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Chapter 629 Time is money!

Tokyo Bianliang!

Royal Palace.

Zhao Xu put down the letter and pondered for a long time. He suddenly raised his head and said to a man wearing a uniform of the Forbidden Army standing in front of him: "Go and inform Li Bao and ask him to arrange hundreds of merchants on Jingdong East Road to distribute in various counties. When I arrive,

Maybe 200,000 yuan will be allocated to them, and Zhang San will tell him where it will be used."

"I humble my duty and obey my orders."

The man cupped his fists and said.

Zhao Xu nodded, but there was a look of hesitation on his face. After a while, he waved and said: "You can go down first."

"I resign from my humble position."

After the man retreated, Zhao Xu tilted his head slightly. The chamberlain next to him understood the idea and immediately stepped forward, "My servant is here."

Zhao Xu said: "Now go to the internal storage warehouse and ask someone to embezzle 50,000 yuan from it. Remember, don't let the news leak out."

The chamberlain was stunned for a moment, "Isn't it 200,000 yuan?"

Zhao Xu said angrily: "If 200,000 yuan were embezzled all at once, could it be hidden? There are many people in the outer court looking at the inner treasury."

"My slave is stupid, my slave is obedient."

"Okay! Go quickly."

"Slave, please leave."

After the chamberlain went out and closed the door, Zhao Xu clenched his fist and punched the table gently, saying: "This Zhang San, how unreasonable is this? I asked you to enact a new law. The purpose is to improve the finances and increase the revenue of the treasury, but now he wants me to spend money."

If you go and make up for it, aren’t you making money from me?”

But after complaining, Zhao Xu smiled and said: "But then again, among these three people, almost everyone's plans have problems, but his Hidden Dragon is the only one that has never gone wrong.




Almost all the local farmers paid their taxes in advance. Due to the large number of people, the others began to become anxious. They also wondered whether the government would restrict the payment of taxes with salt banknotes because too many people used salt banknotes to pay taxes.

The credibility of the government is really worrying!

Among them, businessmen are definitely the most anxious. They already have a large amount of salt banknotes in their hands without knowing it.

Li's Bookstore.

"Mr. Yang, your tax bill has been calculated in full. If there are no omissions, you will probably have to pay 123,654 yuan this year."

Li Min handed a calculated tax bill back to the potbellied middle-aged man in front of him.

"Nothing will be missed."

Member Yang waved his hands repeatedly and lamented: "I even included the money I made from selling salt banknotes at the beginning of the year."

Li Min smiled and said: "I rarely encounter customers as attentive as Yuan Yuan!"

Yang Yuanwai glanced at him and said, "Twenty-two thousand yuan, more than one hundred dollars. If you say you don't feel bad, it must be a lie. It's not easy for us to make money, but if we lose money, the court will not help us. But

...But judging from the current situation, this business is getting better and better. We are afraid that if we save this little money, we will be sued by the tax department and prosecuted by the public prosecutor. It will be a small loss but a big loss."

Li Min nodded and said: "Yuan Wai has thought very thoroughly. No wonder Yuan Wai can make so much money in a year."

Yang Yuanwai glanced at Li Min again and said in a low voice: "Isn't there anyone who wants to ask you how to pay less tax?"

Li Min nodded and said: "This is true, but I can only provide assistance under the tax law and help them calculate taxes reasonably. In other aspects, I can't help."

Yang Yuanwai nodded and clapped his hands on his thighs, "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I'll go back first."

Li Min cupped his hands and said, "Executive members, you can rest assured."

Just as Mr. Yang was sent away, he saw Zhang Fei coming from the Law School. Li Min hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Li Min has seen the Chief Justice. Please come to the Chief Justice's room."

Arriving at the store, Zhang Fei sat down and asked, "How is business lately?"

Li Min answered truthfully: "Although the number of lawsuits has decreased a lot, the business in tax filing has increased. Now many people are eager to pay taxes."


Zhang Fei said.

