will decide the ownership of the land, but these lawsuits are all between farmers and landlords.

Homeowners only have a little bit of land to ensure their basic livelihood.

Based on this calculation, land annexation will become very difficult.

Of course, some wealthy households are happy about this, because these judgments first ensure the interests of creditors. This is also good news for some wealthy households with low social status and no background.

After all, there are no absolutes in the world. There are vicious landlords, but there are also rogue ordinary people. This is the most basic protection that can be given to many people who make a living by lending money.

Again, the butt determines the head.


It was almost noon in the blink of an eye. Zhang Fei, who never worked overtime, made a decisive decision: "This morning's trial ends here."

"Is it over?"

"It's still early, there's still an afternoon left before dinner."

"Will there be a trial this afternoon?"


The people saw it with great enthusiasm. To them, this kind of judgment was like a good plot, and they didn't want to stop. If you are hungry, you can eat and judge at the same time!

Of course, Zhang Fei would ignore them. This kind of review seemed very relaxing, but in fact it was very tiring. He had to review a lot of relevant information. Sometimes his mind couldn't turn around and he would overlook some details and look at Su Che again.

"Does the procuratorate have any objection to the verdict just now?"

Su Zhe stood up and said: "We have no objections to the judgment of the chief judge, but we are confused about the scale of judgment. Based on the few lawsuits just now, the chief judge has repeatedly emphasized that it is the basic guarantee of people's lives, and explained

, anything exceeding this amount should be returned to the creditor, but I don’t know what the specific provisions of this basic guarantee are.”


Zhang Fei answered simply and clearly.


Su Che was a little confused.

Zhang Fei further explained: "Because it is difficult to stipulate. For example, two households have parents, but the parents of one household are healthy and can help with work, while the parents of the other household are sick in bed. If given

The same standard is obviously wrong. It depends on the specific situation and specific judgment.

Here, I reiterate that my judgment may not be accurate because the evidence I have is limited. Whether it is the defendant, the plaintiff, or the procuratorate, if they have evidence, they can present it immediately or within the specified time.

Make an appeal."

Having said this, he looked at Su Zhe, "The supervision of your procuratorate should not only focus on me with the president, but should also investigate relevant evidence in a targeted manner."

The implication is that the procuratorate is not the censor. It has to rely on evidence. If it feels that there is any doubt, it should launch an investigation instead of questioning the president. In this case, the president can only make decisions based on the evidence provided by both parties.

Issue a verdict.

"Please rest assured, the Chief Justice, that our Procuratorate will also prosecute. What I am asking is the standard for this imperial court to judge this. After all, this is not stipulated by law. But what the Chief Justice said is reasonable. This

It’s really not easy to make detailed regulations.”

Su Zhe immediately added: "In addition, there is also the matter of elevating Chang Ping Si. Just now, the President of the Great Court also mentioned elevating Chang Ping Si several times. However, as far as I know, elevating Chang Ping Si also charges interest, which is two per month.

In fact, the score is not low, and borrowing new debts to repay old debts is not a wise move. Although on the other hand, the Chief Justice has also provided them with a livelihood to repay their debts, but if they have an accident, they will not be able to pay off their debts by then.

What should the imperial court do if we clear up the debts of Chang Pingsi?"

Zhang Fei said: "This president is just suggesting, not forcing. If they have other ways, they don't have to go. If they go and still don't pay, it will be another lawsuit and they can only be tried again at that time."


Su Zhe immediately said: "The promotion of the Changping Division is an official office, not a private person. I don't know whether the imperial court's judgment standards will be the same, because as far as I know, the highest penalty principle of the imperial court is to safeguard the interests of the country and the monarch.


As Zhang Fei continued to emphasize that the concept of the rule of law had been engraved in his mind, Su Zhe also learned his lesson. No matter what questions he asked, he tried his best to give the concept of the rule of law, so that Zhang Fei would not use it to defend himself.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "The judgment of the president of this court is to fully protect the interests of creditors and to help them recover their legal debts as much as possible. This judgment standard is of course also applicable to the promotion of Changping Division, and it does not violate

The highest principle of the imperial court.”

Su Che cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much, President, for clarifying my doubts. Su has no other questions."

He is absolutely opposed to the Green Crops Law, and the reason for his opposition is the same as Sima Guang. The Green Crops Law will eventually become a money-making machine for the country, rather than caring for the people.

His purpose in asking this question was to use Zhang Fei's words to provide the procuratorate with a reason to suppress the Youth Law.

"Exit the court!"

Zhang Fei banged the hammer, stood up and left.

As soon as he left, there was a lot of discussion inside and outside the courtyard.

What is being talked about outside is the penalty standards.

And it talks more about the Green Seeding Method.

"Bachelor Yuan, don't you...don't you find it strange?"

He Chunlin looked at Yuan Jiang blankly.

Yuan Jiang asked: "What's so strange?"

He Chunlin said: "This imperial court is incompatible with our Transportation Department, and the promotion of Chang Ping Division belongs to our Transportation Department, why does he still speak for us?"

Yuan Jiang snorted: "You are such a fool! He is not talking for us. He is digging a hole and pushing us to jump in. Think about it, when the time comes we will ask Chang Pingsi to borrow money."

, but they are all subject to the checks and balances of their imperial court, can’t you see this?”

He was not thinking about anything else just now, he was just thinking about how to explain.

Of course he knew that Zhang Fei was trying to promote the Green Seedlings Law.

But on the surface, he and Zhang Fei were in tit-for-tat, and he was the manager who promoted Chang Ping Division, which would inevitably arouse their doubts.

He Chunlin reacted suddenly and felt that Yuan Jiang's explanation made sense, "So that's it. This person has so many bad intentions. But whether to borrow or not is up to us. We won't borrow. Let's see how he ends up.


Yuan Jiang snorted: "If you don't borrow it, you will be blamed by the higher ups? The imperial court asked us to implement the Qingmiao Law instead of asking us to fight with the imperial court. Don't think about it either. That kid is so shrewd that he dares to do it in public

By saying this, we are sure that we don’t dare not borrow it.”

He Chunlin was immediately confused.

This chapter has been completed!
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