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Chapter 1839 Iluna’s information

 "There are still matters of negotiation between the two countries."

Speaking of this, Iluna also had a headache:

"Now that Green Lake is facing such a thing, the gathering of ring magicians has made the future of the negotiations even more uncertain. The Peace Church sent a letter to both countries on behalf of the other four churches, hoping to suspend the negotiations. The letter was issued when I was in the Holy See

What was sent to Willendale and Tobesk should have been received by the two kings by now."

Everyone looked at Miss Carina. The red-haired duchess came to a conclusion without much thought:

"It is not impossible to suspend the negotiation process, but it cannot be achieved by just saying a few words. It is no longer even a situation that the king can control immediately with just a word. No matter what the outcome of the negotiations is, any attempt to suspend the negotiations will be

Condemned by everyone. The kings’ order to start negotiations only pressed the button for the steam train to move forward, but they did not have the ability to force the already accelerating train to stop immediately.”

"Yes, the church also knows this. Ring magicians don't care much about politics, but the pope and the cardinals are tired of this matter. The letter sent by the Peace Church is just to make the two kings mentally prepared.

If anything unexpected happens in the future, it will not be the church’s fault.”

Iluna sighed, and Audrey frowned slightly, thinking of the night she met Miss Carina at the banquet:

"Does the church know about the [Tyranny Club]? It not only wants to disrupt the negotiations, but also secretly supports my ancestor."

"I know, we are investigating. I saw the latest news before I left the church this morning. It is basically certain that the behavior of [Tyranny Club] is affected by three parties. One is themselves, this is a group of lunatics who are eager for war, and the other is

They are the ancestors of Miss Edwards, and finally there are the third parties outside the two human kingdoms who are trying to provoke war. They are also a group of careerists."

Iluna counted on her fingers, and then took the tea cup from Tifa:

"Currently, the church has not assigned me any tasks, but I should be accompanying the church's Thirteenth Ring to the island in the near future."

"I will also land on the island again in the near future. I made a deal with the guys on the island last night. No one will interfere with me when I land on the island next time. There must be other keys on the island, and there are still thirteen keys left.

Five of them are missing. Although we don’t know what these keys do, we must get them.”

"Then we can only wait for the divination."

Iluna said, and then glanced at Shade. Both of them knew that what they were talking about was Luvia's divination. As long as it had nothing to do with the chosen one or the god itself, Luvia could divine everything. The witches thought it was just waiting.

They have no objection to the divination of the Prophet Association.

"Now Iluna is waiting for the church to land on the island, Shade is waiting for the divination results, and we are responsible for building this hotel into a stronghold."

Miss Carina said and gave Iluna a copy of the witch's task list.

While Iluna lowered her head to check, Shade said again:

"The church should be investigating the two Edwards in [Tyranny Club] and [Dragon Eater Order]. Before the divination results come out, I also have to do something. I plan to destroy Laplace Howard's strange resurrection.

The power of the corpse. The power of the three lichs should be weakened by this, just like the third generation brother and sister last night."

"What are you going to do?"

Miss Benenice asked curiously, Shade shook his head:

"I'll do it myself, you don't have to interfere in this matter."

He is waiting for the arrival of the priest tomorrow:

"Also, pay attention to the movements of the [Truth Society]. When Audrey and I went to investigate the [Order of the Drowned] a few weeks ago, we knew that the [Truth Society] was also involved in this matter, but they have not shown up until now.

This is very wrong."

"Speaking of the Truth Society, I have new news here."

Iluna suddenly raised her head:

"I also heard about it in the Holy See. The original twelve-ring president of the Truth Society gave up his position to someone else. Yes, Shade, the Pa who appeared in the [Chosen One of Knowledge and Wisdom] incident

Miss Waugh."

"Wait a minute, I've met her and even worked with her for a while. I admit that that lady is indeed interesting and special, but doesn't she only have six rings?"

Audrey asked. It was also the first time that Shade knew that Audrey had actually been in contact with Miss Pavo.

"It's already the seventh ring. The church doesn't know much about it. This happened not long ago. However, according to the information obtained by the spies from Zarath Academy of Literature, it seems that Miss Pavo conducted research and obtained information about the [Truth Society].

] There was a huge and decisive development, so he became the president. This was not the original Twelve Rings’ idea. There are strict selection standards within the Truth Society, which are said to be as strict as the university’s internal faculty appointment and removal.”

Perhaps it was the change of president that prevented the [Truth Society] from concentrating its manpower to participate in the Green Lake incident, but Shade always felt that it would not be that simple. He was very impressed by Miss Pavo, who was calm, rational and extremely powerful.