Li Min nodded and glanced outside, "It's mainly because many businessmen come to the store and ask me to file their taxes for them."

"Businessmen?" Zhang Fei pondered for a moment: "Nowadays, the business market is very good. They must be worried about getting involved in lawsuits. They will lose a lot for a small amount."

Li Min said: "The president of the court is really good at knowing things. That's why businessmen, big and small, have made a lot of money recently, and they predict that their business will definitely reach a higher level next year. Of course, they don't want to pay so much tax, but they

They are even more afraid that this matter will delay their business. After all, they are not very familiar with self-declaration, and they are worried that the government will use this to make things difficult for them, so these people think more carefully than we do, and all their income is included."

Zhang Fei nodded and asked: "Where is the real rich man in Hezhong Mansion?"

Li Min hesitated a little, "They just came for consultation, but it seems that they haven't officially started filing taxes yet. But I thought they would definitely start paying taxes in the last month."

"not necessarily."

"How do you say this, President Zhang?"

"Because handing it in in the last month is equivalent to betting on the big or small, and there is no room for maneuver. They are very smart and will not leave them in a desperate situation." Zhang Fei said with a smile.

Li Min just nodded without comment.

Zhang Fei saw that he was a little uncomfortable, "I'm just asking casually. You don't have to feel restrained, and you don't have to report truthfully. If you can't tell, don't say anything. As Erbi, you still have to keep secrets for your clients."

Then you still ask? Li Min secretly complained in his heart, and then nodded.


Except for Zhang Fei, almost everyone thought that the big landowners would wait until the last month to pay taxes. However, they were all wrong.

After this wave of small businessmen paying taxes passed, the real wealthy people in Hezhong Prefecture came to the headquarters of the Taxation Department to pay taxes. They did not hire Erbi, after all, there was no shortage of accounting offices around them.

The original tax payment deadline stipulated by the Department of Taxation was December 15th, but in early November, it was basically completed.

This also directly broke the record of the fastest tax collection in the Song Dynasty.

Because everyone pays taxes with salt banknotes.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But this record is not that important. It is useless to quickly. The key depends on how much tax is collected.

Cai Yanqing, Yuan Jiang and others immediately rushed to the Taxation Department to inquire about the specific situation.

Of course, the Taxation Department cannot conceal any tax information from them, and it will truthfully hand over the tax accounts to them.

"This is already 70,000 yuan more than last year's total tax amount."

Cai Yanqing was shocked.

Although 70,000 guan is not a lot, you must know that this was collected without exploiting the farmers, and there was a wave of tax increases last autumn, which is quite remarkable. Before coming, Cai Yanqing estimated that even if the tax was collected

The upper two-thirds is already remarkable.

The officials sitting here all gasped when they heard the number, including Yuan Jiang.

Although Yuan Jiang had seen such self-declaration before, when he was in the capital, it was only after the tax department used force that the amount of tax doubled. Initially, it was only a few thousand to tens of thousands.

But in Ha Trung Prefecture, the tax collection period is not over yet and has already exceeded last year.

Of course, when Bianjing collected the tax exemption, the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate had not yet taken shape. In addition, the capital was full of big guys, so it could not deter too many people. However, in Hezhong Prefecture, the Public Security Procuratorate and Procuratorate had already taken a complete form, and its deterrent effect was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Another point is that people with hidden household registrations pay taxes. Although their taxes are not much, they can't handle the large number of people. Suddenly one-third of the people, plus the big landowners, also pay more than in previous years. This tax

Of course it will grow.

Not to mention other officials, we have exhausted all our efforts in the past, but it is not as good as yours to declare independently, how unreasonable!

Those guys are really mean.

Wei Yingfang smiled and said: "The tax department really lived up to its reputation. It collected all the taxes without any effort. Wei Mou also learned a lesson. I admire it! I admire it!"

He actually praised the Department of Taxation. Did the sun rise from the west?

But after a while, other officials also reacted and congratulated Chen Ming one after another.

