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Chapter 1535 Dinner Date

"Some of the knowledge in it is too dangerous, and even some of the knowledge itself is a trap. In the notebook, I marked the knowledge that you can learn, the knowledge that can be used as a reference, the knowledge that can only be regarded as knowledge, and the knowledge that is best not to read.

As long as you study according to the suggestions I gave you, there should be no problems. Of course, if you have any problems, you should go to me in time, or use your [Night Watch] to test yourself." Lan

The doctor said very seriously.

"Thank you very much, doctor."

Shade put the big book and notebook on the bedside:

"I'm asking you privately, are you ready for the college's investigation?"

Among the people, Shade was actually the most worried about Dr. Schneider. After all, Priest August's angelic power could not be seen unless he used it. Luvia's problem was not even noticed by the guardians. Dorothy and Lesia were so mysterious.

The connection between his soul is very hidden. Only the doctor continues to use the power of the devil, and even because of Shade's relationship, he becomes more and more involved with the devil.

"Don't worry, the devil is best at disguise and deception. Although I am not a devil, don't underestimate me. Regardless of luck, I have always been very reliable."

The doctor said confidently, stood up and picked up his hat to say goodbye:

"I remember you mentioned that the librarian, Miss Danister, asked you a difficult thaumaturgy learning test. Don't forget this, there are only a few days left in the Wind Rises Moon."

"Thumbology-Dream of the Moon."

Shade closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened his eyes again, the doctor's footsteps had already appeared downstairs.

After the doctor left, the house fell into silence. Shade read the devil's book for a while. Around 5:30, Miss Carina came back from Yodel Palace with the maids, and began to prepare for Xia De.

De prepares dinner.

Although today is Saturday, Dorothy and Lesia are both busy and unable to come. The witch is responsible for taking care of the "seriously ill" Shad tonight.

Before the meeting this afternoon, Shade still felt a little dizzy, but after seeing everyone off at sunset, the abnormality in his body completely disappeared. After not going out for many days, he asked Miss Carina that he wanted to go out.

After leaving, go to a restaurant outside for dinner.

"This is not okay. Luvia Anat has told you that you can't go out until Monday. If I let you out now, what will they think of me?" Lan

The duchess spoke righteously to the young knight in pajamas. Then she saw Shade showing a regretful expression, then she bent down and picked up the cat at her feet, and walked back to the bedroom a little lonely.

Although she knew that this was Xia De's intention, she still softened her heart:

"It's not that I don't want you to go out, we are concerned about your health."

Shade heard the wavering in her tone, so he carried Mia and performed backflips and mid-air crosses, and finally the witch reluctantly agreed to his request.

In fact, Miss Carina hopes that Shade will follow her to the manor for dinner. No matter how good the restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue is, it is not as good as the Duke's personal chef. But it is already evening, and the witch does not want Shade to have dinner.

After a "long" trip, they finally went to Silver Cross Avenue.

Of course, even if you don't make a reservation in advance, as the most powerful duchess in the kingdom, you don't have to worry about not being able to book the seat you want.

After packing everything up, after nearly two weeks, Xia De, who was seriously ill, finally stepped out of the house again.

It was already dusk, and the last rays of the early spring sunset had not yet disappeared from the edge of the western roofs of Saint Teresa Square.

There was not a very dense flow of people walking through the square during off-duty hours. There was still no water flowing from the mouth of the statue of a girl holding a water bottle in the center of the square. The church sent a young priest to distribute leaflets and held back the boy selling newspapers.

He bent down and said something. The laborers pushing the wheelbarrow carefully shrank their bodies and walked along the edge of the square towards the southeast of Sha De's house, the house with scaffolding outside.

"Do your neighbors there want to take advantage of the spring to decorate their houses?"

It was another ordinary evening in the foggy city. It seemed that nothing had changed since winter. But standing on the steps at the door, Shade could already feel the warmth in the wind.

Although he could tell the weather was getting warmer by looking at the plants Luvia kept on the windowsill while he was recuperating, he still couldn't help but sigh as he felt like he had missed an entire season between opening the door.

The cat being held in Shade's arms reflected the brilliance of the setting sun. Its bright amber eyes were staring at the group of pigeons in the square. Although Mia was not aggressive towards the pigeons, she

I have always liked watching the pigeons walking around.

"What are you sighing for?" Lan

Miss Carina, who was following Shade, asked, not caring about the looks of people passing by. In a neighborhood like Saint Teresa Square, there were not many citizens who could recognize the duchess.