Wisdom. The other party is also a candidate for the Wisdom Chosen One, but he is not the first candidate.

During the Battle of Pantanal, Shade thought she would do something to snatch the identity of the Chosen One, but the other party just left immediately after accepting the light of enlightenment from the Chosen One Ceremony.

Now that I think about it, Miss Pavo's purpose from the beginning was most likely not to be the chosen one, but to gain that precious wisdom enlightenment. And if this is really the case, then Shade, who knows the chosen one best in this era,

From a personal perspective, Miss Paavo's choice on that night of the Battle of the Pantanal was really the wisest.

"Speaking of which, didn't the grandmother of the two Green siblings mentioned by Shade, Maria Edwards, the mother of Nicholas Green, escape and wander in the Green Lake area after her soul returned to the island?"

Miss Sylvia suddenly said, Shade nodded:

"Yes. You mean, if we can find her, maybe we can learn more about that island?"

Iluna immediately looked at Shade, and the two thought of Luvia's special divination again. But with the harvest of demon hunting, there are only 4 special coins left, and they should not encounter everything.

Looking forward to getting answers from Luvia.

Although divination and fortune-telling are useful, sometimes you should not rely too much on these methods.

"The Edwardses may not be the point."

Iluna said softly, carefully considering her words:

"In my opinion, the ancient god of space - [Primal Crack] itself represents the meaning of 'connection and rupture', and it has an imperfect image. Perhaps the incomplete absorption of the Edwards family is what makes him

Ways to reach peak strength.”

The witches and Shade looked at her, which made Iluna a little embarrassed.

"It makes sense. Originally we thought we would absorb everyone, but from what you said. Iluna, it seems we underestimated you before."

As Iluna's teacher, Miss Carina rarely took the initiative to praise her. The other witches also nodded and thought this was a good idea. Megan and Audrey even expressed their gratitude to her, feeling like the chosen one again in their hearts.

As expected of the chosen one.

Iluna was a little embarrassed, but she didn't want to talk nonsense about the "what if" information, so she had to think that she had come up with it herself. She raised her head to meet Shade's gaze, and saw that Shade also wanted to praise her, so she felt

There was an inexplicable guilty feeling in the corner, but he thought that all he had done was for the young man in front of him, so he smiled broadly at him.

Shade didn't quite understand what Iluna meant by smiling at him.

In addition to being able to perform rituals without absorbing all Edwards, Iluna also learned from the second game that there will be evil creatures, demons, undead, dragons and other enemies that will appear in the final battle.

.If you are unprepared to meet these powerful enemies, you will definitely suffer great losses. However, before Iluna shared this information, Shade informed her about what he had obtained from Mr. Nicholas Green about Edwards.

Information about everyone in the family.

This information was obtained on Friday morning, and Iluna hadn't arrived yet so she didn't know about it. So Iluna's information was out of date, but she was still very happy, because Shade was still Shade.

In short, this brief meeting between the witches, Shade and Iluna temporarily clarified what everyone needs to do half a week before Granny Cassandra and Miss Aurora arrive.

Time is becoming more and more urgent, and no one knows where the fortune teller who has never stepped out of the island in the middle of the lake is advancing the progress at this moment. According to Megan, maybe she will receive a message after she goes to bed tonight.

invitation to the island, so everyone must speed up their progress to meet the decisive battle that may come at any time.

"Audrey, why don't you let Shade sleep with you every day these days, that way it will be safe."

Miss Benenice also said jokingly, which made the witches laugh. Although Audrey and Megan were the ones being teased, she felt that the distance between herself and her colleagues in the parliament had become closer.

After all, in the past, when her mental illness had not been cured like it is now, she basically would not communicate privately with other witches other than the Speaker.

The four great witches still wanted to stay here to discuss strengthening the defense and small-scale renovation of the Green Lake Hotel. Shade got up and went to the corridor with Iluna on the pretext of seeing off Iluna.

The Silent Note Spell was caught in Iluna's hand, and Shade nodded:

"Luvia will arrive on Monday."

"Okay. I also saw some new contents of some psalm fragments in the Holy See."

Iluna lowered her voice and looked into Shade's eyes:

"Those fragments are quite fragmented and do not constitute a complete paragraph. But the old priest who was responsible for sorting them told me that the word 'butterfly' appears many times in the fragments of the poem 'The Chosen One in Space'."

PS: From now on, I will directly refer to Miss Pavo as "President of the Society of Truth"

PS2: Thank you again @ idle streamer, the silver leader. (2/10)

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