It's really amazing.

Cai Yanqing and Yuan Jiang saw this in their eyes, and how could they not understand in their hearts? In fact, it was a hint that if the task was overfulfilled, even if it was the finale, don't bother anymore. Face is mutual. If everyone gives face like this, you have to get along with each other.


But Chen Ming still had that paralyzed face and said with cupped hands: "The duty of our tax department is not to care about the increase or decrease of tax. This is your duty. Our duty is to collect taxes in accordance with the law."

Wei Yingfang's eyes flashed with displeasure, and he pretended to be puzzled: "What's the difference?"

Chen Mingdao: "Our goal is to ensure that no one evades taxes. We will start tax inspections next year."

Yuan Jiang coughed lightly: "It's already exceeded by so much. No one should be evading taxes."

Wei Yingfang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes."

Chen Mingdao: "You have to check it before you know."


The smiles on the faces of the officials gradually disappeared, and they once again looked at Chen Ming with hostile eyes. You are trying to be shameless, but you were directly absorbed by that paralyzed face.

And Chen Ming was really not joking with them. After seeing them off, Chen Ming came to the back hall and saw all kinds of people from different religions sitting there.

Chen Mingdao: "You have also been investigating for a whole year, and I believe you should have learned something. Whether you sleep on the street or in a brothel next year will depend on the next three months."

The words were rough but the reasoning was rough, and all these three religions and schools showed excitement on their faces.

After Chen Ming finished speaking, several people immediately sent them the accounts one by one.

How to investigate tax evasion, you first have to know how much tax they paid. Before, they have been investigating the transactions and land information of the wealthy people. Now they have to give them the accounts to compare with their information.

Chen Ming added: "Remember! You must be careful at this time, because the tax collection period ends on December 15th. Even if you find out, it is best not to disclose it. Otherwise, if the other party makes a supplementary payment, then

Your bonus will be gone. During this period, you only need to prepare all the evidence and start prosecution next year."

"Thank you, Department of Taxation, for reminding us. We will remember it."



The weather has turned colder, and the river that has been busy day and night for most of the year has finally become deserted.

A solitary sailboat sailed slowly forward, with two people sitting cross-legged in the cabin, one dressed as a fisherman and the other dressed as a homebody.


The fisherman placed a tax bill on the low table, "Is it your master's tax bill?"

The old man picked it up and looked at it carefully, nodded and said: "Yes, this is exactly my master's tax bill, exactly. Where did you get it?"

The fisherman said: "It was sent to us by the tax envoy. If you don't give us a tax bill, how can we check for tax evasion?"

The housekeeper asked, "Did you just give me my master's tax bill?"

The fisherman said: "That's not true." He said with a smile: "But the rest has nothing to do with your master."

A flash of displeasure flashed in the old man's eyes. This guy had eaten several meals at a glance, but it was just a flash. He nodded and said, "That's what you said. Are you sure there won't be any problems?"

"No! I've asked other people, and everyone gets only a part of the tax bill. They don't have your master's tax bill."

"very good!"

The old man nodded, "Everything will go according to plan. After everything is completed, I will give you the remaining money."

"Don't worry."


The reason why this rich man doesn't pay taxes at the last second is very simple. They have to test the action of the tax department. If they do it at the last moment, they won't even have the chance to make a supplementary payment once the plan changes.

But for now, at least all this is still under their control.

The key to this independent declaration lies in the eyes and ears. As long as these ears and eyes are blocked with money, the tax department will be deaf or blind. This is even easier than bribing officials. After all, they are just some little bastards.

Pay taxes?

It is impossible to pay tax.

This situation has not happened before, but they will continue to attack until they find a flaw. This is human nature.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! ...

Transshipment Department.

"Oh! This salt banknote is really a treasure. It's wonderful! It's wonderful!"

Yuan Jiang looked at the accounts without any scruples, grinning, and looked at Cai Yanqing, "Zhong Yuan, in the past, we used to go to the warehouse to collect taxes, but we were really tired. Now we only need to

It’s incredible to make a few strokes in the account.”