"I'm worried I've missed spring."

"What nonsense are you talking about, my knight? Spring has just begun."

Shade originally thought that Tifa, who was sent out in advance by Miss Carina, would just book a secret private room or a table in the corner for them. Unexpectedly, after arriving at the "Finsney and Clodie Restaurant" on the south side of Silver Cross Avenue,

, Xia De discovered that she had actually reserved the entire second floor.

There is a large terrace on the second floor of the restaurant. From the terrace, you can not only overlook the Silver Cross Avenue outlined by the street lights, but you can even see the windows of the buildings in front of Yodel Palace, as well as the Royal Parliament next to Yodel Palace.

Chamber windows.

Seeing that Shade's health was really fine, this time the "date" dinner was held on the terrace. On the terrace that could originally accommodate four tables, there was only one square table tonight. A white tablecloth was spread on the table.

The gold candlesticks on the tablecloth, the expensive porcelain plates and silver cutlery were brought by Tifa and the maids from the manor - Miss Carina rarely used outside tableware.

The duchess's long hair was braided into dozens of small braids and then hung together on the back of her head. When Shade lowered her head to eat, she tilted her head slightly and looked at the streets that were still brightly lit even at night.

"looking at what?"

Shade asked with a smile, so the witch turned her head and looked at the handsome face opposite under the candlelight. Although there were clouds in the night sky tonight, the moonlight could still shine on the ground. Even the lights that symbolized the civilization of the human steam age, let the moonlight

It became thinner and thinner, but there still seemed to be faint traces of silver light on Shade's body:

"I'm thinking, this moment is really peaceful. And two weeks ago, we were still experiencing so many things in the Randall Valley. If, I mean if, you didn't make that decision at that time, and the Orthodox Church

The God Summoning Ceremony is also a step late, so now we may be doing something else."

Shade shook his head, put down his knife and fork, thanked him softly, and took the napkin from the brown-haired maid behind him to wipe his mouth:

"That's just 'if'. Aren't we doing so much just to avoid those things from happening?"

"I'm very worried. The speaker revealed some very bad news to us after this incident."

The witch said hesitantly. Tifa behind her bent down slightly and poured jewel-like red wine into the empty wine glass. This is the "blood wine" made by Shade from grapes. Miss Carina likes this.


"The Speaker said some uncertain words. I always feel that she wants to tell us, um... the end of the world, a catastrophe or something like that."

Shade smiled. At first, this matter was just speculation among the more sensitive groups of ring warlocks such as [Light Guiding Hermitage] and [Spiritual Cultivation Order]. Now, more and more ring warlocks are finally aware of it.


"I know about the end of the world, but that's just speculation, and I'm not sure about the time."

The red-haired duchess nodded slightly, holding the wine glass with her hand painted with red nail polish, shaking it slightly but not drinking:

"If the end has really come, then the number of times I have eaten with you like this can be counted down, right?"

Shade put down his napkin and asked the maid who came with the dining cart to bring him another dish. He touched little Mia on the high stool:

"This is what a pessimist thinks."

"What do optimists think?"

Golden eyes looked at Xia De, and Xia De thought for a moment:

"I don't know what optimists think. My own idea is that there will always be a way."

Carina Cavendish smiled softly and asked the maid to change the next dish for her. She looked up at the night sky, looking at the clouds and the sparse stars behind the fog. The candlelight and the light of the gas lamps on the street made that

The face with clear shadows looks more mysterious and attractive, and the witch does not hesitate to show her charm to the man in front of her:

"Such a night is really like a dream. When I was a child, I also imagined how I would spend those boring nights as an adult. This is already better than I imagined."

Shade nodded slowly:

"According to the aristocratic social rules and metaphors I heard from Lesiya, should I invite you to spend the night at my house now?" Lan

"According to social rules, you should not mention other girls now, even if she is my grand-niece."

Miss Carina smiled and sipped the cup in her hand, with a slight blush appearing on her face.

Shade felt something rubbing against his leg under the table, which reminded him of the few times he had been slapped during lunch today.

"Ever since that magical night when the knight brought five treasures to the duchess to whom he was loyal, he never contacted the beautiful duke again."

The beautiful lady, frustrated by her lover's neglect, lamented under the moonlight.

This time, Shade no longer had the possibility of grabbing other people's shoes. Having learned the lesson from what happened at noon, the great witch took off her shoes first and then stretched out her feet.

This chapter has been completed!
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