Cai Yanqing smiled and said: "Brother Yuan, please don't tax it first, the tax has not been fully collected yet."

"But I think that's about it. How much can they escape?" Yuan Jiang frowned and asked: "What? Do you think they evaded a lot of taxes?"

Cai Yanqing said: "I don't know either, because they have never really paid taxes, and no one knows how much money they have."

Yuan Jiang nodded: "Listening to what you said, it's worth looking forward to."

Cai Yanqing said: "It depends on whether the tax department is really capable."


Imperial Court.

Cai Bian, Shangguanjun and Cai Jing returned to Hezhong Mansion today after being away for half a year.

"I have read the court records you sent and have tried a lot of lawsuits, three times as many as in the whole year of Hezhong Mansion this year. It's very good."

Zhang Fei smiled happily.

When the three of them heard this, they felt very happy. It was a rare compliment from the teacher.

Xu Zhiqian suddenly asked curiously: "Are these places so messy?"

Cai Bian hurriedly said: "Master Xu doesn't know. In fact, those places are similar to Hezhong Prefecture. It's just because the people learned that the Public Security Bureau and the Law Conference will be going there this year, so they waited for us to go before going to the lawsuit. This is

The disputes from last year and this year combined.”

Xu Zhiqian nodded: "That's it."

Shangguan Jun added: "In addition, Pinglu County is a transportation hub, and Jiezhou is where the salt pond is located. There are also many sales disputes."

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded: "But you all handled the situation very well. It's just that you were a little conservative in the fines. But this is a good thing. It proves that you are very careful and cautious. Don't be impatient. When you have sufficient experience, your confidence will naturally increase."

, then the penalties will be more accurate.”

"The teacher's sincere teachings will be remembered by the students."

"But your tasks will be even heavier next year."

Zhang Fei said: "You will stay in Hezhong Mansion for the time being to celebrate the New Year and have a good rest. This year is the first year of independent declaration. There will definitely be related lawsuits next year. We will take you to trial for a month first, and you will go back to the plain after one month."

Lu County and Xiezhou took those students to try the local tax lawsuit. During this period, Ye Zuqia would return to Hezhong Prefecture.

If nothing unexpected happens, you will have to go to Jingzhao Prefecture in the middle of the year. Only then will you be truly promoted to the position of president. And your students will continue to stay in Hezhong Prefecture to hear cases, and I will rearrange the students to go with you.

Jingzhao Mansion."

All three of them were overjoyed, "Thank you, teacher, for your cultivation. The students will definitely work harder and never let down the teacher's kindness."

"Don't let down your own efforts and persistence."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Starting from next year, you must break away from the teacher's dependence and have to fight on your own."

Among the entire Public Security Bureau, only the Imperial Court has a very short supply of talents. The Procuratorate and the Police Station are all fine, but if I am not waiting for you at this time, Zhang Fei can only use this teacher-disciple approach.

All things.

Speaking of this matter, Zhang Fei really hated Sima Guang to death. At the beginning of the year, he sent a letter saying that he would send a group of young talents to study with him and lay the foundation for future expansion of the Public Security Bureau. As a result, one year later, this

None of the young talents were seen.

It’s really outrageous!

It's too tedious.

You don't need to think about it to know that Sima Guang must have passed numerous tests on his knowledge, character, etc.

Although Zhang Fei said he wanted to take a good rest, due to the tight time schedule, Cai Bian and the others actually did not have much time to breathe. After winter, Zhang Fei followed them every day on the cases they were trying in Pinglu County and Jiezhou.

They discuss some details.


At this moment, Sima Guang was not in the mood to pay attention to talents. Fan Chunren sent a memorial to the capital, making him dizzy with anger.

Over there at Jingdong East Road, the first loan of young people's money has been completed with great success and outstanding achievements, but the achievements Fan Chunren mentioned purely refer to financial income.

"I knew it! I knew it!"

Sima Guang slapped the memorial on the table and said, "What does his Green Seedling Law do to benefit the country and the people? It is purely to make money for the country. The poor cannot borrow money, and the rich do not want to borrow, but are forced to borrow. This is simply squandering the lake."

, I have never seen such an exploitative policy in history. No, I have to go to Wang Jiefu to argue and see what excuses he has."

Wen Yanbo raised his hand and said: "Jun Shi, don't get excited yet. There are only five or six memorials to impeach Qingmiao Fa, but there are more than thirty memorials praising Qingmiao Fa."

Sima Guang said: "Now those officials are colluding with Wang Jiefu because they are afraid of the public prosecutor. Can you say that it is not good?"

Wen Yanbo said: "But why don't the officials believe those thirty-odd memorials, but they believe in yours?"

"...That's right!" Sima Guang couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, "It's exactly as I expected."

Fu Bi slowly opened his eyes and yawned, "Since you are exactly as expected, why are you anxious?"

Sima Guang was startled and looked at Fu Bi, "What do you mean by Mr. Fu's words?"

Fu Bi said: "As you just said, this green shoot method is just fishing from the marsh. In this case, there will be problems sooner or later. This kind of money-making method will not last long. There will definitely be problems when the time comes. We just need to wait patiently.


Sima Guang hesitated and said: "But...but if it doesn't happen, it's better not to happen."

Wen Yanbo said: "But we have already stopped it."

This Sima Guang has good performance in terms of knowledge, concepts, and thoughts. He uses history as a mirror to know the ups and downs. As soon as he sees the Qingmiao method, he knows what disaster will happen.

But in terms of means, he is actually far inferior to Fu Bi. Even though Fu Bi has recently been very involved in simple affairs and does not care about political affairs, he fought hard in the Qingli New Deal and later competed with Han Qi. He has already seen that

Where the New Deal is weak, you just need to wait for the opportunity and then kick it in.

Fu Bi suddenly asked: "By the way, didn't you say you were going to arrange for someone to go to Hezhong Mansion to study with Zhang Fei? Has this person gone?"

"Ah?" Sima Guang was stunned for a moment, then said immediately: "I have been choosing, but the president of the court is the core of the public prosecutor's office. The moral aspect must be perfect, so that people can rest assured."

Fu Bi touched his forehead with a headache and said tactfully: "That Zhang San's morals are not flawless either."

Sima Guang said: "But who can learn from Zhang San? Don't worry, rich man. I have carefully considered this matter. No matter how many tricks Zhang San has, he still has no head and six arms. He cannot take care of everything. If he sends those with good moral character

When people pass by, even if Zhang Sanshen's photo cannot be seen, it is enough to make people feel at ease, and it will make it faster.

If some people with evil intentions are sent over, even if they are talented, once they are out of Zhang San’s supervision, they may have a bad impact on the public security organs, and we must guard against this!"

Fu Bi looked at Wen Yanbo, who stroked his beard and said nothing. He could only nod and said: "You have to hurry up. Wang Jiefu will not be able to do it then, and there is no one on your side, so you may miss the opportunity."

Sima Guang nodded and said: "Of course I know this, but if this kind of thing is done too hastily, it may cause more problems than Wang Jiefu's. You can't let me compete with Wang Jiefu to see who is worse."

Fu Bi smiled and nodded: "That makes sense!"

But I thought in my heart, this man is just like Wang Jiefu, he is really hopeless.

I can’t persuade you at all!


The Ordinance Department of the Second Government was established.

"Did you know that Fan Chunren sent a memorial, which is full of impeachments against Qingmiaofa."

Wang Anshi said to Lu Huiqing, who had returned not long ago.

Lu Huiqing nodded and said: "The student knows, but the teacher should know this person. He can only talk about other people's moral rights and wrongs, but does not understand the difficulty of law enforcement."

Having said this, he paused for a moment and then explained: "Yes, the government over there did allocate some young crop money to the big landowners, but it was only because no one came to borrow it after the people borrowed it, so the government did this

.And why didn’t Fan Chunren say how much tax those big landowners evaded every year? Even if they gave them two cents of interest, they still made a lot of money. Besides, they agreed to it themselves, and the government didn’t force them."

Wang Anshi nodded slightly and asked: "I heard that some people were also burdened with heavy debts due to the Qingmiao Law. Is this true?"

Lu Huiqing nodded and said: "This is also true, but it only belongs to a very small number. Those people borrowed money and squandered it wantonly. We have no control over this! But there are also many people who borrowed money and used it to make farm tools and buy improved seeds.

Most people can still pay it back.”

Wang Anshi nodded and said: "Write another letter to Zhang Dun and ask him to tell the people below that whenever people come to borrow money, they must be warned not to squander it wantonly and to use the money wisely. After all, this money

It is lent to them, not given to them.”

Lu Huiqing nodded.

Wang Anshi added: "Also, if the Green Crops Law is successful on Jingdong East Road, then the Green Crops Law and the Elimination of Service Law will be implemented in Jiangnan next year. You ask the people below to prepare, and I will write a letter to Xue Shizheng then.



Since the finances of the two places will not be released until next year, even if the two sides compare, they have to wait until the accounts of the two places are sent to the capital next year to compete again. Only with the evidence can they compete, and everyone can live in peace this year.


But both the officials in the capital and the officials in Hezhong Prefecture were actually living in a state of great anxiety.

Just like students waiting for their college entrance examination results.

As winter turns to spring, the ice and snow melt, and the snow drips from the eaves, making a ticking sound, as if urging people to go out.

After the Lantern Festival, various government offices opened their doors one after another, and officials gathered together. Naturally, they chatted at first and had no intention of doing anything. But this year, everyone was talking about one topic, which was the Taxation Department.

The tax collection period has passed on the 15th of last month. If you haven't paid taxes, it is tax evasion. However, after the 15th, everyone has a holiday. It depends on this year.

The Taxation Department did not disappoint. Early this morning, a team of heavily armed tax police escorted three large boxes and slowly headed southwest.

This immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The people came to the streets one after another, watched the motorcade passing by, and then started talking about it.

Imperial Court.

On the first day of work, the three little King Kongs met to have breakfast at Big Dog's restaurant. Just after finishing their meal, Shangguan Jun came outside, stood under the big tree and stretched, and suddenly said: "Come and see?"

"What are you looking at?"

The Cai brothers came forward and looked up. Cai Jing frowned and said, "They seem to be from the tax department."

Cai Bian said with a smile: "It seems they are really holding back. They will file a lawsuit on the first day they open the door."

Shangguan Jun chuckled: "There's something good to watch this time."

The three of them were not surprised. The purpose of their stay here was to wait for the lawsuit, but they were looking forward to it very much.

After a while, the motorcade arrived in front of the imperial court.

The three of them were just about to go over when they suddenly saw a figure flash past them.

"Tax Commissioner Chen, you are here."

It was Qiu Zhengwen.

Chen Ming cupped his hands and said, "I'll leave it to Brother Qiu next."

Qiu Zhengwen said: "Collecting people's money and helping people eliminate disasters are what I should do."

"Call for papers, are you the one who took over the lawsuit from the Tax Department?" Cai Jing stepped forward and asked.

Qiu Zhengwen nodded shyly and asked, "Is the imperial court open yet?"

The three of them looked at each other, and Cai Jing nodded and said, "The door has been opened. What's the matter with you?"

Qiu Zhengwen escaped with a petition and said: "On behalf of the Taxation Department, I will prosecute 132 people in Hezhong Prefecture for tax evasion."

Cai Jing took it and said with a smile: "That's it!"

Qiu Zhengwen said: "I am just employed by others."

Cai Jing glanced at Chen Ming, then stretched out his hand and said, "Please come in."

This chapter has been completed!
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